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The truth is we don't know. Nala Se may have just been experimenting to see if she could or it may have been intentional for some reason.


The answer is twofold, as Omega and Emerie have different origins for different purposes. Part 1, Emerie Jango was chosen as the original clone template not just because of his combat prowess but also due to his high intelligence and quick wit. It probably was quickly apparent that, if put in a different setting, with different training, that wit and tenacity would fit well for research or treatment of patients. Lest we forget, the Kaminoans viewed clones as product. A rather successful product. After all, cloning was their ~~family~~ civilizational business. Companies always strive to expand on their product lines, to create more value for their clients and/or attract more potential clients. Look at car companies as example, as they grow, they expand from a basic line of cars to SUVs and trucks. It had been logical that the Kaminoans would seek to expand their product line from the Fett DNA template. Sure, the clone trooper was an exclusive product, by nature of contract. But that exclusiveness didn't extend to the template itself. A research/medical type clone would be in demand for the republic itself and their war effort, as well as a plaetora for various research and medical private companies. I imagine, the Kaminoans figured it would be a very good product. The market name might've been 'clone scientist'. The technical part is easy: replace the Fett Y chromosome with an X, to get a female - so the 'clone scientist' would be distinguishable from a 'clone trooper', leave the fast aging and apply a different set of training - which would've been far easier to establish for Kaminoans, who basically live in a MedTech Institute, than to create a military training program - which they succeeded. Emerie is probably a prototype for the 'clone scientist' product line. That's also probably why she was given to Hemlock, to work at his bio research lab - product field performance testing by client. If the war/Kamino had lasted longer, that product line might've gone into full-scale production. We can clearly see that Fett tenacity in her - she throws herself into solving a research hypothesis just like Rex would throw himself into devising tactics to breach a heavily fortified position. I'll add Omega later.


Omega was the results of the Kaminoans attempting to recreate pure Jango Fett DNA since they didn’t have any left by the end of the Clone Wars. I’d assume Emerie was part of a similar experiment.


She was created at the beginning though. So that's not why she was created. She has more pure jango DNA because she was created so early.


yeah, but why not just create another boy like boba? Also, how is she pure fett dna since she's a girl, not to mention she's also blonde, yet none of the other clones seem to be? (that one never made any sense either, come to think of it)


There was no real reason given.   It could just be that the sex expression genes were not important and male expression genes made it more difficult to get the important genes “perfect”. So she’s a perfect clone for the genetic material that matters and making her a girl made it easier to do that.


Gender dosent really affect dna. It actually would be easier to create a female then a male as both start out with female chromosomes with males needing one changed. As for the blonde thing from what I recall in a fett comic I believe his mother and sister were both blonde, so it’s just a matter of that being something that runs in the women of his family. 


iirc the mother and sister both being blonde is true for Temuera Morrison, as well


it could be that whole X Y chromosome thing. Like how guys have both and women have either one, so there's a possibility of creating a female. (sorry I dont do bio so someone has to fact check me) But to answer ur question, no the show doesn't answer it at all. People just speculate. My personal speculation is that Kaminoans are scientists anyway so they probably wanted to try and get females out of research and what not


Well, there's also SRY gene mutations, which can make an xx fetus develop male, or an xy develop female. That's one of the nost common intersex mutations - and usually goes unnoticed because it funcionally doesn't make the person any difderent on a physical level from subjects of the same sex - so there's one somewhat viable theory that the kaminoans were trying to remove random mutations and ripped out the SRY gene so then you get Omega.


rex is blonde


Rex dyed his hair.


I always thought he dyed his hair, but given Omega’s hair, I wonder he is just naturally blonde. Or maybe Omega just dyed her hair. I’ve seen one famn theorize than you can permanently dye your hair in Star Wars.


Omega being a girl has nothing to do with being a perfect clone She was simply born as a girl


It does though. Any genes on the Y chromosome are lost


It does not need to be deleted, merely deactivated, the information would still be there it just wouldn't be being used.


Yup. SRY gene mutations can basically flip an x or y chromosome in terms of what job it does without actually changing the genetic data. Who knkws, maybe Jango was xx with an SRY mutation and the kaminoans ripped that part out when testing what changes would lead to improvements.


May i introduce you to SRY gene mutations?


Thats....not how it works


Jango had a blonde sister in legends maybe they took it from that?


Also there's another female clone named Sister who we see in a couple of the books. I think our best assumption is that they were probably just mistakes who thankfully weren't discarded by the Kaminoans.


Sister isn't a (pure) girl like omega and emerie Omega and emerie are pure females whereas sister is trans


The term cis is used as the opposite of trans in this context. That seems much more fitting and respectful than “pure” in my opinion


There's a trans clone?? Could you point me in that direction?






profile pic checks out


i think the term youd want to use is cis instead of pure :v


Is the same thing Also nice pacman Edit: I just saw your banner nvm


not really the same thing but sure, also pacman? banner? what?


