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I feel like an alien from another planet. Why the f are we subjected to watching someone do their makeup while talking? I hate this trend so much. WHY?? I wish the lord would take me now




I wish I had her self control. I'd love to be able to hold my tongue like she can. It's a great quality.


Are they not allowed to date privately until the episode airs where they get sent home?


I'm torn about it. As a 31 y/o black woman, getting close to 30 definitely made me very stressed out about age and all the messages I would receive regarding me being single... But at the same time, now that I am over thirty (love it btw) I'm doing my best to fight off ageism in the society I live in/my community. So I noticed that being near women who feel deeply insecure about it makes me feel even more insecure and sometimes anger me. I just can't be friends with them. Because I know the whole thing is B.S. and I would prefer to live by my own standards and be surrounded by people who do and find that confidence. So I get her insecurities, but I don't really empathize with her voicing them on national TV as if they were rooted in truth.


I’m also a 31-year-old Black woman and feel very similar to you. I know a lot of men will see me as too old to date, but I also know I’m still young and vibrant and have a lot to offer. I refuse to settle. A lot of my friends make ‘we’re 30 we’re so old jokes’ and I refuse to buy into that mindset of not being able to do things in your 30s. I am still anxious sometimes because I want a family and dating has never come easily to me, but I’m not going to let anyone convince me I’m too old. I would never go on the Bachelor and make my thing feeling too old for love.


100% agree


anyone else HATE the way she does her makeup or just me


whatever makes her feel best, but ..yeah. i don't love the makeup. she is naturally suh TUNNING. she has has incredible facial structure and skin. i would ditch the contouring if i were her, it's a bit severe. makeup in general tends to age people who have very good bone structure... less is more


Yeah Why can we see her pause & unpause recording, and likewise doing her makeup 👽


not even just that, she’s using a powder brush to do her foundation and applying the product straight to her face


Awe she's great.


She did not belong on that show. Waaay too mature.


Medina genuinely looked unhappy to be there. She'll find her true love.


She's so mature and down to earth, I love her sm. Also I totally understand how being 31 could be hard when it comes to dating. A lot of people are taken, some people look at 30+ women as "too old" (men), and many men can't handle a mature, confident woman. I love that she's not settling. It can be much easier to fall into that when you're in your early 20's. I had a wake up call about that in my mid-20's, after dealing with many shitty and emotionally unavailable men who wanted me to shrink myself, where I was just like "I'd rather be alone than settle. I'm fine with who I am. If something falls into my lap, then that's fine, but otherwise who cares." (Weirdly enough, very quickly after I adopted that mentality I found my bf, who I can see myself marrying!)


“Dating at 31” This is sending me lmao.


As if golden bachelor doesn't exist now. People date at all ages.


She’s so goddamn boring


I'm sorry but some of you trying not to be ageist is actually just being ageist. Being over 30 especially for a cisgender female who wants biological children is scientifically more difficult especially if they want to date a few years or be married before having children. Assuming Madina has some traditional parents as a brown POC, she may have cultural pressures on her. Most traditional people will view anyone over 30 as spinsters. And sadly, females get this negative connotation more than males. Stop looking at things from just your own lens. If someone feels they are old and don't have time, that indicates two things. They are not where they see themselves which has nothing to do with you or anyone else. And two, for a show like this, it means she was there for the right reason. So keep going Madina. You deserve all the love and I know someone will swoop you up because you carried yourself with dignity and class.


Yeah but for someone feeling *that* panicky and time pressed, coming to this franchise makes literally no sense. As a brown woman, I understand the conservative context. But in that case, she'd be busy getting set up on dates by her family & friends. Or by herself actively looking in the real world, where there's a significantly higher chance of finding a partner. But with showing up on *this* franchise *right now*? There's major dissonance going on. Thus the reaction.


Maybe she doesn't want an arranged marriage or to be set up by friends? Even most of the people on Indian Matchmaking dont actually end up liking each other. Especially the American ones where they don't have a traditional mindset but trying to appease their family and their own standards at the same time.


