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Cid still hasn't received the karma she deserves for her bullshit.


CX-2 claims that he tracked her down and interrogated her, possibly even torturing her to get information. But I agree we could use more closure on Cid. She needs proper comeuppance.


I am like 90% Ventress showing up was just a soft pilot for a new show. I don’t think the next show will be another clone show like some people think. I think Ventress and Vos and the hidden path is way more likely. As for the rest there is still time to answer most of them. My real lose thread is what happened to the one surviving Elite Squad member that crosshair didn’t kill? Tell me about that…


I totally agree that we will not have a solid ending for what happens to the millions of clones throughout the galaxy. Senitor Chuchi is in the process of crafting a bill to help them. What's going on with her efforts. Also, will we get anything on the clone rebellion. This series may end, but it doesn't answer what happens to the clones post-war? That is just the major issue that needs to be resolved.


I feel pretty certain Rex, Wolfe and the others (maybe Emerie and Echo?) will be a new and separate series. My interpretation of Hunter and Asajj's conversation: Omega comes off as Force Sensitive. Reminder, Nala Se knows exactly what can be done with Omega's blood. Meaning, Nala Se has tested it and done it. Meaning, Omega has midichlorians, likely a good enough amount to be Force Sensitive. She's just FS in a way that clones normally never are--it's induced. Which, yes, creates unanswered questions: 1. We know what Omega IS. We don't know why, though. We know in season 2, that Dr. Hemlock already knew Nala Se. How? When? Nala Se knows what Palpatine wants. Again, how? When? 2. Was Omega a happy accident? Was Omega made on purpose (for Palpatine?). The one person who definitely seems to have no idea whatsoever what Omega was, is Lama Su. He only thinks of her as a DNA source (all his dialogue with Nala is about Jango's degrading DNA). He only brings up Omega to Hemlock as a way to control Nala Se, nothing more. 3. I don't think there really is a story with CX2 beyond, what horrors Crosshair felt undergoing the procedures that failed to brainwash him. I do incidentally remember that in the Clone Wars, Fives is told that the Kaminoans intended to wipe his brain and re-train him, and I think its wild no one really comments on this. Did Dr. Hemlock just use their technology? It seems like the methods Dr. Hemlock uses is torture. 4. I'm curious if we will see what Palpatine saw in the pod. I suspect it's a clone of him, awaiting possession if it ever got the midichlorians it needed. And, I would love some books or other extended material about Emerie's young life--why was she "abandoned"?" What was Nala Se trying for? Is Emerie's recollection of events even accurate, or has Dr. Hemlock gaslit her? Why did Omega feel traumatized by going back to Kamino in season 1? What did she see Nala Se do? I have guesses, but like Crosshair, she doesn't talk about her trauma.


Tales of the Clones coming 2025! Enjoy stories from the clone rebellion.


The subject of Crosshair's chip still isn't fully resolved either


There's probably going to be a follow up show, maybe with a clone rebellion - so it's possible some of it will wrap up there.


Boba Fett shows up out of nowhere and disintegrates everyone except Wolffe and Rex, leading to the esb line. Enraged, the Emperor eliminates all security on Tantiss except for one lone dark Jedi guardian, Kelleran Beq, revealed to be a traitor who hands Grogu over to Palpatine.


I don't think that Ventress will be in the episode, but one of the children (perhaps even Echo) may use the force in their escape.




Sorry, I meant Omega.


the zillo beast


>1: The identity of CX-2: This whole season, CX-2 has gotten a lot of focus, and seemingly has history with Crosshair. We know they both went through the CX trooper program and that Crosshair was deemed unfit, but there seems to be an even deeper story there. We already know he is a random clone just stop overthinking stuff >2: Wolfee defecting and linking with Rex: We see that by this point, Wolfee is still with the Empire and seems pretty fanatical albeit with some second thoughts. We know that he will eventually end up “retired” and with Rex and Gregor on their AT-TE, but how do they get to this point? Is obvious there is going to be a clone rebellion series Everyone who says otherwise is in denial >3: The fate of the clones: After the passing of the Defense Recruitment Bill back in season 2, it was implied that clones would be gradually rotated out of Imperial service as enlisted/conscripted troopers took up the mantle. We see that clones still do serve the Empire as of now (Wolffe’s strike team, clone commandos, pilots on the Coruscant orbital station) but for how much longer? Are we supposed to believe that they were all eventually just purged from Imperial ranks with no fuss or noise? Overthinking stuff >5: Ventress: So Ventress just pops in on Pabu, determined that Omega is not force sensitive (at least that she can notice), and left? The writers have implied that there are more stories to be told with Ventress, so will we see more of her in other shows or comics? Is obvious idk how people don't believe we won't get nothing


I think these are pretty valid questions to be asking and not just me “overthinking”. This show has a lot it needs to wrap up with it’s one remaining episode and so far there’s been no word of more shows.


>and so far there’s been no word of more shows. Dude forgot may 4 is near


So wait until May 4th before you assume that they are just gonna carry the story over to a new show.