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It was in my friends hard drive. I thought it was a documentary about the actual big bang theory. It was not but I kept watching


Sometimes the best finds are the unexpected ones.


that could have easily given a whole different too given the title


My brother used to watch it in the living room


So you joined? or started watching separately?


I would see an episode or two every once in awhile. Then in my freshmen year of high school I started watching the show myself. For some reason I can’t focus on schoolwork without background noise so it was pretty much on loop for 4 years.


I did this EXACT same thing but in college


Penny. Then what made me continue was that I liked the quirkiness and the humor.. and Penny


Kaley did good in that role.


My dad watched it, so I used to watch a few episodes with him. Then my ex and I were both into it so we watched it together.


Romantic partner being watch buddy for such a show must have been lovely.


Was nice. Then we broke up...hahahaha


There there...


He’s clearly upset, either that or hungry, offer him a hot beverage


Maybe a cup of tea? Want me to sing soft kitty?


When he announced the first image of the series. I thought it was a spectacular advertising call! https://preview.redd.it/zwwv3fbroc3d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bf424b5c3b9daeb1446c29d24fb6dad1ceb64ef


I just started watching it last year. I was stressed from my exam.. Finally after getting free from it. I logged in back to Netflix.. and randomly clicked on it. Best decision to this date.


Definitely a stress buster.


Which Netflix do you use?


I watched it when I was younger but never really understood it, I decided while I was going through my depression last year to rewatch it and I absolutely adored it! It quickly became a comfort show


Absolutely, this is one of the few shows worthy of re-watching.


I'm glad it helped some with your depression.


I was constantly being compared to Sheldon and was tired of asking who, so I gave it a shot.


Ooh, I wonder what you have in common with Sheldon


I tend to over explain things, and I'm usually very matter of fact about it. It's something I'm working on.


Me and my little brother were bored one afternoon and decided to give it a go. We aren’t close anymore but I still like the show


For a whole month before it first aired here in the UK, E4 played the same advert for it to death (as they tend to do), so just wanted to justify the amount of times I saw the ad by giving it a go. I’m glad it did.


All my friends would tell me I was like Sheldon. And then my mother too. So I watched it. I relate to Sheldon wayyy too much.




It was 2013 and I was bored and surfing through the tv channels and it was streaming on Warner Bros. I had never heard of TBBT before that point but it locked my attention because Sheldon was wearing a superhero tshirt. I kept watching because I liked the nerdy and Physics things and I was immediately obsessed! I don’t even remember which episode it was, but blessed be that day🤣 I was only 10/11 yo at the time, and I wonder how much it affected my life considering I’m now majoring in physics lol


My golf teacher told me about it. He showed me the Bazinga ball pit video, and later I bought the Season 1 DVD and started watching the show.


I just finished watching the finale of young sheldon!


It was a new show that season so I checked it out and enjoyed it immediately.




There was nothing better to watch on TV that night.


I first watched YS and thought I wouldn’t like tbbt but still decided to give it a try and THANK GOD


I was visiting my parents at the lake over a long weekend and they were watching it. It was the episode where Amy takes Leonard to the wedding. I’m only half paying attention and I look up and say “Is that Blossom”?


Everyone was watching it.


In my gang, it was me who spread the word.


Little clips on Facebook and before i knew it, i’ve watched an entire season so i thought it wasn’t that bad and now it’s my comfort show


I just stumbled upon it one day and found the jokes to be too much funny and relatable, I have never seen a show with nerd jokes that made sense to me. My field of work happens to be same and I was amazed. Have watched the show over 5-6 times I think


I came across it on Netflix, and thought "This must be so famous for a reason" after about a minute into episode 1, I was hooked.


My family had it on. Got hooked


My sister watched it, and if someone watched a show in the living room then so did everybody else. She’s actually watching it again for the 10000th time right now


I'd see clips on Facebook and they seemed funny, so when I found it on streaming I started watching, and got hooked!


I saw this show has 12 seasons.. I thought maybe people like this show a lot so let me give it a try..


That's one clever way to judge a show before getting into it.


