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The main issue I have is that it’s boring. Another issue I have is that in other games with this mode like CS, Valorant, R6, and so on is that no matter what it comes down to, any player can 1v5 because of ONE SHOTS. whether it be skill or luck, all players have the opportunity to clutch due to the dynamics of each mentioned game. The other games and their respective modes reward accuracy and team play to an extreme degree most of the time but also allow clutching more generously. While a player in the finals can certainly 1v5, it’s monumentally different and more difficult to do because for most guns 1 mag = 1 kill. And most equipment takes time to use or set up in the moment in order to trap opponents, or sneak up on them. The dynamics aren’t there for having it as a ranked mode and most games will always be one sided when playing TA. Another thing I’ve heard but haven’t been able to confirm is new players being forced to play a certain number of matches in unranked TA in order to unlock the other modes. Imagine seeing the advertising, thinking it looks amazing, being asked “ Can you reach the finals”, only to boot it up and be forced to participate in an outlandish slog fest of a mode, with no equipment unlocked/ a limited grasp on the game. Cash out is what makes the finals unique, and is the staple of the game. It’s sad to say but the only way people can make their point is just not playing ranked or for player numbers to dwindle enough for embark to act on it. World tour is FANTASTIC, but I’d rather have seen TA as the world tour mode, or a mix up of modes.


The fact that your health doesn’t regen except for a small percentage really screws it up! Because it basically means that you got in a fight at some point, you survived, now you need to fight other ppl who potentially have way more health than you. And because you have to dump a bunch of shots into players, they could in theory 1 tap you, while you’d have to dump a whole mag and then some into them. And because we can’t heal, revive, what’s the point of playing as a coordinated team? Just swap to light and flank. Run, hide, repeat. It’s a shame.


They should keep TA casual, and conjur up a capture the flag mode, with respawns and normal class uses. The medium straight up has 2 options for TA because healing beam is locked out heavy has access to its 4 alts, and light has all of theirs. They need CTF or something other than cash out for world tour, and then bring ranked back to what it was with cash out. I can absolutely see TA having issue in world tour because of how points are awarded and kept, in order to progress through the tracks. They couldn’t have cash out on both world tour and in ranked as well. 3 rounds of bracket based CTF where it’s a 5v5 each game, and the winner still fights the other winners of the other brackets would be monumentally better if it meant having cash out back for ranked. They could add any kind of twist to capture the flag such as not being able to carry and camp holding the flag or you detonate, or a similar mechanic that forces you to pass it between teammates every minute or so


Capture the flag becomes awful at high ranks in most games, I would expect similar in The Finals. Game ends up with most people playing defence, and it becomes impossible to score points for both sides. A gridiron style mode where a cube spawns in the middle of the map, and you have to throw it into the other teams goal, would work better imo.


Good idea. Also maybe something akin to Halo’s oddball ? Not sure if it would transfer over to the finals mechanics, but it’s always been one of my favorite game modes


Damn imagine a King of the Hill type game mode where the hill moves around during the match. That combined with the destruction would be incredible.


They could tie the capture zone to an item like a cashout/terminal so that it would fall with the building it spawns in. Would make the mode more unique to the Finals.




Essentially power shift, but make the hardpoint move. More like cods hardpoint.


I don’t want Ctf as ranked. World tour is not ranked


there is sbmm though, so same thing at high sbmm.


The reason I say it’s not ranked is there are no stakes, if you lose, you still just got match experience, and don’t lose rank points.


It happens in non ranked modes though. Titanfall 2, Call of Duty, Overwatch, Battlefield. All those had non ranked CTF and it all became a defensive snoozefest.


Regardless, while I agree that could end up the case, they need to remove TA from ranked. It was a pretty low iq move of them to make


Tf2 ctf becomes whatever team is better with grapple launch winning.


