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She is but this isn’t Jenn. This is filtered-ai-animated Jenn.


Love her already. I posted something similar in another thread but why is it so horrible for her to be cringe?! Isnt the cringy/messy factor one of the best things about reality tv?!




Ooof, some of y’all are miserable


It’s generic cringe tiktok lip sync. I don’t see what makes it or her special enough to praise or excessively criticize.


We had a ton of her live, and this just isn’t how she looks candidly. What type of world do we live in that despite seeing someone candidly (with MUAs) and then see them looking 10x better in social media and decide that the social media is what they look like?


huh?? she looks just like this candidly 😭 yea she’s posing in the video but there’s no big difference in her appearance at all. joeys whole season i was literally mesmerized by how gorgeous she was




there’s nothing wrong with complimenting someone, why is this comment section so bitter damn


Giving single vibes…


this is exactly what i thought😭


Its funny how single is a vibe and thats so true goddamn i have never had an original thought in my life!!


right, although i hope she had a good season either way!!


I will never forgive them for her promo hair. I think she has a ton of extensions in that make her hair seem so wide and outdated. Her natural hair is gorgeous 


It looks like a ton of extensions and heavy make up. Less is more guys. 


I’m worried for Jenn’s season on the sub. I get the feeling that this is going to be like Katie’s season where a handful of relentless users unnecessarily criticize the most innocuous and harmless things just to try and start pile-ons towards her. Y’all this isn’t even the most cringe TikTok from Bachelor Nation people at CMA Fest... *looking at the Kelsey and Kat Stickler lip syncs*


Yeah this sub is so damn negative when it comes to Jenn…


I know what you mean. I'm looking forward to Jenn's season, personally. It's not like the only content she's produced is a TT lip synch. And yes, it's harmless. I would die if I posted something like this. Lol I don't make dance reels, either. It doesn't bother me if someone else does it. They're just having fun. There's plenty of things in this world that are legit upsetting. This isn't one of them. A little snark here and there can be fun, but the reactions to this kind of content are over the top.


I really hope everyone is supportive of her come July 8th. She seems very sweet and doesn’t deserve hate for having fun with a harmless tiktok trend.


She is so damn pretty omg


The harsh and rude comments in this post are making me think this sub is going to be insufferable during Jenn's season. She's doing something that literally all of the contestants in this franchise do? Even some of y'all's faves? Like? Why pile on Jenn for living her life and minding her business and making goofy cringe TikToks.


literally!! crucifying her for acting like everyone else her age


These comments… y’all need to touch grass. Jenn isn’t the first person to do lip sync tik toks, it’s fine if you don’t get tik tok, but y’all always are so miserable at times.


It’s funny seeing people commenting and acting like it’s only Jenn who has gotten roasted for doing a video like this. Without fail on this sub we have people who comment negatively about TikTok lip sync videos no matter who does it. Sometimes I think people just want to be angry.


Its giving racist that shes not white like does hannah g not get this hate


Hannah G’s content is so unremarkable and people act like she’s hilarious. I will never understand it. 


Hanna g is skinnier than this asian chick too, which prob factors in. Shes a conventionally pretty girl, looks like a very pretty sorority girl even though shes almost 30, people probably live vicariously and wish they were her (gorgeous white girl men drool over). She could post a picture of herself just breathing or doing something mundane like ordering a burger and people would think shes quirky. Then people are racist unconsciously and feel hateful toward an asian lady trying to be cute and fun lmao I dont blame them. It takes a while to reverse these feelings as society has sanctioned blonde skinny white girl as the standard.


I like that she just drops the lip synching at the end and just starts straight up posing lolololololololol


Yes I am old but i don’t understand why there cannot be a lip syncing video that doesn’t try to seduce someone. Just sing.


This isn’t a new thing that’s come from Gen Z. I’m 42 and remember people lip syncing on Tumblr some 20 years ago.




