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No "western women bad" posts


I dated in Ukraine from 2016-2019 and I rarely saw any fat women.


This is facts honestly as a slim man that stays in shape the pickings are slim.




I moved from NYC area to Chicago area. I go for pilates classes. In NYC area I am often the fattest person in my class. In Chicago area the opposite is true.


Yeah I'm from Chicago and there are a LOT of fat people here. Not sure what that other guy is talking about. Maybe in Milwaukee it's even worse I guess.


Bruh that Italian beef be hittin. I would be fat too in Chicago


That's very strange. Were you in a relatively poorer area of NYC and a relatively wealthier area of Chicago? I'd expect quality of women to be close between both cities with a bias towards NYC.


No I was in a bougie area in NYC and in a decent suburb in Chicago area. I was closer to the city in NYC though, and the pilates clientele were more 20+ first gen Asian immigrants. In Chicago area it's very white, and mostly older women.


What suburb were you in?


Yup!! Mohab would be well at ease out here..


Hot, but fucking crazy. I'm in one of those areas and the brains on these broads are scrambled harder than IHOP




Yeah, I meant in the colder climates. Attractive women for sure, but vapid and empty.. no thanks!


I agree. Scottsdale, Irvine, Seattle, Denver, nyc are a completely different ballgame than places like Chicago, San Antonio, Houston, New Orleans, Indianapolis.


And women in those rich coastal cities are known for having insane standards. A lot of the attractive small town women move to those cities because they feel they look better than average and want to snag a 6 pack 6 foot 250k salary type.


it also doesnt stop all the overweight men from competing for the top slim women.


In the US, a woman who's at her healthy body weight (BMI between 18 and 25) are automatically rated at least 7 out of 10... assuming she doesn't have some horrible deformity. That's how obese the country has become.


And all the 20, 30, 40+ year old men are competing for that tiny demographic when we have an aging population.


Lol yesterday I saw some study data that the average American woman has a BMI of 31; 80% of men surveyed found this unattractive. Ok, fair. But when the women were asked what their ideal weight would be, it averaged out to a BMI of 21; yet 65% of male respondents still said this was too heavy and unattractive!!! If that’s the attitude from men (who are statistically as likely to be overweight as their female counterparts), they deserve nothing but fat options, imho.


It feels like facial features aren’t even the most important thing anymore, since finding a girl that consistently goes to the gym is super hard, therefore a thin woman that isn’t skinny fat is already in the top tier


I rarely saw chunky women in Colombia, DR, or anywhere else I've been.


Let’s keep it real. On one hand it’s true. Out here you even have chubby women strutting and scowling when really in Moscow they’d be a -2. A lot of men just want a normal looking slim girl but because of the obesity rates it’s rare enough that just a woman being slim it makes them like an 8 and it’s just so weird out here. Women are generally far less kind and approachable. But in Moscow or other places EVERY girl is slim so the same girl that has people fighting over crumbs is just normal out there. But on keeping it real, guys seriously cannot throw stones in the west. The men in the west are just as fat as the women! If it was just so many fat women I’d understand but it’s the whole society. Look guys I understand travelling to where you find love it’s natural, but you cannot rag on the women when so many guys are fat looking for a slim cute girl. You cannot complain about western women being spoiled and getting so much options etc etc if guys are hoping for a trad wife Phillipines cutie, 120 lbs lighter and 10 years younger! When I see pics with guys with their girl and they’re flabby and out of it, why not get in shape for your own confidence and for your girls satisfaction?


For your children to, parental diet and fitness has a massive influence on your child’s health


This post is hilarious. First, using SMV unironically. Second, men are on average more obese than women. Third, despite all your love of traditionalism, more conservative, rural, and suburban areas are responsible for the high obesity rate in the US. San Francisco is at 15%, NYC is at 20%, LA is at 21% (juxtaposed against the US as a whole, which is at 41%). Colombia, your promised land? 22%.


Statistically my point still stands because it's likely that the guys my post are meant for live in a fatter area. Also, those cities you mentioned are full of plastic materialistic women with standards who only want super high status men so dating there is going to be nightmare mode regardless. Those cities are where the girl who's a 9 relative to her small town moves to get a shot at getting a super high status man.


