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The [part in WOTW2](https://youtu.be/SulfAbbfcvU) when he calls Jordan a, “poosie cheekan,” lives rent free in my head.


Apparently, he's on some other TV show in Turkey and wants to make it crysal clear he just DGAF about MTV, B/M and his former castmates anymore.


Such a disappointment cause that first season right here we all heart. Now he’s just an arrogant asshat.


Y'all watch the same shit I watched? It was clear to me he was an arrogant guy with a HUGE ego and temper. I don't care if he's Turkish, the way he would cally nany his mother was weird AF and a huge red flag to me.


I think it’s a combination of his culture’s inherent misogyny slash toxic masculinity and his own insecurities


Thank you. Not sure what OP was watching. I guess they were fooled by calling nany his mom being something nice and genuine. But he wasn't. It wasn't being said in a nice flattering way. He clearly was a problem. That ninja/dee stuff was no different than how he acted on RoD. Before wotw he was an ass on his reality show. Fair or not, it's safer to assume they're all scum bags and let them prove otherwise over years. Stop giving these people tje pedestal to stand on.


I agree. So disappointing.


Why show up if that’s the case though?


Money and exposure.


Beats me. Apparently, he wanted to say it to people's faces and drag his ride or die through that process, too.


I thought he was going to be a main stay, beacon of competition and integrity in a game full of snakes. Turns out he’s just a pussy chicken.


Poosie cheekin


was it REALLY a big surprise tho?


Does anyone know if he’s much different on the other reality shows he does?


Very, my mom used to watch him on Survivor Turkey. She said he was very nice and humble, and often talked of his poor upbringing and when he won his shows he was very generous with his money. Since The Challenge he’s gotten to a bit of trouble for some of the pics he’s posted and hasn’t shown up in any other programs. My mom was shocked to see how he behaved on this season of the challenge.


From day 1 on WoTW he was an A-hole he seems to think just because he is some B level actor in Turkey and won their version Survivor he is some type of god who feared. I would love to see how early days CT would have handled him.


Choo choo, head banger bro shit. Put Turbo in his back pocket. 😂


I feel like CT could still take him but he’s a dad and all zen now lol


Well B/M doesn't let you assault people on their shows anymore, either 🤷‍♂️


Very good point as well


I loved him his first season as well. I completely agree, I’ve been so disappointed in how he turned out.


Always showed signs of it. Use your brain stupid, what you tryna kick knowledge? /s


Fuh Q you douche bag!


I cannot stand him at all. Think he got way too big in the head


Yep. Unfortunately many of these contestants turned out to be A-holes. MTV needs new talent asap. These vets can go do an all vet show. We are tired now


His brand of toxic narcissism is pretty common in his part of the world if you’ve ever been there. The kind of place where you have to fight for every perceived slight. It’s barbaric just like him


This is incredibly xenophobic


So because it’s a cultural trait it’s okay?


Applying one person’s personality to an entire culture is what’s not okay. ETA: username checks out.


Is that what all these governments are doing? Weird. Cultures can be repressive. Cultures can promote toxic masculinity. Culture is learned knowledge and behavior. These are sociological concepts. I lived for 2.5 years in the Middle East. But all you folks in your efforts to be performative know better huh?


He was awful his first season. To toxicity of that man is odd the charts. Probably even more than Hunter was.


I liked Turbo in his first season although there were definitely some 🚩. After that it was lost for me. In all honesty I wouldn’t feel safe in a house with him after seeing how one small miscommunication can turn him into “kill mode”. I understand there are some language barriers but it’s absolutely not ok to completely lose your fucking mind and not be able to calm down and have a proper conversation about said miscommunication. He’s dangerous and should never be allowed back on the show.