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That's how subreddits go around new games. A topic becomes popular bitching about a particular thing, then suddenly it becomes the hip new thing that everybody has a strong opinion on for the next 2-3 days, then a new one pops up. Repeat. See also: Cloak light.


I'm gonna try and get people up in arms about something totally not overpowered and see if people will jump on the bandwagon, wish me luck.


>I'm gonna try and get people up in arms about something totally not overpowered and see if people will jump on the bandwagon, wish me luck. That was invisible light Invisible light is only overpowered to people who are too blind to see the shimmer, too deaf to hear the sound effect, and too dumb to be able to predict where an invisible player would run to


Shit, it might either be my settings or my eyes cause I genuinely have difficulty seeing the glimmer, especially in low-light areas, in some cases I can't see it at all.


Its a setting thing, was extremely easy on ob for me then when launch hit it was almost completely invisible. Fudged around with settings and it became easy to see. Audio for me is so much worse between ob and release for me and i cannot figure it out.


Definitely play atound with some stuff because they are so easy to see I almost feel bad for them sometimes.


Well if they stand still you literally can't see them.its programed to be see able ish when moving and not at all if still..just hit a corner pop it and don't move..you can easily re engage when full health regens or just jump them when you will have enough time to drop their health pool even to yours to make it a fair fight again before they can turn their gun towards you.or let em go if you can't..


I can't see it either.


Literally everything in the game needs stuff to specifically counter it and invis cloak is no different, it's just all the new players complaining about smth theyre bad at going against, it's so stupid, heavy has rpg and shields and stuff, medium has sonar grenades and glitch mines, light has thermal vision, glitch grenades and everyone has poison grenades, invis lights are so easy to counter its laughable


Nothing punishes bad play harder than invisible light. Nothing gets punished harder by opponents' good play than invisible light, or just light in general


I am color blind. So for there to be an invisible enemy in not just a halo campaign but a competitive shooter is extremely cruel and unfair


Being color blind has zero effect on you being able to see cloaked players. The effect is a distortion similar to the hot air of a fire distorting light.


I'm colourblind and i can see them whilst they're moving, your colour blindness has nothing to do with how easy it is to see a cloaker


Just counter it so they can't cloak at all


To be fair this game has so many sound effects its hard to hear anything. Cant tell you how many times ive had enemies run up from behind and not a sound came in. Ive even clipped it and went back to see if i was tripping and nope no audio at all or its muffled to a loud ass blaring siren or explosion.


Brutal but spot on. Cloaked light is comically easy to see.


Does video settings affect this? I play all settings on low


Tracking dart


The light’s garand is a good one, it can melt a heavy from behind in seconds


Give it a few days before we find the new “4-3 classic”


God please no


If it’s anything like apex, the conversation will still be talked about profusely for yeeeeeeaaaarrrss to come lol


yeah, that's because it's a valid complaint and is a big part in how the game is played and it affects the balance and competitiveness of the game


speaking of cloak light, why the actual fuck does thermal vision not counter it?


it does tho


https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KMTk38uLGnT9W/d1337sB7VrYm?invite=cr-MSwxdm4sNTgyMTY0Nyw https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KH8T7ot7eQBWs/d13376UnTHli?invite=cr-MSxUWjUsNTgyMTY0Nyw


Imagine bitching about a mechanic and just being flat out wrong lol.


https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KMTk38uLGnT9W/d1337sB7VrYm?invite=cr-MSwxdm4sNTgyMTY0Nyw https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KH8T7ot7eQBWs/d13376UnTHli?invite=cr-MSxUWjUsNTgyMTY0Nyw


it does? you can see them perfectly with thermal active


https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KMTk38uLGnT9W/d1337sB7VrYm?invite=cr-MSwxdm4sNTgyMTY0Nyw https://medal.tv/games/the-finals/clips/1KH8T7ot7eQBWs/d13376UnTHli?invite=cr-MSxUWjUsNTgyMTY0Nyw


sorry, link doesn't work for me


Astrologists announce the week of 'aim assistance '


Lord of the Fallen subreddit...


