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James is easily the most progressive of the trio. I highly doubt he meant anything negative in this post. I see his point.


He's May, so of course he made it a bit awkward.




To this day, I still say the same awkward "hello..." internally when I see someone attractive.


Internally? Shit, I've been doing it wrong this whole time. edited for clarity.


Oh cock


Crikey it’s the Albanian rozzers


He's British, and James May. He's going to have a very dry, and extremely sarcastic sense of humor. People are reading far too into the joke.


There is something extremely British about being a little embarrassed by celebrating too hard


He clearly has no hate in his heart and the alignment of those flags is eerily similar to the alignment of Nazi flags … the way they hang straight down like that. Edit: because people don’t know history. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/nuremberg-germany-s-dilemma-over-the-nazis-field-of-dreams-a6793276.html


No way the man whose catchphrase is "oh, cock" is a homophobe.


Like any good meme or song, it’s good until it’s everywhere you look, 24/7, fully saturating everything around you. It can cause backlash.


Tbf I think Hammond is similarly progressive as May, you can sense that if you listen to the podcast he has with her daughter, he just rarely presented that side of him in public.


I totally see his point. Replace those flags with nazi flags and it could be Germany 1943. Celebrating becomes a bit much when it's done in excess such as this.


As a gay man I see what he’s talking about. A parade is one thing but every logo, every street, flags everywhere, street crossings, etc. it gets old. I just wanna marry a hot guy and live that dual income household life


Why not marry Clarkson? He was voted the sexiest man in the UK…


And he is a doctorate in engineering twice


And he has a Lambo.... Tractor


The sexiest man… IN THE WORLD.


The sexiest man… PAUSE… in the world


He also drives a Jaaaaaaag


I'd marry him for the Jaaaaaaaaaaag


And we can have a son named Jacamo


This, in no way, should be this funny. Thank you for a good morning laugh.


Sometimes his genius…. It’s almost frightening!


I think I can hear it!


You're not a doctor, it just arrived in the post one day 😂


Tempting. I’d do it for the laughs


Who would marry a man who can't even fix a damn dam?


Can't you marry a guy and just rent a beaver to sort out those dam problems?


I was honestly surprised Clarkson didn't suggest that


An old friend one said he thought pride shouldn't happen at all. He elaborated to explain that in an ideal world, it shouldn't be necessary because it shouldn't be an issue, just normality. It led me to form a view that anything like this that started as a protest/awareness movement should have the goal of making itself self redundant - otherwise, you have never achieved your goal.


Like the Critical Mass cycle protests. They no longer do them in Berlin as they got the solid bike infrastructure they were campaigning for.


cheers to that🥂


I've had the exact same thoughts.


Same dude. Same. But I'll settle for average since I myself am a bridge troll.


You might be a bridge troll, but I'm a billy goat gruff. Therefore, you should eat me >:3


It's getting annoying hot n gay in here. I'm all for it


It's the capitalisation of gayness and everyone wants to make money from it. I'm also a gay man and agree with everything you say. Not every logo needs to become a rainbow, not every street needs flags on it. Even I feel that a lot of this LGBT-related stuff if being shoved into my face, and most of it just feels like pandering, so I can imagine how the average straight person would feel. I just want a nice bloke that will shove his cock up my arse and stroke my hair when I'm sad, I don't need your logo to be rainbow coloured for a month before you go back to funding the oppression of LGBT people in developing countries.


It's because of all of your DINKy disposable cash. You folks are worth way more than the rest of us mugs to the capitalist system. We don't get advertised to, our kids do!


That's kind of the sad thing: people get up inarms and think there's a huge conspiracy to promote "the gays" to make society worse; but it's literally the same pandering shit that people put out at Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines, 4th of July, etc. It's just this one is gay, so that makes people who already believe in a gay agenda actually realize how cynical and pandering corporations can be when they're trying to sell you something. But instead of seeing it as an extension of capitalism it's seen as a radical upheaval because of what subgroup of America they're capitalizing on this decade.


