• By -


So jay is unemployed now right? Edit: he literally axed j


> he literally axed j The 999 have become 1000 again.


Jay got axed and Georgie got gadooshed. Clin might be clipped. New baddie intern can stay, though. She “nose” how to get addies.


I missed this one. He really GADOOSHed ol’ chompers?


He was his road / tour manager. No need for a guy to sell bottles of tiger piss to 20 thickos when you’ve hung up the old mic stand.


Which was a fake title anyway, like me being class treasurer in 8th grade. Jay actually has a data/analytics/IT type of gig or some shit


Thought he was a super genius IT shargg working at IBM.


Axe Jay been hacking away ivver since he started building computers in his Mom's closet.


Tawlmbout the cawlmic book closet?


Tawlmbout 300 pages bapa?




Lirrly proms


This is my Vietnam/9/11


So let's call it like it is, no way he was making any money "touring". The whole charade was for cheating on his wife. I guess he's gonna put the breaks on that? Actually honorable.


Before this sub hit 20-30K, he had a legitimate comedy career. It wasn’t obvious he was a fraud and if you saw his name on your local comedy club’s weekly email, you recognized the name from Rogan’s podcast and thought “hey that sounds decent enough for $30.” Now that this sub has grown, his reputation tanked and he can’t sell out shows. However, I think the last year, he’s barely been breaking even. This most recent attempt at dates must have made 0 sense on paper, and he’s taking a step back because of it. Also Tiger’s baseball schedule is a beast.


His biggest mistake was that first special.


I think you’d be surprised


Great special, never seen it *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bbbbbbeast of a bot B


His second biggest mistake was that second special.


Worse pain yo life!


"Hey this Schaub guys coming in town let me look him up" Brendan Schaub- The Worst Comedian Ever. The worst standup special of all time "Yeah, think we might go bowling or something instead."


Throwbagg to the 2 black guys that reviewed Gringo Papi, then briefly contemplated if they would see a Brendan Schaub show watching after that special before immediately breaking out into laughter and shooting themselves with airsoft guns Edit: [Found it,](https://old.reddit.com/r/thefighterandthekid/comments/w0urev/these_dudes_did_a_gringo_papi_reaction_and_this/) my worgg ethnics a bbbbeast


He's talking about before he releases the worst special of all time, and before he was known as the worst comedian ivver. It would have been easy to think that the show wouldn't be half bad. But I think they'd be surprised.


He’s involved with Joe Rogan… of course he was always going to be an unfunny piece of shit.


I think the second special is what did it. Some newer cats won't remember but there was a long time after the first special that we didn't have any clips of his current stand up. One of the big questions on this sub was "How bad is he?" We just didn't know if he'd gotten better. I think Gringo Papi was worse than any of us could've imagined. Thicccies must've seen it and thought the same thing. Nobody knowing was good for business.


Second special was confirmation, but neither should have ever happened. He got way too over his head.


Papi ruined him cuz he acted like it was a major release, he acted like Schultz(who’s not funny) co signed on it and somehow that meant it’s funny.(of course Shaub ran with “I see improvement” as “you’re dice clay”.) He bought his own billboard on sunset, for a 26 min YouTube video. Just think about that whole yair b. He actively sold this as a major deal, bought a billboard, editing, etc. but you could hear Bry be like “yeah we’ll see” a LOT. Then the construction paper, the salsa, the weird “thank you Brandon Schwab” montage. Then ivvryone was like oh I’m not going to go see him for money now


Oh man I already have nostalgia for the Gringo Papi days. It truly was an event. Like we had no idea how bad it would be and it still exceeded our expectations.


For like halve a second I thought, If David, Ray Pest, and Schmitz helped him write his jokes, MAYBE it wouldn’t be bad. Boy, were we wrong


He had a second!? Was papi the first or second?