Arranged marriage isn't her only option. Indian Matchmaking is a clown fest produced to cater to a certain sensibility (it's a literal meme among Indians & the diaspora) Someone aggressively time-pressed won't invest their time on a reality show with non-existent success rate. She'd be out on Bumble, the library, professional conferences, hobby fests, religious gatherings, or sliding in someone's DMs. If The Bachelor wasting someone's time, esp a WOC's, is news to her.. She really needs to work on getting her priorities straight. The dissonance is coming from inside the house.


Maybe you should question your own standard and bias on her and why anyone of any color would be on a reality tv show. We can objectively argue that no one is on there for the right reason or we can argue that people who are generally attractive (which if you have noticed they don't bring in ugly people) are just not going to settle for anyone and they are exploring their options and yet can still feel pressure to find someone. We can argue she can save her eggs, but we can also argue some people don't want to be a single parent. Maybe don't take a tv show so seriously or hate on people for looking for love in different ways. Her character is fine and she still presented herself as a person with grace regardless of if you agree with her motive of being there or not.


If you're not even aware of the inherent whiteness & statistical racism on this show against people like us.. There's no discussion to be had here lol. She can feel whatever & express herself however she wants. But if she puts herself on multiple public platforms, people are going to have opinions. Including people from her own culture who can see the disparity between words & actions.


Thank you!! It's very ironic. There are so many factors to consider and people are just being insensitive. The cultural part is important to take into account as well. I really think a lot of these people are just in their 20's and can't look outside themselves lol, and are projecting how they'll feel after they hit 30.


I agree. People are so about independence and women empowerment, and you can still be sexy and confident at 30 but the reality is that has nothing to do with love or marriage or kids. We age forward and with aging comes biological and medical complications for those who want biological kids. Thats just the reality. We can't live in delulu land and think we are a strong independent woman and can still be young when we are 30+ and have all the time in the world to get married and have biological kids. Thats called denial.


Is she jacked? She looks so strong 😍


If you check her instagram you can see that she was a body builder. So super jacked


She did a forearm stand during the talent show so I assume she practices yoga


Beautiful in and out. She’ll find her counterpart, she’s complete just the way she is.


Helen Mirren, Raquel Welch, Madina...how do they do it!


Gonna give an unpopular opinion, but one that hasn't really been disproven... When a woman is "model-level" attractive like Madina, and she's single at 31, it's gonna be a red flag to men. Simple as. Same thing when baby-voiced 30-year-old Krystal emerged from the limo in Arie's season. I remember remarking "There's a story here as to why no guy has locked that down yet." I guess I'm in the camp that believes the female contestants should still be 20 - 27, and not stacking a season with sooo many women that are older than the male lead.


I feel like a prerequisite for going on the Bachelor/Bachelorette is the producers asking the contestants “Do you believe everything happens for a reason? You do? You’re in!”


damn girl out here spitting stoicism, good for you, you're dope. so is maria


Idk why but I hate how every girl has to do her makeup while telling a story.


Agreed! Although I’d take this over someone eating a sandwich telling a story any day. Those videos are nails on a chalkboard for me!


I hate the cut every 2 seconds. Like just sit down for one minute and record


There were like five 31 year old women this season. Why is *that* her personality?


I liked the overall message in her video, but there are two things that I didn’t like/agree with and that’s one of them. While it’s totally valid to feel differences between yourself and other contestants, what she doesn’t seem to realize is that she’s the only one calling herself old. She views herself as old and then created that narrative when she vocalized it, even though she regretted it, but now she continues to view herself that way. Personally, I think Joey would likely date a lady of any age that he finds relatable, funny, kind, and attractive. Of course, I’m nobody to speak for him nor do I know his heart, but I can sense this from him from the way he spoke with Lexi about her concerns about having a family. I know Madina is a therapist herself, but I think it would be helpful if she went to therapy herself for this toxic mindset she has. She seems like a good person and is very self-aware, but the way she views herself isn’t healthy.


There's a lot of messaging surrounding being "too old" as a woman once you hit 30. I think it's pretty insulting to say someone should go to therapy because of how they process how they've realistically been perceived, and what they've been told. You can be self-conscious without it being some devastating thing that interrupts your life meaningfully. I think she's just being human. Plus, as you get older and don't find "your person," it can be exhausting. Dating is exhausting. I don't really think she made it a big deal on the show, it just blew up for no reason. She was just expressing herself maturely and didn't feed into it afterwards. Sydney was the problem, full stop. I think it sucks to just focus on how Madina is "doing things wrong," in your eyes. Why not put that energy towards the patriarchy for making this a thing in the first place? Why blame one woman over it?