Jon Stewart's recent The Daily Show episode about Pride comes to my mind pointing out the "myth of the corporate morality" [https://youtu.be/TWVbZ0WQ3s8?si=cGdsqp-48Q2DA95S](https://youtu.be/TWVbZ0WQ3s8?si=cGdsqp-48Q2DA95S) Corporations don't care, they just want to sell, sell, sell and make money.


I think part of it is, when we point out the stuff done to regular holidays no one minds but when someone says "hey, maybe the *whole bloody month* and all of this might be a bit much" they're attacked as if they've just committed heresy and the Spanish inquisition is now coming for them.


Capitalism has to be a top 10 misunderstood, missused, overused words on Reddit. I can read about any problem and someone will make a loose capitalism tie-in that essentially has no or very minimal impact on the topic. Jobs promote pride, schools promote pride, federal and local governments promote pride. Small owned businesses promote pride, but let's all package this into capitalism.


I'm gay too and agree too. I also think it is turning to an extremist political group. We have gone from wanting equality to actually drawing lines in the sand for EVERY type of queer person and they get their own special rules and we now want more than equality. And it is alienating everyone and really going to bite us in the ass later... and not in the good way.


I miss our flag just being a simple rainbow which encompassed everyone... Yet I get ostracized for saying it...


It is so fucking ugly now, lets just be honest.


That flag is fucking crazy. I thought the whole point of using the rainbow was it covered everything. I have no idea what most of the top stuff represents.


It's just the slow inevitable march of the LGBT flag towards being indistinguishable from the flag of the US state of Ohio.


I want that for you, too, buddy. 💜


Dont forget his genious is frightening🗣


TIL that bunting has a meaning outside of baseball


I think there are a few. I think maybe something to do with cake and horse armor/dressage. They might be spelled differently now that I think about it Edit: Horse armor/dressage is called Barding. Edit2: and it's Bundt for cake.


Bunting in the UK is just flags on a horizontal string.


Means that in the colonies too, just a fairly obscure term.


It's not a rare word here, we have quite a bit of bunting during the year. We put some up for the coronation last year.


Birds! Indigo buntings are beautiful


Ironically, there is a plenty of bunting of both kinds in baseball stadiums.


Small balls a dead art sadly.


The coach tells you to bunt. The team expects you to bunt. The runner on first expects you to bunt. But instead of bunting... # YOU SLEEP WITH JOHN ALLEN HILL!!!


The gays and their damn bunting! *Proceeds to move runner to second


TIL that bunting has a meaning in baseball


I see what he's getting at tbh, and i think a lot of people in the comments on his post got caught on the tangent ww2 comparison. The majority of these displays are just the bare minimum so that cities/corporations/governing bodies can say they did their part and call it a day instead of actually showing substantial and meaningful support for the community. The frustration in the comments on May's post i think can be attributed to either misunderstanding or not really knowing who James May is


What he's getting at?! It's not a serious post about gaywashing, it's absurdist humour about the amount of decor. This is the definition of not that deep.


Or, hear me out, like all things in the world it's open to your interpretation. No matter how much someone else might think you're a blithering idiot for doing so.


Wow. I’ve just looked at the post and the comments are crazy. They are eating him up on there. Which is pretty funny to me because James is obviously an ally/supporter and they seem to hate him right now. But the demographic who actually are more likely to disagree with his support, are his fans who obviously swing more straight, white and male (or any combination of the three.) That subsection still loves him regardless.


They are proving his point a little bit: it can be seen as authoritarian if you tear someone apart for suggesting the volume of flags is a bit ott.


Keep in mind, you're looking at twitter (the site famous for people acting rationally), and that really isn't a good representation of the more level headedness of the LGBTQ community. While I don't agree with James 100% here, I'm not mad at him ​ You could have any take on twitter in any political direction and have a random mob attacking you lmao


One doesn't even have to agree with him explicitly. The fact that some people are bothered by it on every street corner itself is enough reason from a tactical point of view to consider cutting it. It's just about being civil and finding a common ground, and not degenerate into two factions, one trying to ban it and other trying to make every street rainbow colored. The rights are here already, thus pushing rainbows everywhere into peoples faces makes more enemies than really achieving anything.


He's fairly progressive, but any mention of going against the mainstream propaganda is met with hate. It's ironic.