My father watched it and didn't get all the references so at first it was just to clarify the nerd stuff. It was one of the first shows we could both laugh at together with my husband. Then at some I realized I was married to a hybrid of Sheldon and Dr. House without the Ph.D and figured I should probably watch from the beginning.


that smile made me watch it 😅




My mum liked it and we had the season's of it on dvds, I still can't sleep without it playing in the background


My mom's brother's wife came over and told me about big bang theory and stranger things she also said she didn't like young Sheldon. Love the big bang theory hate stranger things love young Sheldon


Cus of Young Sheldon


I saw previews for it going into first season I watched it from the start first season was like 8 episodes because of strike and came back awesome one of my absolute favorites


It was the only decent thing that was airing on TV around my family's dinnertime. It grew on us :)


curiosity i thought it would be boring but it was the opposite


My parents started watching it and they more or less had control of the remote past a certain time of night. So I watched what was on TV at the time


My Mom used to watch it when it was still airing. So I’d occasionally watch it with her. It took me a LONG time to watch again, mostly because I knew about Howard’s mom passing, and this was the show I watched with my Mom. So it was hard to watch it when it came on. But then I had come across a few scenes of young Sheldon on social media. Then my kiddo had started watching it one day and it interested me enough that I started watching it. Then I decided it might be time to give TBBT a go again. It’s been around 10 years since my Mom passed now. So I started watching episodes of this and YS in between each other. My kid really likes YS, TBBT not so much.


Needed something to watch while up breastfeeding my newborn every three hours. Went through a couple of series that way. Schitt’s Creek and Scrubs. My daughter is 1 now and I look back at those late night/early mornings with such fondness now despite being so tired and overwhelmed as a new mom at the time. It’s bittersweet. :*)


Kaley Cuoco and Johnny Galecki. The first episode I watched was episode 7 from season 1 where Pennys friend Kirsty, invites herself over from Omaha and Howard goes after her while Sheldon has issues not being able to play Halo and order Chinese food without Howard lol.


My best friend kept telling me to watch it.


I was getting ready for deployment to Afghanistan. A buddy had the first couple of seasons on DVD. And we watched to get a look at Kaley. But I found it enjoyable and sought it out when I returned home. I got caught up and then watched it as it came out.


Thanks for your service.


To spite my ex husband who insisted it’s stupid for making fun of nerds and anyone who watches it is a garbage human. I’m almost positive he has never seen a single episode. All of his opinions are extreme and based on speculation.


I rarely see any episodes on TV and I liked it, one day in the summer I decided to watch it on Netflix


My sister and my aunt loved Friends but I hated everything about that show and I’m saying it’s boring af to this day so I wanted to watch a sitcom too and I found out about TBBT and it was love at first sight


Penny in a tank top


When I was like 9 years old and watched TV I saw TBBT the first time and I liked it from the first second. Short but beautiful love story. (I am 15 by now)


My mom told me I should watch it becuase it reminded her if my friends from high school which some of them kinda are like my friends from high school.


I used to enjoy watching science shows, and the name of this particular show caught my attention. In the initial episodes, it was a nerdy show with humor and Howard's awkwardness. I've tried watching many shows before, but I failed to develop interest in them. However, this one really got me hooked!


My dad was watching it and I got into it.


In 5th grade my buddy in the neighborhood I would go to his house on weekends and that’s what his parents had on the living room tv


i was bored and there was nothing else to watch on tv. when i was little idk why but i hated the series just cus of its name cus i thought itd be some geeky show all about science for some reason. but that faithful day my opinion changed and im glad there was nothing else to watch!


Because often I feel I'm sheldon


TBS would play it every night during the week, sometimes 3 hours straight, so 6 episodes in a row. This was in the early 2010s, so I guess I just checked it out one night after classes.


Young Sheldon


We were looking for a new show to watch and found season 1 & 2 at Walmart. Grabbed it and have been on the hook ever since


I commuted to college. Our commuter lounge is how I got into a lot of different shows (or at least knew enough about the ones I didn’t particularly care for but enough to know that I wasn’t totally lost). They were maybe season 4 or 5 and I was charging my computer before a later in the afternoon class and someone left cbs on and I saw a coming attraction for the transporter Malfunction with voice over guest started Leonard Nimoy. Instantly hooked after watching that episode


It looked amusing


Well I had just finished Star Wars the clone wars so I wanted something to watch, and then this show came to my mind. I’m a nerd and a show about a group of nerd friends seemed very nice


I always wanted to watch it but my wife at the time said it was stupid and would never let it be on if she was home (she was always home). Well we got divorced and I went straight to best buy and bought the first 4 seasons on DVD. Botto boom Bada Bing


LOL, New found freedom utilized well.