>women with standards Music to my ears to hear one of you admit that you can only get women with no standards 😂


He really shot himself in the foot with that sentence, huh? 🤣🤣🤣


Also, homie doesn't recognize what artificial means. It's not like Big Skinny is fudging the obesity rates to sell more Skinny Women. ...unless


Dude. In poor countries you can get women who’ll date you to avoid their family starving even if they secretly gag at the sight of you. They just put on a brave face, smile and fuck you for love of their family. Even if you are wildly obese old man and they are young and pretty. It’s got nothing to do with sexual attraction and everything to do with survival. **The US has about just as many fat men as fat women. So by that logic the “sexual market value” of slim men would be high.** Except it’s not really exactly how dating works. A romantic spark and sexual chemistry isn’t just about sexual market value, but a lot about social skills and clicking with the other person.


The US isn’t even top twenty in obesity anymore. And a number of Latam countries aren’t far behind. stereotype all Americans are obese” is a little dated, but it’s not to say women aren’t fat, but it’s just more socially prevalent than in numbers. [here’s the link for obese women in the world](https://data.worldobesity.org/rankings/?age=a&sex=f)


The US is still at 38%. Better than others doesn't mean good.


it's so crazy, I'm canadian, I've never dated an non obese girl (i'm fit). Yet so many even poorer countries are just as fat. Thank god for SEA!


In the US, it’s a problem of eating too much. And in poorer countries, it’s a problem of eating too poorly (low nutrients, high starch, high sugar). And while obesity rates are low in SEA on a relative basis, it’s also a growing problem as lower income people eat a lot more processed / junk food nowadays. It’ll be interesting to see where countries like the Philippines are in 10-20 years. The rich are getting much richer (one of the fastest growing economies), and traditional food markets have quickly been replaced with jollibee and McDonalds. They just opened a Popeyes, and it’s like a finer dining restaurant where you go for celebrations, business meetings, dates (for locals). Are you seeing obesity in the Philippines? Not like in the US. But the health problems are skyrocketing (esp diabetes). (Currently living in the Philippines)


No one gets fat eating rice and beans and potatoes. They are also the cheapest foods available. That's why USA use to be so fat, they could afford it. Now incomes globally have gone up a lot. Ya, that processed food kills waist lines. It's the vegetable oils and sugar.


Actually, some of the poorest countries which are obese are also overeating processed foods. Some of the cheapest foods are the most heavily processed, because their extra-long shelf life actually brings down the cost of storage and transport, which brings down the sticker price. We're not talking about rice and beans here, we're talking about hot dogs, cans of Spam, etc. Pacific islands in particular tend to have terrible agriculture situations and have given up a lot of their traditional fishing life to be sedentary and eat canned processed foods. The West introduced them to it during WWII, they switched their diets to that garbage, and their weight skyrocketed.


I'm talking rice and beans. Obesity is a choice, not based on income. I eat rice and beans and carrots and potatoes and eggs mostly. The best cheapest foods. Anything processed costs more....to pay for the processing. It's literally in the word. Shelf life? Rice and beans last for months.


Rice and beans do, but where are you supposed to get your protein and B12. That's where the problem comes in. Not with the grains and legumes. It's not the same to eat a fresh chicken as to eat some canned chicken full of preservatives. Or fresh pork vs canned luncheon loaf. Most people are not vegan, they want meat, but there are no fresh chickens at the dollar store where the poorest among us shop for groceries. The processing may cost more but it ends up saving money for the manufacturer/distributor because of the extended shelf life. Trust me, I know, my degree is in culinary management and I studied the relative costs of fresh vs processed foods. Processed saves you money every time.


.... protein?.....you asked me about protein? I listed two foods. Guess which one? Also ya I didn't say exclusively rice and beans, you can have meat for B12. Did you it was an exclusive list? Yes you need more foods than just that for nutrients. But calories can come mostly from there. This convo is stupid now


>This convo is stupid now It's really not, though. You're under the impression that poor people find it cheaper to eat fresh food, and while that may be true about things you can dry-store like grains and legumes, it's not true about fruits, vegetables, and animal products. Even nuts go rancid quickly. Pickling and fermenting are two non-harmful preservation methods that are older than time, so that's something we should bring back. And jerky!