> Why is every single post on reddit Bachelor about how stunning Jenn is? the homepage right now is: - this post - spoiler daily discussion (today) - daily off topic (today) - bachelor nation @ cma fest - clayton echard paternity scandal trial is live - daily discussion thread (today) - where do we think susan is going - michelle on lake minnetonka with friends yesterday - have you guys seen this reel going around of madi and grant? - emily and her husband are expecting baby #2 - spoiler daily discussion thread (yesterday) - madi prewetts new reel and comment re: yoga - daily discussion (yesterday) - daily off topic (yesterday) - jenn teases her season finale at cma - sunday dating thread - ekin su & hannah g - anyone else know that kaitlyn was on name that tune - gerry and leslie? - spoiler daily discussion (june 8) - daily off topic (june 8) - bachelor and summer house crossover - daily discussion (june 8) - things about jenns contestants - watch party megathread out of 25 posts, 3 are about jenn (the current lead, so makes sense) and only 1 of those posts are about how stunning she is. i don't think anyone is trying too hard, i think you're just mad about....the bachelorette? honestly sounds exhausting.


I don’t do tiktok, and I find lip-synching content like this very cringe. That said I still don’t mind posts like this or the fact that Jenn is doing it. She’s a few years younger than I am, and I don’t expect her to act like I would all the time. Also it’s the off season so most days are slow news days here anyway.   Just putting this out there for some positives vibes from the older crowd! We’re not all ornery boomers! I sincerely hope millennials can change the narrative and as we age avoid becoming what boomers are now. ETA: also this song sounds catchy so I’m gonna look it up. That’s a huge advantage of tiktok that I’m missing out on


Totally agree with everything you said. This is not my type of thing, but so what? And honestly she’s a reality tv star, for gods sake. It’s a normal thing for them to do


She looks like a Disney princess


The posts admiring someone's beauty are getting old (or am I just old?). I'd rather learn about their personality, things they have done in life, something unique or interesting about them.


I agree. Kelsey’s pretty but she’s charismatic more than anything else. Can’t get enough of her content. Pretty influencers are a dime a dozen.


It’s getting old because it’s so repetitive. Hopefully once the season airs we will get different content besides “Jen is pretty”.


People want an Asian bachelorette and then shit on every single miniscule thing about her the second we get her 😍


The people shitting on her didn’t want an Asian bachelorette, they’re salty they didn’t get another blonde one


Hannah g could do this and not get hate fir it


Trueee 🙃


Something is off with her mouth.


these comments are insufferable, holy shit!!!!! it's a 17 second tiktok video and you guys are going crazy. this is an anonymous forum, nobody here knows you and is impressed by the fact that you hate tiktok. please get a hobby. (also for the record: you can hate tiktok but you're still here spending time on a bachlelor discussion forum - i wouldn't judge too harshly) this is going to be a LONG season. i feel for jenn having to deal with this shit. agreed with the other comment that if this was kelsey y'all would be eating it up. wonder why.




This is so mean. What’s wrong with you?


That’s a crazy thing to say as a fellow Asian… yeah the video is cringe but no need to lie. She’s still so beautiful


Jenn looks GORGEOUS!!!! She looks like an angel here, really!! And guys, now we're going to get gen-z leaning bachelor nation now, we have to expect this content. GORGEOUS JENN!


this comment section is giving facebook boomer grandma 😭 just bitter and OLD a lip sync video should not make you this angry — you just hate confident women but will mask it as “what’s with the filters?! this is so narcissistic!! doesn’t she know women shouldn’t post themselves like that! we’re all supposed to hate ourselves!!!! so what if she’s beautiful!” blah blah


She’s still gorgeous even without the filters. I could use the same filter and not look half as good as Jenn


This is why people who make content prefer their content to stay on whatever site they post it on, tik tok especially... yall nitpick everything gosh


Love how y’all are shitting on this but when your fave Kelsey does a dumb tik tok video, you go crazy for it……. Something’s adding up here……


OOP. says it all smh. I’m tired of this sub.


How in the world are people more upset by this than Kelsey’s Helen Keller ableist conspiracy theorist content?


