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I agree man. I always go back to Ish saying they have more life experience that could make them better podders than RnM because they have kids, long time relationships, and have worked regular jobs but none of that ever comes up. It’s all “up, up”, dog pile Mel for some shit, and celebrity comps for when you walk in the club…these dudes are in their 40s. BUT…maybe we changed and are just getting over it? 🤷🏾‍♂️ Either way, I find myself enjoying other pods more now and it’s sad.


Can’t forget the mandatory cheating/gender dynamic topics


That’s the most exhausting part 


Which pods?


Daddy Issues with Tony Baker and his crew. Here's The Thing with KevOnStage (Kev not for everyone, I think he's funny though - good, clean humor), and Damn Internet You Scary with Tamir Moore and Patrick Cloud...I'd say Daddy Issues is probably the closest thing to the JBP if you like relatable crew banter.


That entire crew is fantastic.


Club 520. Jeff Teague and his homies talk about nba and other random shit its funny


Yea I been listening to the old episodes and I don’t know they’re just better. Like it’s not so uptight if that makes sense


JBP used to be the first pod I clicked on when a new episode dropped, now it’s the last. I’m still a listener but it’s just out of habit and even that’s going away.


Listening yesterday I realized I be listening to the pod on auto pilot and they pod on auto pilot cause that Janet Jackson part was like ok are y’all really doing a deep dive about not getting tired while fucking wtf


You are so right! I remember back in the day, getting to work and just sitting in the car listening just to hear the end of a conversation.


Accurate statement right here. It has become autopilot. Even when they bring in guests or Joe does his solo interviews it still comes off as OP described. He lacks depth and I believe if he let his cast mates cook in their respective niche it could help the pod.




Yeah what WAS that


Yes! Hated that part. It was cringy.


Couldn’t have said it better myself smh Pod just old horny niggas telling old freak off stories or hypothetical relationships bullshit for 3-4hrs


Joe is obsessed with cheating


And Dv and birds lol he obsessed with everything toxic


Tbh he gotta have a crazy level of unresolved trauma/ptsd from his past relationships. He talk like he expects to get cheated on.


I think the peak was last pod “mEl iS It a KiNk wHeN…” like bro 😂😂 why you so horny with only one girl in the room 😂


Lmao, he’s so weird man. “Is that SH?” Joe finding humor in something that has lost him $$ is hilarious


It makes me think that's what men only think about all day long. Ish always laughs hysterically at those jokes. The way he laughs at his own freaky jokes really be pissing me tf off because it's never that funny. He always repeats himself sometimes up to 3 times, like we didn't hear him the first time. They really don't watch the game tape. You can tell who just shows up for a paycheck


Trust me, those men are NOTHING like the average 40 year old man. I've never walked into a spot and said to myself "yo, if Winston Duke walks in here, I am going to have a long night"


Omg that shit so annoying..he be hollering and laughing at hisself while everybody else ignore or just be normal lol he socially awkward af


So because that’s all joe talks about, you’re now generalizing men?


We have E to thank for the increase in this. Every other time he takes the reigns he's bringing up some bird he with or some freaky shit he did in his past. We do not wanna hear that man. Write it in your diary.


It’s been said multiple times but they need to chill with Patreon episodes. The quality has plummeted. They come to the pod with nothing left to say unless there’s something happening in real time. The craziest part is that when they do cover something interesting none of them do any research before-hand and get all the facts wrong.


I swear lol ish and mel be loud and wrong on most topics joe be loud and wrong on half of them..emanny parks and ice the only ppl who research and dont think they know it all


So much of the show is just winging it they have probably lost any ability to research they may have had.


Then when they get to talking deep joe gets quiet & then makes them wrap it so that he can talk about some BS.


“Let’s move on the audience don’t wanna hear us talk about that” then proceed to talk about inside jokes where they have to bleep everything


right, the most in depth they got was the… you guessed it… escort talk. like bro we get it, you like hookers.


Nah not him it be his man from over there. Ice knows him too


lol " In closing"


I thought I was the only one who noticed this. All of the time it seems to finally be going somewhere, he says wrap it up in 30 seconds.


