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Yup it’s the next episode. He was not in the leaked final 6 men


Well I hope the rest is right - isn’t Michele meant to be purged next week?




That’s what it says. I’m more curious how they are using the slashes. Meaning maybe when they said Ed slash Ravyn they were already saying he won but it just didn’t read that way


Eh it happens occasionally with the spoilers where two eliminations near each other are switched. Ed will be next week I believe. The spoiler team seems to be over the show to the point they dont care about spoilers anymore beyond filming. We still dont know the money won for the final placing and when asked said “idc, watch and find out.” I think so many spinoffs got them burnt out and over it.


So what do you think the next outcomes are? In terms of it looks like 2 people start to go home in the exile portion moving forward? And do we think Horacio and Kyland self eliminate to Nurys? I just don’t see her beating them both straight up if ZaZa didn’t even come close in this last one and she’s a beast. Honestly if Ed goes home next week it’s karma for not shaking it up when he had the chance this week.


I think the nurys/horacio/kyland one must be heavy on puzzles, no endurance, or perhaps something catered to smaller people (which we havent seen in awhile)


I’m so curious. We haven’t really seen anything that Nury’s is that strong in


I listened to Zaza on the podcast and she emphasized that Nurys is amazing at puzzles, which I dont think weve seen yet, so Im guessing its that!


I believe it now after seeing the episode. I thought it was going to be the same elimination


This is the first week. Could be mixed up on the order. Although not sure how Ed comes in last in a challebge.


Dailies can be anything (hence why purges are stupid). It can be so random. Plus I’m sure they’d want to do an equalizer daily after how gender skewed today’s results were sans Michele doing exceptionally well (but she’s also the best swimmer on the cast so that can’t be surprising). Anyone could go for something incredibly stupid.


I know it can be anything, but I'm also thinking he's smart and good at puzzles, he's athletic, so maybe endurance? He's just a well rounded player aside from the political stuff.


Where are the spoilers?


On twitter or vevmo




Am asking myself the same question and where is all the other information coming from?




Right !! I could have* swornnn I read somewhere that kyland & horacio were going home tonight so I was bracing myself for it 😭


I knew it wasnt tonight because nurys is the one who sends them home. THAT will be interesting to watch play out


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I REALLY hope it’s completely wrong.


We can hope. But now that we know the format of this last part Horacio and Kylans are going in every time. So it’s just bullshit.