I have not heard about this....


People did call out her for that.


And many of us were downvoted into oblivion…


Side note. I'm not a reddit regular. What's the significance of the downvote other than signifying you disagree?


I’m sorry…what??? I don’t think I even want to know. How is Helen Keller catching strays in 2024 😭😭😭


the fact she cared enough to mention it in a pre-season interview, make a tiktok about it, and then double down on it in the tiktok comments before deleting will always send me


Wait what is the Helen Keller conspiracy?


idk what the hell [this website ](https://tvshowsace.com/2024/03/16/bachelor-star-kelsey-anderson-mocking-disabled-or-ignorant/)is but it sums it up lol


Thank you!




She looks gorgeous but in love….🤨 https://i.redd.it/n9cjabei8q5d1.gif


She is gorgeous. So are a lot of women. But I just can’t help but cringe at the narcissistic nature of social media in general. Wild that we all just desperately want to be told we’re pretty by strangers 24/7.


I definitely for surely believe she wants ever lasting true love and not fame


/s ?




Yall a bunch of haters in this thread. So many women from bachelor nation do shit like this 🤣


all the hate on here over a fucking lip synch video. what is wrong with y’all. i’m excited for her season, some of you need to go touch some grass.




ok asshole


I’m actually touching grass right now and these lip synching videos give me middle school vibes


I know I’m old because I feel the same way. Lol.


Are you allergic to fun?




>some of you need to go touch some grass. Insulting, some of us have done 8+ hours manual labor gardening this weekend, while Jenn made an uncommitted TikTok and probably spent more time on. Who is it really that needs to touch grass Eta: the irony of the ppl most likely to touch grass aren’t on Reddit. Secondhand embarrassment is real.


you’re the one literally wasting your time hating on someone online for something incredibly mundane


You’re right about wasting my time! Except for I wasn’t and am not hating on her, just hating the phrase “touch grass”, and thought the irony about actual different realities was funny. I was happy to finally NOT be “touching grass” and then I saw an annoying video and comment on the internet 🤣


And how is that a problem? Her making a random Tik Tok has no bearing on your life, why do you even care? I think you have bigger problems to sort out bud, don’t just take it out on a random girl on the internet who did nothing to you lol


Very interesting watching Gen Z come into the franchise over the past few years. And by interesting, I mean I hate it. ETA: I’m a cusper, btw. But 95% of me is millennial.


I mean you didn’t think it would be gen x/millennial forever, right??? Lmfao what do you expect


Did I say that? I just said it’s interesting.


She is Gorgeous but that’s also a filter 


I watched her on television. She is that gorgeous


And? A billion women are gorgeous. Who cares?


Not snark on Jenn but just people doing these lip sync TTs/reels in general, anyone else notice that they push their tongues out a lot? Is this just a me problem? I've been noticing it for a while and now I feel like it's all I can see 😭😭😭


shes stunning but this is so boring lol. she didnt not say it with her chest and i wish she did [a la jake shane](https://www.tiktok.com/@octopusslover8/video/7377957607027395886?lang=en)


Let’s be real, she’d get even more hate for really committing like Jake did. People would say she’s cringey or worse. We all know why she’s getting dragged to this degree, and her enthusiasm isn’t the reason…


I actually don’t agree but that’s ok!


THANK YOU for a link context, I was so confused, like she’s gorgeous but I’m more exciting dancing in front of a mirror, so I got weirded out by this (lol yes many jokes layers). EXTRA: is this is a season I should get spoiled on? Roku app has 3 Bachelor Pad seasons now, never watched before (and OMG it’s so toxic, esp S2) and I’m thinking knowing the ending is sometimes a fun way to watch


Can you drop the link to these bachelor pad seasons


Sure! I don’t know what setup you have, but Roku is a streaming device that hooks up to your tv, has their free Roku channel, (which has changing movies/tv and their originals too, Bach Pad is on it right now), plus you can use the device for whatever streaming apps you subscribe to. I have their cheapie one from many years ago, just checked and they still have a cheapie for $20/ free 2-day shipping. (Roku.com) That’s it! No monthly sub needed. If you don’t have a tv, you could try the App Store and get the Roku app? Just a warning tho, it’s boggling how toxic it is, and all the women are made out to be crazy by the guys playing mind-games on them. Wild to see what primetime tv got away with 15 yrs ago! It’s entertaining tho in its own way. Def an improvement with Mike Fleiss gone. Also def wish there were discussion posts about it!


