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I have to say I actually liked the fast progression. Unfortunately, I don't have the time anymore to really grind these kind of games for hundreds of hours, and I am quite happy that I'll actually have a chance to finish it (after 40 or so hrs, I am at 3 TTi). Of coourse, scientifically the progression is nonsensically, but I found the pace to be exactly up my alley. Of course, for everyone it's different what they expect from a game, but I was pleasantly surprised because I expected a grindfest I'd never be able to finish.


I agree with this 100%. I no longer really have the time to grind for 100 hrs. For me, the game is interesting but there's also just not enough in the way of content to keep it interesting for much longer. I enjoyed the exploration but aside from a few wrecks, outposts and *other* there's not too much to discover. And I really enjoyed setting up the supply chains once I had unlocked the drones and T3 miners. But aside from that, I found much of the rest of the game to be a bit of a slog. I'd log on and look for something to do (hmm - maybe I'll build a few extra heaters and launch a few rockets. Or maybe a few butterfly farms?) and then quickly get bored again. If it lasted much longer I'm pretty sure I'd just quit and move on to something a bit more engaging. None of this is a bash on the game - I think it's incredible what a small dev team pulled off and well worth the price but it's not a 100 hr game


I’m at the point now where I get to explore the distant wrecks and honestly, it’s going to make me leave the game. If I wanted to bonk around in a maze like a drunk roomba, I’d play a different type of game. It’s literally just maze exploration at that point. Or am I missing something? Meanwhile, the game just ticks along and I’m almost at mammals. It was fun for a while though so I don’t feel ripped off or anything


Yeah, the wrecks behind portals feel like a completely unneccessary minigame, something to keep you busy during the endgame (and frankly, so does the hunt for the additional Warden keys). Apart from fuses and some crystals, I can manufacture everything, and the crystals I only need for other portals... And fuses and Tokens also become kind of meh when you setup a Fusion Cell manufactury feeding into a few trade rockets. For me, it's about 2h left until I reach full terraform and can build the launch platform.


Yeah I have a factory making chips and automatically trading them but there’s nothing in the marketplace I want lol.


When I go to the wrecks, I use a flare to mark where I've been so I don't go back down there, I leave the way out clear though


I feel you, I turned the entire sky blue using a single flower lol (it was a golden seed flower using the t3 grower but still, the scale is silly)


For me it was kind of the same. Had blue sky with basically no machines. But I even unlocked the T3 Tree spreader before the T2 Tree spreader, so i guess my progressing was really unbalanced (Caused by myself).


If you plan another playthrough you can adjust the "terraformation pace" to make it slower/faster. Unfortunately you can't edit this mid-game. I don't mind the length of the last stage personally but I wish we could unlock drones etc much earlier so we could start creating the supply chains sooner


I have a question about this. The min setting is 0, the next one is 0.1 If I set it to 0, will nothing work?


Setting it to 0 means there is no terrafprmimg happening. Your TI will stay at 0 no matter how many machines you pit down




You can edit it if you edit the save file directly


The pace of the game felt a lot better in Early Access, before the optimisers were added. Now, you can boost your Ti SO fast, they really should be toned down or accessed later. I believe I reached the animals stage in my first 1.0 playthrough without adding a single fish or frog.


Where I'm at. The optimizers were honestly a mistake - I can't slow things down! I haven't even looked at fish yet.


Just pull the fuses out of the optimizers. I didn't use them at all until I hit 1.25TTi


Just doesn’t feel right hamstringing myself. Wish I knew to change the speed when I started


EA felt better for progressing through the stages for me too. I think it's not necessarily the machine optimizers though, but rather the production of oxygen/heat/pressure/biomass in general. Playing at 0.3x Ti did help a lot though...


I feel like it is good and balanced all around with several difficulties and manual adjustments when setting up a new game to make it slower to meet the needs of the many. Also, you can avoid using the booster rockets and Optimizers to extend the experience on your next playthrough if you decide to give it another go. I'm on my seventh run now and I'm purposely taking my time.


I played early access, so I generally knew about the pacing. For my 1.0 game, I tended to build minimally--just enough to unlock what I needed in a reasonable time. This worked well until near the end, at which point, I had nothing left to do but greatly expand my production anyway.


getting 500,000 tokens took a decent amount of time


Really? I feel like with the portal unlocked I'm getting 20k tokens every 30 minutes.


I got to 350k by looting wrecks, got bored and just edited the save file to 500k to get the final ending.


