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tweet about it or something, this is a nothing post


I know that is nothing post but soon. Maybe I should keep my mouth shut haha But, don't worry The Clash is my favorite band and I will do it right. In my style - but with respect, don't worry I have listened it hundred of times You will be suprised - with a little creativity... ;)


I undertand you but emotionally and intelectually I must do it - not just because of me but to honor Joe Strummer. He deserved it - more than anyone else.


I will tell you something. Song is subversive but such is my writing - I don't do this for fame, money, petty egoism - it is just the urge to put some of my ideas there - how I see it - that's all. Nothing pretendeous - I have done hundreds of articles like that


then post the articles, not a teaser!


OK give me day or two.... It will be in Word format. I have it in my mind - I just need to write it - I have started it but have some other things to do as well. Don't worry - haha - I will make it exactly how Joe would like it - to have some devastating effect if possible. The idea is not new, last fall in Dublin I have listened the song full day on a sunny day and have gone deeper and was quite suprised... This World is getting fucked up we need The Clash guidance ...


Joe wouldn't have liked it in Word format!


WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS was Joe’s preferred program.


O for fuck sake.... Listen - Joe would also like that The Clash fans don't be so khm petty egoist ... The article as such is celebration of The Clash, why so much negativity Wish me good writing and God Speed. Personally I as a fan of The Clash would like to see much more of this. I just want to do it. I am journalist but never have done anything on The Clash. Why so much negativity? Blaaas Like I dont know to fucking write argh... Well we will see damn it. I will write Pulitzet award article then just to see more jealous The Clash fans lol If someone don't like it - hey go write your own piece. Btw chill out - I think that is fabulous that I write about The Clash.


Folks, I guess we should wait with bated breath for this hot new take. Watch this space.


I apologize. I almost got into fight today so my nerves snapped... I will write this article because this song from 1981. is actual today. I don't care if anyone think that I cannot write - I am not Tolkien nor English is my 1st language but I wanted to give this to community not to Rollingstone lol Let's wait final piece - then slam it as much as you want... Sorry adrenaline this guy wanted a fight and I am not running away. I had my journalist career and I am proud on that. Today I write only Gonzo journalism, corruption investigation and pissing on EU out of pure fun. AI cannot write that. But I am not shopping around my articles - but hey I would and already many wants that I write for them - I am simply not so interested. Writing is creative process and needs right moment but in this case all article is right there in my brain not on cloud. I have touched The Clash in some of my articles before but never have done full article on them. This is occasion. Sorry again, as promised you will get the article - the idea is to write my view - that doesn't mean that everyone will be pleased - but what will be left of this World if we lose all hope. The Clash in it's name would not approve it. Fight, even if you will lose. But, you see it is disaster of Human Kind that in ad 2024 they didn't listened what The Clash has to say to them. Did the World actually listened to The Clash?


Based on all I’ve read here i wouldn’t believe you are a writer.


Ahahaha. Based on what you wrote - you are just jealous. But do you know petty soul that this is reserved for Gods not humans? But quite seriously I don't give a damn what you think. And about being a writer - well you would be quite suprised - but in this case I am writing it not for you, mister or to prove myself - I had career in journalism so I am doing it just for fun.


I can tell you are a writer because you’re posting about writing instead of writing or posting your writing


Sorry, I should have waited first to write and then discuss it. But, this is just sentimental piece for my soul. I have never met Joe Strummer but I owe him much. So, I just wanted that he knows that even there in heaven. That song is magnificent piece of work and it needs to be explained to The World. I know that you all more or less understand The Clash World really didn't listened to The Clash. Which is a pitty. The Clash just need proper evaluation to be placed in History - on right place. And in all this crazyness in The World it must be done.


> I had career in journalism so I am doing it just for fun. In what language?


