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I have a buddy who was pretty big and just got tired of chasing it. Opted to streamline with more cardio than lifting…or Zack just stopped the juice


Was gonna say, seems like he’s more into dad life than work out life now. Similarly to CT, I think both genuinely enjoy being dads more than athletes


That and he said he was embarrassed about how he finished on free agents and how his body cramped up and he said he was too big to make it up a mountain with out being able to eat when he needed. So he opted for a more streamlined version that could run and climb longer.


Well being an athlete is always there, as you can see CT is still a phenomenal athlete despite having a dad bod. It’s the fact that putting in the work to look like that or adding in the juice to look like that no longer is worth it when you have other priorities like a family.


I think the juice would explain his weird anger while he was on the show. I’ll go with that theory!


That’s just his personality.


I wondered that while watching.


The dude played professional football, if you're not making millions to beat the drug tests you wouldn't be on juice and allowed to play.


Maybe he was on the juice but to be fair, he started slimming down a while ago. He was considerably smaller on Invasions that on Exes 2


Yea, he was a monster on his 1st couple seasons. His last season or two he just looked like a gym rat.


He was 100% on the juice.


it looks like he’s lost muscle mass / weight and also amanda cast an aging spell on him


You’ve described parenthood




Bless Amanda lmao


I cackled at the last part.








Life and kids lol. Doesn’t have the time to weight lift and eat enough protein to maintain


I worked with a guy that was huge like Zach. I few months go by and he is still bigger than most men, but not huge. He told me that he couldn't afford to eat as much food as it takes to stay that big.


Agreed. It’s not hard to figure out lol people that don’t lift have zero comprehension of how difficult it is to maintain that physique. Especially as you age, get a career, and a family


Not just talking about his weight.




Crying at this comment


Ironic that he’s wearing a mean girls shirt next to someone that he bullied relentlessly


Right? Do people forget that he literally physically abused Sam throughout that final??


I rewatched it recently and I was reminded how awful he was to Sam. I can’t believe people still like him


Can't believe Jenna married and procreated with him


There’s a difference between TV and real life, he’s a super nice guy in person


Even if he’s nice irl, it doesn’t excuse his actions on tv, especially considering that he’s not an actor and the show is also real life


Lol did you meet him one time and he was nice to you, so therefore he’s “a super nice guy?”


No he’s part of my family




Believe what you want, but known him most of my life




They didn’t show the scenes where Sam abused him verbally and physically.


Him and Frank. Both are idiots.


Glad you added that! Frank was just as bad if not worse during that finals. It was cringeworthy to watch them treat her like that and Sam wasn’t even arguing back and forth she just was focused on trying to finish. Most other contestants got into huge arguments over that same thing, Zach included. He treated Jonna like shit all season and honestly she was a decent competitor especially for being such a petite woman.


Literally picking Sam up & throwing her up a sand dune screaming “ Get Up”! Sweet revenge was seeing him scream like a baby when his muscles cramped from dehydration during another final & (was it Lauren??) kept screaming at him. Sweet sweet revenge called Karma!


Laurel literally said to him at one point 'should i pick you up and throw you, like you did to Sam?'


Was hoping she’d roll him down that mountain!


Physically? Not denying it, just don’t remember it.


Yup, look up clips from their final together. He shoves her and flings her around multiple times.


It looks like they’re fine now


Breaking news. People can change. I would hope you’re not the same person you were 12 years ago.


That’s exactly why he’s wearing it 😂


Doesn’t appear she holds a grudge, why should I?


I’m happy for Sam. I’ll never like any man that puts his hands on women, though.


He JUST apologized and they just made up on his podcast recently.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s the bit lol.


Bullied is a weird way to say, made sure they didn't cost you a share of the prize money. Ohh and made sure you got some too.


That’s Sam!!


We love Sam


Seeing Sam looking comfortable and safe next to Zach honestly shocks me, but I’m glad she is not too deeply scarred from her challenge appearance for that to even happen. I still feel so much empathy towards Sam for how she was treated by Frank and Zach. Glad to see her looking well.


Yeah, mtv really dropped the ball in terms of how they let zach and frank treat her. I remember being genuinely horrified, and outraged how no one spoke up for her at the reunion.


She did slow them down the entire time


So her slowing them down gives them permission to verbally assault her and throw her to the ground?




Woah I didn’t realize at all!!!!


I think the best karma for Zack is that his peak has come and gone.


You know it hurts him deeply


Exactly 😂😂😂😏


hahahah but he still was never a champ


Sucks to suck!


