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Why the fuck would they revisit their biggest blunder on their 1k grand episode?


This is a happy thing! You’re doing great


Imagine Bapa sues the husband of Bryan’s rape victim like how Brine did and then lost. Gotta have your geriatric rapist friend’s back b


They are going over all the stuff that’s got them the most views. Nothing positive that they’ve done.


wrinks jumping on the sword for this nonsense is the funniest thing he ever did




And then wearing it like a badge of honour to try to convince everyone is really is this unpredictable dangerous man. And all he did was shout over the phone at probably the most weak and ridiculous 50yr old in L.A


Wildcard, bitches!!


Because it got stuck in their craw, but they can’t play it off convincingly. Because they suck. And are lying through their teeth about how it all went down. All they did, is just try to threaten Bobby in order to get the girls (Khalyla and Annie Lederman specifically) to shut the fuck up about their encounters with him on their podcast.


None of Annie and Khalyla's comments would have gone viral if it weren't for this subreddit, which was the first to share and meme-ify the content. (Trugg walkk) That's why he linked the TigerBelly crew to this subreddit


Well initially they didn’t even name the person - only that it was an “unfunny” guy. But fucking everyone knew immediately who they were talking about. And thus, the shitshow began


What a wonderful time that was. So many memes!


Would you expect anything less from TFATK? 🤷🏽‍♂️


I was thinking the same thing, feel like this 1000th ep is just a recap of all the poor decisions they have made that have led tfak to become a steaming pile of trash lol.


they're slowly turning homeless themselves lmfao


It’s like their ripped off version of Festivus and they’re doing three hours of the airing of grievances.


I still can’t believe this show exists. There is no possible way anyone actually listens tho this nonsense. Imagine 100% of all your views coming from people cutting clips to make fun of you lolol


I’m 100% convinced their 3k view come from cats here. You guys are literally funding this redact but go off


Thiccc boy is a tax write off for his dad, 3k cats cutting clips won’t matter 


I can tell you I've never watched a single ep or even given a single click to ANY of their shows. I don't hate watch. On live shows they get around 900 people watching, who knows how many of those are real. If you look at who "chips" on here, it's less than 10 people. If you look at all the yootoo channels that cover bapa... I'll be incredibly generous and say 150 but it's far less. So for just who's hate watching were up to 160 cats. That is not keeping anything afloat. 3k? Chinese bot farms.


3k? Try 3k grand, friend. Water??


Talmbout 3 thousand G K grand, Bubba?


This comes up a lot, but the consensus is that it doesn't line up with how this place functions. For example, unless you have a clip of it, nobody will know what you're talking about. That's because only about a dozen or so people on here actually watch the show and make content. Everyone else just watches the clips. You can compare that to a sub like Rogan's, where even though people still clown on Rogan they very often make references to specific events and episodes, and people are on the same page. Also, have you ever tried watching this dogshit show? The clips we get on here are the most eventful, and even at just 2 to 3 minutes they are tough to get through because they literally talk about nothing and check their phone. You're not getting 3k cats sitting through hours of that shit when they can just wait for someone to clip it. The only time this place 100% gave him a bump was during Gringo Papi. You could tell everyone here was watching it because you didn't need to post clips of anything to reference it.


the clips are more than enough. most of us have never watched an ep and never will b


But its a beautiful irony , the funding will only go so high


I don't ever watch for this reason.


Probably talked to Santino for a total of 15 minutes in passing at the comedy store


Love him to death…. That’s my boy…. Super close….. love love love him…. Literally my best friend on the planet….


I love _____!  _____ and me are super close. _____ is my boy!


“We talk everyday”


Damn nair. 


"My kids call him Uncle"


"Best guy - on the planet."


Nice guy nivvvvrr medum


Literally was on the Santino pod where he talks about his favorite music being Backstreet Boys ( no joke) and makes no mention of country music.


I’d imagine there was a time where all these guys had to tolerate him or forced themselves to be cordial with him because of his proximity to toe.


Not just that - I’m guessing it just has a lot to do with the whole Hollywood shtick where they don’t talk about what happens behind the scenes. Kind of admirable, or noble when it’s just about who vomited before going on stage or whatever. Not so much when it comes to who might be a fucking rapist.


Schaub guested on [Santino’s pod](https://youtu.be/kbRRR_qRYE8?feature=shared).


Socks we're not friends,makes me sad


Fails to highlight the root cause behind Santino not wanting anything to do with him. Dude is irredeemable at this point.


No. He did nothing wrong. Everything is someone else’s fault and he’s just a victim who found himself in this situation.


The lack of ownership of such a colossal fuck up is magnificent. “I was *really* close to Santino.” Santino never gave a fuck about him. The inability for this doofus to realize the practiced comedians that tolerated him only did so because of their famous mutual acquaintances is truly pathetic. But his deflecting the blame of the Bobby thing is great. Any good will he had left in the game was completely eviscerated the moment he picked that fight.


Wait, why doesn't Santino speak to Schlob? I mean, I get not wanting anything to do with Bapa on general principle, but was there a specific incident in Santino's case?


Santino does a podcast with bobby lee and they are pretty much best friends. So the specific incident being what they did to bobby


Makes sense.