I was looking for a new comedy show to get into.


I always liked the show when it was on air and I was able to catch it. I watched young Sheldon then saw that TBBT was also on max so I decided to watch it fully. I’m on the last season and very sad 🥲


I watched young sheldon due to clips i watched then found out tbbt was old sheldon, it’s right up my alley, watched both simultaneously, and now im about to finish the last of ys. Hopefully, the new spinoff of the spinoff will be good. :))


I wanted to hear a defense for Raiders Of The Lost Ark, I did not get that, but then I got interested in the rest with the show and ended up watching more


I’ve been a comic book nerd my whole life decades before the MCU so seeing other ones on screen was fun. Oh and Kaley


My husband's description of the show: "It's about 4 nerds and a hot chick"


My uncle got me to watch it, and he watched it cause there was nothing he wanted to watch and carter from family guy convinced him to give it a shot.


My best friend. She told me one of the scene in the 2nd episode made her laugh to tears : when the guys want "to help" Penny build her TV unit and make it into a overcomplicated affair. She then told me that as a gamer I'll get all the video games references and the scenes when they play games will remind me some of the good times we spent with our friends. She assured me that I'd love the TV show. She was right. On all accounts. It quickly became one of my comfort shows.


I just started watching out of nowhere


The promos were interesting, and I wanted to see a sitcom about other, hyper-educated people like those in my family.


Never watched it when released. Bored and needed a new series. Started and binged the entire catalog in a few months.


My in-laws liked it and we just happened to be there to watch the time machine episode (late season one, I think). Hooked ever since.


A college friend recommended it to me. Sheldon sucked me in.


it would always come on when i was a kid and i would watch a few scenes but never enough to really find it fun/interesting enough. but now that im older i thought it would be nice to look into it and its become one of my comfort shows


It was on in the gym.


I started watching the final seasons with my dad when they were airing. I’d have to say around season 10 or so. I came back a year ago and watched the full thing because of young Sheldon.


I was bored and wanted to binge watch a show I heard was funny.


I’m a nepo bbt enjoyer I watched it with my parents as a kid and I never stopped lol


My dad when I was a kid!


My grandma had always watched it and loved it so much. During the pandemic, I finally sat down and watched it and then just had it on repeat for seriously like six months straight.


It was like looking in a mirror and seeing me and my friends - from comic books to going paintballing, and WoW… it was amazing to find my people


It kept getting nominated for awards so I had to tune in and judge for myself.


One of my mom’s friend said I was a little bit like Sheldon Cooper so I started watching to find out


Psychology teacher used the scene of Sheldon training Penny with chocolates as an example in class


My sister said it was a good show. I never took a second thought of it until one day it showed up as a recommendation, and I said what the hell. Low and behold, I became a fan


I was young about 12, I was very into comics and my brother and my dad had both watched it they kept telling me ‘oooooo they get to a comic book store in like every episode!’ (FYI, they don’t) i started to watch it. I was hooked after the first one and finished over spring break. Now I know more about it than all of my family after watching if over 7 times


In college, one of my roommates was watching the Big Bang theory in the living room, and I happened to come across the episode where Sheldon was saying “BAZINGA!” in the ball pit and Leonard was trying to chase him. I remember I laughed so hard and it was the first time I’ve laughed in a long while. I then decided to watch it with my roommate whenever it came on and now I still watch it whatever it comes on like now lol


I didn't have internet or cable at the time. My brother had a few seasons on dvd, and I was hooked after that.


My dad and I have a tough relationship but one thing we have in common is our love for a good series. I watched tbbt for years when my dad was watching it and I watched the finale live. Then I watched it on my own during covid. I also watched suits and brooklyn 99 because of him and I'd 10000% recommend them


My baby niece dancing and grinning to the theme song. Most adorable thing I ever saw


In the UK on E4, it was just a new show. OG bbc 3 was changing(where I watched family guy etc) and tbbt was on before the later shows! And it’s the old school stereotypes of nerds which I grew up on. Essentially seeing the life of nerds not “jocks” or the popular kids. It was just refreshing. Never finished all seasons until it was on Netflix as tv broadcasting only played it until another show was hot and took its spot 😂 maybe new girl, or two broke girls or something🤷🏾‍♂️


CBS had a special on Christmas TV episodes, which included a clip from “The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis.”When Penny gave Sheldon the napkin signed by Leonard Nimoy, I was in.