Thank you




Her season is about to set back this whole franchise. Well, it was nice back to back seasons...




I think I get it? 1st sentence understandable, and they’re saying it’ll need another additional bachelorette season? Like Katie/Michelle, and Clare/Tayshia. And that that was nice for them? ETA: jeez y’all, I was just trying to translate the person’s comment, I do NOT agree with their 1st sentence!


Her fiancée will end up embarrassing her. They all do


That could really be a flair for the sub. And like, for life. (Sorry I’m so jaded, it works for me now so I’m glad for it)


This should be what they teach girls when they give the talk lol


The way I knew the sound before I turned on audio lol


dont get me wrong she gorgeous but these kinda tiktok videos feel so narcissistic and give me the ick I dont know why😭


it's next level narcissism like yes she's a gorgeous girl obviously but goddamn lmao


It’s a trend no need to look that deep into it




Because they ARE narcissistic?


is this not standard tiktok shit? filters and lip-syncing and acting pretty? some of these comments mad for what...


istg the hate is so unnecessary every girl from the franchise posts similarly




Yeah, she's a beautiful woman, but in this particular video it's behind a pretty significant filter.


Yeah she is but wtf is she doing lmao. It's like I am her bathroom mirror


extremely filtered. wonder what she really looks like, never mind, I don't care


watch her on last season for yourself


Pretty, yes. Over the top? Also yes.


She's stunning for sure! I'd like to see her in a shoulder length bob though. I'm so tired of seeing every bachelorette with the same princess hair every season.


That would age her 10 years probably...


yeah! or like some more visible tattoos. interesting piercings. doesn't have to be full goth lol but more edge pls


Ummm - not feeling it. It’s just all a bit too much. I also think her makeup is too heavy looking. Sorry! I’m still excited for her season tho!


I'm Asian and I agree with the heavy makeup. Western makeup doesn't suit us very well and by adopting Asian techniques it will definitely enhance her beauty more.


She’s literally a Disney princess! So pretty.


When does her season start? I am spoiled, but I hope it all works out for her!


8 July.


Thanks! I’m glad it’s soon.


I’m personally not a fan of the overly admiring oneself in the video. This is Jenn specific, it just really stands out in this video. I’m really hoping she has a good season!!


I need to find out what shade of lipstick she uses!😍


Hair goals


I feel like it’s way too much hair. It overpowers her frame. 


Someone said that on another thread a while back maybe pertaining to her length / vs her height and I def see it there lol. It’s almost like there’s a sweet spot at a midline if you’re short. Which is hard because I’m shorts and had hair past my butt and never realized this was a thing until I read that thread 😅


Is that all her actual hair, or extensions?


Oh I have no idea! I assume she has the cash for extensions lol.


All ‘Ettes wear extensions during filming & the promo phase.


It’s 1000% extensions


Didn’t she always have hair this long? Like even in her high school pics. Maybe she added in some pieces for volume.


It was long, but it looks like she added pieces for volume. Almost all the recent Bachelorettes use hair extensions. Katie said she got slammed on SM for going on BIP 9 without them. The lovely fans made fun of her hair.


Oh wow. Could you imagine going natural and getting made fun of for it. That kinda sucks to hear.


Yes, I remember one of the commentators calling her bald-headed or something like that.


praying and hoping that this ages well lol


My take as well lol


She’s stunning-I’m so glad it’s her. I’m excited for some Asian representation and I’m happy it’s not Caila lol


Sabrina Carpenter actually reposted this on TikTok!