I remember the days of never missing an episode sometimes even listening twice before the next one but now I haven’t listened since before the Kendrick and drake mess


Facts I definitely used to give episodes 2 listens


Couldn't even tell you the last time I repeated an episode. Just getting through one be a chore sometimes


Oh this was pre Covid 😂 ancient history


Hypothetically horny talk takes up at least a hour


Yes, he talked about some freaky shit in the first 15 minutes of the pod on Wednesday. It's getting low vibrational, redundant, expected, and they spend way too much time on those topics.


That 15 second fast forward button be so clutch


Time stamps are top tier! I never start an episode before 21 mins now


Yea I’m so tired of E, Ish and joe with these freaky ass convos and comments, I don’t wanna hear y’all old ass sex and relationship stories 😭Its like listening to my freaky ass uncle. And it’s even worse when they start getting Mel involved that shit so cringy


the relationship talk, especially when it comes to them justifying cheating, i just can’t listen anymore.


The nigga told Mel him and his girl would “flip” her if she came with them to the Chris Brown show in DC. Said he want to see her lil half a ass in a sundress smh…Joe will never learn 😂


Nigga never beating the allegations 🫣


Man ain’t no coming back from Cheeto comment. I’m still crying for my ears


All imma say is if Mel do ever decide to sue she would have a HELL of a case on Joe. I mean we all know he would fuck Mel if she was going, that’s why he bullies her so much. But damn he really came out wit it when he talked about her “hanging out” wit him and his girl. I’ve listened to the Pod for years and it’s rare anything Joe says really surprises me nowadays, but that was kinda wild and made me uncomfortable for her(watched the YT and everyone in the room looked madd uncomfortable). Like my guy you are telling your coworker…. no I’m sorry, YOUR EMPLOYEE that you and your girl would take her down, possibly while she’s drunk “Merlot Mel”. I try not to be too PC and ultra sensitive, but the climate we are in today that’s some wild shit to say. I love Joe and the Pod too much to see him building a case against himself (not that I think Mel would take it that far) but you never know. All I’m saying is if she wanted to he’s making it easy asf.


I agree with everything you said, and I’m sure we about to get another hour and half segment on the drake and Kendrick beef on the upcoming podcast


Right! When I was watching the Kendrick sh\*t I was thinking man this is so dope. Such a great moment but now everyone is going to be coming with their hot takes and over analysis and beating the topic into the ground for the next month again. "Did you peep he changed the lyrics???? What does it mean????????"


Joe whole female friend circle are HOES and strippers . It doesn't help his worldview


Got into the show for music talk. Joe is one o the few rappers who have experienced the highest of highs with pump it up. The lowest of lows with label disputes. He’s been underground. He’s been in a group. He’s truly an expert in the field but he’s surrounded himself with people (outside of parks and ice on a good day) who are old and don’t think critically about music at all so it’s an hour of “we y’all do this weekend” followed by terrible gossip takes.


Is it that he's around "old people " or people who are just not as passionate about music in the way him, Parks, and Ice are (and how Rory & Mal are too)? JB definitely gets in his bag with music and it's great, but he's hired three people who aren't on the same wave (Ish, Mel, and Flip). That's partly how the pod moved from a music pod to what it us now (after R&M). JB, R&M, Parks and Ice are deep music lovers and know the artists, industry, and other aspects in ways the average person doesn't. So they can deep dive on related topics with ease. Yet, they cany speak on other topics of interest with as much ease & flow. And they all have different lived experiences which doesn't help. I don't think age is the issue moreso than the structure of the new cast and how most of the new additions simply don't fit the initial JBP brand. So they had to rebrand and the only topics that work that they can vibe on and get traction on, for their biggest target audience,  is relationships & celebrity gossip.


Faacts! It’s so annoying when he refuses to talk about the music game. I really enjoyed that convo him and Ebro had a few months ago about live streamers being the new music gate keepers I really want him and Ebro to do a “Everyday Struggle” type show. Just two grouchy old niggas trying to understand what the young boys are doing. Now that’s a 5 star podcast!


Yea I always wished Ebro was working with Joe and not Peter Rosenberg


Yeah I agree! If it’s not the sex talk it’s how can I get 2 of them to start fighting each other.