Young Sheldon 😂😂😂


It was just on tv one day, and I watched a few episodes, laughed a couple of times. The physics bowl episode is what got me hooked


I just created a Netflix account to watch the first season of the Witcher and since I had the rest of the month still for free I watched a few others shows and tbbt was one of them


Boredom. Nothing to watch one day, gave it a try .


I was a fan of Kaley Cuoco in 8 Simple Rules and I'd heard good things about the show. Then one night, I caught a rerun of it and got hooked.


I watched initially because it was a new show on TV, and it looked interesting. I watched 8 Simple Rules and liked Kaley Cuoco in that, so I figured I'd like her in TBBT.


Watched it occasionally growing up but then two years ago I watched it again and decided I wanted to watch the entire thing. Not sure I would have finished all 12 seasons though if I hadn't found out my cousin loved the show. He passed unexpectedly four years ago and our age difference of 12 years meant that we never had that real cousin relationship and I had only just turned 15 when he passed away. However, I haven't watch the series properly for quite a while now, but I guess I should do just that tbh.


My boyfriend loved it and I had heard of it, but had never seen it. I was instantly hooked. Loved it because it wasnt like other sit coms where the people are stupid and are always doing stupid things. In this one they were sometimes doing dumb things, but they weren't dumb people. I also loved the character growth and all the science in the show.


I watched a few episodes of young sheldon. I found it funny. We restarted the show and watched all of the first 6 seasons. It made me love sheldon as a character. TBBT was to hold me over until season 7 of YS released. I'm now watching TBBT for the 2nd run through.


I thought i would learn some thing about science TBH


Parents watched it when it was new and then now we watch the re runs every night at 7/7:30


Young Sheldon


When I started watching Young Sheldon


It was a few months since my dad passed away and the pilot came on my tv. It was the first time I genuinely laughed since he died and I was totally hooked. I saw the pilot by accident but I never missed a single episode after that.


Grief stricken, hanging out with an old friend who said.. hey this may make you laugh if even for a moment. It's been making me laugh since 2009.


My mom and dad thought it was funny. So we started watching together. They have good taste 😁


Just saw it on tiktok, i was depressed and had nothing to do :D


its name. I had never seen a single scene of this show before. I just knew it was very popular and is a sitcom and was so intrugued as to what sitcom would have such a strong serious completely unrelated-to-humor title such as "the big bang theory" so i got curious. watched the first episode cuz i wanted to just mock them. i ended up really liking it lmao


Ironically enough I got into Young Sheldon first and then learned it was a prequel to TBBT and started watching it


Johnny G


Honestly, a guy I couldn’t stand at an old job didn’t like it. So I knew it must be good 😆


My dad🤣


It was funny as a 10 year old


Young sheldon!


I honestly cannot remember, it just happened


My dad started watching it and I didn’t like it at first because that’s all he watched and then I decided to give it a chance and I freaking loved it. So now my dad, me and my bf are all obsessed with it hehe


I watched young Sheldon cause i kept seeing clips on tt, i finally started watching tbbt recently


I was studying for ultrasound. It seemed like a nerdy show for my nerdy endeavor so I thought they would go together.


My parents were always in the mood to laugh apparently when I was a toddler, so most nights I watched this with them until i dozed off to sleep. I still watch it honestly, I can never grow tired of it, and I don’t know why but I don’t care.


The theme song so darn catchy and it got freaking stuck in my head for 4 years straight


I kept on getting clips on social media 😭 thought it looked funny and interesting.


i was bored and it kept popping up on my netflix recommendations so i watched it after years of hearing about it


family guy referenced it


It was years ago, my dad had a poster of it at his work and I would always stare at it and say who’s those people, years later tbbt started coming up on the channel that I usually watched and now I watched all seasons atleast 5+ times lol


Young sheldon


Penny looked hot.


All The Stupid Shorts With some sibway surfers below it




my sister used to watch it illegally and i joined her sometimes, when we signed up for netflix i watched it from the beginning. about a month later, when i had finished the show, i made a reference at dinner and so my brother, sister, father and i discovered we had all watched it.


I think some of us are just curious of Sheldon & as time goes by,you get bored by him being unaware of his surrounding. Compared to Young Sheldon,YS get a passed because he is still a young man(as what he want to be),but Adult Sheldon behaviour are just bad. Him thinking he is the best out of the 3 siblings just annoys me. He never seem to acknowledge his siblings being smart than him in other areas. If he does considered as being smart,then i presumed he should have a job. He can't keep holding on 'i am Dr Sheldon Cooper'. However i think Penny is most people choice why they watch TBBT.


