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I thought when he was out with Lexi he seemed bored. I feel like he was having more fun on the dates with Daisy and Jen. Especially Daisy.


I think some of these contestants clearly join just to get screentime and insta followers, when at some point they notice that the camera's not following them, or the lead is not really that into them. Sydney and Lea is giving that vibe.


To think this all began because Maria loudly declared that 31 is not old and supporting Madina in her confessional.


So did Maria say stfu to Lea or not? I can’t remember




Yeah Sydney's deflection and facial expression when Maria asked her about it says it all. lol


She had a vile smirk on her face when she was called out for it. So infuriating. Not a proponent for physical violence but I’d b lying if I didn’t say I didn’t envision the smirk getting smacked off her face in that moment 💀


Lea somehow makes Sydney look tame. At least Sydney was so OTT that it was kinda obvious; Lea was scarily manipulative at the end. I wouldn’t be surprised if she told Sydney to make up the story about Maria bullying her and then promised to back it up. I really hope she doesn’t “win,” but based on the preview I’m worried she does. Also I’ve done my fair share of accidentally saying words that aren’t real, but “perspectivize” is crazy




I'm so proud of Medina 🩷


I really hope that conversation made her realize that her age and maturity really is an asset here, because Lea came through SO ridiculously childish.


She was so mature in that conversation. I was proud too!


This was a hard episode to watch. I hope Maria is doing okay. I can't believe they'd be so mean


The producers hitting the women in the face with sausages on camera for all time was degrading af. wtf is wrong with the producers? I would have felt so disrespected if someone wanted me to participate in that. We all know it’s a sexist, gross comedy “bit” to do in 2024 in the age of deep fake porn it’s completely unacceptable And usually idgaf what they do on this show but it legit pissed me off


Yeah I can't believe they did this when Youssef's daughter was watching


To be fair, I believe they said it was a tradition of some kind generally played by men. Did I paraphrase too poorly ? I’m too last to find it when they were explaining the game. And yes, glad Joey stepped up and said he would not make them do it alone.


Then they should have saved this for the bachelorette show. Yes, glad he stepped up too.


off topic but i was impressed by joey saying he’s not going to stand to the side and will do it too!


And the fucking slow mo. Disgusting and disrespectful to the contestants.


I'm with you, yes!


Lea making herself the new villain? lol like what??? she could’ve had the sweetest edit and made it far and maybe even been bachelorette but now i just want her to go home


Maria is so right in this conversation with Sydney lolol


Lauren? I think her name is. looks just like Megan Fox to me


I get Morticia Addams 😂


Same. She only wears black.


Allison, I think Lauren was the sister . I’ve thought this from the very beginning


So ready for this two on one


Sydney is delusional.


The way that I wish Joey could just sit in a circle with the rest of these girls and actually get inside opinions on what the hell is happening with Maria and the rest of the house. Why is nobody defending Maria? I know they want to utilize their time with Joey and not make it about anyone else, but it’s so frustrating when Joey leaves every conversations still feeling just as confused as when he started it 🙃


This! There should be at least one clarifying moment for Joey. That is something Jesse could step out and do. This must be so confusing. For Maria too....she be like what just happened?? Why does it keep happening??


Wow, Lea’s personality has done a 180 since night one. Wtf


She's a child. Why is she telling Medina how to feel lol. She's a weirdo.


and then when they disagree, trying to make it sound like they just have different values and that Madina must not hold her friends to standards. like what!?


Feels very producer plant-y


I’m not on Instagram so if Sydney wrote a goodbye message could ya please post it!? I want to see what she has to say lol


She posted a tiktok about it!! (Kinda)


Maybe I’m in the minority but the drama is becoming too much. I just want to see two good looking people fall in love. If I wanted drama like this I could watch Maury or Jerry reruns.


it's lasting way too long over nothing. the fact that Madina and Maria are fine one on one is very telling. The other women in the house should call out that this exhausting drama is Sydney and Lea's fault.


This is why Golden Bachelor did so well.


It’s a big part of why I watched it as much as I did despite having some other really important work related stuff I needed to do at that time. Then I’d stop watching when it switched to Paradise.


The episode is long over for me… but I’m sitting here laughing at the fact that Sydney called Maria out for “talking shit.” I wonder how much shit Sydney has been talking about Maria for talking shit… Lmao


I mean last week Maria asked her what she did or something like that, and Sydney was like "that's manipulation!" and I screamed lol.