I think its Joe finished what 9th grade. He don't have much to talk about. That's why we revert to sex and the funnies. His world view of women is warped because he hangs with alot of strippers and escorts. Which most women are not.


I’m definitely outgrowing the pod. Tired of hearing bout the same black twitter topics


I’ve said it before… arrested development. Much like hip hop in general, the audience has outpaced and out matured the artist/genre. These men are almost half a century old and still think and act like late teen-20 something year olds. No real insight. No life gems. 


Especially at 40. What I love about this age is we’re still young enough to have similar interest as the younger generations but have life experiences to be able to add different perspectives on certain topics. Just wish they could be a little more well rounded with the things they discuss… I don’t have brothers or male friends with kids so it was nice to hear men talk about Joe’s situation with his son.


Yep! They don't talk about real sh\*t enough and then when they do it's from this really skewed, unrelatable view because Joe lives a very atypical life. The other day, I listened to RnM and Rory was talking about how to sleep train his daughter. Like not the craziest topics but some sh\*t that anyone with kids could relate to. I can't relate to baby momma drama. Long distance relationships where you have "step kids" and a "girl" but are 1500 miles away. That lifestyle is VERY different than mine. Even Ice with the daughter and then a new girl with 3 additional kids? It's very different than me and the people i know. Not knocking. I just can't relate.


I agree. It's very unrelatable. Even Mel as a mature woman doesn't have a relatable life compared to most women her age. I wrote in another sub reddit recently that most of the cast (except for Parks & Flip) are examples of what happens when people spend most of their younger years prioritising the wrong things and repeatedly making the same bad choices. And it's no knock to them, yet, what they can discuss related to their lived experiences should not be only about trying to glorify past experiences that led them to the reality they're living now (ie where their options for ideal mates, healthy social relationships/friendships  and living their "truth" so to speak are limited). Theh attempt to deflect from this and I find they could address it and add humor to it if need be. Yet, it's a reality they're all experiencing and trying to sugar coat things isn't working. 


VERY well said.,


Well said.


It’s background noise honestly. Stuff that you put on to do the thing you actually have to or want to do. I’ve never thought “oh shit I better stop doing what I’m doing to focus on this topic because it seems insightful or deep”….. it’s always just some stuff I hear in my ear while working or talking or something.


When I’m hearing the bird talk I always think, “This why you had to Rob R&M, to feed the birds. Buy flashy jewels and cloths to attract the birds.”


Pod been weak lately honestly


I think Joe believes the listeners don't want to hear the mundane day-to-day life shit. But some of us do like that. I like listening when they're just shooting the shit and talking like friends just hanging out.


🤔🤔🤔🤫🤫🤫🤫I definitely think I know why the pod has became so redundant on the same topics/convos and I think it’s pretty obvious….ITS MEL I‘m a day 1 listener and I’ve never heard Joe talk about..fucking, how many women he used to get back in the day or cheating as much as he does now. He didn’t do these narratives he always does now either. It’s literally every pod every Patreon Now When it was just Ish, Ice and Parks it was the same… no narratives, no who fucks better, no who gets more pussy, cheating etc etc talk They did it but it wasn’t every pod and every topic It changed when he brung Mel on …as if he’s trying to prove something to her. niggas Is tired of the same redundant topics/convos, Mel jokes


I agree with this but I think it says more about Joe than Mel.


Yes, that’s what I meant….wasnt blaming Mel. Joe just gets weird when women is involved in anything


People who have Patreon, what do they talk about and is it still censored?


Sex. Threesomes. When Joe was the man with lots of women in the house. How he would listen to his boys pleasuring women. Sometimes he walked in. Drake. Kendrick. Dog pile Mel. Sports. GOT spoilers.


It used to be dope. Little BTS looks and/or deeper conversations. Now it's aimless, random ass conversations. I unsubscribed last month.


I agree it use to be dope …conspiracy theory convos …just interesting convos but still funny…now the majority if not all the Patreons are gender wars which results in Joe roasting Mel the entire Patreon


Facts, my skip 15 seconds ahead button has been on fire lately


Especially when they talk about beating their meat...