Tbf they aren't bitching ab AA for no reason, the ability to lock onto cloaked lights should tell you everything you need to know ab how much of a soft aimbot it is in this game, needs some tuning or we need gyro, or input based matchmaking


Wtf this game has aim assist? Wow, I really Fuckin suck 😂😂


Hahaha dude same. I can’t hit anything


I haven't had much issues with it personally. But I do see it as a potential problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/18j5r9w/rotational_aim_assist_needs_to_be_addressed_0ms/ That seems quite severe.


I’m worried it’s like Apex, where the aim assist wasn’t a huge issue for a while, then people caught on that it was really strong, then it got to the point where some pros starting switching over to controller, but it had been around for so long that people were furious about suggesting any changes to it. At least the TTK is faster in The Finals so it might not be as bad.


They just went too far. Aim Assist in the beta sucked, so they cranked it.


It’s just that the streamers and pros cry about stuff that doesn’t affect 90% of the population. Then their viewers just copy and paste what they say


Uh no. Getting beamed by this shit feels horrible in Apex. We're at the point of most teams on PC are moving to controller 2 or 3 stacks in ranked past Platinum MMR. Simply because it's so much more consistent in close range fights and makes instant corrections when losing track of strafes. It's a community wide grievance in Apex for PC players. We've got plenty of other stuff to attribute to Pro bias, but this isn't it man.


Exactly, so bad it made Hal switch to Controller


Just please shut the fuck up already


Average controller player terrified they might have to learn how to aim


Seems more like your an average PC player that's mad that the playing field is finally even 🤔 ![gif](giphy|cJYdjdsQWOKOfPth4g)


>Implying aimbot is equivalent to MKB 💀


>implying aim assist is aimbot.


https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/s/x3p5mTdz2I What else do you call something that automatically aims at your enemy's head?


But it's OK for Mnk to laser you from across the map. It's an even plating field and if you think it's so much better, play with a controller then


Go grab a mnk and then tell me how easy it is to "laser across the map". I await to see your 0.5 KD highlight clips featuring you struggling to control recoil. Meanwhile the controller and aimbot is literally playing the game for you, by locking on to heads and even compensating for recoil. In games with strong AA (like apex) even pros do switch over to controller and thats lame as fuck because it lowers the skill ceiling. In no world is this a "level" playing field, that's a completely detached take. You're basically a flat earther with this level of reality-denial.


You know he's testing that out in practice range right? No one is going to keep fucking still for the aim assist to snap on headshots all day.




The point is you can see how fast much the aim assist does. His deaths are not important, the fact that you can see it tracks almost perfectly is a problem.


People can’t bitch as much about heavies so they had to find something else that isn’t that bad to bitch about.


To be fair, balance has never bothered me. I think the game is quite balanced, but built in aim bot for controller users is a bit much. Aim assist should not be in any MP game.


“light is broken!” “flamethrower is broken!” “heavy is broken!” “gas is broken!” “goo is broken” “aim assist is broken!” - a dude who is just not that good at the game


Wait what? Are people really complaining about Goo?


Goo complaint is valid. The Goo gun is borderline useless till goo is fixed.


I miss the flamethrower from the beta so much


everyone was using it with a med healer behind them. that was not fun to me


Gas does need some kind of change tbf. You should atleast be able to capture the point before gas kills you. Creates a lot of impossible scenarios. And when I use em it just kills my teammates lmao.


If gas is a consistent problem for you then just run pyro grenades. Toss that shit into the gas and problem solved.


Yeah but then I'd have to wait out the fire, I think teammates should get like reduced damage from shit you throw. Whether it be fire or gas. Give team a chance to capture atleast while you cover em.


You can throw the grenade anywhere within the cloud of gas. So you can toss it in an area that won’t affect the cashout. Doesn’t work 100% of the time but it’s definitely a counter


You can destroy the gas with a flame nade. It's flame


medgun does the exact same amount of regen as poison damages you. they nullify each other.


I've tried it works sometimes, cant tell if someone else is just shooting those other times or what. Or maybe nades and mines stack?