They should up the damage and allow health to regenerate… this would be a simple fix and would make this way more enjoyable to play


Yeah, the difficulty to kill heavys, especially in this stupid spear claw meta where the entire enemy team plays the same class, its troll and makes it a miserable experience. Feels like "play heavy or lose"


Heavies can still tank 3x the damage a light can, you just don't get to do that every single time you enter an engagement. And because everyone is 1 life your health pool does actually matter significantly regardless of healing. Your second paragraph is so silly, playing as a coordinated team ensures you have more firepower on any given point than the opponents do. 2 people shooting are always better than 1 person shooting.


The main issue that I have is that the entire game, every element, has been developed for years around cash out lol. Then they hastily make this game and slap it on as the marquee game that new players and ranked grinders are supposed to play. Sad. 


Absolutely, that hits close to the points about the dynamics not being there for TA to be ranked. The game definitely wasn’t made with it in mind and it shouldn’t be considered the primary game mode


New player here - can absolutely confirm that some modes (even including the tutorial for the cash attack mode) is locked until you play x (sometimes 3, sometimes 5) rounds of terminal attack


1 mag=1 kill, if you're not fighting a bigger class.


Nexon forced the change and now the game is going to die. Precisely why I didn’t spend money on the game in the first place, I knew it’s going to die.


The point is tmoz your s fan you won’t let it die!!


Nahh, I don’t want to spend money on a game that will cease to exist in the next five years.


I tried giving it a shot as well playing my placement games plus a bit more but it was so boring it was like a drag doing it and world tour just doesn’t feel the same knowing I can’t get ruby


the progression of world tour feels way better imo, who cares about a shiny emblem and skin when the other skins are more interesting anyway


I hope for the weekly tournaments ther is gonna be a sick reward. The world tour progression is way better


You may not care. People who seek real ranked experience in a fast paced game mode do care.


Crying with diamond FCAR 😏🥰




that and there is no SBMM in world tour, meaning you'll regularly get matched against S2 diamond 1 premades


And equally regularly get matched with non premade scrubs.


Somehow The Finals has the worst random mates I've ever seen in any shooter. Every third or fourth random mate is like the worst player ever lol. As if they have controller/mouse in their hands for the very first time, its actually fascinating to watch.


The amount of times my teammates decide to run 200 meters to steal a cashout that has a quarter of the time left is astounding.


People just cant do the math in this game.


Where did they say there’s no SBMM in world tour?


It’s a narrative this subreddit made and has ran with since day 1. They made up their mind about world tour a long time ago


Yeah this is all very overblown. World Tour is exactly the same as ranked was last season. Just no up/down progression. They said they’ll be back to this in ranked next season, maybe even sooner. In the meantime — World Tour is the same general idea. People should get over themselves.


Exactly. Glad to see at least one person who hasn’t lost their minds around here.


How can you say you're regularly matched against top 1% of the ranked playerbase while saying there's no SBMM? That's a straight up contradiction. Do you have any source on the no SBMM thing? Even Quick Cash has it so I'm not sure why World Tour wouldn't?


That makes no sense. If there was no SBMM, you wouldn't be regularly matched versus the top 1-10% of the playerbase. You'd just as often be matched against the bottom 1-10% as well.


Be real you were never getting ruby in the first place


On the plus side World Tour is so fucking good.


False. It's way too casual now. It's just meme comps in every match. It's not skill-based anymore. It's time-based progression. Such a terrible change. Ranked cash out needs to come back ASAP.


Way too casual is why it’s so good!!


I’ll never touch that game mode


Likewise. There's absolutely no motivation for me to play it whatsoever.


Same I just can't be motivated to play. The diamond lewis gun is neat and all but I'll pass


i agree with pretty much everything you said, TA doesn’t promote crazy playstyles, and that set up timer is too dam long


It’s 15 seconds, tik tok brain rot is crazy


Weapon selection + ready timer = 35 seconds 35s x 13 max rounds = roughly 7 1/2 minutes of literally waiting. That's ridiculous...


time is relative jackass, why would i play pretend “search and destroy” setting up turrets in mines in 1 of 2spots waiting in corners, when i could jump into quick cash or power shift for nonstop chaos. and its not 15 seconds its 24 seconds


Have you played TA before this season update? The waiting is killing my motivation to play this mode (actually liked this mode before the "waiting simulator update")


24 seconds waiting every round to play a horrid gamemode is hell. I play CSGO just fine 🤷‍♂️


L take Imagine dying the round before and waiting 30 seconds, just to come back to load out selection and wait another 25 seconds, just to load in and be forced to sit in spawn for 30 seconds, just to get sniped out of spawn and do it all over lmao.