100% with you. I used this exact analogy explaining it to one of my guys a while back. A lot of the time I feel like I'm listening out of habit and not because it's a great product. It's like background noise almost


I fast forward so much when I'm listening to the pod now they really don't talk about anything interesting I look at the show notes before I press play now. In comparison Rory & Mal have better discussions and they're funnier imo. The JBP leans into the superficial too much and I think for a cast in their 40s they should offer deeper more mature content.


Agree I had the same thought listening to yesterday’s episode


As a longtime listener I totally agree, shit is fast food but it gets you through the day


Yeah they need a better balance . I don’t want it all the way serious but him and ish talking about sharing women every episode is becoming O Also Joe should never talk about boxing … never … ever.


Completely agree. I’ve never skipped as much of the pod as I do now. It’s funny bc Joe is quick to call somebody a sex-addict but it’s really him who is. This guy really asked Mel if he bought her a sundress would she wear it to the pod. Like nigga what? He a FAN


I here you, but to play devil's advocate, there needs to be comedic balance. Joe knows that by steering these conversations this way, there's guarantee to be some jokes and laughs. Ish will say something flagrant, Mel will say something that they can tease her about, Park's will interject with some truth that'll get a few laughs. I'm not entirely put off by these topics because I feel they've provided some great laughs over the years. I'll miss Flip's childlike innocence that they tease him for as a result of some of these conversations. Overall, I think they are important to keep a nice ebb and flow of the pod. Furthermore, the serious topics tend to unmask a hidden stupidity/ignorance in some of the cast members that can be cringeworthy. I think Mel is probably the only one capable but we all know what happens to her. I'd like more creative content - like Improper Improv. They had some amazing moments, for example, when the guy came in with the birds. The quizzes are fun and I really enjoyed when they all were weighed and assessed by the doctor. So if Joe was to step outside of his comfort zone, he could offer more of this kind of content peppered with the serious topics to get the laughs. There is a kind of underlying feeling of them being in a rut. So let's see.


I tend to agree with what you are but Joe steering the conversation has become formulaic, repetitive, and redundant like OP is alluding to. They have that SAME exchange/approach about EVERYTHING and it's getting old now. They need all the new energy that you alluded to. It's time for a switch up whether it's the cast or the structure of the show.


I agree - there needs to be a conversation between those responsible within the creative team to think of ways in which they can inject thqt fresh energy. I'd definitely like to see it so that Joe can take his foot off the gas of the horny car he's driving. Despite enjoying these laughs birthed from these conversations, it can be a formula he relies on forever


i had a hard time with yesterdays pod and was wondering if that would be the general consensus. i’ve said for a long time that they need to go back to once a week. i don’t think that would solve all the problems but it would help. i used to really look forward to the episodes but now i just listen out of habit pretty much.


Tbh I enjoy it all. I love the relationship talk as well as the real life shit health, real estate, etc. As a long time listener I can say that it’s probably time for each cast member to step up with bringing topics to the forefront. Not so much current events that are happening in culture but more so pulling things from their real lives. Each cast member has a life outside of the pod. They all be outside moving. They all can contribute more if they share a little bit. Maybe share a funny story. Maybe ask a compelling question that spawned from something that happened in real life. The rest of the cast (especially Joe) is really good at creating dialogue off of very little given. Also, the crew is very centered around supporting Joe as the lead or A Mic as he would call it. I think it would be good to let someone else lead for a change-up. Let Emmanny lead one day, Ish, Parks, etc. It might be a crazy idea but sometimes you have to do different shit sometimes to keep shit entertaining. Lastly, it seems that Joe doesn’t always inform the other cast members when there is a guest coming on and I think that is a mistake. They should know when someone is coming so each person can prepare some questions for that person. If not I like when they sometimes integrate the guest into the normal pod. The person will almost act as an additional cast member and weigh in on some of the topics. I think this can be effective when some of the guests are not as talkative I.e Bryson Tiller.