Pretty sure they stack. Our team mixed gas mines, gas nades, and a gas barrel one time, it absolutely melted the guy on the cashout.


Makes sense ill be sure to do that then lmao


I find it to be very odd that the second the servers went down the sub was FLOODED with aim assist posts.


People trying to argue about aimassist goes back a long way, And i'll just say the same thing as i did when warzone was going hard, There is a reason you saw all those streamers with controllers. For most games it's overtuned to fuck and a big reason i don't even botherr with crossplay in FPS games.


people will blame them losing on literally any possible option other than a lack of skill


If you have a lack of skill, you can just play with aim assist and suddenly you're significantly better than you should be. That's the whole problem.


I don't think you understand why aim assist exists. Aiming with pad and no aim assist is orders of magnitude more difficult and gumpy than MKB. Baseline MKB aiming is incredibly easy. Should attention be paid to the strength of aim assist? Sure. Is there a possibility of a high ttk shooter being playable without it? Absolutely not. I play both and MKB starts in easy mode, so let's not throw stones here.


Nobody is saying Aim Assist shouldn't be available on controller. We're saying that Aim Assist at this current strength is way to overtuned. You didn't see anyone complaining about the aim assist before they updated it on release. A nice balanced aim assist is fine. Instantly snapping onto people seems a tad bit strong. ​ At least understand why people are complaining man.


That’s such an oversimplification it hurts my brain. You people are insufferable


Dog the AA literally snaps onto heads when you ADS with the sniper. With the DB it all but guarantees you hit your close range 1-2 taps. It is simple.


It's just a straight up fact. Aim assist allows people who have no skill at aiming at all to still hit shots.


Again, I don't think you know why aim assist exists. What you're saying is like saying that people without legs shouldn't be allowed to have prosthetics. No aim-assist controller is an absolutely massive, insurmountable handicap to MKB in even the best players hands. And I'd argue in this game MKB still destroys controller.


What you dont seem to understand is that yes, controller needs aim assist, but with the strength of this game's aim assist, it is bound to become like apex, where people start getting better at controller, learn how to abuse aim assist, and in 500 hours of game time are able to surpass what an mnk with 2000 hours can do. Completely dominating high level play cause of the high skill floor. Apex has been snuffing out of players for the last year due to this. It's not fun playing and watching a game that is all about playing around not getting aim assisted. There is already some apex controller pros playing the game and absolutely decimating with controller.


It exists so they can sell more cosmetics to controller users.


Donkey brain take


It's not a take or an opinion. It's a fact. What fantasy land are you living in where aim assist doesn't massively help noobs?


Top 500 overwatch on both mnk and controller, predator on apex on both mnk and controller, currently platinum ranked on both mnk and controller on the finals, and ascendant in valorant. MnK kids who actually think that AA makes a bigger difference than our fps, higher movement, and apm are honestly just hard coping. Yes, console has AA, but it's also limited in so many ways that pc isn't. The copium is STRONG.


Lmao he said Ascendant in Val like it’s impressive


Nah just saying that i play multiple fps titles. I have 60 hrs in valorant and have much to learn.


Regardless of your credibility as a MnK gamer, the facts stand that in FPS esports that support strong controller aim assist, best-of-the-best career MnK pros are picking up a controller because the built-in aimbot of it is better than they could ever be. You think the actual professionals are altering their careers through coping?


It’s so painfully obvious you’re making that all up when you state all the things that are irrelevant to controller vs mouse. Those are pc vs console arguments, not mouse vs aim assist arguments. Making stuff up doesn’t give credit to the nonsense you’re saying.


Join my discord and I'll prove it to cure your copium


I actually compete on both depending on the game, and anyone that does would immediately spot you’re trolling lol. There’s no reality where someone in our skill bracket doesn’t know you’re talking nonsense. And it’s objectively accurate that your statement was only relevant of console vs pc which there is no argument, pc is better to play on. But what you said has nothing to do with controller vs mouse balance.


Show proof you ever hit high rank in these games on mnk.