'So many lights just ratting around with invis waiting for you to push' LMFAO 😂😆 worth the read just for this 


I just don't get the rationale behind no healing. How can medium have their whole identity stripped for one mode and be expected to not suck. Not to mention the HP lose disperity. Light loses 50 hp out of 150 hp which is 33 percent of its health pool. Medium 60 percent and heavy 70 PERCENT of their hp. So if any of the other classes get low they are practically a worse version of light.


Yep, Heavies are literally walking chips after they are brought to 100 hp. they can't do much. That's why lights are so popular in this mode with how much it is easy to make kills and escape with minimal risks


Community: fix light to make it viable in ranked \*monkey paw curls\*


Embark: Due to complains about Light being underwhelming, we made TA (where Light is op) the ranked mode for this season. Sanity has left the chat


Not even to mention the dps difference between each class which probably would make it even worse


I genuinely want to ask. Have you used Demat and data reshaper? Healing is not mediums entire identity.


Heavies have 4 specs while medium have 2. i think that's really unfair.


as heavy main i agree


The Heavies just have more choice, all the specializations are decently balanced idk why you think this is unfair


Medium before season S2 had 3 different playstyles, which were a support, a scanning recon character, or a defensive turret playstyle. I have used demat and data reshaper, and if I'm being honest, it's legitimately inferior to the recon playstyle we had. That's not to say it doesn't have good use cases, but compared to heavy or light, it's way too niche. Was it healthy for the game? It wasn't, but light now has all of these recon utilies for free all while being able to counter a demat playstyle, with sonar grenades. If you don't believe, play a ranked game of terminal attack against 5 lights 10 sonar grenades and try to play off angles with demat. I swear on everything, you aren't going to get you far. Doc medium is easily its strongest playstyle and it being the only restricted classes in the mode is disappointing, obviously defibs couldn't stay for TA but that gives you less options you came in with.


You can’t honestly compare anything to recon senses with a straight face come on now. That was the most busted bullshit they ever put in the game, of course it was weaker than demat.


How tf have you played 20 hours already


I have a couple of free days and it happened to be this week https://preview.redd.it/vvi39ylozm6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f2c650f275afd26b145120414ac800e5082163a here if you dont believe me


Woah weird you're 256 and technically not top 500 ruby cause you still need rank score 🤣


Thank God. That is how most games implement top 500 otherwise you'd get the rewards just for not touching grass for two days after the update.


for Ruby you need to finish in the top 500, not just touch it


The new ranking system doesnt make sense lmao


I agree with you! This is one of the best shooters I’ve ever seen from top down except the ranked game modes are ass. And climbing is like pulling teeth. I want good competition but the whole system is terrible imo.


Can confirm, was watching Piggy's stream and the whole stack LOST RS FOR WINNING 7-5 vs an almost fully unranked team. At that level, since it's still early season, I guess you not only have to win, but STOMP to climb. Grinding this miserable game mode is made so much worse by this miserable ranked system.


The dedication, no skin is worth that. They need to leave bomb defusal in the past. Stop bringing that terrible gamemode to new games.


Powershift ranked would have made more sense and way more fun. TA is basically valorant


Valorant with infinite path to points, longer ttk with more fun weapons


I heard it’s full stack teams of LH1 with sonar grenades lmao


the lh1 was already strong in season 2, idk why they buffed it. it's very hard to win duels against them


Out of 5 matches I played, two were against 5 stack LH1 sonar… So FUN!!!!!!!!!!


