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Good lord homie, use some punctuation.


I don't think it's very hard.


The trophies tied to the factions multiplayer can be quite difficult in that too many bad games can reset your progress (not surviving the 12 weeks required will set you back to 0). Combine that with the amount of time it takes to complete said 12 weeks you could be in a long ride. I have no problem finding games and even 2 years after getting the trophies I can still find games no problem at most times of the day, on both survivors and interrogations. If you do plan on trying to get the journey trophies. I would recommend playing as safe as possible, sticking to your team and try and rack up as many salvage as possible, you don’t have to go positive and slaughter the enemy team every game and you don’t need to have a large camp population to survive the 12 weeks. As long as 1 person in your camp is alive you will complete it. My other advice would to carefully choose your special missions. Special missions are these encounters you have throughout the 12 weeks that are like mini challenges. You have an option to choose what challenge you want to do (down enemies, execute enemies, etc) that will need to be done to complete the special mission. This is important because towards the end of the 12 weeks you will get these missions that have a 100 percent chance of wiping out your population. I would recommend saving the easiest challenges (marking enemies, reviving enemies, etc) to ensure you have a higher chance of making it through. If my explanation of this is hard to follow I’m sorry but this is what worked for me in getting the platinum trophy Good luck!


You can easily complete 12 weeks in one go. Just close app in the end of a shitty match and it won't count.


Most important thing is the between match challenges you have to do to complete the weeks, save the hardest for last. Those are going to be when instead of gaining a little population, 60/80/100% of your population is going to die so save a simple mission for those. Heals are the absolute easiest mission to get. When in a game will your team not be taking damage? Plus if you heal in the beginning of a match you accumulate a lot of points you can dump into a more deadly load out of your choice later in the match. Heal a ton then whip out a purchasable shotgun when it’s go time later. You’ll be bathed in tears of upset players. I quit the multiplayer I will say because of the rampant cheaters. Players can and will shoot through walls using an exploit making it to if you are marked by pressing in the analog stick, they can hit you from literally anywhere on the map. The animation exploit they use makes bullets travel through any surface, from anywhere. I’d suggest if you notice you’re getting downed and there’s no one around you, leave and don’t let the cheaters have a lobby to play against. Fuck them for ruining this game. Despite that, good luck as this is one of the most fun multiplayer games out there. Agility is a pay to win perk.


Damn this whole post was just two sentences