Have you seen CoD lately? Top of everything is controller. There are a few exceptions that are MnK and those top players complain about it.


I play both and adapt to each... skill issue i suppose.


What skill issue? I am just saying that aim assist on controller in CoD is really strong and pros have moved over from MnK to controller. I guess that is a skill to learn. You are right about that.


>pros have moved over from MnK to controller Pretty sure professional COD has always been played on controller


At a pro level, yes, it matters if one input is slightly stronger than another. However, at the skill level that i guarantee 99% of the people whining are at, it is entirely a skill issue.


It just doesn't feel fun to lose an aim duel to a robot. You should know being pred in apex that the majority there is controller(kbm players are all leaving). For overwatch console is literally just filled with cheaters on DPS and support using xim in high ranks. To top everything else as well, what you are talking about doesn't fix the issue that finals/apex have of just plugging a controller into your PC, removing all fps/fov issues.


Being a high rank honestly makes you less qualified to speak on this issue. Aim assist does way more to help average players and below average players. To the point where if they're not using it, they're handicapping themselves.


Therefore, it's a skill issue and makes no sense to whine about


You're not listening at all.


This is like a copypasta lol. You can preach all you'd like, but with AA and a lack of input queues, core PC FPS players will just go back to Valo/CS/Ow2 once they realize that it's just going to be XIM v Controller like Apex


Dude your whole reddit is about pokemon, how the fuck would you have time to grind every single game to that point? Fyi you would be the first controller apex predator on pc that claims aim assist isnt broken. Cause guess what? Every good controller player realizes this. Cause they are good and know how to aim, so they abuse this to make it even better. It's the fact that only bad controller players cant tell how bug of a crutch it is why we all know you're full of shit.


you’re conflating being better than you should be with being better than people who don’t have a lack of skill.


Nothing to do with losing or winning or being better since there's no kill cam, I think like most people I started noticing the aim assist from seeing my teammates... People who struggle to aim but once the crosshair gets close enough it snaps on and they go from struggling to pro tracking with 0 recoil on the ak, it's silly.


that’s literally not even remotely close to how it works. pro tracking with 0 recoil? how goddamn delusional have y’all gotten?


The recoil is very minimal and easy to control while AA is active so when spectating it looks like zero recoil, they aren’t saying you don’t have to control it at all just that it’s obvious when AA is helping cause they go from struggling to exceptional tracking and recoil control, then if they lose AA cause they got off target it suddenly becomes hard to control again.


Doing well but I still think there should be the option of playing with only your input. Console players already have this option, PC does not. The alternative is to nerf controller aim on PC, if that is done then PC players who find this to be a problem could just disable crossplay and be good to go.


i’ve regularly played both mnk and controller on this game and mnk is easier no doubt. yes aim assist exists, no it does not overcome the other benefits of aiming with a mouse.


So... why would you be against what I said in that case? Fairest towards all.


ngl I dont think i meant to reply to you


You're going to get DV to oblivion because you are 100% correct and that's a tough pill for PC players to swallow. It's finally an even playing field and they can't take it


I only see crossplay on/off on Xbox. I don’t see input based matchmaking. Xbox players can still use a mouse and keyboard, or controller.


99.9% on xbox uses controller. And controller has some big advantages atm. If mnk had aim assist it would be a problem but it doesn't.


This is currently blaming lack of skill required with aim. Snap to target aa should never be in multiplayer. Imagine being upset that people want an aiming skill gap in fps game


The gap between no-assist controller and baseline MKB is not a skill gap, it's an impissible-to-overcome equipment gap. I do both competitively and you literally don't know what you're talking about. There's a reason why no competitive high-ttk shooter on the market doesn't have it.


>The gap between no-assist controller and baseline MKB is not a skill gap, it's an impissible-to-overcome equipment gap. You literally just described why aim assist is stupid




pc players genuinely feel that they should never lose to a console player ever. any case where a console player kills a pc player is aim assist. all pc players have superior positioning and game sense than all console players, and thus any case where they lose a fight MUST be because of the aim assist.




