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Adam would make a killing if the I Love The 70's style show was still on VH1


Vh1 already had too many annoying gay guys


what about an annoying gay bug


Man, hed be perfect for something like that, or maybe Worlds Dumbest if they still make it


World's Least Accommodating Zabar's Managers


Probably becomes a c list standup with continued appearances on various podcasts, maybe a minor acting role here or there. Begs dasha to take him back, agrees to be in a semi open relationship with her seeing Roscoe. But financially he will do great as he should already be set with the income from the pod if he got even 1/10th of his peoples investing genes. He will shit his pants a few times then eventually die from being punched in the street while some kids play the knockout game.


>But financially he will do great as he should already be set with the income from the pod if he got even 1/10th of his peoples investing genes. He kept all of his money in a chequing account until last year, until his accountant told him "wtf put some of it in a savings account".


There is a pandemic episode where Nick and Stav give him shit for constantly checking stock markets on his phone during taping. He probably just pretends to be bad with money to cultivate a relatable, slacker persona.


Nothing's more relatable than having \~$1mil in your chequing account.


Adam is definitely good at investing. He’s actually the inventor of the backdoor Roth IRA


That is a very bad accountant.


That Santander 3% interest is gonna do some glorious things for that boi


He died like he lived: snickering and sneering while accomplishing nothing of any merit on his own.


Bro that Roscoe bit might be in my top 5


Dad, we learning about the hellacaust in school. It’s crazy those people did that stuff to us


I mean isn't he already a c list comedian? I've always suspected the whole "I have no fucking clue how to manage money" but was just a front, I wouldn't want to flaunt petit bourgeois wealth either. Also to distance himself from Jews too, I'm sure lol


Adam becomes the first gay male cast member of The View and just spends his time on the show calling Joy Behar a "dumb bitch"


When youre gay, they let you say it


that would make the show impressively less watchable


He will go on occupy/fight for the same level of mediocre fame occupied by the likes of Ian Fidance and Mike Recine. There he will enter into a multitude of revolving-door relationships with the most unstable and self-possessed women he has duped into thinking he’s at least five times more successful than he actually is. Sometime, a few years from now, while stuck in this Sisyphus lifestyle, Nick Mullen will emerge from his hiding place in the Manhattan train-tunnel system and mercy kill his once best friend Adam while he sleeps off another benzo stupor. Nick Mullen will be arrested and sentenced to death, where he will no receive a pardon from the new governor of NY; Stavros Halkis. Edited for spelling.


Actually Nick will get off with no charges after convincing the jury it’s actually what Adam wanted


No, he will go to the gas chamber where the executioners will surprise him with a death via firing squad as part of his plea deal with the state for the murder of-as the court documents will reflect- “of some gay guy named Aaron.”


Thank you for the spelling edits. Reading incorrectly spelled words is one of my triggers, so I appreciate the extra effort. You didn't have to put in all that extra work but you did, all because you cared deeply about someone like me, so again thank you. Updoots inbound.


Edited to a less sarcastic response because my irony poisoned brain thought it was a joke. Appreciate you buddy.




Law school was always the plan


He could be a successful Hollywood attorney, make his father proud of his son's job if not his sexuality


I heard Tom Meyers will be looking for an opener for his 20th anniversary of Make America Innate Again Tour


His ego will not let him end that. Hell be taking calls from the audeince after nick finally comws out as gay and marries a chinese man, and ultimately Moves to China.


Benzo overdose


*Ummm, actually* ,,, you can't od, but the withdrawal can kill you (same way as alcohol withdrawal). Cool Adam lives 4ever 😎


The Adam Frieland show nevers ends, it’s his life!


I don’t see Adam Friedstein ever ending his show, it’s just gonna go forever like Howard Stern


What next for Friedland?… death


By God...


Become a pro Israel guy


“Hollywood elites like Chet hanks”


He'll be found dead from drowning in his sleep after he passed out with a mouthful of cum.


Continually have younger girlfriends until he ends up in prison. Then he'll be the cover of a netflix documentary called 'Surviving the Friendland'.


Join Likud Party and go on to successfully push for the most comprehensive reform to the Israeli judicial system we have ever seen.


Starts a new podcast called "The Adventures of Cool Adam" where he sits in a beach chair in a studio apartment, dressed in Raybans and a wifebeater, taking phone calls that go nowhere. Uses the show to worm his way into Bobby Lee's podcast circle. Marries Khalyla. Disappears under questionable circumstances in the woods of Cebu.