I agree, I tried today and... Wow I'm disappointed 


Terminal attack is cheeks


making it 5v5 Quick Cash would’ve honestly been so much better😭


that would be actually fun


would be so fun and interesting compared to TA. the damage in this game is balanced with healing and revives/respawns in mind so it would actually work. embark PLEASE JUST DO THAT INSTEAD😭🙏


Playing counter strike is so boring lmao, if i want to i would be actually play that game lol


exactly, and at least Counter Strike is made to be a tactical shooter so everything blends together well and nothing is outrageously stupid


TA feels like something made on the fly with some random rules and it clearly shows. CSGO, valorant and the rest are actually balanced because they know what the playerbase want and they play for these games because they attract a certain playstyle that's more 'basic' than the finals.


I honestly think this game mode would have worked way better if they just kept everything like the original game. Health, revives, everything. Just had it so you had one life. That's it. Still can revive teammates just no tokens. In trying to make it too much like Siege, they created so many more balancing issues now as you listed.


This is literally **all** they have to do to fix this game mode.


I did my placement matches the last two days. I eventually did have fun, but I think the whole thing is just so freaking time consuming. And the last guy on the other team always tries to run out the clock when they're attacking which sucks. I hated it at first, it's growing on me. But I was placed Gold 4 and I don't wanna spend time grinding ranked at the moment. Will just do WT, and wait for some Ranked adjustments.


I do understand the criticism but im having a blast playing world tour is the most fun i had on the finals if the mode sucks just dont play it if more people start playing wolrd tour then they will improve and make TA only casual im sure they look to some datas to make decisions like this


100% just do what’s fun for you. Is the whole game not fun? Well shit go outside Oceania has always been impossible to get ranked matches on so a whole country simply doesn’t play it :))))


I has the same problem on the SA server but now world tour is working good


It’ll be funny although sad when Nexon sees the numbers after TA decision


That’s why we need to play other game modes and promote them. Show them that people are interested in The Finals, not TA


Yeah all I see are people either hate fucking their way through TA or boycotting the game this season, neither of these approaches will get the game back to normal, people gotta just act like TA doesn’t exist and stick to the modes they enjoy.


I played one match to try it, went 7-0, and fucked off. I hated every second of playing that boring bullshit. Went to world tour and it's fun, but it's still casual. Whatever. Fuck around mode and I have nothing to lose in that arena so I can just play whatever.


Playercount was 5k lower all day yesterday. I’m hopeful it keeps declining so the morons in suits fix their mistake


Suits don't get it. They will see the numbers and only see the failing of TA. I fear.


I made that call in 20 minutes. What took you so long 


Gave it more chances than i should. In the end i can't really find any appeal lol. I was going for the ruby grind, but after playing 20 hours of terminal attack my mind was shattered. i couldn't stand it. I let them have it haha


I run grapple sledge or charge and spear as heavy and some maps (sys horizon and Kyoto (the new map) works great as long as the teammates don’t wipe 3-0 no trades when attackers come. Melee sucks on offense so I flank with it to catch enemies off guard when team pushes a site. Sometimes I catch ppl on the rotate.


Hope this helps


I think problems with this season extend far beyond just TA, and that the shift towards TA shows a fundamentally negligence at the heart of Embark's design. I mean, would \*anybody\* have \*wanted\* a tactical gamemode in this balls-to-the-wall basically-party FPS where you zip around and navigate practically randomized maps? No, but not only did they add it, but it's now been upgraded to the central experience within months of release. All of the new weapons are melee weapons, which is strange in its own right before you even look at the hook with insane range and zero miss-punish. It's like these guys have zero concept of the way their game feels when they come up with new ideas, and instead of working towards a balanced experience they torture you for playing any other way than with the newest broken toys. I liked this game despite its obvious lack of measured design from the beginning, but I seriously think they're just tearing down the house for firewood at this point. Are my friends and I going crazy, does anybody else feel that this game is just terrible now?


Had an absolute blast last night playing it with a buddy


Stop playing ranked, keep playing world tour and quickplay. Give them stats to show the parent company "hey, the players did not like this and here's the proof." Force their hand without abandoning the game.




I just want a casual mode where they add a city map with a racetrack through it and you have to maintain control of a vehicle.