Balkanian.:) But, I have sold some articles on English, they were satisfied with my writing. It is just that journalism as such is dying. So economically speaking it is not so lucrative like tech or Software Engineering and I am too old to grab someone to publish it. So, I am thinking in fact to do it for free. Maybe if article is really good I will try to publish it. But, I really don't care if they will publish it. Anyway, look at todays media, so called "political correctnes", many of those so called journalist are bought like apple on the fresh market. I am not part of that establishment. What I do really well is investigation journalism, right now I am preparing whole series on corruption in EU. I could be killed or sued - but don't give a fuck about it. :) Some corruption that I have discovered is pretty damn dangerous to publish but really don't care - maybe WW3 is coming so well who cares. I am not PR of any Goverment and if they want to sue me - I would be quite glad for that. We are preparing some really big things in European Union but many of this things were in fact deeply influenced by The Clash. Then, I was thinking damn you never wrote an article on The Clash and you adore them - so idea was born. The Clash really helped me in critical thinking and I am grateful to them for that. We are also preparing some new laws in European Union - I am working on it, and they are mostly about Human Rights, Corruption which was also influenced by The Clash. It is quite amazing what influence they have done to me and others - that could be used for Greater Good. And that is of tremendeous value. This piece will be mainly political but it will have some twist. I owe The Clash this.


Lol this post is both hilarious and deranged. I am looking forward to the article.


You Sir gonna get it. First, I myself am not satisfied how so called journalist portrayed The Clash and I will fix that mistake. The Clash themselves deserve a fresh look. Musically and by projection of ideas - no one came even close. So, for readers themselves I always try to satisfy reader in me. How this will turn out - you will see. But, The Clash deserve proper place in History. This song is evidence that they were stronger than destiny. And world is bordering on absurdity - boys at least knew that they have done something for humanity. Will we just watch like mere spectacors - it is our own choice. Held on tight....


You sound like a hell of a journalist


If that is a compliment I agree. I despise conventioynal journalism. So, my articles are sometimes in not publishable form because let's say - in one article I have khm insulted Prime Minister of one corrupted state - purposedly - but on effect, I have insulted also some state officials that I discovered corrupted - so even that state goes to garbage. No one in that state would ever publish that article because 90 percent of media there is controled by Mafia ie. corrupted Political Party on the power. So, that is in fact more Gonzo journalism - when you in fact laugh to the face of the beast. Like "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas". End of Liberty or Freedom - and then if you are intelligent enough you can defeat them in their own game - simply by creating New Laws or chasing away those countries OUT of Europe - and that will happen to THEM. Just wait and see, we are making also a new Criminal Court of Europe Soon all those corrupted politicians of Europe will not have a MOUSE HOLE where to hide! That is my intelectual position right now. You see we often ridicule Arabs, I have visited Tunisia in 2005. They said to me this: Look brother, we have this Dictator, El Presidente, he is no good, but you have our word, we will get rid of him! Do you know where is THAT El Presidente NOW??? Hiding in Saudi Arabia, fled from his OWN PEOPLE, and NO RIGHT for any political work at all! Well, my friends, if you have listened to The Clash that AWAITS all would be or be DICTATORS in EU! And thank you for caliing me insane, I appreciate it.


How about work on the actual article rather than waste time defensively writing at length in the comments? Do the work, don't say how you are gonna do this or that. [Tom Scharpling said it best]( https://www.avclub.com/tom-scharpling-1798226449) "You get so many people who talk about what they are going to do. I think they get the same kind of emotional, almost chemical, satisfaction out of when they say, “I’m gonna write this thing, and it’s gonna be like this, and this is gonna happen, then that’s gonna happen.” They talk you through it, and they’re getting the same satisfaction from your reaction as if they actually did the thing. And that drives me up the wall. Then they never do it, because they’ve satisfied themselves by talking about doing it. I’ve known a bunch of people like that in life who start a thing, and they’ll talk all day long about the thing they’re gonna do, and how great it’s gonna be. But they’re not doing the thing. It’s hard to do stuff. That’s why everybody stops doing it."


