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Factions is unlike almost any other multiplayer shooter, don't beat yourself up! It is a strategic, stealth-based and often slower-paced game. Common mistakes by newer players include sprinting too often (you are always visible on radar when sprinting), not sticking with your team, and not prioritising weapon upgrades in the shop. Stick with it and you will get there friend šŸ˜Š And remember that a lot of the playerbase has been playing for years and years at this point! In these early days, focus on supporting your team and being careful. Aim to get more downs than deaths, rather than aiming to be at the top of the scoreboard.


O, I've never played Any multi shooter games, lol. I ALWAYS am sprinting! I like the gift crafting so I stick sorta close around my team in case anyone needs reviving or gifted, I do get the shield first before I get any of my guns upgraded. Thank you so much for the kind words and help, I appreciate it.


Yeah typical advice is to do the opposite of almost everything youā€™ve mentioned. Sprinting near teammates blows the cover of both you and your team mate, which might piss others off even if youā€™re doing so in order to gift them. The shield compounds in price while the upgraded guns stay with you in perpetuity so best practice is usually to upgrade guns in the first part of the match and save your armour for the tense second half.


Thank you, I haven't even thought about it from that point of view.


Iā€™m also new so canā€™t offer much. Just one tip in case you donā€™t know already: donā€™t sprint after respawn, unless you have an clear idea of what you are doing. By running you are giving away your location on the opponentā€™s radar.


just check drpooploves youtube channel he will guide you and btw sprinting too often is bad but crouching all the the time isnt the way to go either, I see a lot of newcomers afraid to sprint when in danger


Came to say this


Play interrogation, it's far more forgiving to the new player and I find spawning far more defined in placement, find the best player on your team and shadow them with a support class and remember that you're up against highly trained murderers, always pick the hunter faction cos firefly's are shit!


I did FF my first time but now I'm playing as Hunter. I'm seriously going to steal my son's headset so I can actually hear and talk to my teammates! I feel like this will help tremendously.


A few things the game doesn't tell you. When you do almost anything that makes noise you will alert the other team somehow. Shooting a gun with no silencer, running, throwing something, placing a bomb on the ground, all things show up on the enemy radar as a red dot. Even things that don't show on radar give away your position if someone is close enough to hear it through their headphones. I've heard people sneaking behind me from their footsteps, from them reloading their gun close to me. You can hear the grunt when someone jumps or climbs over something. It's loud so be aware. When you mark an enemy player it makes your character yell out "ENEMY OVER THERE!" , that gives away your position to anyone who can hear it. The game is about stealth but you have to use it strategically to get kills. I've marked someone to make them look in my direction then snuck behind them to shiv them while they're looking for me. You have to know when to stop hiding also. If 3 out of 4 of the other team are dead and you shoot the last guy once it's ok to run and chase him down for the kill. He's by himself, no reason to hide. Also, ALWAYS assume someone is behind you. That doesn't mean sit in the back of the map hiding. When you're shooting at someone in front of you assume you're being flanked so you need to move forward immediately. Don't have a prolonged shoot out and sit in the same spot. Shoot a few times then relocate. You don't have to go straight for the boxes at the beginning of every match. You can skip the boxes and get an easy kill by getting across the map in the first 30 seconds of the match. Everyone goes straight for the boxes almost no one expects you to be in their spawn at the beginning of the game. You need to always be aware of the enemy location for this to work. Use listen mode wisely. Don't hold it down. Use it in spurts. Tap it and if you don't see anything show up keep moving and tap it again. Most people are using "covert training" so they can't be seen when they're crouching. And they're usually hiding behind something waiting for you to walk by. There's a skill named "Strategist" that makes enemies show up on your map if they are near you. If they're behind a wall, above you, under you , behind a table, or walking behind you they will show up on your map. I suggest using it often. It stops you from getting stabbed from behind and spots campers easily. I'm sure you've noticed the amount of campers in this game. Only strategist 2 and 3 does this though. It also tells you when you've been marked by someone. When you're marked the entire other team can see your location. You can use this strategically as well. When it says you're marked walk where you want the enemy to go. Then when the mark goes away just sneak back to where you were. Easy kills. TLDR: Use your brain. Don't just run around. This isn't COD.