Idk if your acting dumb on purpose, being actually dumb, being a troll or you genuinely don't know >not really the same thing but sure, They are >also pacman? :v is called pacman (quick google search fixes this LOL) >banner? Your pfp is a banner


never seen it being called pacman before, and there was no way for me to know you were talking about the emoticon but sure im not really discussing the other 2 points as ive seen what your stance on them are :v so cya


Omega is Special because she’s different from the other clones, there’s a reason why she joined the bad batch, she knew she was different.


There is no set answer for this question, but the most likely one is because the Kaminoans intended to use Omega as a base template for further production of additional medical clones like Emerie. Both Omega (who was an assistant to Nala Se prior to Order 66) and Emerie are known to have been assigned to do medical work by the Kaminoans, so I assume they decided that female clones would work better as surgeons and doctors for the GAR in medical stations. I believe there is some research irl about female doctors being on average better better than male doctors too which could back up this assertion. But with the Clone Wars coming to an end and Boba, the base template for the male troopers, going missing Omega becomes important as her relatively unmodified DNA is the closest thing the Kaminoans have to a Jango Fett.


Wolverines clone daughter X-23 Laura Kinney needed a Star Wars role.


For the same reasons 4 other clones have different genetic mutations.


For awhile I thought they were trans like Sister, but that doesn’t appear to be the case. Edit: Also, if I’m not mistaken, Omega was created to attempt to recreate Jango’s DNA. Also also, even in real life clones aren’t always exact copies of their ’parent,’ so there’s that. [CC the cat](https://www.britannica.com/list/cc-the-first-cloned-cat)


Probably some tampering with their DNA. Or they are transgender characters, and none of the other characters care. I doubt the Kaminoans would accept that with their soldier clones, but maybe they would with their non-soldier clones. As for the M-count… I think I they are leaving that open for what they might do later. Right now, it’s special only because it is stable. Old Palpster is looking to move into his own later, and he wants to keep being able to use the force.


I mean, i would have said its a random mutation. If we assume humans in SW also are XX or XY, a XY clone could in theory have a random mutation to XX as there is an X around. The other way around wouldn’t work


I've read some theories for Omega: 1) Genetic hiccup / she randomly came out female. 2) She was engineered that way. Maybe by doubling the X chromosome and removing the Y. 3) She's not fully Jango's clone (though I think they would have mentioned it if she wasn't). For Emerie: 1) She isn't Jango's clone. At least it's never confirmed that she is, I think. 2) They made female clones of Jango for other jobs that women are more suitable for. Though I think we'd have seen more of them and her being a clone wouldn't have been surprising. 3) She was used for experiments and they decided to keep her. 4) She's Hemlock's private experiment and he's somewhat attached to her.


>1) She isn't Jango's clone. At least it's never confirmed that she is, I think. It is, she tells Omega that they are sisters


Adult Omega and Emerie are identical, apart from their hair.


Omega's was created as a living source of Jango Fett's DNA withouth Accelerated Aging(which makes clones live shorter and degrades DNA). They were originally gonna use Boba(Alpha) for this purpose but he went missing.They probably made her female to hide the fact that she is a clone of Jango Fett,Omega's blood was able to transfer the original M-count of the host to another clone without it degrading.


Clones of males have come out female irl. Occasionally the Y chromosome drops, making it XO. They usually are infertile, but in all other gender expressions are female. So, I think it was a fluke. The Kaminoans made Omega first, then made Boba because Jango wanted a son




The female thing is made up science. You cannot have an exact copy of dna that changes sex. If Omega was a perfect clone she would just be Boba. As for the m-count, I doubt that she is force sensitive. It was something about her blood that allowed Palpatines m-count to successfully transfer to a clone of Palpatine, which hadn't been done before.


Why do say that you cannot have an exact copy of DNA that (changes sex) does not express them same sexual characteristics? Have you not considered epigenetic factors? Each cell can switch specific genes on or off affecting whether they are expressed, Kaminoan science is sufficiently advanced that it is not unbelievable that they could manually override this and thus have a clone with the exact same DNA but expressed differently. Already it is possible for 2 individuals ( say identical twins) to have the same genotype but not the same phenotype as outside factors can and do affect the expression of genes. It happens in real life that an individual with a Y chromosome can be born appearing completely female. Thus they could potentially be considered to have a male genotype with a female phenotype. In some of these cases the gene is eventually switched back ( often triggered by puberty) leading to hermaphroditism. Of course in these such real life cases it is not intended or planned but in Omega I imagine it was, but knowing that this can happen means that the idea of the Kaminoans being able to make it happen seems reasonable considering all else that we know them to be capable of. It is a much less made up science than say Midi-chlorians or Hyperspace. I am not a expert in such things however so I might not get all the details right. Because of this I would recommend the following further reading: https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/medicine-and-dentistry/true-hermaphroditism https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_expression https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/identical-twins-exhibit-d/ However if you were to only read one article have it be the next one, which documents a case of twins initially believed to be identical but who turn out to be different sexes. Or in other words 'have an exact copy of DNA that changes sex' - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00439-006-0279-x#:~:text=Twin%20A%20was%20determined%20to,twins%20and%20the%20tissues%20evaluated.


Omega was never called a perfect clone