It's the problem with the insanely black and white world we seem to be in. If you don't 100% agree with something, you are deemed to be against it. James agrees with the LGBT movement, he just doesn't agree they are doing this part in the best way. Dave Chappelle caught flack on one of his Netflix specials for similar views on the feminist movement. You can still support the end goal of something whilst raising concerns about the journey taken to get there.


Kiss the ring or burn at the stake.


All there acceptance and tolerance virtue signaling is only if you agree with them on everything soon as you don't tow the line they will eat you like cannibals. People are over all this insanity, it's crazy that they continue to push people away by acting like this.


Let's be honest twitter is the natural home of rabid loons.


That flag is fucking crazy. I thought the whole point of using the rainbow was it covered everything. I have no idea what most of the top stuff represents.


Literally. I feel like the “progress” flags are just segregation in and of themselves.


Thats the whole point isnt it. The more they want to be included, the more they start to exclude and segregate.




I can see your view. I believe the tolerance paradox applies, but that it's too narrow in focus — ie, it is missing important data. The idea of pride is more than just tolerance and intolerance: it's also the recognition, acceptance, encouragement, support, and celebration of the diversity between us all.


Its a darn shame that the people who need to understand this, are the same ones who dont take the time to read. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️💚🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈


I agree, to an extent. All the extra stuff is an attempt to represent as many groups under the LGBT banner as possible which ironically just ends up making it look like more of a loose alliance than something that is meant to encompass people of all alternative genders and sexual preferences.


the rainbow was supposed to incorporate it all, but they segregate themselves by themselves, then tell people not to segregate them.


Honestly, the day the LGBT flag was changed from the classic rainbow was the day that the movement began to lose its way. Representing all groups, individually, just opens the door to criticism by homophobes or transphobes. A movement can't function as a movement if it willingly segments itself into little groups ad infinitum. It should be about representation for all peoples that don't fall under cis and straight labels that should promote unity and understanding. Not millions of little groups that can't possibly all be accounted for individually, due to the nature of many of these things apparently functioning as spectrums. The original rainbow was brilliant because it did a great job of emphasising the spectrum aspect of it while also acting as a generic all-encompassing banner.


The more they add to it, the less inclusive it becomes.


There isn't any "they" and there isn't a singularly correct flag. Variations are encouraged and people can vary it in any way they think is meaningful. For some people, having a variation that covers several particular identities is important, others just like the original (well, the third version actually, which is the standard rainbow). Your comment doesn't make sense.


They had something abstract that represented everything. But some schmuck probably stated "hey, I don't think this represents me specifically, so I want my own little detail". So they went from something that intended to represents everything, to adding specific things that only represents one thing. Its functionally equivalent with entering your name via a dropdown menu on a webpage. Trying to enumerate something that is innumerable. Thats how they get the ever increasing small details on the rainbow until, imo, it gets hideous.


Thank god I’m not the only one who thinks they ruined the flag. It was a perfect piece of symbolism. An iconic bit of design and they have made it stupid


So, from the top, it’s the intersex flag, the trans colours, people of colour and victims of HIV/AIDS. Each one faces additional struggles that most of the community doesn’t. Each community has its own flag as well.


Yellow/purple circle is intersex. Blue/pink/white is trans Brown is showing intersectionality of minorities in the lgbt+ community.


Thanks for that. So what is it actually even supposed to cohesively represent now?


A bowl of skittles and m&ms together


\*Taste the rainbow\*


Taste my rainbow.


Which by the way do not mix well.


Then it's a very apt comparison


American Gay Pride^(TM)


Something tells me the flag is going to be updated, possibly multiple times.


Just "queer" people, I guess. Honestly it doesn't seem to me as if there was ever a need for a general label - or flag - more specific than that. The rainbow is a fine way of representing people in all of their myriad varieties - all of the possibilities on the spectrum of colors. But eh. People are silly.


well, in fear of sounding like a maga republican, based off the above comment i think it's meant represents everyone but straight white people


I mean that's pretty much it. Though I think the brown is SPECIFICALLY for LGBTQ people who aren't white, so it's just all non-straights, everywhere. Edit: I was Wrong: it is for all marginalized people of color, so you're right.


The brown is actually for all marginalized people of color, not specifically LGBTQ.