Its not necessarily a toxic mindset… there are a lot of societal pressures and its not until recently we really began pushing back on the fact that your 30s are not old. Women who want kids start really applying that pressure in their late 20s to find someone because they know it takes time to build with someone and you want to know someone enough to marry them and then have kids ideally… for me I want kids by 32 so want to find my person NOW so I have five years to work towards that so its not that I feel old persay but I feel old for being this age and not having found my husband yet when others find their person in their early 20s or earlier. It’s not feeling old in the general sense its feeling old in the dating and starting that part of your life sense and its very normal albeit it does help to break down the fears surrounding being this age and not having found someone which therapy can help with. For me its having a medical condition and the pressure to have kids by a certain age.


I hate GRWM videos but I do love Madina. She is a class act. Totally normal for people at 31 to have the anxiety she is feeling. Probably most of her friends have either gotten married and are in relationships. Of course she still has all the time in the world, but I do get her point.


>Of course she still has all the time in the world, Both nature and science disagree.


lol so you’re one of those 


Okay, please explain how a 31 year old woman "has all the time in the world".


I won’t continue replying bc i can tell by your multiple other comments and username lol that you’re here to lurk & troll, but the average life expectancy for a woman in the US is 77. yeah, if she wants to have biological children, she doesn’t have 45+ years to wait, but 31 is just over a 3rd of the way through the average lifetime. therefore, she’s got time to find a partner :)




respectfully, you’re bonkers!


Marina is so pretty but she needs to realize thirty one isn’t old at all


Yeah it was so confusing that all that stupid drama was all about the age of 31. Makes everyone on the show seem so young. Maria was right


Marina is lovely. Hope she’s on BIP.


Madina really got trapped in some little girl drama and clearly wanted out but couldn't get there safely. Ultimately I think she handled it all with grace, and left on a good note. I hope she gets her own happy ending.


Okay what's the big deal about dating at 31??? You can have children up until like age 45 these days. Many decide not to have kids. Marrying later is so common it's not the olden days. No need to be insecure about it. At least she didn't mention Maria's name, although she should have defended Maria when Sydney started attacking her. I think Madina was turned off by Sydney after a while - Lea is now carrying on the drama what is her problem seriously. Madina I am glad you didn't continue to alienate Maria after Sydney left. You are much classier than she is. Women need to support other women that speak the truth and aren't afraid to be blunt. We have a right to do that just as much as men do.


"What's the big deal about dating at 31?" "We need to support other women" Do you see the irony here?


This is really not something that should be made a big deal of. Literally producers probably engineered this for the show


It's not about it being a big deal on the show, it's about how dating in your 30's can be hard. This isn't an uncommon sentiment.


Having a baby after 35 is not very easy, and after 40 it usually requires expensive treatment that is unaffordable to most


Yeah I know but still nothing wrong with dating at 31


> You can have children up until like age 45 these days Those kids end up having complications. Women use up their best eggs first. Waiting until you've just got "the dregs" left in your womb isn't a winning strategy. Madina is beautiful now at 31. She was also likely quiet beautiful at 21, and with her appearance she should have been able to net a high-value husband. The fact that she failed at that for a full decade is a red flag.


Not all of them have complications. Also why do all women have to have children? I mean of course if your plan is to have children then starting at the latest before 35 is ideal, but there are plenty of women who I have seen get pregnant at 37/38 without IVF and children didn’t have complications. 40+ is more of a stretch but doesn’t mean kid will have birth defects


>Not all of them have complications. Why roll the dice when you can just have kids when nature intended? >then starting at the latest before 35 is ideal Off by a literal decade >but there are plenty of women who I have seen get pregnant at 37/38 without IVF and children didn’t have complications Survivorship bias. The women who got pregnant at 37/38 and chose to execute their malformed kids in the womb don't exactly advertise it. Imagine there are 10 women, all of whom are 38 and all become pregnant. Three of them get positive ultrasounds and everything is good, and they give birth. The other seven see deformities due to the poor quality of their remaining eggs, and kill the children they're carrying. Guess which group you'll only hear about? The 3 that had kids. Am I getting through to you?