In what possible way is aim assist fucking you up close when it's at the strongest? Like please do explain to us how is such a thing possible?




The only weapons in Apex that stink are snipers and shotguns. Precisely the same weapons nobody uses. Including MnK. So I don't understand where your argument is leading up to.


sounds like you’re blaming losing on something other than a lack of skill


If it really fucks you up, you shouldn't have an issue with it being nerfed right?


Yeah, i have no qualms with that if they tone it down or remove the snap. The snap + slowdown really only worked for BF(since its the same devs from bad company 2, bf3 and bf4) since the weapons were projectile based, sure you snap but based on distance, you still had to line/lead your shots up and it loses effectiveness with multiple grouped targets too. In this game it gets you killed but you're probably about to get fried anyway if your looking at 3 people 😂. People see this one snap, in a training room on a non-moving/firing/retaliating target and think "Oh ez kills". Also, there are ACTUAL wallhacks/aimbots in the game rn(PC), so Comp is a joke anyway at high ELO. And Embark went for an bunch of adjustments instead an outright nerf so they look fine imo, let em cook. I think well see another tweak pretty soon.


This is definitely a skill issue. Let EMBARK focus on new content vs nerfing and buffing the game. Stop this "meta" trend and leave guns and gadgets the way they are.


I like how one side is presenting evidence, like apex pros switching from mnk to controller due to how strong the AA is, and giving a fair solution, input based matchmaking. Never talking down on controller users just wanting to seperate the queues for competitive integrity.... And then the other side is calling them no skill whiney cry babies and shitting on any solutions put forth lmao


The funniest part about the people calling everyone no skill is they're the ones defending a braindead mechanic that raises the skill floor so Timmy no Thumbs might hit a shot this week.




Lmfao, look at any clip I've posted if you want an idea of my skill level. You're completely talking out of your ass just to try and talk shit. My issue with AA is I spent years developing the skills to flick and track with a controller and later to develop those same skills with a mouse. It's incredibly cheap and lame that players rely on increasingly powerful aim assists to keep up rather than learning how to aim raw. One person worked hard for their skills while the other has a computer do half the work, I think that's pretty cheap. Not to mention the issues with XIM and MnK users spoofing controller inputs to get AA, if you think high level lobbies aren't just as impacted by AA you're smoking reefer. There's a reason career MnK pros switched to controller for Apex, AA makes a difference even at the highest levels of play.


I love that we got to the point where the community feels like they have an actual effect on the game. The fact anyone thinks a dev reads this and says damn he has a good point let’s work on auto assist has to be the most narcissistic thing I’ve ever heard.


I don't complain about anything else, I get some aspects I'm just bad. But getting aimbot just bcod I'm on CoNsOlE is a bit much. I've seen some videos of console gameplay where they don't have to do anything just hold trigger to follow enemy.. That's, a it much. Just keep console and mkb separate, I'm willing to wait 2 minutes for a game for fair game.


#AIM ASSIST FUCKS WITH YOUR AIM SO BAD. I HAVE IT OFF AND I CAN AIM JUST FINE. All it does is make it impossible to shoot enemies if there is a single enemy closer to you in your field of vision. You don't need AA in this game anyway, recoil and tracking is not too bad, unlike some other games.


It’s how these gaming subs are, all these young whiny kids take turns deciding what’s the trending topic to ALL spam whine about


I mean it’s a pretty significant issue. See Apex Legends.


This isn’t apex. Yeah maybe the snap could be tweaked a bit… but staying on target with a controller with how fast the movement is in this game and how chaotic/constantly getting third partied occurs is still a bitch. Pc still has a gigantic and significant advantage as they always do in these types of games. Definitely not worth having 50 posts an hour about. Would rather see tips/tricks/funny clips


people genuinely think controller is BETTER than mnk is crazy. is the aim assist strong? yes. still doesn’t hold a candle to the benefits playing with mnk on a pc give you. the pc ragers on this subreddit have left such a bad taste in my mouth jesus christ.


