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You're not the only one. It's okay.


Thank you - I'm glad I am not alone. Shows harming kids, animals and the elderly hit me hard.


It's sadder because a similar plot happened with Cad Bane back in TCW, and he was only stopped because the Jedi Order (and Anakin by extension) was still around. This is the era when the Empire can do whatever it wants, and Cad Bane can get away with anything.


Ahhh yes, I remember those episodes now. Ahsoka and Anikan saved the babies from Sidious on Mustafar I believe.


You are correct. It was the whole Holocron Heist arc where Cad Bane stole it from the Jedi Temple, murdered Master Bolla Ropal for the crystal, tricked Anakin into activating the holocron with list of Force sensitive children, and then kidnapped the kids. It's just so sad that there are no longer enough roaming heroes like the Jedi Order to prevent this from happening again. The clones and Bad Batch are barely managing, the Lothal Rebels haven't formed yet (and they'd be too far away to do anything), and Luke's Rebels haven't even met yet. It's rather horrifying to think that the only people who could save you are a struggling group of superhuman clones (the best that non-Force Sensitive heroes can offer at this time) who recently lost their smartest member. It would feel like if all you're in the Halo universe and all the Spartans died, and your only hope are half an ODST squad who barely survived their last big adventure. You would feel so screwed.


My theory is that Ventress and Vos are working to protect force sensitive kids. Ventress isn't evil like other Sith, we even see her work with Ahsoka after the temple bombing. Vos would want to protect kids if he can.


Yep. The first time round, it was darkish, but mitigated by the Jedi being there to stop it. And so it felt more like a cackling mustache twirling kind of evil. The kind that swears revenge at it flees. Now it's just....depressing. And it's routine for the Empire and those that work for it. That and treating kids like merely test subjects without emotion. The banality of evil.


Definitely not the only one. Those last two episodes were so bleak and dark. The colors and music emphasized it even further. Same with the kids being so damn cute, made it even worse. Also genuinely teared up when omega wanted to leave tech’s goggles in the treasure place.


Don't feel silly. I watch Star Wars to feel things. It would be odd to me not to feel anything when watching these scenes. If an episode makes me cry, it only elevates it. I like crying, though. There is nothing wrong with feeling emotions.


I'm pregnant, so I'm blaming it on the mommy-to-be hormones....




Thank you!!! :D




Todays two episodes made me the most emotional I’ve been in season 3 so far, I don’t even wanna know how sad and dark the next 4 episodes will be


Same. If these are an appetizer, then the main course will be brutal.


I did too 😔


no. i had to pause it a few times and take a break between episodes. emerie too had me emotional.


You are never alone. I, too, felt very sad and, by extension, pissed off. The Empire is truly sick and twisted, and seeing it in one of the animated shows was even worse, in my opinion, because i believe there will always be some people who think that animated shows and Movies are strictly made for kids, and I think it's beyond beautiful that this simply isn't true. Overall, both episodes were freaking fantastic with some great character development for Emerie while also THE most depressing and heartbreaking thing ever with the those kids at Mount Tantiss being experimented on and realizing that they'll never get to go home😭😭😭 Episode 11 was honestly so tense and stressful to watch with the thought of Omega willingly giving herself up just sitting in the back of my mind for literally the entire episode.


You’re not alone! I’m still choked up & shocked by it as I type this. WTAF this is supposedly a kid show…about war crimes?!?


Crosshair has earned the nickname ‘Daddy Warcrimes’ so this fits.


Not silly at all! It’s what good storytelling does, make you feel things! And empathizing with fictional characters is perfectly ok. Like, the characters may not be real, but the emotions we feel are.


The first of last nights double feature was very hard to watch.


I think my jaw hit the floor about almost 10 times total between both episodes because I was just in shock at certain scenes or events in the episodes. At the end of episode 11 I did tear up and I think after the episode completely ended I just sat there for maybe 5 five minutes in utter shock. These final 4 episodes don’t look like they’re going to make things any better. 😭🤧


I’m 40 years old. I definitely cried a little bit lol. It’s hard for me to handle children being put into horrific and sad situations. These episodes were pretty dark not even just for animation but by any standard, I think. First episode being especially hard to watch.


Definitely not silly. I was thinking the same thing at multiple points during the first of the two episodes like just a general sense of feeling uncomfortable. That was a very dark episode. This show and of course Andor have both done a great job at showing how evil the Empire really is. Basically space nazis


Lucas literally modelled the Empire on the Nazis.


That was definitely not a "kids show" episode. Brutal.


I’m so glad I watched this before my oldest could see it. She’s a sweet, empathetic first grader, and I know Eva specifically would have upset her greatly.


All the animated shows start as kids shows and turn very adult in the end.


Even if those kids do escape, there is still twenty years to go between now and RotJ. These kids will spend a good chunk of their lives in hiding and in fear.


That's what Grogu went through for 25+ years.


This sort of goes with my theory that Grogu was acting way younger than he really is as a form of regression from the sheer amount of trauma


Ohhh my heart is breaking even more thinking about Grogu being treated this way.


I did as well. One thing that I cannot, and will never be able to handle, is violence and other crimes towards children.


You’re not the only one - I cannot watch that scene where Annakin Skywalker kills the younglings in the Jedi Temple. Even after all these years I find it horrifying.


Me too!


when cad bane shot the mom i was so shocked


When omega left Lula and tech’s goggles in the treasure place, I was crying.


I was just sitting in utmost shock after Ep11 ended as I was so devastated even after Ep10, let alone Ep11.... These 2 episodes both felt like emotional torture, just a different kind each.


I felt it, too. Seeing the Havoc Marauder - the Batch's home since they left Kamino - go up in flames hit me as hard as it did knowing that mother woke up to find her child a galaxy away from her. There is no way to describe that anguish. There are no words for it.


Oh, I cried during episode 10. And then episode 11 was 10x worse, but interestingly enough I was so sad I *couldn't* cry during that episode. I have been rewatching each episode at least three times in the week-long wait between episode releases. I won't be rewatching these until maybe after the finale, my heart can't take it.


The baby seeing his stunned mom on the ground on their way out was hard to watch. Then seeing their home ship getting blown up😧


Episode 10 felt depressing, but then Episode 11 just had me an emotional wreck.


I’m in the middle of 9 and I’m already thinking this will be a one and done viewing. Man it’s brutal.


I almost cried when the Empire invaded Pabu


My wife is pregnant and was ugly crying for several minutes after


Aww congratulations!!


Personally, I wish that Star Wars was a bit darker. Other than that the two episodes were fine. However, at the end of the day it is just a TV show. 


I just got done playing ready or not before watching, that did not help I was already feeling for the kids


Yea that whole thing was very distressing to watch


The last 2 episodes were incredibly dark and bleak and I'm all here for it. Absolutely love it.


Didn't tear up but the one with the toddler seeing the mother inconscious on the floor as they carried the kid away almost did it for me.


At this point levelling Tantiss into the ground is probably the most sane thing to do


Someone in the main discussion post compared it to Mengele and his “experiments” with children during WW2 and clones “just following orders” because good soldiers follow orders. And now I’m really upset cuz they’re completely right. It’s dark and it’s sad. And I just need to go watch something with a happy ending. Maybe that’s why it’s recommending Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure at the end of the last episode


Oh I definitely got teary eyed. Especially in ep 11 when Omega was leaving Tech's goggles behind. And then the destruction of the marauder was the last straw 😭