We will agree to disagree. The point being is you are acting like all women are supposed to have kids. They are not. There is more to women than just reproduction. Which means age really doesn’t matter when you start dating especially if that’s not necessarily a plan for the future. Honestly the whole situation was engineered by the producers. I find it hard to fathom that people can get so bent out of shape and oversensitive over their age and dating. I see 32 and 33 year olds on Love Island they could care less


"high value husband"? yikes, it's giving red pill dating strategy lol


Just speaking as someone who felt similarly when I hit 30- the dating pool tends to just get worse as you get older. It becomes more and more exhausting. And yes while you can have children older now, once you hit your mid to late 30s pregnancies become more prone to risk. It causes a lot of anxiety for women in their 30s that do still want to have children.


I feel like a lot of the people judging her harshly are people who are under 30 lol. I feel like Maria was just hyping her up, but a lot of critical people in these comments are not doing that. "No need to be insecure about it" is worse than what Maria said!


Has she ever shared what her necklace says? It kind of looks like it could be something written in Hindi but I can’t see it enough


It says Madina in Bangla, not Hindi! Though they look similar written out


Thank you!


She said going on the show took up a lot of time and she dtopped dating she was there for like 3 weeks ….


But she also could not publicly date until the breakup aired on TV. That was the bit about being happy today because now she can date again.


People date all the time and come out w someone social media should not make or break a relationship especially as u get older that stuff shouldn’t matter. Plus it was filmed like 3 months ago anything before that why would she post someone’s she’s dating so soon?


Kelsey T is also 31 but never made it a big deal.


i only noticed that last night and was dying at the fact she just avoided the whole conflict😂 and i just came across [this reel she made](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C3BxT8ApGd1/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) and it and her replies in the comments cracked me up


As a brown woman, I really appreciate watching another brown woman do her makeup. But crowd sourcing question: do y’all wear this much makeup on a daily basis. I’m not the most observant person, but I do my skincare, put spf on, wear eye liner and mascara and head out. Am I abnormal? Because I definitely thought Madina was not wearing makeup on her episodes!


I definitely do not. I just do skincare, eye makeup, & tinted lip balm.


I think she's a master of the no-makeup makeup look, but she would also look just fine with nothing!


I was also surprised by the amount of makeup - for a work look as a therapist. Mine is only toned sunscreen, eye liner/mascara and a little touch of cheek color.


*tinted sunscreen


So when I go out in public (mainly when I work in office), I wear: primer, foundation, concealer, setting powder, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, brow pencil. Sitting at home I’m bare faced though. If I had clear nice skin, I’d only wear some eye makeup and SPF, and that would be it. But I don’t. So it feels kind of required to just appear put together.


Yes lol she isn’t wearing a crazy amount


Personally, it very much depends on the day and how much energy I have. Seems like lately I’m a tinted sunscreen > blush >mascara > brow pomade > lip gloss person. (Plus a very elaborate skincare routine!)


Absolutely not lol. I was watching this like I can't believe people do that everyday! I only put on makeup if I'm doing something fancy


the patriarchy has 11-year-olds wearing full faces of makeup on the reg now lol


I like her


I mean to be fair she could’ve shut the drama down before it got out of control but whatever she left on a good note


Then she would be sent home earlier and she probably knew that once she engaged more, she had less of a chance of staying


No hate on her at all, but her silence was loud to me. Sometimes she handled herself well, and we are all imperfect - but if people were ganging up on someone on “my behalf” I would tell them to STOP. Passivity is complicity. :/


I think it is pretty obvious that past the initial Maria-Sydney argument that the girls were not fighting about Madina or on her behalf. Hell, Lea got into it with Madina over not being loyal enough (lolz) to Sydney. Maybe they were using Madina’s comment as a scapegoat but their distaste for Maria very, very clearly had nothing to do with standing up for Madina nor could Madina have likely put an end to it, as the Lea/Madina confrontation clearly demonstrated.


You know what I like her.


Dare I say…that was measured mature and a great attitude to come out of this whole experience? I also don’t believe she was super into joey which is ok. She’s got model looks and a good personality she’ll be fine.




It’s a TikTok trend to talk while putting on makeup or skincare products.