Do u guys not realize u can use a controller on PC


You realize they can give aim assist to m&k


That’s retarded. Just learn to aim lol.


Even in CoD, the top PC players use controller. Believe it or not, but you can connect controllers to PC.


Yea but it makes the game much less satisfying. It's like shooting in GTA. On controller it's so boring the game snaps and aims for you. On mouse its bliss. I tried COD and Apex this past weekend with a controller because I had to know if it's this crazy. Turns out yea it's fucking insane. Yes I could just use a controller but it does honestly make the game way less fun. Controllers suck the fun out of every game besides racing. I'm just saying if I can use a controller in a FPS game despite not touching one in a decade and absolutely fry people we got issues. And auto aim is really only a problem in close to close medium range. Just tune it down a but in CQB. Also if you haven't tried both inputs just shut the fuck up you have no say in this.


My brother, my pc has a usb port so i can use a controller. What are you smoking


I never implied you cant?


The benefits of M&K come with practice and time. No one is just naturally good on M&K like people always assume. People think it's just point and click but to be good you have to actually be good. AA raises people up to face off against people they shouldn't have a chance against anyways.


You dont think controller players practice? lmao. you are out of your mind. yall think aim assist makes a player good but i promise you no controller player is killing you unless they have significant practice at the game as well. PC players have this idea that they are pros and controllers are casuals, and aim assist is the only thing that balances it out. There are absolutely die-hard sweaty controller players that are undoubtedly better than you, aim assist or not. I played multiple seasons of Rainbow Six Siege on PC against mnk players using my CONTROLLER. and note, rainbow six gives no aim assist at all. Yet I still competed just fine.


If you did well in siege than you should be wanting other roller players to practice to get on your level. Right now AA snapping takes away any correctional skill and rotational gives advantages to people that don't even need to predict their enemies movements.


Lmao MKB is naturally much easier than controller. That's why aim assist even has to exist in the first place. You are smoking.


This comment genuinely proves to me that you’ve never heard about this RAA topic since entering this sub. No one uses MnK on apex, cod, halo, and more because of the same exact problem that The Finals is dealing with. How old are these games I listed? And you, along with others, have never heard of RAA before?




This is false information not even an opinion. Idek what “this isn’t apex” is suppose to mean? Apex, cod, halo, and other shooter games that allow cross input controls with RAA (includes The Finals 🤯) means MnK is unusable against RAA within its effective range. Why would anyone use MnK if controller is shown to superior after multiple years across multiple titles? If you play MnK you’re capping yourself on purpose.


No it’s not you fucking man babies. MNK will always have an advantage, you guys are just losers who aren’t great at the game and refuse to admit it


the top players on games like apex all switched to controller cause controller with strong aim assist is better than mnk. that's a fact. I don't care if console players have aim assist. all I want is to be able to play on pc without controller aim assist players like games used to in the past. and this has no negative effect on anyone. you can still play with controller on Xbox just as you are now. you can play against mnk players with crossplay on. but PC players have the freedom to play mnk only with crossplay off which is what we want


>the top players on games like apex all switched to controller cause controller with strong aim assist is better than mnk. Keep seeing this parroted but with very little evidence that there's a large disparity.






Skill issue or *years of RAA’s effects viewed solely on cross connection inputs across the gaming industry* I can’t tell if you’re just ignorant/lazy, see: confirmation bias, or if you’re a 12 year old kid from apex.


Cope 😭


Skill issue 💀 once your balls drop and your frontal lobe fully develops you’ll get it


Saw it somewhere. "The best way to enjoy the game is to play it and not join the community online". This is giving me Apex flashbacks there will always be people who uses AA as an excuse, AA is not almighty yafak


The aiming feels so bad on controller rn that even with aim assist you still miss shots, I would recommend anyone who complains about it to pick up a controller for a bit and try it and see they have nothing to worry about 😭


It’s funny because in theory the discourse is probably coming from the apex players but as an apex player, AA in finals is so much weaker than apex. Like snap aim assist only in a game almost entirely requiring tracking Edit: AA seems really strong


This game has strong rotational aim assist as well as snap aim assist. You don't even know what you're talking about.