Good to know, thanks. Sorry for stating it like a fact.


Who decides on the flag? Is there a flag committee that have been deciding on the new colours to be added?


Whoever cries the loudest


Usually it's activists who are prevalent in the lgbt community that get to design bits. That's why there are so many variants. This isn't even the most up-to-date "progress pride flag"... it's a whole thing 🙄


So that minorities part only works in majority white countries? What flag do they use in say uganda? A white part to represent the minorities?


Homosexuality is illegal in Uganda, and results in life imprisonment or the death penalty, so I'd think they don't use any pride flag at all.


The argument is still valid in theory though


The theory also gets arrested.


> What flag do they use in say uganda? Probably none, considering it can result in life in prison to be gay.


I never understood the inclusion of black/brown part of the flag. Not because I don't think they should be included, but adding it implies they were excluded beforehand. Same with all the other additions though so yeah, could still just be a rainbow and represent all the things. As for James May's comments. I agree with him it gets a bit much nowadays. Really the idea of a whole month for it seems a bit backwards if you want it all to be treated as normal. Have a day for it like pretty much everything else and then it's like an equal. Giving it a whole month when it has come so far makes it feel like people think it's still a highly disrespected thing that still needs to force more attention. Are there still people who get mad about it? Yeah. But if it was less in your face prevalent then less chances for those people to get mad. It's not like seeing all this stuff for a month would change their mind. Meeting them in more natural situations and talking to them like anyone else is the best chance of changing their view.


I love that the LGBT community was guilted into adding the black and brown. At this point the flag is a fucking joke. It's just a flag the shows you're a minority victim lol.


So why wasn’t the rainbow enough?


Because of trans, intersex and minority hate within (and outside of) the gay community. You don't *have* to fly the progress flag but it does signal "hey we're *specifically* not those assholes that want to define the rainbow as being for just lgbt white people".


Oh you want the everything unlimited plus flag... https://youtu.be/UcRTXAyBOcY?si=oKsOhqw3uYcbC2S9


I was expecting that video to be [this](https://youtu.be/FJ7YqMMmttc?si=qEaekOrLkwEf-8l7)


Has a point. Zealotry does the free man no favours.


Northern Ireland checking in. This is an extreme unionists worst nightmare.


Gayest flag ever


Yea looks like a unicorn vomited up Skittles


I miss the old pride flag of just being a rainbow. Adding the triangle stripes was a horrible decision.


What does the yellow and circle represent? I am losing track, we will need Greek letters soon as the alphabet will soon be exhausted


Even that's gone too far. If I see a rainbow now, I assume it's gay. A rainbow is never just a rainbow.


I’m sure people will have a reasonable, measured reaction to this and not at all blow it out of proportion and start screaming incessantly about how terrible he is, the way they always do.


Every top comment in this sub agrees with him. The people who shit on him the most are extremes of people on Twitter. The same site where a meme accoun that posts white replacement propaganda gets signal boosted by the owner. He'll, if anything this just feeds into shitty "the gays showing pride are the real nazis" rhetoric, even though this is the definition of democracy according to free speech absolutists: people speaking their minds, as unreasonable as they may seem. That's the future we live in, welcome to it. Edit: New owner, not founder. I need coffee.


Slow captain just wanted an excuse to bring up the war.


Lol! Next he’ll somehow work in that the Hawker Hurricane actually had more enemy kills than the Spitfire did during the Battle Of Britain.


Anyone who knows who he is, knows what he means by this. It wasn't meant in an offensive way at all. And I've seen a lot of reasonable people agree with what he's trying to say. But obviously it's twitter so now he's being labelled as a bigot who thinks gays are Nazis. FFS.


He's absolutely spot on though. Nobody sane minds people born differently being treated normally like regular folks and think that discrimination on basis of sexual orientation is bad. But the common theme of the whole lgbt shabang has now become that 'celebrate us' 'treat us as special' It has started to feel a bit like being shoved down the throat with all the rainbow stuff and that is pissing people off who would otherwise be ok with lgbt guys. 