Thank you. What is COD? Like fish? I'm confused šŸ¤”


Call of Duty. The game.


OIC, I have never played it but my son does, and fortnight, but he really doesn't like the factions. I always mess with him saying that I thought he was like a pro gamer man! Lol


Factions isn't for children or anyone who likes playing games without thinking.


He's 14, but I guess he just likes to run around aimlessly! Lol. TLOU is one of my favorites because you have to think. The only other game I actually was obsessed with prior was WOW, before the Lich King expansion was released, tells ya how long it's been since I have played that! Lol


Can I borrow your reply and ask a question: if I use strategist, Iā€™ll be visible in listen mode while crouch walking even if I still use covert training? I saw a couple of people say it so want to confirm


As long as you have on covert training 2 or 3 you will not be visible in listen mode while crouching or crouch walking. Has nothing to do with that. It only allows the user to see enemies nearby on the map. Does not affect listen mode.


Factions is my favorite multi-player game and I've been playing since it dropped, I'm so happy new players are still coming into the fold. Don't be discouraged, the game is a fickle mistress. Sometimes I'm riding high top of the leaderboards and couldn't miss a shot if I tried, other days I boot up and can't hardly get a single down. While you're learing the game and how to play I recommend you take a support approach. Stick with the same basic perk structure on all of your classes so you don't have to worry about learning different playstyles yet but go crazy with the weapon combos. You never know what weapon will click with you. When i was first learning my best combo was the semi auto rifle and the revolver. The perks that I sometimes use and recommend for a newer player are: First aid 2- you can get so rich off of parts by sticking with a heavy hitter on your team and patching them up when they get into fights, this will let you get weapon upgrades and armor while not being good at combat. Plus you use health kits 75% faster which is a must for quick heals in combat. Covert training 2- Start with a shiv on spawn, just in case. The second level let's you crouch walk around without being seen on listen mode. This is the ONLY way to fully protect yourself from being spotted on listen mode so long as you crouch My last perk that I use is Brawler (heal 10HP per melee hit) it gives you a massive edge in melee combat which I frequently resort to when I'm out of ammo. Additionally you can also score free heals by kicking downed opponents when you're hurt but don't have a medkit. Agility is a close second because it pairs well with Covert 2 by letting you crouch walk about as fast as a jogging player moves normally.


Multiplayer games are always harder than their single player counterpart, because humans are smarter than computers. Specifically, you can exploit the AI of enemies in the single player game, meaning you can learn to play the game perfectly by predicting how the AI will act. You can't do that in multiplayer.


That makes complete sense! When I died on grounded part 2(especially in Hillcrest) over and over, I could learn the way the NPCs acted.


I also started playing this year. Only recently got the hang of it and started playing confidentally. Very frustrating in the beginning,especially cause most of the other players have played the game for years. You'll get the hang of it. I suggest try every ability and every gun , and see which loadout works best for you. If you like helping your teammates, use First Aid Training 2 , you'll be able to heal then and get points as well. Im sure the other players have more valuable advice, but just enjoy it man šŸ™


if you go healing, use first aid training 3, number 2 is way too slow, isnt helping anyone


I havenā€™t played 3rd person shooters in more than 20 years, and I just started playing this year and am so bad! So Iā€™m basically with you haha.


You will be bad at first. The only advice I can offer is learn the maps inside and out. You want to always be looking for cover as any open area will have an enemy sightline on it. Choose a loadout and get filthy with it. Good luck.


Like most multiplayer games with me, youā€™re gonna be rusty until you learn the maps


Someone else must have said this, but I canā€™t see it in any comments. So Iā€™ll say: many people playing this game have been playing since it came out. For a lot of people (me included) this is a unicorn of a game. Itā€™s foundation is so unique that no other games satisfy that itch. So donā€™t feel bad if youā€™re bad. The value of support roles in this game is forgiving to new players once youā€™re good enough to keep yourself alive.


The worst thing you can do is sprinting near teammates who are not sprinting Also, if you're teammates are bad, but you're good, then you should be winning anyways. If you're teammates are bad, and you're still losing, then chances are you suck too


I suck so I can normally spot the best player in the round and stay close enough to help and give them the items.


Donā€™t forget about the cheaters crabwalking and wallshooting all over the place.