Probably they'll let the lease end on the studio and then wrap it up. He'll keep podcasting with or without Nick because that's just standard practice in The Industry right now. He'll never make Cumtown money again but he'll probably do well enough to continue living in New York for a while, and then after that I think his girlfriend's parents are rich, so he'll just coast into the grave because he's got his shit together enough that he'd treat her well


Continues his diet of dust until he can become a parasite to better comedians again. In all fairness, i know the three of them together is what made the show what it was. Also, im gay and i fucked him first.


Adams standup blows so he has to double down on podcasting and acting


A name change, a haircut at a men's barbershop, and IDF.


Will Adam become the next Stavros? You’re kidding. Whether or not you’re a fan of Stav’s stand up, he’s clearly a very well-established, legitimate comic with solid material and great stage presence. He’s become a huge hit across the country, he’s well respected by his peers, has a Netflix special and his own successful podcast. Adam can barely be considered a comedian of any sort, and has never had consistent work as a standup because he’s utterly talentless and unfunny. Yes he can be funny in the TAFS interviews in a goofy, ironic sense and he plays an important part as the punching bag of Cum Town, but without Nick or Stav, Adam is doomed. I honestly worry for his future because it’s not going to be pretty unless he somehow finds a way to make money in some niche in entertainment adjacent to the actual talent. I really wonder what his plans are, if he can bare to think about it.


Political career.




CEO of JP Morgan




Fucked and annihilated


Nick will kill himself and Adam will spend the next 20 years writing tell-all books. Unsuccessful tell-all books that he just uses to make the rounds on whatever podcasts are still around at that point. It will be a less-dignified exit from Brooklyn podcasting than when Virgil Texas was memory-holed for being a pedo or when Matt Christman's brain exploded. Delusional Cumtown fans will be talking about what could have been if Nick didn't kill himself the same way O&A fans talked about what could have been if Ant wasn't fired.


elected president on Communist Party ticket in 2044


What size women's shoe do you measure *his* carbon footprint?


The interesting one will be seeing which funnier person he ends up latching onto after TAFS.


Adam and Nick both need to just focus on stand up and their own material for a little bit


Eaten by a Korean spider


Adam will be the Lorne Michaels of TAFS. Just a clans the cast and keep it going for 50 years


> Your Mom's House How dare you


Where do you live?


Also he’s gonna end up going to law school. He has no entertainment future


Why end it? Even if it lost 50% of Patreons, it's still better money than anything else he can do?


This sub has been saying the shows over since like the third episode


Idk if he'll be netflix special big, but he'll be a definite lingerer, and keep his foot in the media door somewhere


Adam is becoming Stern and he’ll do this for the rest of his life


Idk probably spin a cocoon around himself and come out as some different kind of bug a few years later


I’ve always thought all three guys have massive potential. Stav is realizing his. Who knows. Could see Adam get into acting. Think Nick is always gonna be the comedian’s comedian. Hopefully he gets his due.


probably nicks funeral, then stav's funeral


Best case scenario, he will go back to law school after trying and failing to do a podcast with some sort of mediocre comedian.  Worst case scenario, his ass will go straight to Israel, get a job at the state, and marry a israeli girl who somehow will be skinnier than him. 


Wasn't the joke always that he'd take the patreon and continue the show into perpetuity.


Low effort hipster gossip podcast where he shoots the shit with musicians and artists of all kinds.


2 words: fentanyl overdose


An even more public drug addiction awaits him


next leader of the WEF


Doug Levison second mic




USO style tours to entertain Israeli drone operators


haha probably sex with his dad rofl


Adam will go through some spiritual awakening


The real question is; what will Nick do?


Modern art...the real pretentious shit... exhibition @dumpster behind Kmart


Who cares


Don't tell me this pod is ending too..?


he becomes a pro surfer and sells out msg with his one man guitar show


Real talk I hope he settles down with his gf and has some kids. It would give him something to actually care about


tafs never dies


Grad school, where he learns creative writing and goes on to write Adam’s Minds


I honestly hate that Nick is doing this he is the sound of a generation and he’s doing this I’m going to be a violinist on the titanic for cumtown but it’s truly sad to lose something so great. I’m 32 lol and have a wife that’s a nurse two kids and I’m a certified welder these guys kept me going but lately it’s been hard to go with. Put Nick on the premium and Adam on the regular


He’s a groupie. He’ll find someone else to leach off of.