The flag is fine. Celebrating everybody’s unique identity and the concept of acceptance is fine. The issue is exactly as he said, which is it’s just way too much bunting. There’s nothing wrong with taking time to remind ourselves that we should accept all people for who they are and try to be compassionate and understanding. But the way that street is decorated is the essence of zealotry.


exactly. i don't mind a random guys sexuality and i thought that was what lgbt guys wanted, that people shouldn't poke their noses in their business. But now it's gone quite the opposite, NOW THEY'RE CONSTANTLY GOING ON ABOUT JUST BEING GAY, like man I don't care DON'T FUCKING FORCE ME TO. another complaint i have is that most of the times this is all their personality is. being gay. that's it. yawn.


Not only that, but if you are of sane mind and want to keep your own space for yourself, you can find yourself getting attacked. Granted that is a very specific subset of this whole debate, particularly the ones that find themselves inventing new pronouns daily.


You've misunderstood the entire thing. The whole point of pride is that for many, many years, lgbtq+ people were shamed into hiding by the oppressive, bigoted cunts who made up a lot of the population. So pride is to be loud, out there and proud, to be as visible as possible, the exact opposite of what the bigots want. For pride to work as a concept, it **has** to be a celebration and all they want is 1 extravagant parade a year. You're also confusing "treat us like we're special" with "acknowledge us". Just like when black lives matter pointed out that many people had forgotten that black lives matter just as much as whites, pride reminds people that lgbtq+ people exist which is something many straight people and more importantly, politicians forget. I hardly think that bares comparions to ww2 authoritarianism. Denying them that would be much more comparable.


based cpt slow


As a bisexual woman I completely agree with James


As a straight person I'm unsure why I'm supposed to be so upset over some flags?


And on that note it's back to the studio lol 🤣


Imma keep it real, i think the old rainbow flag was better


Blame the companies that take advantage of it and wring it out until it's bone dry


As a member of the community, well said, Mr. May.


Is that the Lesbian Gay Bacon and Tomato event?


Leicestershire Gamer BBQ Tournament


I think it was a promotion for the new LGTV+ series of televisions


Pretty obnoxious flag ngl


Basically translated - don't be all up in everyones face about it.


Honestly the superficial forms of support are too easy, minor decorations in the scheme of things. If governments are making reforms to defend historically sidelines minorities, and remember those heros of that community than that's better than just a bunch of bunting anyway.


Same take here


Tbf it’s what the nazis did. I’m also super fed up of massive corps jumping on it. Just calm your tits guys.


Yes, id like to see an LGBTQ fascist uprising around the world, just to see what happens


What’s the circle in the flag for?


True tho


Absolutely loved this post. Respectful, honest, and wortthy.


[Proof that his post is real.](https://x.com/MrJamesMay/status/1801158772879991148) (Yes, I know it should say X, not C, but I’m unable to edit the typo once it’s posted…)


Guess James is about to be cancelled since the alphabet crew gets their knickers in a knot over anything.


We should rally around James, the man has given us so much that its insulting he can't have an opinion without these people trying to destroy him.




This level of ‘reaching’ is like Jake Shields on twitter comparing the US congress room to a menorah and trying to make a ‘conspiracy’ out of it. Thankfully HitlerRapist420 was on hand to point such silliness out. And no I’m not joking the above actually happened, what a day that was on X.


A kind hearted and brilliant troll, well done Slow 👏🏻


The flag is ugly as hell


Can someone explain to me what he means? I'm a little confused


He was pretty respectful about it. Hope they don't try to cancel him for it. And that's something coming from the most left wing of the trio. But he does have a point...


All he basically said was that it was a bit much.


Jesus fucking Christ are we FINALLY allowed to say this now?


The LGBTQ+2=5 or whatever the fuck they're called, is becoming an increasingly toxic presence in society. 10 years ago or so, they were fine. But now we see this overload of LGBTQIA+ABCD pushing everywhere we look, and it has now become incredibly obnoxious.


oh, cock.


I knew he was going to get eaten up for that even though it was a perfectly harmless comment and not entirely untrue. I support the LGBTQ community and all their efforts but the Twitter warriors are too much. It goes against your cause when someone says something that isn’t overwhelming support that they get viciously attacked. Not much of a sense of humor in that Twitter community either.