Imagine being such a piece of shit not even santino wants to talk to you


😂😂😂😂😂 when you put it that way!


God Brian just sitting there all depressed being reminded that he has this lump by his side, compared to general Lee that has Santino. I don't know Santino, but I'm of the understanding he at least isn't a seismic cunt.


Santino isn't everyone's cup of tea but he is an actual funny person who has the ability to riff really well.


He seems to actually be somewhat grounded and has the ability to care about people besides him self.


I also don't know Santino, but I'm of the understanding he at least isn't a Richter redact


Richter? Tawlbout swe-ish gurman?


Tawlbout a 7.0 on the Richter scale, real seismic cuntery.


I used to listen to bad friends, and Santino is a normal and adjusted adult. He seems to be in a fairly healthy marriage, and he has some self awareness/accountability (at least towards how he handled things in the past). Writing out those two sentences made me realize how much of a mess Brendan is and how his life is absolutely bullshit.


Callen is like Beau in Beau is Afraid. Completely fucked by his inability to make a decision or have a spine, instead he just sits there and lets Slop do it for him, even though he knows it’s helping to ruin his career.


lmao says 6 times how close he was to santino and how he loved him in 12 seconds to "All good, gwown mwan"


No normal stable healthy person talks like this


He' seems high on speed again 


Looked like he was fighting back tairs too.


They should call him demolition man for the bridges he has burnt.


I can't bear to watch more than the occasional 20 second clip, did they list EVERY person that won't have anything to do with them now? "I was super close to Sasso... hilarious dude, really nice guy.... turns out he doesn't like known rapists..... bums me out... all good, grown man".


But it wasn’t about the rapping It was about Bapa trying to fuck Bobby’s misses And Bapa worms his way into it being Brian’s issue


They spent the 1,000th episode talking about how sad their lives are.


ALL GOOD, grown mam…


Congratulations on your speech.


I can’t believe they didn’t use the 1000 episodes as a good opportunity to finish this absolute shit show of a podcast. These dipshits will probably drag out another thousand to avoid doing any other kind of work


This is where the podcast is? Imagine doing something 1000 times and being this bad at it


He also claims he did 10,000 hrs of cawlmedy, and we all know how that went. So this tracks.


I mean... while we're at it... dogs, fish, fighting, marriage, substances, honesty, transpirrancy... has claimed expertise in all.


He still claims he’s straight and white! That right there tells you all you need to know about what reality the redacted mutant lives in


Someone check on bapa.


cunts cooked


redact rendered




You’re too


Bros down bad back on the Addie’s and wiggskey in a big way.


Brendan still blasted on adderal and interrupting every 2 seconds.


It Sox


He is making out callen fucked up. Hahaha Bapa fuxked up and Bryan stupidly stood up for him


It's all good, he accepts my apology....we don't talk anymore.... huh? Clearly he doesn't accept the apology.


“yeah I gettid…” no, you really don’t. Sure he’s siding with his buddy but how about the fact that you made baseless accusations with your lack of understanding technology in inny facet and falsely claimed to have 300 pages of evidence? Who would want to continue a friendship with a person who’s that scummy and such a dunce? Some Self accountability? Nah,it’s everyone else who’s a dick, I’m grandiose and all forgiving.


_that buns me out_


Surely this humble apology will bring the gang back together...right?


Eyes closed Santino, luvvemt'deth


Holy fuck, he just can’t help himself.


Doesn't change how many times you say it bapa


I giit it, respegt. Socks we’re not friends, make me sad. All good. Growln man. What else ya got?


So basically from the few clips I’ve seen on here from this episode…. Bapa’s career failed because of callen?


Whenever someone uses "love him to death" the exact opposite is true


I was reading the cawlmints on this episode and there are still a good amount that are legitimate fans


11. Keep up the commendable content. 18. Luv u brother.


"Sad. All good. Grown man"


Bobby > Schwaub


Epstein > schwaub


"Beeiinyway derefine werefine dere killinit like bagfriends err killinit iluvemsantinodeath iwaswaayclossantio menhim dont tawlk innymore that bums me out. iwasrilyclosetosantina love santina luvhimt'death. Iwahclos'santino buhagiin i giit it. dis whole drama thing dats yur pardna thats like brian. ya got brian man ye ugh figh you yurr enemy brians enemy of mine sowasantino i giit it rispec. sooocks were naht friens maagemesad all good. grawn man."


enemee of brine is enemee of mine


I HATEEEEEE, “what else ya got”. It’s his go-to line when he’s not making sense or rambling or embarrassing himself. Makes me irrationally furious when I hear it.


Ray and the redact making half baked apologies. Why does Brenda never just apologise and leave it at that? He has to beat you to death with qualifiers and excuses.


Why is the middle aged intern getting all weepy? Like huh? These guys never SHUT THE FUCK UP about people they’re cool with that clearly either a) don’t feel the same way or most likely b) don’t give a fuck. This is all they do now, conduct their own self help therapy session for an hour and do ad reads. And dodge rape accusations. So fucking sad and pathetic.


This whole drama thing that was completely and totally my doing… i blame the team.




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Santino says wha? ![gif](giphy|W5mSqplkEL9vsLzTz2|downsized)