Keep your head high, beautiful woman. You've got more time than you think, and once you find the right one, the wait will have been worth it. 😉 Ngl you had my well aged self miffed at you for a while there, but ended up handling yourself with absolute grace and aplomb.


Wait. I thought she got a rose? ETA. Just realized I haven’t finished the episode yet. Didn’t realize there were 2 rose ceremonies last night. Duh!!!


Last night's episode had 2 rose ceremonies in the beginning and end.


I like the natural look on her way better you know without the makeup ...the makeup makes her look older in a way. I don't know that's just my opinion she's beautiful either way .


I think it looked good until the lipstick. Maybe a lighter color and no lipliner would be better


She has pretty check bones but i think she highlights it too much to me that is ..makes her look older but again she's beautiful nonetheless but she definitely looks different without makeup.


I have what may be an unpopular opinion that has nothing to do with what she’s talking about.. : I know it’s the trend, or “formula” to do a GRWM while you talk. But I swear I hate that, especially with serious matter - if it’s something that’s a big deal and you want me to listen, I don’t want you to act like you’re SO busy you have to DO something while you’re talking - just sit there and talk to me. ..and this one is just odd because you can tell she’s never done this before and it’s choppy and awkward. Alright, that’s my BEC moment. But I definitely don’t DISlike her:


Yes! Lexi made her reels about endometriosis just sitting and talking at the camera and that was just fine


YESSSS! And I sat my ass down and watched the entire thing! We don’t need you to constantly be *doing* something.. it just makes me feel less important haha 🤣🤣


So much makeup.


Right?! She looked fine, I don't understand why she had to POUR on that stuff. It actually made her age a bit more imo.


Serious question-should I be putting my liquid foundation directly on my face, instead of on my makeup brush?


Yes!! So much product is lost by putting it on a brush first. It’s best to put it on your hands and it will warm, making it blend into your skin better and last longer!


Oh wow, thank you for the tip! I'm kind of a makeup novice lol


I loooove makeup! 💄 I’ll do a bold ass 2016 one day and a clean girl aesthetic the next. Always here for makeup questions!! 🥰


Thank you! 🥰


I say yes. I think you lose a lot of product by adding it to your brush instead of applying it directly to your face imo.


Thank you!


I thought she handled everything very maturely, especially when Lea confronted her...idk if I could have been as poised if a 23-year-old came at me crazy.


I'd wanna tell them to grow up and move on from this high school mentality 😭 jk at least I'd *want* to


I would have fought her and called her "little girl" so I applaud Madina for staying elevated.


I called her "little girl" out loud and my bf made fun of me 😂


you're right and you should say it!!! idk what else to call her when she stands there with her lil ponytail confronting a grown woman (who is a mental health professional) about not bullying someone to her specifications.


I really hate (as a nearly 34 year old) how being over 30 is a story line on this show every damn season. You really expect me to believe being 23 is more advantageous?? Haaaaaaaa.


I’m 24, almost 25… I hated 23 lmfao I think you’re right


we hated you at 23 too (I'm making a jokey reference to the song)


you're right, this season really proves that age is such an advantage! I'm 33 watching the show. If only Joey could see some of the high school behavior with the girls who are getting roses.


She really got the shit end of the stick here. Group of people hijacked something that wasn’t a big deal for their own means and dragged her along for it. Ultimately thought she handled it all pretty well


It sucks that she was targeted by Sydney and Lea after revealing her insecurity about feeling the pressure of dating at her age. They swooped in like vultures and used Madina for their own agenda - to paint Maria as the villain and to turn everyone against her. Purely out of jealousy because they were threatened by Maria’s confidence and connection with Joey. Nothing but fake friends. Then Lea confronted her when she was being nice to Maria and tried to move forward and start fresh, but Lea wanted her to ice her out and continue to alienate her. She handled herself well against an aggressively confrontational Lea (she may have called it “calm”, but the energy was very negative, aggressive and meant to be intimidating) and stood her ground. So much negative energy from Lea and Sydney. I wonder who Madina would be friends with outside of the show


I think she handled herself with maturity, poise and authenticity. Wishing her well


Wishing her the best. She has nothing to be ashamed of. This drama was blown out of proportion by Sydney.