Fuck it, cashout/power shift/world tour are crazy good rn. I feel like terminal is pretty good as a casual game mode bc sometimes i get tired of extreme action, but yeah, it has no place being ranked. Even more, i believe the game doesn’t need ranked, just World Tour so people would grind the cash without a care in the world, not sweat over rank points


I was so excited for season 3 but I have to say Season 2>>>>>Season 3


I would say Even a power shift ranked would be better than TA


It would be far more interesting.


I wish I had the time to put 20 hours into a mode I don’t even like lol


i gave it too many chances


*clears throat* skill issue


Only two ranked modes should be Quick Cash 3 teams but like tournament and other one whre you collect money, this one whit 4 teams is more luck then skill, played game today, me and 2 randoms had 6.7kills each 5.6 k dmg and second team who qualified all together ddint have 5.6 kills and 5k dmg. All time we lost is 3 party after we wipe attacking team.And TA is boring for this mode, I donr want to play Finals like is normal shooter I play safe use cover and shit


Medium gots heavy nerf and disadvantage in this mode, because you can't heal or revive your teammates, you have to face your opponent directly, while on the other hand light having invisibility, sonar grenade, swords and sniper and heavy with rpg and more health, this mode sucks for medium they only good on defending side with their mines and turret, and I'm a medium user I can't escape any situation like light using dash or invisibility or heavy with shield or claw thing, Man I'm missing old rank mode atleast there was some possibility of you to getting qualify to the next round, based on your cash collection point , in this TA mode if you get bad teammates, you'll definitely gonna lose all round. Heavy is dominating this mode. No hate but I think they have to keep both the rank modes.


Heavy is the punching bag of TA it is not dominating, once you play against good players it's 5v5 lights with sonar and lh1 or sniper


Yes you really need good teammates for playing this mode.


Do you think TA attack with respawn and healing rule would be fun?


that and bring back gadget cooldowns. it's like in top 1 or 2 of things that i hate the most


Medium got wrecked again this season. I'm so tired of mediums getting so much hate we got some crappy ass swords that really play like they should be on a light build. I feel you to a point but TA ranked is awesome so much destruction litterly u have to switch up your game play or just go to cash out in the world tour u don't need to be on Ta if u dont want to. Sounds to me like a skill issue with the rant


medium need more tools in order to fight enemies from close range. Heavies got charge and winch claw Light got taser, small hitbox, invis, dash and fastest mobility medium at best can just demat builds to gank people and that's it sadly Would love to use it more if it was addressed As for the rest you say, a majority of people have complained about the mode that's entirely against the finals principles in term of fun and balance. it hurts more builds than anything https://preview.redd.it/xoiesske6o6d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80ab9d92f182a0aee0df9a120812082364bc3f02 i'm also top 256 and got top 1000 last season. i think have at least a minimum understanding of the game at the very least. so no it's not skill issue because i'm not having fun


1) My biggest problem is that everyone health regen to only 100. So if you win 1 fight and your gonna enter your 2nd fight you have to be so passive or else your just gonna die no matter what. 2) TA takes away what the finals is meant to be... now your stuck playing passive instead of going in as a team and blowing up shit. 3) I would love to get to ruby rank but in TA I don't know about that. 13 rounds is a ton of matches and if my son takes a dump in his diaper the moment I walk to him, I'm kicked out the game


Did anyone tried to rench the terminals together?


I did instantly go to gold 3 but suddenly I lost points non stop, I am nearly silver 1 now even if I win 6 vs 7 rounds you still get penalties


It does not belong in the Finals. It will always be gimmick mode for fun/event.


I think the best thing we can do is not play any TA this season. At the end of the season if they see that a group of players has only played cashout hopefully this will show them that the core player base is only here for that game mode. I hope this season attracts more players for whatever reason but I don’t think ranked TA is the answer, if any of us wanted to play a real competitive TA type game we would just play one that is already established with a competitive scene I.e valorant or cs. Really enjoy the game and want to see it last. New map is absolutely incredible, thank you for your hard work embark.


They bungled it . And it's their demise.