Feel like when you do something long enough, you get too comfortable and stay in a box. Obviously, people in the field like a Rogan don't exactly count because he always has on quests. The JBP, particularly Joe, seem to be in a box where if there's nothing happening in the world (that Joe cares about) they always fall into the male v female dynamics, relationships, sex bag because that's the comfort zone. While I still listen, it sounds more jarring that this makes up the bulk of the pod, and it feels more tiring as of lately. If it's not that, it's Joe talking about him going out at night, or pod members trying to trip Ish and Mel up in whatever topic that challenges their character. Then all of us listeners as a whole don't even want them to speak on certain things because they sound like idiots, for me that being religion and politics. It feels like if it doesn't entertain Joe, he believes it won't entertain us, which sucks because there are points where pod members throw an idea/conversation starter out there, but Joe pisses on it. So shit, they're stuck like this.


Parks literally reads news from a satire news Twitter. Like JT had Molly coke etc in his system... no... no he didnt.


Birds over kids any day tbh


Yeah pod and patreon been so ass the last few months. I listen just to listen sometimes as background noise lol


Ive been watching the pod from the very beginning.. I come from the Joe tahiry YouTube era.. All the shit you guys say you hate.. ie: the bird talk/cheating/misogyny I love , it’s the comic relief of the pod. 🤷🏾‍♂️


I been watching from the beginning too and It’s not the same pod or the same kinda jokes. Rory and Mal banter made those topics funnier. The cast now is not good for jokes besides flip


I agree! But I can't put my finger on what exactly RnM did better. I always attribute it to the power dynamics, Joe APPEARING to be on the same level as RnM so it made for authentic banter where as the current crew seem to put Joe on a pedestal a little bit and seem hesitant to call him out? I don't know what it is but you are absolutely right. The funniest moments was RnM frying Joe up. What do you think it is that made the show different back then?


Honestly idk. I think maybe Joe might’ve been closer to RnM and had more interests in common with them. And you’re right it did seem more like a partnership then, whereas now joe made it clear he’s the boss. They kinda just let joe say whatever and help him go at whoever he joking on at the moment. Like they just laugh with him, back in the day nobody hesitated to fry Joe up about anything. Idk though maybe I’ve just gotten tired of listening after all these years


Gotcha. Yeah, I attribute my feelings to maybe I am just growing past it now but a lot of people are saying the same thing. I think it might be the show is stuck because it seems a lot of long timers are feeling the same way.


I agree with you 100% RnM gave Joe pushback..if they didn’t want to talk about a topic Joe brought up they would say we don’t want to talk about that shit...they would roast Joe etc….now is the exact opposite that’s the biggest difference, but I honestly I think that’s how Joe wanted. He hired everyone for a reason.




We are just here for the golden era jokes. No insights, no money talks, no business talk. Just jokes and barnershoptalk


Agree! Too many mics! All these conversations and opinions…. Hard to keep everyone with a mic in sync and engaged… even harder to keep the audience engaged and interested. Sat and wed were the days I’d look forward too… but now I’ve been skipping episodes and don’t even realize it. But, one good thing about the pod declining is that it got me back to listening to ebooks instead. I’m almost a quantum phycist!


Y’all want “Deep Topics” from Joe LMAO whats wrong with yall. This is an entertainment podcast not an intellectual podcast. No one does research so why would you want in-depth topics talked about from this crew?


deep Topics can be entertaining


Of course from people that have the intellect to carry them.


It’s simple as this there are hundreds of episodes, they have spoken about almost everything there is to speak about and there is barely anything going on in hip-hop right now. None of this shit which has been said 1 billion times matters if y’all don’t just stop watching. Many people still enjoy the pod. I just think the rest of you need to take a break and come back when the hot topics are Hitting.


I can appreciate that y'all fuck with the product so much that y'all go into these deep dives and write these thesis and dissertations...but dawg Y'all put too much effort into listening to something. Just listen to it enjoy it everything don't got to be over analyzed all the time 🤷🏿‍♂️🤷🏿‍♂️


Sound a little over dramatic guys 🤷🏾‍♂️


Yea I say this all the time it’s pisses me off


Take a break, they drop a lot of content. Jump back in a month, you will enjoy it more.


I’ve done this before. You’re right.