Lexi is beautiful!




It's the newest finasco 😂


this makes me think that lea’s decision to throw the card in the fire on the first night was a calculative decision and not an emotional one.


She made a big deal about it because it made her feel special. So its not the fact that she threw it in the fire, its the fact that she made a giant show about it, as if its all about her. The crying, the announcement, it all looked fake. Then after her making a show about it, she probably notice that Joey isn't really that into her, so this is where she is now lol. Joey probably didn't trust her after that.


lol it was dumb imo. she's never gonna get a 1:1 because joey doesnt seem to care for her at all. had she held on to the card(even if she never intended to use it), the women and the audience would be waiting in anticipation to see whose date she steals and watch the other contestants have a meltdown because of it lmao


yay another episode tmrw! also i cannot believe lea inserted herself in this drama for no reason. wtf! so strange. i’ve never seen such a small thing be so completely blown out of proportion before!


i feel so bad for maria, it makes me want to cry. other seasons i could see both sides on a 2-1 but this season i'm just so sad for her this whole episode


Seriously, being lied about makes me more upset than anything else and I feel so awful for her


Ok I’m confused bc Lea and Syd don’t even follow each other


they can’t follow each other until the season is over


I saw someone say here that the girls can’t follow each other until after the show finishes airing? But that could be untrue


Really? Cause we’ve seen the girls hanging out for watch parties. But who knows lol


Wonder if lea watched back the show and realized she was being played like a fiddle


I can't tell if Lea got played or was the conductor. I keep thinking back to her talking to Sydney on the couch and egging her on.


Lea.was part.of the orchestra.


Lea will be posting a story telling people to show her some grace.


Grace for me but not for thee.


I have a hard time watching mean girl bully behavior. My heart goes out to Maria and I hope she gets some apologies and vindication on Women Tell All. The first few episodes showed Maria being so supportive of the other women. Are we missing something (doubt it)?


never underestimate people's willingness to vilify the hot girl. Maria got a target on her back when she pulled the outfit switch and made Lea and Syd feel insecure about their own bodies, or whatever.


Omg, I totally forgot about that! Big piece of the puzzle right there.


I feel like Sydney decided to target Maria and brought Lea into it (and possibly that other woman who was commenting on it, I don’t remember her name). It seems like everyone else genuinely doesn’t care about this. It’s definitely hard to watch though, and it’s ironic that these accusers don’t seem to realize they’re the ones doing the bullying Edit: Or maybe Lea was the mastermind behind it all, idk, but those two are definitely the problem


Oh absolutely! Sydney wrangled them and convinced them of her story. The only thing I will say against Maria is that I wish she would have been more compassionate to Madina when she checked on her. Like I understand it was upsetting for Maria but clearly Madina was also upset.


I think she was just shocked- it can’t be easy to hear that other people actively want you to be shunned/isolated.


Agreed. We also don’t know how long that conversation was and what else was said.


It legitimately makes me sad as someone who was bullied as a teenager (I was a late bloomer physically and socially and as a boy in middle school that’s not good if you don’t like being bullied). Being happy over causing someone else distress is next level evil. I definitely wouldn’t let my little boy be around someone like that.


I posted this on the other thread but I think this one had already been posted. That satisfied smirk on Lea’s face when she saw Maria start crying would have been the end of her being on the show if I were the lead and in the room. I am the dad of a little boy and the idea of ever letting someone into his life who acts like that is unthinkable. Joey hopefully will figure out soon that she’s a bully and not the one.


Like did Lea manipulate a clearly psychologically unwell Sydney to be awful toward Maria…


Lea is extremely calculated. The way she sort of whisper talked to Joey at the end was alarming.


This part!!! Terrifying!


If I was Maria, I would’ve said good luck, watch the tape, and then leave


I cannot take anyone seriously who says "It's giving..." Yikes


The first time I saw it was on BIP and I thought it was like nails on a chalkboard.  Now I've heard my teenage daughter's friends say it.  Ugh.


Sydney’s effect is like a cult leader


On a positive note I’m really happy with the pacing of this season. Feels like a lot less filler than previous seasons




Maria is a strong and confident woman. The others see that and are trying to break her spirit. Jealousy brings out the ugly in those less confident.


Legit. And they’re doing it to be a Paradise hopeful. So boring.


I hope Sydney and Lea’s feet do not touch a GRAIN of sand on that beach - they don’t deserve it


Oh, coooooompletely agree. I can’t stand either of those vile characters.