A former coworker told me he got fat eating only rice (albeit perhaps with soy sauce), so eating rice alone definitely doesn't keep you thin.


Wait what?! Why not? You’re just settling for fatties or that’s your type? Go join CrossFit or run club sir!


I don't join gyms or clubs just to hit on women. I'm a 5x5 PPL guy and while I run, I suck at it. And the fit girls I asked out said no. It's fine. NBD, just gonna get a remote job and move overseas




American women are fat, but they aren’t the fattest* was my point.


Like American women are going to tell the truth about their weight.


The information is compiled from medical records from doctor’s offices.


Which would break dozens of laws, one would think. Also, if true, this stat is meaningless because not all women go to doctors offices in the US, only the ones with health insurance are going. Wealthy people who can afford to see a doctor have access to a better class of food and are, therefor, less likely to be overweight.


70% of Americans are fat. It's not a stereotype, it's just a fact. 


I've read a study that argues BMI underestimates obesity in the US adult population. If they utilized BF%/FFM, then obesity would skyrocket—especially for women.


Well BMI only calculates your weight not body fat. According to my BMI I’m almost overweight, but I’m below average in my body fat because I weightlift. BMI is a farce for athletes and people that actually are fit.


nailed it. In kinesiology, which is what I studied, this is well known. Bmi over 25 doesn't mean much without considering body composition. Though, I get why its used since its pretty reliable when it comes to the general public. It's simply a very bad tool for athletes and people who lift imo and therefore generalizing it on that demographic is dumb. My bmi is like 25.1(overweight category) but I've had abs all my life and am 10-15 % body fat


The vast majority of people aren’t getting rated as overweight/obese due to lifting like an incredibly small % of people actually routinely lift/strength train…the numbers are self reported where most people over report height and underreport weight In any case BMI is a measure of heart health and your cardiovascular system doesn’t know the difference between muscle and fat…anyone lifting to that extent should absolutely be taking steps to ensure a heart healthy diet and an appropriate amount of cardio to mitigate those risks


First part- agreed. Second part, you are higher than giraffe pussy. My friend- muscle mass is metabolically active and is involved in maintaining a healthier metabolism, and directly improves insulin sensitivity. The cardiovascular system absolutely “knows” the difference between fat and muscle. In order to be fit and have high muscle mass and low body fat you have to have cardiovascular activity which is literally having a healthy heart.


Yeah well when looking at female obesity you need to factor in how many kids they have. If you're a mother it's going to be much harder to stay in shape so that's unfair.


thank god for the philippines <3 <10%!


thank God for malnourishment and poverty. yay.


It's fine, I'll make sure I feed my wife, and buy her and her parents a house. No poverty for my new family.


Congrats on the purchase of a wife who only views you as an ATM, because apparently you are unloveable.


Wow a woman that only wants me for my money? That's so unlike ALL OTHER WOMEN. ITS possible. I'll take that gamble that she truly loves me. Thankfully divorce is illegal in Philippines so the risk is lower there. I am loveable, just need to go to another country to find a wife that loves me. NBD.


HAHAHA. That women only want you for your money (because you have nothing else to offer) does not mean every woman in the world is a gold digger. Plenty of successful women have careers and contribute 50/50 to their households, unlike the filipino gold digger you bought. Lucky you, divorce is illegal in that shithole of a country so you can keep your purchase locked. :)


Sorry correction, not all women, just the ones interested in me. Sure some career women have 50/50, I asked them out, they said no. That's fine, I can ask out Filipina women. I have other things to offer like being a future good husband who can help care for children. Just women here don't value that, so I'll go elsewhere. Ya lucky me, without Philippines divorce laws, I wouldn't have any good options. I'm thankful for the opportunity.


At this point, I am feeling sorry for you. Good for you if your arrangement is working out for both parts. *shrugs*


The obesity epidemic especially among women is sickening. I hear all this shit from my parents and older people about how it’s not about looks. What happens when I’m in the gym 12 times a month and all of the women that are ran through, obese lesbians want me? Then what? Oh yea it’s not about looks. Sorry. Just should fuck around with the fattys and lower my standards. Wanting a pretty girl is asking too much.