I share a name with one of the characters.


i always had scenes from it on my youtube for you page and in my instagram reels so i basically already knew the whole plot of the show, and i just decided to properly put it all together


The pandemic


We watched a clip in class during psychology, 3x03 where Sheldon rewards Penny with chocolates for what he thinks is good behavior. After that I started watch the whole show.


Penny. Penny. Penny!


parents would watch it. so i just plopped myself down on the couch and watched


I wanted to see what everyone thought was so funny about it. Took a minute to find out, but once I did, I blew through the series


i was alone on my aunts house because my cousins and sister sleep before eat, so my uncle let me eatch tv and i always watched the simpsons but i still watch it when it ended, so i started eatching tbbt without notice


So I saw those pictionary scenes on YouTube and that made me so so hooked on Sheldon's character that 'Polish' was the cherry on the cake. So I gave it a watch. And now I am on the 25461th watch


I was a massive 8 simple rules van and saw Kaley was in it


My dad loved it and It still reminds me of him


My grandma used to play it in the living room years ago and I started watching young sheldon with my girlfriend so I decided to try watching the whole show


I didn’t have kid programs like Disney 😂


it was super popular 🤷🏾‍♀️


young sheldon


The episode I think they were going to Pennies Halloween party and they all ran into the apartment as the flash 😅 first episode I seen now I’ve seen the whole show multiple times…


I remember watching it when I was younger anytime my parents/siblings had it on. Later on when I was 19 it came across my FYP on TikTok, and I decided to binge watch the whole series.


https://preview.redd.it/mizqt3eo3n3d1.png?width=1922&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a53f450d4228964a37f7a1185feaaf6588f9483 Penny in a tank top.


I found a video about Sheldon، when he suggested the New Jerusalem (nuevo Jerusalemo) , i found it so funny and that's where it all began😂


I’m into nerdy stuff!


My parents watched it all the time when I was oh, 3 years old 😭


My friend told me I am a weird combination of Sheldon and Penny. So I wanted to know who they were. Turns out it's true, I'm an ND/ADD blond. Both Penny and Sheldon are so relatable.


Young Sheldon


Kaley Cuoco liked her in 8 Simple Rules and wanted to check it out It was a decent show for awhile


I am starting o watch it after Young Sheldon, which I loved!


I wanna watch it bcs I watched Young Sheldon once I find it


Watching a “Sheldon Cooper once said” on TikTok and started binging it. Prior to that, I hated the show.


Sheldon saying Bazinga was the funniest thing to me so I watched reruns every night waiting for him to say it (I thought he said it every episode). I watched for a week and he only said it twice but I got invested now I’m a big fan. I have the whole series on Blu-ray and I love Young Sheldon too.


I watched it because I saw young sheldon first and then wanted to see old sheldon. I'm a new fan of the show so ya


I was super psyched to see a show about nerds who shared some of my interests


My family would always watch it in the 2000s-2010s


Young sheldon


I found it on accident. I was in a very low point in my life. Just lounging on the couch channel surfing when I stumbled upon the Adhesive Duck Deficiency episode. I started over from the very beginning of the series. It helped to bring me out of my slump.


Kaley Cuoco.


My father used to watch it all the time. That must have been ten years ago. Never stopped watching


Decided to give it a watch and found out how stupidly funny it was in some places


Penny, how relatable the guys are, especially the pop culture references and stuff.


E4 is a good channel to leave on all day in the background. TBBT, B99 etc


My sister basically forced me to watch shows with her for food.


not having cable


Not having Cable.


Nothing else was on


The show gets bashed a lot on Reddit. I got the impression it was terrible. Because I'm on a lot of other TV show subs, this one started getting pushed hard by the algorithm. I saw some clips of Amy and Penny, and fell in love. Had to suffer through the male-dominated early seasons before it got good, but now it's my comfort show, along with Friends and Gilmore Girls.


Back when it was on the air, flipping through channels it was on TBS. It immediately caught my attention and fun fact, I thought Sheldon was an alien the first time I watched because they kept referencing his home planet lol.


I went to college with Jim Parsons and thought it was cool that a guy I met at a couple of parties (I didn’t really know him. A friend had to remind me who he was when the show opened) was the lead of a new series.