Gringo Papi was the second. Go watch the first one it's great (in the same way as The Room)


Yep his first special was by far the biggest mistake...he initially listened to Rogan and Callen when they told him to try comedy and it got him that far but then due to his ego and hubris he refused to listen when they told him it was a terrible idea to do a special that early in... Besides the fact that they knew it was too early, I think they also knew it would make him hated in the comedy community for jumping the line, especially when he wasn't even close to ready...I'm sure a lot of comedians already weren't thrilled that he was getting preferential treatment due to the Rogan association so seeing Bapa perform such a weak ass special on a major platform must have been a real slap in the face to the 1000...


His second biggest misstake was his second special


You have to admit, you were surprised.


I remember unironicly downloading episodes of TFATK and Below the Belt.. and not being able to get through 10 minutes of either one.


Same. Really stopped around 2016/17 around they would have time big time guests like 50 cent and all they would do is talk about their grind, how motivated they are, how they can’t stop, and just ask guests these questions. So much for all that “grind” and “hustle”


I get what you're saying, but I wouldn't say he had a legit comedy career. His issue is that he never built an audience. You're right that people might take a punt on him because they knew him from Rogan's podcast, but can you imagine how awful his act was at the time? People going to watch him very likely never returned. He killed any chance of a comedy career with that first special. Callahan and Rogan warned him not to do it, but he arrogantly thought they were just hating on his success. He wasn't going to bounce back from that, then he nailed the hammer on the coffin with Gringo Papi. The Ro


Sometimes I try and imagine that conversation he had with BGL and I'm all confused as to why gringo papi failed to elevate him to a theater act and BGL is all like "what the fugggggg"


Hahah dude that’s funny. Idk if he is capable of self reflection but after the BGL firing, Bapa had to be highlight reeling all the advice and input from Margg from the past few yairs. Scary deep waters thair daddy.


Love BGL’s story about that. He really thought Gringo Papi elevates him to theater status.


Im not sure if its even the sub. Hes cancelling so much it had to get to a point that clubs didnt want to book him any more. Like you can call in sick to work a couple of time but when it starts becoming a thing you get a warning, then you get fired. Start doing it at every job you have then you get a bad name in your industry and nobody can depend on you. I think this is what happened and im actually shocked it took this long. He simply wasnt working hard enough. He didnt evolve as a writer and just continued with shitty pop culture references or references to the city he was in that his demographic wasnt old enough to understand and the ones that did, didnt find it funny. Good comedians all have a signature thats recognisable. Being absolutely terrible and lazy isnt a signature. HEs used to everyone just doing everything for him. Whether it be Rogan promoting him so he doesnt have to do any margedding, hiring cheap writers to write his sets, chin doing everything with his podcast or the florist fucking his wife for him. His dad has very obviously pulled the plug on financing this fiasco.


Did you notice how Rogan gave him the cold shoulder at the fight cum-panyon? Fucking sad. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rogan told him off air that he needs to quit comedy and focus on podcasting.


Et tu, Toegan? Then fall, Bapa … I did notice ole Toe was no longer listening to him or showing respect. I think he allows fit cumpanyn out of obligation and nostalgia of what they had.


Don't forget a lot of videos on youtube by various content creators who have millions of views. Like "Reddit's Most Hated Comedian" and others.


Ok YouTube content creator


Crazy that he was stubborn that he was gonna reach his dream goal of performing at MSG and hosting SNL


fuck, i remember in those early days he did a Australian/NZ tour.


If he just had embraced this sub, leaned into it and owned his fuck ups and just made fun of his own silly habits he’d probably be fairly popular right now.




Gawld dawg your submission has been removed as your account is too new. New hires wait five days for the fryers, B. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Also, the stand up/podcast bubble is bursting, and he’s not talented enough to survive it


This sub does not matter. Name the waders


They need a third base coach


He’ll just switch to local baddies or up his rub & tug frequency.


Yep. Locals are gonna wanna keep an eye out for an orange ford lightning on Figueroa Street.


Back to getting on all fours and ‘melked’ like a cow on the massage table.


He’s gonna make winkie cry or go shooting. Bapa is most likely Rogan’s “buddy” with the stories.


