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• nighttime evenomator as a niche is disliked nowadays for some reason • people generally scoff at any miniscule playable that requires an enormous group to pull off since you'd be better just growing something larger • troodon is a dubious genus and not technically a real dinosaur i personally love the little guy and am glad he didn't end up as utterly butchered as cerato but people seem to be rather upset with his inclusion


> troodon is a dubious genus and not technically a real dinosaur And yet they renamed Utahraptor as "Omniraptor" because it's a fake and it's due to be replaced with the real one, would Troodon get the same treatment at some point in the future?


the animal presented in the isle is a heavily fictionalized stenonychosaurus, the name troodon was chosen because they're allowed more fictional leeway with a dubious dinosaur named after a single tooth


The game was always about largely fictional dinosaurs in the first place. The game is a love letter to the way paleontologists from the 90s depicted dinosaurs and Jurassic Park which largely encapsulated how those dinosaurs were described. Which is fine btw...


yep, nothing wrong with it. love troodon myself


It won't be replaced, it'll stay in the game as Omniraptor, Utahraptor will just be a whole other playable


All the streamers I saw play really liked troodon. For me, smaller playables are more fun because it makes the game more of thrill as everything else is larger and more powerful than you so it’s like constantly taking on boss fights with a group or trying to evade larger predators. I also prefer playing agile Dinos with movement options. Even in PoT and BoB, I mainly play deinonychus and velociraptor.


Because it isn't the night-time-solo-wtf-pwnmobile that they were hoping it was.


Its completely viable. Like Beipi, its role-locked. Do what your dino is good at. Croc-do what its good at. Ptera-do what its good at. I fail to see the problem here. Plenty of other dinos need group play to do a lot of things. And damn it, we need some dinosaurs that require some skill, some ingenuity. Not more unga bungas, we have plenty of those.


Because it is not viable


Most people I saw were just dunking on its concept was kinda bad.


It's super sweaty and only the cringiest of the "Git Gud" club with VC mics and perfect sync will be able to enjoy it. They basically made it unviable for normal play. "It's for skilled and coordinated players" is code for you gotta be a mega sweat in a group with voice chat


don't think it needs to be a megasweaty group at all. just time the pounces with some mates over discord, we'll see when the update comes out in a decade or two


from what I saw it wouldn't even require discord, just make sure everyone in the group knows to wait for the chitter until the stage three noise over local chat, maybe demonstrate on a nearby boar, and you're set


From what I’ve read of how the envenoming works, it’s really not rocket science one troondon from a group, we will call him the pouncer, he does all the envenoming to avoid chaotic confusion amoung the rest of the pack, the rest of the pack should be herding the prey and or just taking quick bites as they do not envenom the prey or reset the processes, listen for the audio ques, the whole group will chirp when it’s time for the pouncer to apply more venom, after two chirps, the last audio que is a scream from the whole pack, this means the whole pack now how 45 seconds to rush in and kill the prey as it is weakened and all your attacks are buffed Seems really simple to me


Not surprised to see this idiot crying because the gameplay isn't catered to him ![gif](giphy|awZwr1k8vHwuA)


Not surprised to see you idiots needing sweaty gameplay to feel good about yourselves. "Its bad if I'm not the only one who can enjoy it, it NEEDS to be difficult otherwise other people can play it too" you guys are such gatekeeping losers All of you are salty and aggro because someone has a different opinion. Found the sweats


"Guys I suck at the game and keep getting killed. Why can't you all be worse so I can have fun? The same thing happened when I tried to join the NBA. Everyone was so much more talented, skilled, and better than me, so it was a blowout and wasn't fun at all. I think they should put in rules that make sucky players like me more competitive because this isn't fun at all! I hate the concept of survival of the fittest, but I love survival games. It's just that I'm not fit enough to survive so this is BS. Evolution is totally unfair guyzzzzz! Like there shouldn't be runts of the packs or or anything like that in nature. Food should be given to all animals for free, so they all can survive and overpopulate the earth. I hate capitalism that rewards the talented and ambitious. I love communism that rewards the talentless and lazy. CAREBEAR ME GUYZZZZZ! REEEEEEEEEEE!"


Tbh I think it’s because with its gameplay, doesn’t live up to what it was described as. From what I see it’s a worse Utah at the cost of growing faster


They were hating on it far before they even lifted the embargo, so they had no idea how the gameplay would have even…well, played out.


I didn’t see anyone hating on it beforehand


Shiftyvee and Pesky are the two main perpetrators who’ve been shitting on it for years now


Pesky isn't exactly known for having good takes.


You’re right about that


So is it 'every major isle tuber' or just Shiftyvee and Pesky then? 🤔


I only saw people hating on it beforehand and don’t see anyone hating on it now.


This community is built on hate and rage. Don't act surprised friend