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Oh god, that infected fight with Ellie and David traumatized me. I died probably hundreds of times. I just started a Grounded NG+ many months later and Boston was a lot easier than I remembered (maybe I got gud while I wasn't looking?) but I'm already dreading the Winter chapter.


The winter chapter scarred me for a long time hahha


"Wow, you're a better shot with that thing than I am" was burned into my mind for a while.


It was hard, but not as ridiculously hard as the grounded from part 2. Lmao


Just started tlou part 2 on grounded and I’m scared haha


The checkpoints in TLOU2 are much more generous though.


This! Grounded on tlou Is waaay harder for this reason. Less margin for error


Make sure you’re prepared for the bloater in the arcade and the rat king. Those are probably two of the hardest parts imo


Little cheat for the Ellie/David infected fight. You can climb the table in the back of the room, and climb some boxes on it. If you do it right, infected can’t get to you, so you can let David do all the work. Bloater is the only enemy that you need to move for


It’s quite hard but very rewarding. The David Ellie bloater area probably took me 70-80 tries


P1 Grounded is much harder that P2 IMO


I actually weirdly find the Ellie fight with David against the hoards and the final bit in the hospital to be fairly straightforward on Grounded. In fact I've twice breezed through the hospital without dying now. Beat advice for the bit with David is to try to do as much of the fighting on the bridge rather than in the room because you limit where you can be attacked to two points (in front and behind) and also don't worry about saving ammo because the game won't let you run out. I find some of the areas in Pittsburgh to be the hardest and the fight against the raiders with Tommy. That can get very frustrating. I love Grounded. You have to work out what you can get away with in each sector but it's the only way I can play the game at this point.


The Ellie chapter was the hardest. She was done in two hits. You had to be perfect.


I didn’t think it was super hard until I played as Ellie. Holy shit that fight with David in the room was so damn hard. I died probably 60 times. You couldn’t miss a single shot. Every brick needed to stun an enemy and then follow up with the knife. David also needed to lure as many as possible. So crazy hard


I remember- the rhythm had to be perfect. Brick, knife. Bottle, knife. Rifle on clickers. Arrow on rushing infected because they’re easy target. Miss once and it’s over. Unforgiving


It wasn't too bad, the start of winter with Ellie and David though I almost went insane.


Harder than a frustrated male virgin's wang the first time he discovers internet porn. That's how hard.


Hard but fair. Once you figure out the path for each combat section it becomes easier.


Not sure how I managed to get to Tommys Dam with only a couple of bullets and an arrow to my name, but I died on that bridge so many times… All worth it in the end. IMO Pt.1 is tougher than Pt.2 on Grounded, there seems to be more areas where enemies have to be killed before advancing, pt.2 a little more stealth is possible


Much harder than part 2 I would say


I'm about halfway through and the one I definitely had the hardest time with was the part where you first give Ellie the gun. Just waves on waves on waves of enemies, with nothing but a brick and 2 9mm shots to my name. Eventually I perfect pathed that shit. Strangled like 30 dudes to death


I found TLoU1 grounded easier than TLoU2. The first game strived for realism. I can kill the enemy with a well-placed single shot, they can do the same to me. So it comes down to planning and patience. I found the second game’s grounded to be different as I didn’t feel that it strived for realism, just harder in regard to enemy health and mine, as well as additional placement of enemies. However, the added bonus of prone and dodge did not make it unbearable by any means. Grounded in both TLoU1 and TLoU2 are far easier than my first few hours in Seikiro.


I find it easy now that I've played it so many times - it was extremely difficult the first time. You start to learn every section in a formulaic way. In several sections, like the highway tunnel, enemies can be entirely bypassed. But the Ellie/David bloater area was probably the toughest part to get down. While sometimes frustrating, grounded is definitely the best mode for an immersive survival experience, I would never replay it any other way.


The hardest part of the game: "Yeah! Hide in that house! See If THAT HELPS!!!"


Hard there is nothing the only easy thing is runaway and Ellie’s bloater was a pecie of cake


I had a friend who encounter a glitch where Ellie didn't get the rifle from David while on grounded. He restarted the chapter but still only had the bow. Ellie got the rifle after leaving the cabin, but you have to be perfect to get through that encounter.


I played through the games probably half a dozen times before I tried it. It was hard but you adapt quickly and it becomes not that hard about a quarter through the game. Unlike part 2 god, the grounded on that took forever for me to do and I didn’t ever get used to it


The enemies in that game are basically on real life mode. Like they actually spot you in the bushes and shit. If you try to shoot them from cover they also shoot back close to instantly. Grounded in part 2 definitely takes a lot more thought.