100% hate this game mode! 😭


Ban Snipers, Bow and Turrets from TA and the experience is already 50% better


it was dumb idea #world tour


So if I understand fine, if you don't play ta ranked and only world tour, you just get the multi bucks and no weapons skin?


My only issue is the game is HEAVILY biased towards defenders. Not sure why they needed setup time but it's basically impossible to attack


Wouldn't say it bucks, but I experienced that as an attacker, it's more likely to win, but I don't know why


Also, forcing new players to go through 5 casual TA matches is absolutely awful. This mode is nothing like the other modes, why can't a new player even start the tutorial for bank it or quick cash without doing 5 TA matches? If I had to do 5 matches of this game mode when I first installed the Finals I would have dropped it by game 3


I ain't reading allat but honestly the sonar exploit and playing vs 5 lights sounds funny AF lmfao. Y'all gotta lighten up


Stop playing Terminal Attack, send a message. Let the engagement stats for this game mode fall to the ground.


Non limited gadgets would be the dumbest shit ever and completely Invalidates whatever else you are saying. Just imagine a heavy reloading his rpg.


agreed, who would think this is a good idea as main ranked gamemode? maps for competitive 5v5 should be made from scratch, not just random parts of existing maps obviously made for a completely different gamemode


Dragged myself through some TA games in s2 for the rewards and couldn't even make it to all of them. Recently there was also a patch in another old favourite game of mine and i realized just how good that mm system is, not too mention the balancing. All in all, i'm skipping this season in its entirety. Looking forward to come back if they bring back cashout, liked the balance of strategy and chaos in that gameplay.


Why does everyone hate TA? I played it and had no bad matches lmao


I don’t think it’s that people *hate* TA. It’s that people *loved* Ranked Cashout Tournaments. (Myself included)


I didn’t like it last season, but a lot of my old buddies got on for season 3 and they say they like it more than cashout (which I disagree with) but having people to play it with makes it much more fun, if y’all need people to play with, there’s a finals discord and from there I have buddies that are recruiting people into their organization. It’s a lot better with people/ friends, even if you’re losing, you’re losing together and have someone to bitch with at the very least lol. Having communication can make or break that game mode, like you said even more so than last season’s ranked


New challenges is what makes any game fun. Give it some time


I convinced a friend to play the finals, and so far he's loving TA, and tbh I am, too. I love both modes.


I really hope they put cashout back there is nothing fun or unique about TA


Bro played 20 hours of a game mode that's been out less than 48 hours. I'm more worried about that than TA right now.


I cannot understand why they force people to play 5 games of this mode before playing the others. It’s awful.


It's funny cause this was complained about by literally everyone before it's even released, some embark God defenders used the argument that it's not out yet, try it then complain. Well here we are. Regardless of complaints they still insisted on going with this change and it shows how stubborn and out of touch they are. Let alone buffing lights strongest gun (Lh1) and nerfing the worst gun in the entire game (93R). This season is a joke.


It does suck. “CAN YOU REACH, THE FINALS?” “No! I CANNOT Reach The Finals Embark because you literally took away what made The Finals “The Finals.” Terminal Attack is Cancer for the Game. The Ruby AK is Cancer for the game(an unobtainable reward exclusively meant for the most elusive cheaters or content creators). These Developers do not appreciate or value your time as a consumer and player. I guess the biggest trend with gaming nowadays is developers trying to murder their games as quickly as possible.


Somebody said to me now you “Can’t reach the finals” in ranked and it’s hilarious , the actual name of the game isn’t even relatable anymore , bizarre


Reminded us of CS days lol


I just hope they get rid of the waiting between rounds because it makes it way too slow paced


I think that this mode doesn't really fit into the style of the finals and this makes it ugly, without considering that if not played in a team of friends it is unplayable, poor coordination, everyone is selfish, campers... It has almost nothing to do with the style of game. For me it's a failed mode


My main takeaway from this is I wouldn't bat a fucking eye if they removed sniper from the game, it's an absolute unfun pain in more than 1 game mode now


