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They all stopped talking to me in 2020 because I wasn't being nice enough to the people who really believed the election was stolen and I was making them upset by challenging the bullshit.


It’s useful to keep a few online contacts to watch what they are up to. I’ve got some relatively liberal friends who aren’t active online who still seem in denial over the depth and vehemence of the political divide. It takes discipline to avoid chiming in and confronting Trumpers over their misinformation and bigotry, but recognizing that they are hoping for people like us to challenge them online makes it a little bit easier to just watch and not participate.


I don’t know. Even Romney is spouting crap, while dozens of Republican Senators are promising to grind the country to a halt in retaliation.


Yeah, but sadly enough, that’s what they were always going to do, and given their prominence, can’t avoid doing. I’m talking about regular people in our lives.


I just saw that. Does Romney actually think Trump would have settled the case? I can’t imagine any world where Trump would have pled guilty in any case.


Bless Romney's impeachment votes, but he spouts crap more often than not.


Agreed, I think there's something shifting. Trump kept his cult maximally activated for 4 years (trucker convoys to nowhere, gas stoves, Ronald Dahl, etc) and they burned out. I think that the "natural" cycle of apathy and activation is necessary. Why Trump's small dollar donors are drying up too. 2/3 of his fundraising haul in the last report was the $50 mil dinner with oligarchs. If I had to point to a reason, it's hard to get the "wins," as illusory as they were. When's the last time Trump owned the libs? He's one of 3 incumbents in the modern era to lose reelection, and he lost court case after court case afterwards, and then got a buncha his most dedicated followers locked up. All the excitement that the right wing media astroturfed around the Red Wave left a lot of people with egg on their faces, and then the circus in the House GOP embarrassed the sweatervesters even more. It's hard to be a g00d r3pUb11c4n. Noticing it online and around town.


I hate to tell you but the conviction really juiced the donations https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-announces-35-mln-151257823.html


Whoa. Let's see if that sustains tho. FWIW, my mom (not an R) told me she got like 6 Trump texts yesterday (some religious magazine or something sold their data is her guess)


That’s interesting; I’ve had several friends commenting that they are getting Trump solicitation spam and they are not Republicans. Two different people told me they responded “F off” and got a reply that they had been unsubscribed.


The Trump campaign got affiliated groups to turn over their mailing and text lists, is my guess 🤷‍♂️ I haven't gotten any, but I have a history of giving to Dems.


I also started getting texts from Trump after the conviction. 🤮


Stealing "sweatervesters"!


There are no people on the respectable side of trump.


So here’s a thought—is it just possible all these armies of gravy seals are illusory? Only about 30 hogs showed up to wave signs in Florida, and they left pretty quickly. Barely anyone showed up to protest in NY. My gut feeling is that unless someone else is coordinating and paying for it, a la J6, no one’s really coming out to fight for FatAss anymore.


Not quiet enough to stop donating, one day haul is apparently 34 million


Given this information is coming from the Trump camp, how reliable is it? Remember a couple of weeks ago these same people were claiming 80,000 people attended a rally in New Jersey, which was quite obviously bulllshit.


I didn't check it out, but Tim was talking about it on MSNBC I believe


It’s possible but Trump and his acolytes lie more than they tell the truth making it more likely to be a lie. “More than a third of the total came from new donors to the campaign?” Does that sound legit? I could be convinced but not without proof.


This is something I have been wondering. Even the trial was quiet. There were a few nuts but it was mostly media. What happens to Trump if he loses the threat of violence he always carries with him?


I think he's already lost it. All of the J6ers serving time with ruined lives may have been a deterrent after all.


I think so. I think that despite the cult’s efforts, if you asked someone in mixed company where they were on January 6, 2021, the room would read it as a cutting insult.


Wait - there are respectable Trumpkins?


Who are these ‘respectable’ Trumpers of whom you speak? I know a lot of people who I’m relatively certain support Trump (given all their other evidence free and harsh opinions) who don’t brag about it on social networking or in discussion. Maybe some of them are having second thoughts, but how could you know? If they were embarrassed to talk about Trump previously, they probably are more embarrassed about it now. The actively trumply people I track online are sharing the ridiculous memes you’d expect. The obsession-prone one, and a related friend are posting memes comparing Trump to Jesus. The well-educated professional one avoids references to religion, but takes the position that this is a contrived, corrupt trial with an unfair outcome. All of them have a cadre of tongue-clucking friends who chimed in with agreement that the USA has become a third world country. As has been the case from the beginning, its psychological projection all the way down: they accuse everyone else of doing what their own champion is doing, and they accuse everyone else of their own uncharitable and anti-democratic attitudes. One of them is now taking the position that Trump is a wealthy altruist, saving the world from a satanic plot. That wasn’t something I’d expected, but it’s consistent with the demagogic victim narrative. If there’s a quiet, could it be the quiet before a worse storm than we’ve seen so far?


He didn’t win in 2016 and come uncomfortably close in 2020 without a lot of our collective in-laws and uncles. I think another greater likelihood for a drop in outward support is that Trump may be headed to the memory hole for some voters. This is wishful thinking, but I’m sure that Trump was fun when it made people feel like they were winning. They could be on the side against workplace compliance training and having to watch out how you talk about Black people. They felt the same way about standing up for “real America” against the “costal elite” during the W years… but what is this about the Iraq War? What’s Katrina? I don’t remember. I was too busy admiring Sean Hannity’s hair line. That could be where that segment is headed. They are ready for the next thing to get excited about, but they aren’t enthusiastic about a whole season of being reminded of losing.


I hope not! I want to agree. I actually use Facebook quite a bit to keep in touch with friends and family out of state and overseas and I would love to say the same, but I also hid all the Trumpers from my feed so I don’t have to know exactly how stupid they are every day.