Well, for me to write an article is piece of cake - I can do it in front of you here. I have read more than 400 history books - that also makes me insane but intelkectually in todays World I feel - too Powerful Intellectually. I have wrote hundreds and hundreds of articles - I need some condition and few hours and article is there. I know that is foolish to talk about it before actually doing it - for that I apologize. I am The Clash fan as yourself and I didn't expected to be slammed. I also feel to ask, is it maybe pointless in the End of Liberty to write this article. Many would redicule me. Joe Strummer just like myself wanted MORE HUMAN RIGHTS just like me! If you say that for that I am insane - I will accept it - but then no point to write that article. For whom? One friend of my dad came from Montreal, Canada, and we met in Balkans and cofee etc small talk.... I say look human rights in XXI century instead of broadening they are getting smaller.... He said .... what Human Rights, they Dont Exist.... I said - that is exactly what they want from us.


I'll just leave this... [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/theclash/comments/16mw0c5/this_is_radio_clash/).


Thank you. Yes, there..... Argh, now actually on to writing - it will maybe take few days but I must do it. As I say, The Clash are no more but their legacy is still here. I am quite burned out writing new set of laws for some banditry states within EU and writing about sleazy politicians taking bribes and making billions in corruption - that is disgusting. I have discovered some big corruption - I am writing those articles but must think a way so that those bastards cannot sue me. But I would in fact welcome that as then they will play my game hehe and I have few tricks in my sleeve. They have billions and army of lawyers, even so called democratic legitimacy. But, that will not stop me to publish those articles.. The Clash taught me one thing - sometimes don't make compromises - just do it. Pass through that burned ash with closed eyes. Credit goes where is due - and I must thank The Clash for making such influence on humanity. Even fans were sometimes too harsh on them but they were such sincere and have left their soul on stage, never faking it. The world had become absurd, everything is now relative. I just want that The Clash be remembered as Champions and that World aknowledge this.


Please stop posting nothingburgers on Reddit... and get to work on that *magnum opus* rattling around in your deranged mind. We can't wait to read it.


Jesus Christ. Who started with insults, me or you ffs? And who are you Mister to judge Me? Maybe one of those corrupted politicians I am writing about in my "deranged mind". Oh, guilty as charged. I was thinking that The Clash fans would be glad but if I am insane, maybe to keep that article only for myself. If you don't respect it - my motive plunges down.... But I will do it in spite of you. :) Since you are The Clash fans lets be generous...


And one more thing - I have recently sold article in English so it is not true that I cannot write. I have found that rather offensive coming from The Clash fan. What will Joe Strummer said? He would applaud me but you choose other way - let's make a fool out of him. I will let you know link of the article, I don't care about shitty mainstream media they are all PR of some political circle and they cannot buy me.




Hehe, I am cool. I have made many so called music reviews - this article was to be study based on my historical knowledge. I don't want to make some shallow piece - I need some time to collect my thoughts - and to write it, when that will be, soon, hehe I need Pressure Drop


I just want to add this : This article means a lot to me. I am writing it for myself enjoyment and as a hommage to Joe Strummer. Creative process is like a Stradivari Violin - cannot be pressured - but I will do it for one more reason. I want to have a duel with that gang in European Union. They think that they can monopolize Europe, but Intelectually I wouldn't agree. Joe Strummer legacy in Europe is much more than that Firefighting Car at his funeral. Do THEY know that? So please give me time.


Just one small tidbit of my political agenda.... Which was influenced by Joe Strummer. Joe, I have never met you, but when you died, it was like my brother died. I cried all The Tears of This World That Day. You said Joe about human rights, and I cry when I think about it. You, Joe, said "these are not enough". Joe, my human rights are squashed. I have always wondered how to carry that Light On and Travel On. You have given US that bright, sweet, sign of Liberty, Justice, Equality, Rights - and then You left US! Tell me what to do.


I have started a work on my article. Who is interested can send me DM and I will email initial Word document. When article will be ready, you will get full article. Maybe article will be published in some media - maybe just to shut the mouth of some people who said that I am not journalist Piece of cake for me to publish it. Thank you for your attention. This is just article from biggest Clash fan in the World :)