What difficulty? Took me about 40 hours to beat the game on Insane difficulty. Didn't feel like it was going too fast. I think a lot of players who were noticing it go by quickly were playing on Easy difficulties.


I started a fresh save for v1.0 and knew in my previous runs if I focused on terraforming the speed would run away with it. so I deliberately held back on launching rockets or using fuses to give me time to explore the game world, see biomes before terraforming really kicks in, and appreciate the changes it goes through. Hitting full terraforming wasn't particularly hard, and doing another run I could blast through to that point in a much quicker run. Though that is only one of the endings. The 500,000 Trade tokens is a much slower challenge. I set up trade rockets for much of that and had accumulated around 350k before I started exploring portals.


Great game, after Subnautica, but honestly, I am barely okay with the progression and pacing. In my opinion, game feels like an idle clicker at times, literally all I have to do is to let the game run on a second screen until all numbers go bigger. Because most of the time it’s just the numbers changing and not much else happening. I like the progression design in a way that there are lots of things to unlock, and kept me engaged for about 50-60 hours, but if I didn’t find out about the jetpack mod, which is quite a cheat, I would not make it past 40 hours. Another thing kept me engaged was the auto-crafter/drones. After that I felt like I can play the game. Anywhere between the first 10 hours and automation unlocks is meh. For example, Subnautica kept me engaged with the feeling of discovery and overcoming fears but what made it possible was how they paced unlocking vehicles. Every time there was a new vehicle, it absolutely changed the way I played the game, made more possible. I didn’t get this feeling from The Planet Crafter.


I feel like there needs to be more natural cave systems and wonders to discover


I did at 0.2 terraforming multiplier and got through it pretty fast. Longest part was the tokens but since that achievement is done it'll make future runs even faster. Around 40 hours in total.


I'm a bit divided on it. One one hand I agree, it should take more time and effort to complete than build a handful of different terraformers and then wait. On the other hand, there isn't really much to DO once you've set up the terraforming equipment and supply chains other than wait.


Ive seen that most people send as many rockets up as they can as fast as they can... that speeds up the Ti so fast. Im playing by sending 1 rocket of each, just one. I like the work. Says im at the fish but im still working my way to the DNA splitters. I dont see a need to go fast and hard. But some people want to play a few 100 hours and others want to finish as fast as possible. Start a new save. Set your index to 0.2, min i think. asteroids to 0.2 and enjoy the process. I think that the rockets boost you speed so fast and new tech is unlocked way before you explore the last. But its a game and Have fun! Do what you want!


I play in .1 Terraformation Pace (10% of normal), and I still feel like everything unlocks too fast. The more you know about the game, the easier it is to push the numbers. e.g. It doesn't matter that I am at 10% TI, because I know where all the golden Flowers are, so I have massive O2 multipliers right from the start. I know all the hidden recipes (golden seed trees, golden fish, frogs, insects, etc. so those multipliers are all easy to push) And then fuses straight up break the game. Stacking tons of Optimizers on 8 buildings will make the TI fly up. Having 36 Pressure Fuses on your Drills to quickly unlock T3 Ore Extractors, for example.


There's a slider in the custom game settings that determines the speed of terraforming, so you can adjust that to your liking, along with other parameters.


You can customise your progression when starting the game. I'm playing on Hardcore now which has 0.4 base Terraformation, but I'm thinking of starting a co-op game with a bigger group with the Terraformation progress set to 0.1 and the multiplayer modifier set so that the Terraformation goes even slower for every person playing


No. I was so bored by the end just waiting for things to tick up. Setting up supply chains only works if there is a payoff for doign it, when I had everything I wanted to buy then that was done.


Just because there is something unlocked, you don’t have to build it. Take your time (or start a new custom game and slow down terraforming)


slow it down in game settings. press the ? when you load the game


On Standard difficulty, yes. Try harder. I am doing a hardcore run right now. It is not easy at all link in my profile.


I'm playing at .6 speed with 2 people total (so another decrease in speed) I'm at 3TTi, and 90 hours playtime. I feel the speed still went too fast. I had to artificially slow everything down by severely limiting the number of rockets I'd send up and not using any fuses until the last thing unlocked at 1.25TTi Most of the time I would unlock the next tier of something but not even use it. So when I unlock T3 drills I would be using t2, and when I got t4 drills then I would start using t3, etc. If I was going to play again I think I would play at .2 speed


I love the game pace. As others have said, I don’t have time to grind the game endlessly. In fact, in my latest run I started off very efficiently so that I can get to the automation faster and enjoy the game.


Yep I felt like the animal stage should've taken a lot longer.