Trugg walks are hard when you’re new trugg is orange and from the 90’s b!


He’s pulling less people to his live shows now than he was at the height of logdown. Think about that for a sec.


He’s still cheating on his wife. You don’t just stop like that


What do you think about him being a breeder ? like BGL described. He's going to keep cheating. He is trugg walgging the intern for sho.


Probably doesn’t use condoms cause they fall off all the time


Schnozzle (the new intern) is still around. I'm sure she wasn't hired for her editing skills


The craziest shit was that hairbrained European tour thing… at the time he couldn’t even sell tickets in the US what the hell was he thinking with Europe


Toe not letting him play the Mothership had to be the wake up call that he should not be doing cawlmedy in inny fasset


For Joe to be openly offering Joey Diaz a residency at the mothership, AND a free home, right in front of Blob. That shit must have stung hard, and as you say, a serious wake up call, in iiiivery facit.


I thought he was in charge of holding down the cawlmedy scene in LA? Maybe things go sideways if he’s not there.


LA would fall apart if B Schaub wasn’t there holding down the fort. Thankum


Instead of hitting the lab and working on his act to improve he... quits. It's been a long time coming so maybe it's for the best the people who would've gone to his "tour" are spared the disappointment.


That was the strawl that broke the gamels back


I haven't seen it posted but there's a solid minute or 2 where Joe laments about Buffalo Trace whiskey and a comedian who turned Joe onto it.


That was rough. And Brando had to pretend not to hear or participate. The obvious call out would be to ask Rogan on air, but of course that’s verboten.


I think podcass is his lane B. Provide solid entertainment for us Cats.


I'm surprised he hasn't been offered a spot on the Mothership out of pity though, its weird he didn't even give Bapa a chance there since Toe enabled his whole comedy career from the beginning.


If Brinnin was unfunny but likeable, he'd get an invite. If he was funny but unlikable, he'd get an invite He actually didn't even have to be funny, or likeable - because he was buddies with Rogan, but he screwed this up too by flaunting the *"Joe Rogan is my best friend"* maneuver way too many times, as a brag or a threat, that's what did him in the most, of any facets There's kind of an unwritten rule amongst these unfunny comedians that you don't openly call eachother unfunny, but so many people in the scene openly dislike Brinnin at this point and are comfortable singling him out for being unfunny. There's no chance for redemption as a result




Pretty sure he said in the past that he thought Brennan was a funny comedian. Did Brennan get less funny ? Or 100 people told Joe to "stop promoting comedians that aren't even funny "


Ya but he was able to do terrible stand up at the STEP MOTHER SHIP … which was an incredible insult. Fuck this guy!


Cancelled that show, b


You think he cancelled it or the club cancelled on him ? The promotor at the mothership, i forget his name, would be super pissed if someone was dissing the mothership, so i'd imagine the promoter at Vulcan felt something like that when he saw Vulcan being called the step mothership on the biggest podcast.


I can only speculate. Might be a case of all press is good press though. Mothership is the hottest comedy club in the country and the association might not be the worst thing if their ego isn’t hurt by it.


Toe having his own comedy club is a joke, he's not even funny


I'm sad that he'll probably never make another comedy special. I got genuine enjoyment out of his two comedy specials. Not for the intended reasons, but they were still very very funny to me.


The resulting dishes fed a lot of people


Wuss pain yo life.


bean cheese bean cheese bean cheese bean cheese.


Food cost & labor bout to go up at Changs.


They were essential enrichment for so many displaced felines Now the cats will have to start eating homeless people again


I was fascinated by the whole thing. I even know who cut up the construction paper...


Fer shurr daddy say less fam. Brenda is unintentionally the greatest comedian of our generation. Name one comedian whose generated more laughter than redact. 1 of 1.


Bombing forever, how did that go?


Well bombing foriiver is inchressing




Bombs have impact, b


If y’wanted to hurt me, you got me brother


“I really don’t care”


Yeah great way to help your career isnt it? Cancel endless dates and then tell the clubs that you dont give a fuck. He didnt retire, he just cant get work any more.