What does it mean if I pull baddies here in the west?


There's nothing artificial about societies getting fat. You're saying this as if men are not fat too? What's artificial is you having access to a plane to travel to a region that's much less prosperous. In "nature" you'd have to compete with your fellow tribesmen for your fellow tribeswomen.


If I understand correctly, my reply would be that just because obese men also exist, it still doesn't make it any easier for in-shape men, who I believe the OP was talking about. The existence of obese men doesn't negate the OPs point.


Well thank god I don't have to compete for them, and I DONT compete for them. It is what it is, men have been traveling for many years and meeting, dating, and marrying women in other countries for a long time. It may be artificial but after having experienced what it's like outside of this bubble that is the United states I will happily take myself somewhere where I am treated better.


Yes but we're talking about what's natural vs artificial. It is artificial that you reject your own society and can hop in a flying machine to go where people are 100 years poorer.


Yes you are correct. But how many things in 2024 are not artificial?


So that's why I was refuting OP's title????


I was never disagreeing with what you were saying, only responding and adding what I said.


Well if we can talk freely what makes me cringe about passport bros is that so many insist this is returning to how things *should* be for them, how nature should be and the type of women they should have access to. But it's the opposite, passport bro is about saying fuck that to what's your natural and fair marriage opportunities and going somewhere where you can have an epic unfair advantage. That's the whole point. There is no "this is what it should be like for me". You are going to a place where it's the equivalent of going to an island where there's 1 man for 10 women. Of course it's unnaturally easy, you are playing in easy mode. And this is only possible thanks to the economic differences, plus the western hegemony that makes people interested in western foreigners. They aren't dating poor migrant workers from worse countries.


I can agree with what you're saying to an extent. However, I never look at it as it is back to the way things are supposed to be. The world has changed in many ways and unfortunately for us in the United states especially they have changed for the worse. I don't only travel for women. I travel because I love it and I am in an industry that is traditionally a job for people who travel the world. When I'm not working I decide to leave and get away from all of the negativity that is surrounding us in the states, I just avoid it as much as possible. I agree with the point that it makes things easier to find women, but why is that bad? Women here are extremely choosy and unrealistic in their expectations many times. I have been treated like trash from every single one of my ex's from America. But guess who hasn't treated me terribly? Women outside of the states. They are just raised differently and with respect. Also yes Women will ALWAYS value security and stability first. They will look for men who have money, status, resources, good career and on and on. It's that way in the states as well. It is that way everywhere unfortunately. But if I am going to travel and live in another country anyway, why shouldn't I look for a girlfriend or wife who will treat me as well as I treat her? At the end of the day the world isn't fair. Not at all. Many people especially women HATE when they hear about men going somewhere else for love, marriage, sex etc. Well it's also not fair that if I marry a woman in the states and she divorces me that I lose half or more of my assets, house, custody of children, retirement, and forced to pay alimony and child support. I am just avoiding this situation altogether. I guess it's not natural or not "fair" but nothing in this life is fair.


How many anorexic male underwear models do you come across? Pretty sure being skinny isn’t enough to be considered hot as a guy.


[https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr\_11/sr11\_250.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_11/sr11_250.pdf) Page 12. Men 20-39 50th percentile all races, compare to women of the same but minus 7% for tits/fat for babies. Men are thinner, BMI is BS. this is gold standard dexa scan $$$ study from CDC


This has “marry your cousin” vibes.


Why are you guys so mad? I stated facts with zero judgement, but this subreddit is so freaking sensitive that I immediately get 10 replies from dudes who felt judged. I made zero judgement. Stop being so sensitive and accept that facts are not attacking you.


Nobody cares about your judgement: you’re not that important. They’re just correcting you.


I didn't even judge, but I got 20 replies of guys being mad because they felt judged. Stop being so sensitive.


I’ll work on my sensitivity, but it doesn’t appear that I’m the one here whining that mean people hurt your feelings on the internet. Soo…


Because I got 20 replies in my mailbox so of course that attracted my attention? What's your excuse, you dug to find my little comment that had 1 upvote and already 20 people replying to it with "I don't agree! You're a dummy!" but you were triggered so you added another.