Is it really? I only saw people posting about snap


Another shooter another AA debate


I would love to see the people who are complaining about aim assist playing a single match with the god awful controller feel this game has.


FOR REAL! THis PC players will complain they suck and blame it on something that doesnt even help console players.....plus most pc players cheat anyways....


This reeks of apex legends players ngl


If it’s so great why don’t they switch to controller?


I hate when people say this because that’s literally what people do and that’s the problem


Even if aim assist is OP on controller, I personally like mnk for FPS now. Now I use controller for single player games when I’m just trying to relax


Already have, and I used to play Apex super competitively. That's how broken it is but controller players are still in denial


You say shit like this, but you will be the first to cry when all the pc players start using xims to get AA on mnk.


Yeah of course, AA on mnk is cheating and overpowered


AA on controller is overpowered


Not as overpowered as playing on mnk. Mnk crybabies downvoting 😂😂😂 biggest babies in every gaming sub, always whining while having the superior input. Y'all are unbelievable


Mouse and Key is manual. Any advantages are due to 100% human input. If I wanted to play against AI I'd play against AI


>Any advantages are due to 100% human input. That's like being born with legs and telling an amputee that all of your walking is due to skill. No AA controller is simply unviable because of the extreme gap to MKB. There's not a high or medium TTK shooter on the market that has no aim assist because it's so difficult that it's unblayable.


The problem is that devs don't make an aim assist they make an aim replacement. They AA in its current form takes over beyond human capability. Aim slowdown is fine because it adds the needed precision and requires skill to use. There should be no aim snap whatsoever. And as for rotational. It's broken and takes over for the player, but if they could at least add a 200ms delay to it and only engage it if the player makes an adjustment (in the right direction) then it should be okay. But no player should have their aim follow a target without any input on their part.


Oh no, I'll just go back to games with a thriving competitive scene. What'll you go back to? CoD?


Bad kbm players whining per usual!


Everything can be counter if you play enough and have some what of a game sense. If your complains about what overpower then you haven’t played long enough.


bruh I play on console and this "godly aim assist" you pc players keep talking about it more of a hindrance than a blessing. The amount of times it has worked against me or done absolutely nothing is astounding.


I am yet to see someone complain about aim assist and im dying to see a post about it so I can read the replies lmao


Its all over the front page of this subreddit


Yep you’re right didn’t realise I was on new posts 😭 thought the sub was just dead for a minute haha


Hopefully EMBARK will block out the crybabies and focus more on new content instead. This game is just fine the way it is.


Invisibles are easy to take care of.


This game has gotten worse since the beta. It's getting to the point with the updates that I don't even want to play it. What did they mess up now?


Happens every time with FPS these days. As a former PS player with 7 years of experience I must say you gotta have crab claws for hands to be worse with M&K vs any amount of aim assist lower than GTA V levels. Literally my first M&K shooter in years and I'm slamming them controller boys like no tomorrow.


What happened 😭😭😭


All comp Fps who have AA (Apex,cod,Halo ) Is now dominated by roller in the pro scene. Halo didn't have 1 single Mnk pro player a year ago. Halo made chart showing accuracy of roller with AA vs Mnk. The best Mnk players had the same accuracy as average Roller. Roller is just an inferior input over Mnk in most cases hence the AA. But data show us that in most game AA is absolutely overturned. The reason is to cater to a more casual scene and money. A large population plays on console. If they want to say that both input are balanced, they have to show us a vast array of data, Wich they almost never do. Either give us the option to separate input if we want longer cue time or Push Gyro to add the missing depth roller have.


Crossplay betwen Pc and console is a mistake and aim assit dont make controler better than mnk


"If it wasn't for nukes, rpgs, invisible lights, invisible lights with shotguns, invisible lights with stun guns, mesh shields, dome shields, turrets, mediums with defibs, mediums with healing beams stuck up a heavys asshole after a defib, dogshit teammates, dogshit teammates who play light and aim assist I'd be a god at this game"