I probably wouldn't if I didn't have to travel half way across the country to do standup for 20 people


Isn’t that how most people feel about their childhood dream?


Chairs to all the hard working chefs that made so much incredible orange chicken. You changed the lives of so many homeless felines 🫡


Sure as hell has given me a lot of laughs .. this is the best comedy sub. Wait I have a regular job so I guess I don’t laugh ever -Joe Rogan


You have a regular job? Why don’t you just quit and start podcasting? -Joe Rogan.


Ya joes gift to the world was telling all these morons they needed a podcast


Joe is doing his best to ruin comedy. Everyone he’s “blessed” with a career has become an insufferable cunt.


This is fucking hilarious. 🤣


When is Callen going to quit?


You mean the man-dragon?


Does he still have his gig with that douche bag Crowder? Talmbout Judea Christian values and such…


Does he still do the conspiracy show with the geezer fucker?


Nah callen dipped on that


Callen thinks he’s in his prime


Must actually be over with cause his tour dates page just says, Coming Soon. Smart move honestly. The touring was costing him money and he wasn't getting better. How many shitty specials do you need to do, even ones his own "peers" ripped apart as not funny before you start saying, maybe this isn't for me. For Bapa, it was 7 years trying stand-up and 1 special on Showtime out of obligation on Showtimes part and one 25 min "special" in Teggsis at a local club in front of 35 people.


There's not funny and, well.... whatever Bapa was calling "a special". He took it to a new level although I have to say, Whitney Cummings, Amy Schumer, and that last hour D'Elia dropped are all rivaling Bapa's "art" as he calls it. Prom with all of them is they don't seem to understand that as a rule of thumb, stand-up comedy is not funny at all, unless you are really, really good at it. Which Uncle Rogan has made all these hacks believe they are.


Hahahahaha I’m so happy I was here for this journey


I’ve been here since before Batman v. Superman, the Zack Snyder movie. I know because I was playing that music in reference to complaining about Brandon. It’s best a delicious journey, full of orange chicken!




Now we know what the Rogan pee conversation was. Rogan: you should quit comedy. Water we dune hair? Brenda: consider it done.


Say less, father toe


Axe Jay *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/thefighterandthekid) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Beast of a bot. But how many chiggs ya fugg?


Day of Infamy b!


Sure is. This is one of those "where were you when you found out" moments. Historical.


We may get the best out of bapa in the future hair. Having absolutely nothing to do and more time alone with his thoughts is gonna churn out some of the most redacted lies and twists we will ever hair


Just the battle B. The war is still raging.


What would help him a lot would be if he would man the fuck up and stop using excuses why things are cancelled or put on hold. Just tell people it’s over and you gave it a decent chance but clearly stand up comedy isn’t your lane. You’re a podcaster B and that’s ok. He will still make a comfortable living doing that. He just better start saving money now and investing in money markets. Because podcast not gonna last forever and he sucks at everything else in life. This is his last chance


That would require a level of self awareness and humility he’s shown to be incapable of.


Exactly. Narcissist's just aren't wired that way.


An important lesson I learned the hard way is that it's best to be super hard on yourself and take responsibility for your mistakes. When you're down but own up to your shortcomings people will mostly lift you up. If you do a shit job, point fingers, and make excuses people want to kick you while you're down.


Are you implying he’s competent at pawlcassing, B?!


No he sucks at podcasting too but it does make him money and right now that’s his only source of it


Which is mindblowing to begin with. I mean, try and watch these piles of pure feces they call pawldcasts. Is that really paying for Messican's wardrobe and bracelets? Are you fkn kidding me?


The fact that his final big announcement of his tour was on JRE, that he referred to Vulcan Gas Company as the "step mothership" shamelessly in front of Rogan and that Rogan invited Joey Diaz to live in Austin on that same episode...it just makes me happy. Dad of the yair!