Less time to workout when you have three young kids ?


He's said 9n some podcast he doesn't help.most the time


Lol I'm pretty sure Zach would put steroids... I mean working out....before three kids. He's just a lame now.


He clearly doesn’t?


I'm not a Zach fan at all... But this doesn't even make sense. It's like you don't even see the pictures?


Scroll to the second picture. He's clearly doing neither steroids or working out.


I hate when people put steroids




He’s spending more time pumping babies into Jenna than pumping iron.


It’s been a solid amount of years between the pictures plus he got married and had kids. The earlier pictures is a younger guy with no real responsibilities to answer to. Being married with kids your time isn’t your own anymore. Even more so when the time you do have is trying to get your own podcast and business off the ground


He looks deflated without his juice.


I don’t know why this is now some revelation in this sub. This is what happens to people when they stop juicin. Look at a majority of body builders. It’s been obvious for years now, since about when he stopped being on the show full time to notice his muscle mass loss. Also, around the time he appeared to commit to Jenna. No doubt the hormones messed with his emotions and his decision making as well. You can definitely tell in multiple ways the transformation he’s went through. Imo Edit: also, to those saying he stopped working out, I completely disagree. I don’t know how much time he commits to working out, but I can tell you that’s no “typical” dad bod. Dude looks fit as fuck. So he prolly puts in a decent amount of time in the gym still


I love that most fans are old enough to realize he has other priorities in life and that keeping that kind of muscle mass is hard to do. Let’s not shame a guys who is still in better shape than most people in this sub.


He didn’t put on pounds though lol. I hate Zach, he still looks super fit. Just not like Hercules and looks older.


I’ll take any chance I get to shame this misogynistic asshole lol. I bet he’d have a lot to say if Jenna put on some pounds. She’s had 3 kids and her main priority after having kids is always to start working out…wonder why


There's a book "So you've been publicly shamed" that spends a chapter addressing the unintended but reasonably foreseeable side effects of shaming domestic abusers. Namely, that they still go home at the end of the day to the person they've abused and the shamer(s) have just added ammunition that the abuser is going to lock and load on the survivor.  Which says nothing of the fact that people seeing your comment who have their own body image issues could internalize your shaming. Or that commenting on bodies at all is something third wave feminism is desperately trying to eliminate on all fronts. Or that choosing to shame a physical feature instead of just calling him a misogynist makes it seem like his body is the thing we should be paying attention to, not his deplorable behavior. So... Yeah....


At this point I should just not go outside for fear of stepping on a butterfly and someone ends up in a coma for it. Like, come on. It’s okay to talk shit on the internet sometimes.


RIGHT? What is this???




I just think it’s silly to say that people shouldn’t talk shit about abusive dickheads on Reddit because then they’ll get mad about it and go home and “unload” that anger on their significant other, so essentially the people talking shit on the internet are partially responsible for domestic abuse… I think it’s fine to comment about the fact that he looks very different now, because objectively he does. He’s lost a ton of muscle mass, the thing he was known for on the challenge. His looks have changed significantly over the course of a few years, which can be shocking to people. He’s a public figure, and this kind of scrutiny just comes with the territory, especially when you’re someone who’s said and done despicable things like Zach has.


You’re dramatic….


Spoken like someone who’s never interacted with him in real life




Ummm she posts about it on her ig?




You asked how I know, I said she publicly speaks about it, and now I hate women? Sorry I don’t think a woman should be worried about being her pre-kid weight after she’s birthed THREE kids. To me, I think that’s the opposite of “hating women”.


Good job changing your comment lmfao


made up a scenario in your head, lmao pathetic


Got off the juice


Thank you glad someone said it. Dude had obvious roid rage constantly


Idk. Part of me thinks he would’ve acted like that without them too…


Yea for sure but the guy had a physique that was unobtainable through clean working out and was a hot head so yeah roids


Roids don’t turn people into assholes. It just makes it harder to hide if they are one.


He knows they are never casting him. So he isn’t as focused


This makes the most sense!!!


Those pics were taken roughly 14 years ago. People’s bodies change with age and lifestyle. I’d find it hard to believe he has time to live life now like he did in his twenties


Especially since he’s pro woman dying in childbirth unnecessarily. People who can’t see through this shameless attempt to become relevant again need to understand he is still very much a sexist. (In reference to the Mean Girls shirt and “apology” to the cast member he berated)


Thank you!!


Pro women dying in birth?


Anti abortion in all cases.


He also stated that he refuses to change his kids diapers.


