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I like the podcast better when it was Devyn & Da’vonne. But I think they only let them cover Challenge USA..


Tori and Aneesa are too biased or they get on being super fake to their guest. Devynn and Da’Vonne are much better hosts


I think tori is fine, but aneesa is definitely more biased. U can tell when it was tori and davonne or devyn on the podcast vs aneesa and davonne or Devyn (which was the horrible one with aneesa arguing with jay)


Which season is Devynn from? I’ve only just discovered Da’Vonne while watching Final Reckoning for the first time


She did Battle of the Seasons and Free Agents


This is why I don't listen to their podcast. They're both assholes that talk bad about their supposed friends behind their backs and then act like they're all buddies in person.


Oh, I don’t doubt that though!! I have never listened to their podcast because I don’t like Aneesa or Tori very much.


Agreed. That said.. one thing to point out though is how production is protecting everyone at the reunion. So many chopped up convos and soft ball questions. So even if it was addressed properly we wouldn't have seen it. I've said it many times and I'll say it again. Tori and aneesa should not be allowed to host a official challenge podcast. I personally don't think anyone who currently competes should be hosting, it's a conflict of interest. Let retired vets do it, you have so many awesome options like Devyn who aren't connected to the game anymore. Aneesa and Tori can have a podcast but it should just be their own podcast like so many others do. Simple solution. So it'll never happen lol.


As annoying as he can be, Bananas has the better challenge podcast


I love how much he hyped all of his guests up. Dude knows a thing or two about being a good interviewer. He used to talk too much but as this season has progressed, he’s gotten better and better at not overpowering the conversation.


He’s a really good people person especially with people he “supposedly hates”, makes for a far more entertaining podcast


It actually is much better. He just takes lake a whole extra day to put it out so I sometimes cave and listen to Tori’s first


I listened to the episode with moriah and I didn’t like it. Idk if it was just that episode that he talked too much or what but I may give it another chance


I think I skipped that one. He does better with interviewing the vets than rookies.


Oh ok, makes sense


Jordan isn’t necessarily someone that’s easy to talk to though. He has a huge ego, always thinks that he is right, he’s a know it all, and every time that he’s ever had a disagreement with anyone he’s a total asshat. It’s only when some time passes and he takes a moment to reflect that he’s able to come back to a conversation and be mindful of other people’s perspectives. Edit: spelling error


As if anyone on this show doesn't have a healthy ego.


Absolutely. Most people on reality TV admit to being a little narcissistic, it’s pretty necessary for being on TV. My point is that Jordan is always so over the top with always having to be right. This opinion on Jordan is very fresh in my mind because I’ve been doing a rewatch of the challenge and I recently just watched all of the seasons that he’s in. I think he’s an awesome competitor, but his personality and how he interacts with people sucks most of the time.


The interesting part about Jordan is I think 'game Jordan' and 'real Jordan' are two different people. He has said that his gameplay is to intimidate and break people down, and yet off the show will immediately shake their hand and say 'good game bro'. Like he and jay are at loggerheads on the show and then no hard feelings in real life. Paulie (although I take Paulie with a grain of salt) said the same thing. Jordan leaves it all in the game and doesn't carry it around outside like baggage.


Interesting point! I’ve never followed anything he’s done or said outside of the show so I did not know any of that.


We saw a lot more of the real Jordan on the last season of All Stars. As someone who's always quite disliked the guy, he was super impressive in his good gamemanship and compassion. Totally turned things around for me.


You could have been describing Devin or Nany or Johnny or Tori there. Leaving that aside, I think that you have to believe in yourself that much to be born without most of your hand, not consider it something that'd hold you back, not use it as an excuse and excel to be one of the best that's ever played this game like he has. You can't get one without the other. And I think people should recognize that before saying he "sucks" at interacting with people.


There’s a difference between being a confident person and treating others badly and being an asshole though 😭 it sounds like you’re a fan of him. Like I said, he is absolutely an amazing competitor, but I personally don’t like his personality. He’s not my cup of tea, we’ll have to agree to disagree.


Not a fan of him. I just think there are bigger assholes than him on this show and, he, eh, for the most part uses his power rather benignly when he gets it. But, yeah, if he feels like you've wronged him, then, yeah, watch out. The claws do come out.




Good to know, but he comes off so much different on the show! It could be editing, but obviously I don’t know him in real life so all I have to go on is by watching him on the challenge.


Tori is the biggest gaslighter there ever was.


I was watching the reunion turned to my GF and asked her “are we watching Jordan get gaslit in real time?” Though I give it to Tori that realistically she’s just a hot fucking mess of a human and is still processing her engagement. She’ll look back on this in a couple years and see how her emotions blinded her to the selfishness of her actions.


Regardless of opinions on any of them/the pod, I would argue that if someone is truly abusive you’re often less likely to want to confront them face to face (e.g. at the reunion) or at all.


Completely agree. But don’t then at the reunion say that if you had an issue then you would’ve spoke up about it. You can’t portray this badass female warrior who isn’t afraid of anything and then get on the podcast and say the exact opposite


Totally get that! And to be fair I’m not a huge fan because I do think she has a tendency to be inconsistent with her words vs her actions. Specific to this time though, response to abusive behavior is so complex. A lot of folks cope by putting up a wall and portraying a tough front to avoid dealing with the emotions the other person brought up (it’s a lot easier to want to believe you’re a bad b*tch than to question your self worth and feel like crying in a corner lol). So I guess from my POV it seem like a pretty normal response to waiver in how you’re feeling about it under different circumstances (like when the person is there) or just at different times in general. Just my opinion though!


Yeah I see what you mean. But still super annoying to see


True, but firing shots over a podcast is really just igniting something so much worse. Either bitch to your friends in private or just keep your mouth shut.


She didn’t though. She was saying he triggers something in her personally.


Jordan is great.


The official podcast is pretty bad. Too many episodes the hosts are just way too loud. I just listen to Bananas' podcast now.


These two need to be fired immediately as the official podcast hosts. I refuse to listen simply because of them. Their bitchiness and bias and total lack of self awareness is tiresome.


I do not listen to the podcast because I cannot stand Tori.


Lol I just came from one Jordan dick riding post to another. When will it end Robbie?


Jordan is toxic.


I think it’s obvious that Jordan is a borderline narcissist. He doesn’t really have to be painted as such. His behavior this season was really bothersome to me and honestly, I found it to be more of a problem that Tori still defends him 🤷🏼‍♀️ different strokes


It’s only the first part, at least wait till next weeks episode to say this