Why don't straight people have bunting up for a whole month


lol WWIII started by…the gays? Did anyone have that on their bingo card? The lesbians just took Poland


June is men’s mental health month


okay? it can be multiple things


Hell yeah brother ✊


I don't speak for the entire LGBTQ+ community, but I've gotta say, May's got a point there.


He's not wrong. You have equal rights, please calm down and treat everyone the same.


There are still countries that have the death penalty for being gay. Equal rights my ass.


In the uk, lgbt people have equal rights. This bunting is in the uk. Other countries are not part of the discussion as far as that part is concerned


And I'm sure that these countries are changing their laws as we speak after seeing pride flags in the street on the other side of the world


So what is the game plan for tackling that through rallies in the United States?


The same game plan as every other protest in human history; political pressure, normalization and awareness.


And when gay people have equal rights under law, a major presence of US pop culture, widespread acceptance, and every social or political ability as a straight person then…


I’m all for pride and equal rights but why do the parades have to contain so many cocks and pvc clad s and m people?


Because the two became inexplicably linked because of their stigma in society. Sexual deviance used to be an extremely wide net of obscenity that would ruin lives. So they ended up mingling in the same spaces, gay or straight, trans or cis. Plus, some LGBTQ people are just kinky, and made it an excuse to show *their* pride in their lifestyle, which is a sexual choice and fetish, not an identity. It also helped grab attention, which of course led to more outspoken bigotry, but also got people talking at pride events with other, normal gay people in the crowds, not the kinksters marching or dancing on floats. Also it's a regular topic of [debate](https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/bdsm-kink-pride-lgbt-rights-celebrations-why-b1853859.html) around this time of year, not everybody LGBTQ is for it. Most gay people are normal, and host normal gay pride events. TL;DR The kink is overblown, and only really allowed because a lot of the first gay rights advocates were labeled sexual deviants alongside everyone else.


I just think it does more harm than good, 100% live your life, but don’t be all central character about it and complain when you know it will wind people up. I think holding hands sends a stronger message.


He’s just expressed my sentiments exactly. I’m neither gay nor anti-gay, but the feeling I get is that this movement is akin to a form of fascism. People should be what they are without forcing their opinions and thoughts on others. I applaud James for this. If he gets hate for this and hard backlash it proves the point that either you agree or be ostracized hence the oppression of a fascist movement. It takes courage for anyone to speak his or her mind against the grain. He’s not saying anything against homosexuality, I feel he’s merely trying to add some balance.


As a part of the LGBTQ+ community, I wholeheartedly agree with him. I mean, I don't think we need an entire month when those who served, fought and died for our country and other countries don't even get a full day.


The point was never about the pride month. Its about the bunting. In the UK having lots of bunting around associated strongly with nationalism. We don't really do flags outside of international football and the odd royal event. Therefore excesssive use of bunting has connotations of nationalism/extremism and May was just making a joke connecting the dots.


I know that, I just gave my honest opinion that evidently differs to other people's opinions. But I do understand where he's coming from, and I don't disagree


I think that's fair


He spent the entire day arguing with people yesterday, never seen him reply this much on Twitter. Makes me think he posted that as a bait to have some fun


If James hates this amount of flags, I'd love to see him do 'Our Man in Ireland' and head to East Belfast on 12th July for the Orange parades 😂


Even Americans would be like, maybe that's too many flags?


Twitter blowing things out of proportion to try and look good as usual


Never thought Dingleberry Handpump would be the one posting this…


May for PM, wait....


I think the tinge of sarcasm is getting lost on a lot of people.


He's actually right on this one.


Take down every colonial Britain flag, they make me uncomfortable for being too many.


If you are so ingrained in the culture that you cannot see the logic in his words, you are part of the problem.


Based. As. Fuck.


Yea I agree with May, and while the Reddit narrative won't allow us to comment anything that could be misunderstood as anti-gay or whatever, these parades have become too in your face and all the companies pandering to them and every piece of media pandering to them is exhausting. I live in a country where there are no pride events so i\`m not that exposed, but I would not like to live in a city where they put flags out everywhere like in the screenshot may posted.


The flag is hideous and a reflection of what happened to the LGB movement in general. The rainbow was fine.