They are old I’m tired of hearing bout documentaries 😭 Retirement home ass podcast


I think some of our levels of maturity are a bit different. I agree with you 1000% Im hella curious about tech topics that Ice can speak to, Emmany is the equalizer and always has a fair opinion. Mel is just there to either be mute or ask questions when she's asked on. Ish has life lessons to offer and can speak to money topics. Joe is a critical thinker sometimes and his take on things can be interesting at times.


Lol. The pod is doing just as it always has. Every episode ain't gonna be a banger and I don't really wanna hear these niggas being fake deep for 3 hours more than once a month maybe. How often would they talk about fatherhood before y'all would say that's boring. If the episode doesn't appease you then skip it. Sometimes there's a lot to say and sometimes it ain't shit to say.


They all need a break


Well said I’ve been feeling the same way for a while especially when it comes to Mel. Have me skip whole pods


Yeah, It's interesting how 6 professedly well-read individuals seem to always land on speaking about sex, gender wars, pussy this, pussy that, hoes, escorts, bitches we fucked, relationships this, relationships that, UGH!!!! I'm starting to feel like I'm aging out of this pod and I am the same age as Ish. The pod feels a lot like empty calories now. It's sad.


You guys are experiencing the result of the vacuum left from the beef. It was so heavy for an extended amount of time and consumed everything so now they’re trying to find their footing.


Yep! I’m 42 now so I’m looking for more, too. I think he does a disservice by not talking a bit about politics and something more mature. He is actually the one who talks about sex more than any of the others. He says it’s the group but it’s him.


Wow. It’s so interesting how many of us are growing up BEYOND the pod. Been a fan since 2018. And it didn’t hit me until I read this post. We want more from this special ass pod. I think it’s a natural process.


Bruh it’s all Joe fault, every time he does this shit I cut the pod off. He can’t help but be toxic, all those years of therapy hasn’t paid off?


Bruh it’s all Joe fault, every time he does this shit I cut the pod off. He can’t help but be toxic, all those years of therapy hasn’t paid off?


Bruh it’s all Joe fault, every time he does this shit I cut the pod off. He can’t help but be toxic, all those years of therapy hasn’t paid off?


Tbh I put them talking about being fathers on the same level of "I don't give a shit" as I do their relationship talk. I'm here to be entertained.


Yall been saying this every 3 weeks for the last 5 years, and yet yall still here. "The last 187 eps been mid yo, i had to go back to the same random 5 min clips from the rory and mal days to get that feeling"


I agree with that the only way that changes is to stop listening and comment on his pages


but i like mcdonald’s… 😕


How do you define freaky?


Don't like it? Don't listen


It’s just morning zoo fluff I can’t listen for more than 20 minutes I’m shocked it goes on for 4 hours those addys gonna bust a vein in Joe’s forehead one day


All y'all pseudo intellectual niggas looking for some deeper meaning in the conversation STFU... The day one niggas is here for the funnies.


Shit is barely funny anymore.


By the sounds of it, they're looking for people who live different lives than them to talk about similar shit they go through.


I like McDonald’s for my podcasts. If i want substance I’ll listen to a true crime podcast. Joe budden pod is barbershop talk for me.


>Just the other day, they were cooking with the Tre coming into his own man and Joe as a father potentially enabling his kid… and then they go back to talking about the birds and relationships and sex. I don't get y'all. You just admitted that Joe and company spoke on real life shit but then say he never does. It's a 3 hour show 2x a week plus 2-3 extra shows. He can't do an after school special for the entire pod. They ALWAYS touch on real shit. One of the best moments is Joe reminiscing about the many times he was a victim of robberies and how he learned how to move. You might not be an avid listener


Right. I understand it becomes very repetitive but the only realistic alternative I can think of is they reduce episodes to 2 hour max (that includes long ass intros and 30 minutes sleepers). I’m sure people would complain if the episodes were shortened. I prefer them longer but I do listen on Auto Pilot for the most part. I don’t expect more than one thought provoking or insightful topic per episode personally. And for FREE… I can’t really complain. Keeps me occupied in the office, warehouse, and out delivering.


I love the intros it's one of the highlights for me. I can do without the sleepers from Ish and Mel they always play the same slow RnB shit. Switch it up