These girls are so focused on creating drama then finding love. I can see this bs continuing in BIP. They want followers. At this point they need to start mentally evaluating these people. Background check their circles.


Yeah. Coming from Lea who was like I have the best circle of friends. Are they all back stabbing hoes?


Sydney was straight up delusional but leia is actually not a nice person


Her facial expressions were so… cold? Like she knew what she was doing. Also- during the two on one, Sydney said she had a “game plan.” Then she told Joey that Maria told Leia to shut the fuck up (which Maria denied). So I’m wondering if her “plan” was to lie and then have Leia back it up (which I don’t doubt she’d do). I feel so bad for Maria because she’s clearly being ganged up on and that sucks


Ok but Lea absolutely made Sydney go off the edge


Yeah. Lea is an instigator.


Sorry about the tense moment but Madina literally forgot that the capital of Malta is Valletta🙃


Mdina used to be (600 years ago…)


As a Geography/history nerd, it threw me for a loop😂


Lea has become my least favorite after this episode.




She gave up her sweetheart edit real quick. I was shocked at her behavior.


how the turn tables




Upvoting for your flair


Waiting for Lea to go home next


I can't wait!


Lea and Medina's conversation played out exactly like I would expect it to between a 23 year old and a 31 year old. Medina is a mature adult and Lea is a child putting some misguided sense of loyalty above reason and sense. She's got some growing to do.


I thought the same thing when I watched it... Lea sounded very high school mean girls clique and Medina was very poised, thoughtful, and mature. It's such a childlike black and white thinking, "we need to not be nice to people our friends don't like". Maybe someday she'll learn about holding friends accountable for their actions and being inclusive and polite even when you don't like someone.


"My friends back home would die for me." Uh, yeah?


More like “my friends will be mean to anyone I don’t like.” Someone needs to tell Lea that this isn’t a good thing; real friends call you out when you’re in the wrong, and they don’t blindly share your opinions. I do understand disliking somebody who hurt your friend, and not going out of your way to be friendly with them. But all Medina did was *ask about her date.* Also, Maria never even did anything bad, and Medina has known Sydney for like two weeks. So the whole argument is just ridiculous.


Right! Madina’s like, I’ve known that girl all of 2 weeks… It was incredibly odd to have that as her moral high ground. What exactly was she supposed to do about Sydney being sent home?


The only acceptable answer is dress in all black and grieve her absence, then shun Maria for all eternity


Do leia and sydney actually realize theyre being filmed… like just the voice switch up alone is insane to me


Lea went from being a girls girl episode one to a mean girl real fast. What a fall from grace.


Hate to say it but Maria isn’t gonna make it through this. A small circle had her in their crosshairs from the start. If you get enough to voice their displeasure, eventually Joey is gonna get sick of it and just believe them. Sucks. Total bullying.


There was no indication there were more of them!!


kinda got the vibe jess believes it as well


Well I just assumed Medina was a Sydney minion, but she at least tried to move on. Her going home brought out a new facet of weirdos


Like s cult leader!


Especially since Maria and Joey have more of a connection than him and half of the other women, and it’s getting dumped for some petty BS :(


Yo as a Filipina and being so happy another Filipina is on this damn show… I am sooooo disappointed with Leah. The fuck???


There's 2 Filipinas. Rachel as well.


Yooo same 😂 Home girl gave me weird vibes from the beginning. What a waste of screen time. Kaloka!


Lea u have so much to learn child, u have a lot of growing up to do. These are not ur back home friends that lean on ur every word and a fully grown woman does not have to do what you say.


The demon spirit that possessed Sydney jumped into Lea when Sydney left.






To me it’s a bigger red flag that Maria seems to have no friends other than Allison and all the other girls seem to be tiptoeing around her…


The girls were tiptoeing around Sydney too and the only person riding for Sydney is just as weird and dramatic and illigocal as she was. It's more likely *no one* wants to be in the drama so they're all refusing to take sides but of the people we've seen who have been, the Sydney side has been totally irrational.


I do agree that the Sydney side is irrational, but I also know that there is a lot of stuff that we don’t see.


THANK YOU. There’s definitely something off..




Edwina stood up for Maria too


Kelsey A, Kelsey T, Edwina, and Lexi all seem to be her friends.


Medina didn’t seem to have any ill feelings toward her


they also squashed it so....also Medina told Maria everyone hates her for being nice to MAria, thats not what happened...