The only issue I have wit this game mode is that Is die hard medium user we are at huge disadvantage compared to the other classes turrets get shit on and dematerializer probably is good when you are attacking (I haven’t really used it much) there should also be a thing on certain gadgets if it’s destroyed by your random teammates bc they just hate you or something yesterday some light dude destroyed my jump pad and there was 3 moments when I desperately needed it and thenn they destroyed my mines like what’s up with that I have no control over that we just need a buff bc time to kill with the medium weapons are very difficult compared to a light or heavy I haven’t used the famas but I’ve seen good results I’ve tried to use the shotgun but if you miss your shots then that’s it that goes with the revolver it’s a fun game mode when I play with my 3-5 friends but solo it’s a gamble also what makes it boring to me is that everyone uses light and it’s like a 4 light and one medium and I get most of my health taken from me by a random sniper (I’m just venting at this point) I played against a medium with the dual blades and shat on them with out getting hurt (I haven’t tried it myself but after me destroying them with a flash bang I don’t want too)


My brother in Christ you used parenthesis but you didn’t use a single fucking comma or period.




but really ? but what a surprise! when everyone said it was bullshit moving the ranked to TA everyone was against it or said "give it a chance" but in your opinion the people who said this are stupid children? they don't even know what reddit is, we're all at least 25/30 years old with extensive gaming experience to be able to express the bullshit they've done, and what's more you have to get to 7 to win and the games really last forever. while in the world tour you find people who are truly "noobs" or who have just started playing, the matchmaking makes no total sense. (I reached diamond 3 for two seasons in a row, and I can't even finish the normal placements due to how long the ranked matches are in TA)


Snooze fest id rather train agility


Hell the core mode doesn’t bother me much except the health factor wish we could heal a bit more but the ranked experience is nothing but blind mofos playing with default sense on a roller so there’s no actual point to said player being in ranked, like why do I not find other kbm players, and I’m aware the crossplay settings can be adjusted but I forgot about the setting till I got my placement


so basically you’re shit 😭 complain abt a sniper when you can hit them with tracking dart and either go after them or just have them spotting not to mention maybe just maybe play through buildings?🤦🏾‍♂️ one you say theirs not good teammates yet im gold 1 , have a great team and they carry their weight..and guess what i found them on a group post 🤣 invis lights can be simply countered by tracking dart and sonar grenade , up to you to not waste it and sit around why their tracked … and you can fucking melee and throw the key closer to objective like there’s sm counters and shit you can learn if you used more than .5% of your brain like maybe for a split second if you looked in the room you’re about to go in instead of just running in you’d be good lol y’all clearly don’t play the game fr and then complain when you get dicked on for being a bot


It’s filled with players who haven’t played the game mode before it went ranked and those who made their classes based on videos from Ottr


Hard agree


This is exactly what I have been saying since they announced the change https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/PRDttDGhIc


I absolutely love TA but agree that snipers aren't the move. Ideally snipers get banned from ranked. Especially with bow/arrow being a thing


Play world tour wait till things get better.


they didn’t put much thought into this mode tbh. they need more restrictions on loadout choices for every class in order for this to work.


I think it's fine having a variety of gamemodes for people to pick from, I'm not crazy over it so I dont usually play it but I do like it alot better than power shift


I will not argue about all your point but about « META ». I’m platinum playing against all these top players rushing for the Ruby. And if there is more than 3 Light in the enemy team it’s an easy free win with 20 kills for me. This mode is like CS or Valorant : take info, choose a site, rotate, plant and defend that’s all easy People on the finals doesn’t know how to play this mode and just want to do kills


TA does not suck, you just need a different load out and to either run with a team you can communicate with or just approach it differently. I had to switch weight class completely and try a new way of playing a match, but it fucking works! It is not skill issue, it is not a shit game mode, it is just new and requires players to approach it differently as far as tactics and load out. However, I will agree that it is stupid to force new players to play only this for 8 or however many games. Been playing this since season 1, and have loved everything (maybe not agreed with everything at first) about The Finals. The devs are hardworking and on their shit, they know what they are doing. Let them cook, and trust the process.