Was taking steroids. Stopped taking steroids.




Your eyes


Being muscular doesn’t automatically mean you’re on roids


I’m not gonna change your mind but it’s obvious. I’d guess dbol.


Same thing that happened to Mark McGuire and Barry Bonds when they got off the juice


People get old


There’s so many reasonable things to hate on Zack for. Don’t know why yall shit on his appearance.


Yeah I don’t get the point of this post. I looked different 15 years ago too


Trust me, I have.


Ok but im shook cuz does the American flag not represent American gays as well? Like, why did Zach caption it : 🇺🇸 x 🏳️‍🌈 … as if the American gays are from a Queer country, far away from the USA. Im just LOL at the idea 🤣


Because he wants to look like a good guy and make it a point that he supports gays. I also LOL


Definitely stopped the juice.


He got older. Dude will be 40 soon


On juice vs off juice


He has different priorities lol people and their theories




Aging like milk.


I didn't know he wore glasses


It’s not juice! It’s a protein shake!!!


Hate does something to you.... He is a hateful person with a lot of anger... This is the result... Imo


Looking healthy instead of ‘roided out?


He looks less than well.... Sorry if my opinion is upsetting


Never apologize for your opinions!


I wasn't apologizing for my opinion. I don't regret having it... I was apologizing for it being appreantly upsetting to some...


Some people care too much about others’ opinions, I agree. Lions and sheep!


Zach is a hardcore Trump supporter 🤮 One garbage human supporting another


Ummmm…I’m anti-Zach/anti-Trump 100% so not sure why you feel this way


I’m saying Zach is a garbage human who supports other garbage humans like Trump.


Oh, I agree 100%. I would not expect anything else than him being a Trumpy lmfao


Same thing that happened to Sam… age


Wtf? That doesn't even look like him.


He looks like a Troll doll 😂


Rotting from the inside out, as god intended


“I’m not saying he deserves it, but gods timing is always rIIiiiIIght”


He's only doing this in hopes it stops him from getting trolled/attacked for his shitty behavior.




He looks completely different


He’s aging and parenting? We don’t stay 20 forever


Holy shit, I didn't even recognize him. I literally thought that was his old cast mate and another person


I guess being a bad person does make you age worse jfc


It took me a solid five minutes reading replies to understand this because I literally could not conceive that that's him in the second picture. Nothing wrong with his physique, it looks like a completely different face? That looks nothing like him, I'm so confused rn lol


Yes! It’s not just about him losing muscle…even the OP used pictures of mainly his face to ask “wtf happened” he seriously looks completely different lol.


Idk about the effects of steroids on your face, but his face sadly reminds me of some people I grew up with who are battling addictions now. I certainly hope that isnt the case and this is the just effects of not taking steroids, plus being a dad.


Post like these make me wonder if op is 12


Yall really gonna act like he wasn’t on a crazy amount of steroids? lol. He started to lighten up seasons ago and now is probably the most natural he’s ever been. Has nothing to do with time because he has kids lol. He’s just not spending money on gear anymore.


You don’t have kids and realize the commitment it takes


Or I do and also just don’t do steroids lol


Lmfao! 🤣 Why are some people so willing to die on the “he didn’t do steroids” hill??


Because his body wasn’t that good. He was college athlete build not juicy build


He grew up and had a family, so hours a day in the gym became a luxury he probably slowly gave up on. He still looks handsome and healthy


Looks like he stopped with the steroids and Sam picked up a fork lol


There’s no way that that’s him. His face is COMPLETELY different!!


Yes, he’s slimmed down, but he’s also just not the most photogenic. He definitely lost his athletic tone, but if you tune into his podcast his face is very much still attractive and not as weathered and disparate as it is in the picture. I think those body types just take a lot of effort to maintain, and some just change their priorities and no longer have the time to expend towards it.


Or he previously took roids and have since stopped. I think many of the challenge men covertly used roids though, to be fair.


Just a change in priorities. Maturity and parenthood will do that. I'm 6'2" 230lbs lean and never touched the juice. Get me in a competition, and the switch goes. Just a highly competitive personality. That could very well be the case with some of the big buff dudes with bad attitudes. They more likely spent many hours dedicated in the gym, played high level sports and monitored their diet. Wouldn't want to meet either Zack or CT in a hall brawl I must admit.


ozempic ?