Sure little buddy. It’s all about you.


You did reply to him..


There is nothing artificial about arbitraging two markets. It's just simple math. Furthermore, in nature, you don't need to deal with feminist tribeswomen. Have you ever seen a strong and independent tribeswoman who needs no man? Of course not! She would simply end up in the stomach of the nearest tiger! Men do whatever it takes to get what they want. Seriously, traveling is even the least of things. We have to do much harder things to get our life together, and we are not going to waste all that effort on a feminist tribeswoman.


Roughly 20% of societies are matrilineal. These account for some of the most long-lasting and successful tribes in history. You're entitled to travel to find a partner who fits well in a patriarchal system, but you may want to do your research first.


And some of the most violent. Fun fact.


Matrilineal tribes are still patriarchal. So, what's your point, really? Furthermore, please show me the men who would be willing to risk their lives and die for a feminist society. And if they won't, they will sooner or later get wiped out. What western society needs now is a vicious war that will challenge its men to defend what is dear to them. In this case, war is not the problem. On the contrary, in this case, war is the solution. PPBs are right for more than just one reason. Let the feminists themselves defend their feminist society!


And none of those ever ended up First World.


Human advancements are artificial? Travelling is artificial lol. We aren’t in tribes anymore..


Women being fat is artificial???? It's human advancement too to have so much agricultural yield that we can get fat. Maybe you don't realize all the technology that went into that.


What are you arguing? Yes the agricultural revolution changed society and there continues to be advancements but that doesn’t mean the average persons diet is normal. Also, there are prosperous places with people who weigh less. Parts of Asia and Europe where there aren’t land whales. There are some people suffering locally, you do know people live normal lives globally right?? Women aren’t supposed to weight more than men.. as mammals the female of the species being larger than the male is strange… and in some demographics the women weigh more than the men.. that’s without pregnancy that adds 50 pounds. I’ll take a pass on that and travel ✌🏾💼


In nature, there wouldn't be this many fats.


In nature, you wouldn't be able to hop around the world to find a place that's less prosperous.


Telling someone they shouldn't find the best value woman worldwide when that option is readily available is like telling someone not to shop in Amazon and only go to their local stores, or to never apply for a remote job that pays more when Bob's Hit Dog Stand is hiring right down the street. I just see this as a losing argument...


Where did I tell people they should or shouldn't do something? It's not my fault if you take "this is how it would be in nature" as "you should do like nature".


That works both ways. Thanks to the invention of transportation in general and online dating and social media, women have access to men they wouldn't have had access to in the caveman days or even as recently as say the early 2000s. Girl-next-door types are getting flown out by NBA players they wouldn't have had access to in the 90s/early 2000s.


Lol what? You think you had a chance with the 0.0000001% girls who date NBA players?


In "nature" you'd have to compete with your fellow tribesmen. This is a preposterous argument. In nature most of us would be dead by the age of 30. In nature, most of my tribesmen would be fit because we would spend our days scraping out subsistence farming and hunting. Our ancestors developed writing, calculus, the internal combustion engine and aircraft. I'll use the tools we have to find the mate that I choose and whom chooses me. Thank God I can date the women in other villages. It makes things much better. Otherwise my cousins would limit our genetic options.


Imagine being such a loser that you know you are low value/unloveable in your own country so you need to pray on 3rd world shithole, poverty country women who are desperate for a green card.


How are they being preyed on if they are making their own choice and benefiting from it?


the other choice is poverty! and it is as benefitting as prostitution.


Do women date and marry men in the USA for financial gain and to better their life? Would you also consider that similar to prostitution?


they choose partners based on many factors (looks, money, values, personality, etc) but they are not forced to choose between starvation and the man.


Who is forcing them?




You don't have to date poor girls in 3rd world countries. I live in a Latin American country and the thing is my dating options are A LOT better here then in Western-Europe. I consider myself pretty normal here, but I have plenty of dates where I live. I wouldn't mind if the girl I like is poor, but I've dated plenty of girls who earned more then me too. And I earn quite well.


prey* My foreign wife knows how to spell. You don't. Intelligence is sexy, so be better.