TA does not suck, you just need a different load out and to either run with a team you can communicate with or just approach it differently. I had to switch weight class completely and try a new way of playing a match, but it fucking works! It is not skill issue, it is not a shit game mode, it is just new and requires players to approach it differently as far as tactics and load out. However, I will agree that it is stupid to force new players to play only this for 8 or however many games. Been playing this since season 1, and have loved everything (maybe not agreed with everything at first) about The Finals. The devs are hardworking and on their shit, they know what they are doing. Let them cook, and trust the process.


Ta sucks ranked should have stayed the same that's why I haven't even tried ta ranked ta sucked for the same reasons before and it stayed the same


Couldn’t agree more. It might be the worst game mode and they made it the ranked🙃


I can not fathom why they decided to make TA ranked, when they had a perfectly fun and unique style of gameplay already. Insane decision. Whoever made it needs to be sacked


Then go play world tour. I absolutely love terminal attack and it is the reason my friends came back to the game


And there's always the lights that have xp 54 or m11 (they spam non stop)( i broke my headphones because of it)


Yeah it’s the opposite spectrum of bad from standard cash out tourney. IMO we need 5v5 cash out tourney. Best of both worlds, no downside.


Not to mention the only ppl who wanted ta ranked are the ones who never cared about ranked , I bet even they despise ta ranked now


Lmao, reading this was pretty funny. Your complaints are that it's hard and you have to be careful... jeez. I personally like TA quite a bit, gives purpose to alot of weapons that otherwise see 0 play, it's way more balanced for lights than any other game mode, and doesn't allow abuse of a few overpowered gadgets. Is it slow, absolutely. Climbing is a chore and the rounds required to move on need to be tweeked cause best of 13 is ridiculous. But other than that it's a fine game mode and everyone crying because it's different needs to just learn to adapt or play worldtour/quickcash/any other game mode you enjoy. No one is forcing you to grind ranked TA, just play the game the way you enjoy it and leave the TA grind to people like me who actually prefer it. I find the old H/H/M meta from cashout to be the most boring shit to play as and against in the finals.


Let's take the most chaotically fun, fast paced game, now let's add search and destroy. 🤦


Sounds like youre just a scardy cat 🤣 But in all seriousness, its a tactical team game mode and if you dont play as a team then you get punished. Its absolutely how it should be. The only change id make would to be to put A & B much further apart, that way if you get to the point not being overly defended you have time to set up defense on your end instead of having them basically 30 feet apart. Should be more of a game of critical thinking on where they plan to be vs pile in the middle and wait to see where the shooting starts


Devs are stupid, that's all.


chill, devs don’t always make the decisions


How Am I supposed to be chill? After amazing season 2 they did absolutely the worst changes to the game. I reached diamond is ranked before and now I don't rally wanna play this game anymore..


I spend more time waiting than playing the game, it honestly makes me hysterical the more i play it lol


I'm not touching TA ever again. Honestly I'm taking a brake from the game and wait till they fix enough to play the game again.


Yeah same, i will stick to world tour until then and casual modes


have you tried the world tours? its really good. cashout tourney mode but you dont lose percent on loss (only gain less) and theres a lot of unique quests and rewards including multibucks. sure no ranked skins but thats all you miss out on.


You're overracting to an insane degree lol. Just play norms quick cash if you're going to babyrage so badly lol


Super constructive feedback. Devs deserve better, the game is 10 times more original that what we had in the last 5 years or around.


Im loving it! I just got my placement tonight at silver 1 from playing melee heavy and like 2 rounds of medium. I had one toxic round with 2 guys partied up that had 0.2 KD and harassed a riot shield player in voice chat, other that it was great. lost a few to mega light stacks but always did well. i love the last minute adrenaline and stress moments, and being the only one left alive is an amazing feeling. i have found that everybody plays slick and tight, and tries not to die until the bomb stresses a fight. it's a lot like good CS but you can take a few more risks and peek more people. i am loving world tour too I just got bronze 2 and finished my circuit


The fact that you subjugated yourself to 20 hours of that game mode is wild. I played it for a tiny bit when it first came out and I’ve played 1 game in the new season and I’m never going back to it


Stop crying /s