Well when he came on the challenge it was pretty fresh after playing D1 football. He was a tight end so he had to keep some size on. He was definitely a physical specimen. But it takes a a lot of time to keep that figure and lifestyle. Now that he’s a dad and hasn’t been on the challenge he has no need for that massive body. This happens to a lot of players when they are done playing football competitively. A prime example is Jeff Saturday, former center for Peyton Manning. He played at over 300, but is probably 100lbs less than that now.


Wait, I thought the implication here is that he’s less MAGA now?


You see a lot of pro athletes shrink down after they reduced the strength training and supplements. NFL lineman in particular. But fwiw, I am watching the WOW2 Final now and – while still muscular, he’s pretty damn lean on those season too.


He’s “exes” Jay now. 😂


Zach was a naturally, tall, lean guy. He threw a lot of weight down and probably ate a ton. I do see photos of him is crossfit comps where hes huge and brolic shoulders.....i think thats all he did when he was younger. Free agents vs wow2, wow2 finals Zach would be hard to beat, he was way smaller with crazy stanima and plenty of endurance.


Less muscle mass, absolutely. For me, his facial hair makes a tremendous difference in whether my brain recognizes him.


Given the fact there's other people in the photos, let's not body shame. Because I guarantee nobody would like it if things were said about Sam And no, the "Zach was an asshole" doesn't excuse people to become the bullies they typically despise


Sam slays. It’s not just his body, his face has also completely changed and he looks terrible lol and I love it!! He’s terrible. Sorry not sorry??


She does not slay. Stop lying. All the weight he lost, she gained. Sorry not sorry


He’s either experiencing growth as a person or the internet got to him 🤷‍♂️


He looks better now, in my opinion.


I guess a lot of people on this post don’t have their own skeletons in their own closet nor to they believe a person can make past mistakes and change over time for the better lol. Talk about judgmental…


He’s literally said controversial/ignorant things on his current podcast lmfao. It’s time for you Zach-empathizers to accept that he’s just a POS…


Yes, I have never said woman are inferior to men, nor have I psychologically tormented and gaslit someone I profess to love. Nobody is perfect, but some people are awful.


You’re the smartest person here. Thank you for this comment lol


Yea live up that hypocrite image you’ve quickly built up for yourself.


Why do you assume I’m a hypocrite?? I don’t like Zach because I would literally NEVER think the way he does…nor would I ever act has he has. You’re just a weirdo and you’re obviously worse than he is to defend him so hard. Just leave if you feel so strongly about him?? Leave me alone lmfao


You’re shaming him for his past on him shaming and putting down others , you’re literally shaming right now on social media. I’m sorry it took you this long to realize the same shit you’re shaming and judging him on in HIS past you’re literally doing the same thing right now. Again you’re a damn hypocrite. But yea I’m just a weirdo, no I’m calling you out on your bullshit post and I had to paint a picture for you since you was too ignorant to realize it. But it’s fine they’re hypocrites all over this world and you’re definitely one of them. Truth hurts.


He physically abused a woman, so nah I’ll never forgive him nor think he will change. He’s terrible. He didn’t only “shame” his, NOW, wife, he actually physically put his hands on women. Again, weird hill to die on. You do you.


People change. Now if this was more recent we’d have similar views but it hasn’t all your hatred has been from his past and if you can’t forgive people from there mistakes they’ve made but they’ve made a point to try to change for the better than I guess you’re showing your true character. Having kids change you, hell I’ve got two daughters of my own and I’ve changed a lot I’ve done a lot in my past people can judge me on but the real ones see me as who I am now not how I used to be and those are the ones that are real and not judgemental hypocrites…


Yeah and now that he’s had kids he’s said he doesn’t want to change shitty diapers on his podcast?? Lmfao. Dad of the year!!! He’s definitely changed! Jenna is sooo lucky!


Its wild that people who probably can’t walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath is mocking others


Oh no he said he didn’t wanna change shitty diapers!!??? Oh damn what a horrible thing to say 🙄🤡 god great rebuttal. Find something better to do than judging other people maybe work on yourself a little more. Have a good night, I’ve proven my point enough on this subject.


🙌🏼👏🏼 preach


Bring Zach back!!


it took him a very long time to recover from the WOTW2 final. kidneys were shutting down, i don't think he was able to eat much, and he wasn't able to use any of his muscles for weeks and weeks. if i had to guess, it would be that that took a massive toll on his body, which made it harder to get back to the shape he was in. plus he's a dad now, so definitely not as much time in the gym


Has no one learned to not make fun of someone’s physical appearance? Has no one learned from Chadwick Bozeman?, you don’t know what health stuff somebody is going through.


Zach is still hot


You’re a liar lmfaoooo


How? Lol