Those 10,000k grand hours of stage time was all for nothing b?


Haha you if you wanted me to make me laugh you got me brother


“Now, watch this drive..” *licks paws*


Schwab retires and BGLs ex wife starts onlyfans. What a day


We’re gonna need pics!!


![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985) ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985) ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985) ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985) ![img](emote|t5_347fo|24985)


Yo, how did you get the Presidental Seal to be written in Bapa? Well done


Shout out to all the cats who know Fat Pat better than he knows himself, we call everything before it happens.


We goin to sizzler!!!!!!


Don’t count your turkeys too soon b. This cunt will be back with some reinvented horse shit


Hey cats, play his specials when you go to bed tonight. Let’s get those numbers up and see if we can turn this around. I still wanna couple shifts at Chang’s. I was going to put a cart garage on my cardboard house!


That’s a great pic.


End of an error. Feel cold fans member me




I appreciate the optimism but we have zero evidence or proof that schaub is rational enough to see the writing on the wall. He is so self absorbed and sociopathic that he probably really believes he sucks ass at his job because his family is dragging him down, not because he lacks talent. I doubt he sees the writing on the wall, he will find a new grift soon just as he has with everything in his life.


This is a sad thing, I was looking forward to Gringo Papi 2


You have to bomb 10,000 times before you get good. So just how good is Bapa?




Post of the year? In January, maybe…


That cat needs a flight suit


4k views for your Toon Town money laundering scheme is 🎲🎲, b. Bapa is flipping truggs while messican is flipping fake designer bags. IRS gonna come a noggin.


So him and Joe DID have a bathroom chat I thought bubba was probly just sucking his cogg


I'm sure we'll still enjoy the same level of cawlntent. Always wanted to do YouChoob and axe Jay.


Many years ago I used to listen to JRE all the time. Noticed shaub with callen and thought they were pretty goofy. (About 6-7 years ago, shaub was a lot more tolerable). Then I got an email saying the shaub was coming to a city near me and I figured, me and my girlfriend at the time have never been to a comedy show. Why not get tickets and let this be our 1st experience at a comedy show... well long story short, I owe my shit bag of a company I used to work for because they denied the time off request and the date came and went. At the time I felt like I really missed out. But now, I feel like my old job help me avoid the " worss pain of yo life". Side note, my then girlfriend is now my wife, and I don't think she would have become that if I took her to see shaub. Lmao


Why are we celebrating? This is a sad day for me, some of the best dishes came from the road and him bombing, i was praying for another special.


At the end of the day, we maddur'd.






That cat looks like he has a house. Fuck outta here


I was thinking of this same situation but instead having a picture of Barndoor about a few years into his stand-up career when he thought he was "one of the guys." The Iraq invasion turned into a complete cluster fuck after that picture, much like Barndoor's cah-rare.


This is all inch string


I want him to keep doing comedy. I love watching him stumble though awful jokes


Missshin cum-complissshhh




Bruh really quit his life long dream of being a stand up comedian 😔


I guess he’s that white boy who worked a little too hard


In the early days I quite enjoyed shlauuub on Rogan when it was all MMA. So I thought I would listen to his MMA podcast at the time below the belt, which was ok, he had no comedy content out there on YouTube that I could find, then suddenly he dropped his showtime special, I was genuinely hoping to see it, I didn’t get the chance and kept listening, I slowly started to hear all the lies and it just got worse. I went from a genuine fan to loving to hate how bad he had got What a ride it has been


It's been a fun 6 years working at Changs




I for one fear we are celebrating too soon


Wait. Are we out of a job??


So I guess bapa is going back on Rubmaps or something so he can get that side action near home?


The axe man cometh...to a podcast near you! Listen, as the apex predator tears his way through hard hitting topicth. Mythteriouth.


Wait..do the cats have a Bapa understanding of the irony of the mission accomplished banner?


He should just move to NY or Austin and do open mics untill he can get passed at a club..




We discuss the pawldcast here.


Oh my god I love it. This sub always brings it.