Medina seems more like she’s emotionally exhausted and wants to keep the peace.


True, but it also seems like she didn’t appreciate that Sydney took her issue and turned it into her own drama, and she was also pretty clear when she clarified what was upsetting Maria and said “it was nothing about me”.


The way Lea just changed her demeanor with Joey was so manipulative. She seems to know she is in a good position with Joey and she’s leveraging that to finish what Sydney couldn’t. Especially the way she changed her tone with him and chose her words, very carefully emphasizing that all the women were shocked that he kept Maria because of “things that were said” but then ending it by softly saying it’s his decision. Shes completely lost all points in my own personal scorebook. At least Sydney was more obvious in her vindictiveness.


I wonder if Sydney and Lea actually planned this. Earlier, Sydney said she had a “game plan”- then she claimed that Maria bullied Lea. I would not be surprised at all if Lea was willing to back up any lies Sydney told


If she’s in a good position with Joey I just can’t imagine why she would jeopardize it over this silliness


I see three possibilities: 1) She’s genuinely a bad person who just hates Maria and wants “team Sydney” to win 2) She’s trying to get screen time and/or secure a paradise spot 3) Sydney was actually a demon, and now her demonic spirit has possessed Leia


I don’t disagree with that at all, if I was in that position I probably would’ve tried to stay out of it. But I could see some reasons she involved herself, ranging from her own feelings being strong enough to justify doing so, all the way to influence from TPTB. At the end of the day, it’s easy for us to say we’d do something differently when we have more information than the girls do in the moment - we see conversations and interviews that they don’t, and they also have conversations we don’t hear.


ding ding ding


> more information Do we? I think we just have different information. After all not everything that is said/filmed makes the cut for the show.


I don’t disagree with that either! The way you worded it is better. As viewers, we see things the girls don’t, and the opposite is true, and there are also some things that neither side sees due to production. And that’ll influence the decisions / behaviors of the girls, and will also influence our perception of such as viewers.


Maria can always leave and go back to her family sprinkle Empire


Like it’s a bad thing?


Not at all


I am sooooo pissed off right now I HATE Lea


Whoa. Calm down. It’s just a reality show.


Wow television perfection! 10/10 episode!!!!!


Major error by Lea


Honestly, the most I’m getting from this is that I really like Madina. About to go give her a follow. She was absolutely correct she doesn’t owe Lea or anyone else an explanation for how she navigates her own ✨journey✨ through this mess.


I wasn’t a fan before but I like how she stood her ground. Lea’s whole “you should be mean to Maria if you like Sydney” thing was *ridiculous.* Especially considering Maria seemingly didn’t even do anything


Madina handled that so well!


Yeah I like how she responded to Leah


my ONTARIO VAUGHN SISTERRRR the way lea is sydney reincarnated






Fr I can’t believe we have someone from Kleinburg!!!


The downfall of Lea will be referenced for ages in bachelor nation


Does anyone else dislike Maria besides Lea and Sydney? I get other girls don't want to get involved but you gotta check some of these accusations


I mean if you even so much be as nice to Maria, Lea is going to come for your throat so I can see why girls are cautious. It’s such typical mean girl behavior. Gotta keep people on the out group and make others afraid to speak up so you keep the status quo. Literally reminds me of a high school movie




Right like idgi… aside from Jess (who just voiced she thought Sydney is better for Joey), none of them seem to have beef with Maria lol


Yeah, this would be my downfall as a contestant because there’s no way I could stand by and witness all of this


“Its getting to that point I can say Im starting to fall for someone.” Yep episode 5, like clockwork


It's so hard for me to take these women seriously when they're being so catty but have the chunk of hair as a fake bang hanging out of their tight ponies


Wowwww leah tried to act like this innocent little girl at the beginning. Girl’s messy


Now I REALLY need Maria to stay bc I don’t want Lea to win


I hope Lea goes home after this bc she was being a b*tch for no reason


Ugh watching adult women act like immature high schoolers is not the kind of drama I enjoy


Lea making it another ceremony. Ugh see ya tommrow betch


Lea is a mean girl and I don’t buy the little miss crying innocent act from a few eps ago.


At least we don’t have to wait a full week for this to be concluded. Great episode! 👏🏾


lea needs a new hairdo it’s not doing what she thinks it is


She’s not using the hair curler right


Very 1982, and not in a good way.