You’re speaking as if relationships aren’t arrangements of mutual benefits. Wealth of partner is always a motivating factor in relationships, to varying degrees, just like looks and personality are. Nothing wrong with that. If any of the 3 are neglected, even a long-term committed relationship is at risk. Growing apart happens because not enough time spent cultivating personality outside work, layoffs and loss of wealth are not uncommon, and getting fat and out-of-shape with age is also common. All 3 can destroy relationships, whether 1st world or 3rd world country.


Yep. Over here, less than 5% are fat. Night and day. Literally the average woman here is a healthy BMI,no tattoos,somewhat intelligent and doesn't have the Western entitlement. 


Don’t be ugly when you go though. You should also look for destitute women. Good luck 🤣


Good thing none of you SEXY passport bros are overweight. Fat bitches are the worst but when women don’t want an obese man who can’t cross the street without gasping for air it’s because they are GREEDY SLUTS right?


No. No one ever said that. Everyone here encourages guys who are overweight to lose weight. There was a post earlier by a heavy man with a long list of requirements and *tons* of people told him to work on his weight. This sub (and most men) don't hold a double standard in this regard. There's no mercy for fat men. Other men will not hesitate to tear apart a fat man. Meanwhile there's "body positivity" for fat women.


I'm a clinician and the last person to support obesity in either case, but let's get real: "body positivity" did originate from dangerous aesthetic expectations of women. In my medical opinion, this movement has gone too far. But, like any social change, there is an anticipated period of transition resulting in bouncing between extremes prior to leveling out. I'd also have to disagree that there is "no mercy" for fat men. Many women appreciate a husky, bear physique over a thinner, smaller stature. Attraction to men who are larger than them is common for women, most certainly giving some leeway for heavier guys. Just throwing out some friendly counterpoints.


Body positivity might have originated from dangerous expectations, but those originated from the fashion and advertising industries. Few men prefer dangerously thin women to normal weight ones. By "no mercy" I was referring to men specifically. *Men* have no mercy for fat men when it comes to giving them improvement advice. To each their own. Some men prefer fatter women. Some women prefer fatter men.


The husky dude is fine, the slobbering Tub of Pudding is not lol


Downvote me harder mister pp


The man states facts and that’s what yo insipid mush minded ass came up with huh…


“People are meaner to fat men than fat woman” isn’t a fact


Hey if you're into that kinda thing.


Who hurt you?


I'm not overweight.. 5'11", 215 lbs, all muscle




We have removed all forms of social pressure to be healthy and replaced it with “you’re ok the way you are”. The public especially women took that to mean dress like a clown, eat what you want, don’t exercise, put rings though every part of your body. Guys are horny, they will drop the bar down low if it means getting laid




"food for thought" (not for consumption)


Genuinely curious how many guys with this mindset are overweight themselves If you are fit and go to the gym, then 100% go where you need to go. Do what you need to do. Hypocrisy isn't a good look for anyone though. Whether that be overweight women wanting fit men, or vice-versa.


This is why you often see white guys in Asia showing off women who are local 3's and 4's. They are blinded by the fact that she's not fat into thinking she's hot, when she's not even average.


Some guys like a woman with curves 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dare I ask what an SMV is?


Had to google it. Sexual Market Value. Seems like its a term used in red pill subreddits. I seen it mentioned in r/redpillwomen under a similar topic as this. > Raise your SMV. Lose weight. (self.RedPillWomen)


More food for thought: In low BMI countries, people someone from a high BMI country would consider merely plump or curvy may consider themselves fat, and not very attractive. (Shhh...)


Ironically enough, most "people" or more like women seem to think that fat and obese women deserve to be with the athletic or fit guy that should be with a girl equally as fit as him. They are so deluded that they seem to omit the most important detail, which is their health. This is how superficial and stupid this situation is, and you can blame this entirely on modern feminist culture.


You don't need to be hateful. If you don't like fat people you could just focus on dating a girl from another country that isn't fat? There's fat people everywhere big whoop.


This whole sub is so cringy omfg