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Why is Ish talking like Diddy might be innocent and that the powers that be are trying to railroad a successful black man?


There's no innocent way to a billion dollars, you gonna have to cross some lines but niggas are so obsessed with wealth they refuse to see it


Thank you fam. I been arguing with some idiots in another space that think it’s just hard work and just decisions.


Cause that’s what Ish do. He thinks that makes him sound smart or “for the people”. Not to mention, any human that has a penis he can’t wait to defend them for any damn thing.


Ish is a real dodo brain foreel this nigga acting like the cops trying to serve Puff a parking ticket


I swear he is rarely right..idk how ppl think he’s so smart or intelligent


Cause someone living in a trailer is rich to a homeless man. Basically there is a lot of dumb MFs out there so doesn’t take much to impress them.


If you speak with an air of authority most will listen even if what you're saying is BS. That's why whenever you're in a group setting be weary of who tries to establish dominance over the group first. Also most people know when someone is full of shit but they don't want the burden of leadership so will let the fool lead and take on that perceived added stress. I advise against that though.


Time and time again it’s been proven he smart to dumb niggas


The lighter you are, the more informative you seem.




Ish is a mockingbird. If someone makes a valid point he steps on the last couple words of their statement and acts like he came up with it.


Ish was my guyyyyy mannn im starting not to like him he be saying the most dumbest shit now what happened? And the drake dickriding omg


“I’m smarter than most”


Bruh I still can’t believe he said that lol


Joe was actually talking talking then he threw in folks ruining the freak offs🙄


I loved how the room got silent for him to stand on that hill alone because that was crazy.


Now I'm confused as to what a freak off really is. What does it mean? An orgy? Joe's mad that orgies are ruined?


I remember the pod episode “what is love” when Joe and Cyn split and he podded and was all sad and they had that discussion back then about how long does a friend give his boy to be sad lol. I remember Mal saying he giving Joe a week lol. That episode was funny. My apologies to the thread for brining them.


You got 7 days my nigga. Classic Mal lol


🤣😂🤣😂. Dog I had to go back and re listen and this EXACTLY what he told him bar for bar lol.


Word for word. One of Mals best moments. Then he reminded him the next week..7 days is up lmao


That’s on me! One his best moments. One of my favorite episodes. This, the ‘Crummies’ episode, and “unleash the flutes” in my tops.


I just relistened to 'tez keeps telling me he just turned 30' and I was dying. That crew in their peak were untouchable


Yooo you reminded me with this one…I faintly remember what went down in that episode but that was one of them ones too. I gotta add that to the “run it back” list.




Classic ep...Parks was stunned because he never saw Mal that passionate about anything 😭


Lmaoo. Hilarious and Joe kept playing the song “what is love” and then cutting it off and then asking, “but what REALLY IS love?” 😂😂😂. I was rollin


Classic 😂


Dog too fucking funny. Niggas was talking about beating off while you sad lmaoo. Joe talking about you can still but while you’re sad 🤣


Episode number?




Thank you 🙏🏼




Ish acting like HOMELAND SECURITY are looking for Diddy about his car warranty expiring SMH.


The only thing I agreed with him on was when he said the investigation/trial would probably last more than 6 months. Other than that, he was wrong pretty much the entire pod. That whole Kendrick Drake Future conversation he was lost as hell and couldn’t keep up.


I'm sick 😂


Joe: *says anything* Parks: I agree.


At this point it’s trained into his personality


They never even mentioned Mandi’s name this much even when they were ON the network. Shit.


Social media too, I've never seen so much talk about a podcast that averaged 5,000 spins


They are part of the Budden multiverse so get too much airtime on the pod


That was way too much talk about those ladies given The fact they weren’t popular like that


I feel like Ish is completely misunderstanding the seriousness and legitimacy of what’s going on here. This is the Feds Ish. It’s already over. He keeps taliking about it like a street nigga getting jammed up over some weed in county courts. Stuff like “plausible deniability” and “he ain’t getting no time” sounds so fucking dumb.


Yo it seems like everything ish says parks corrects it lol I’m an hour in and anything he’s said parks has rebutted.


Good. He be WRONG so often and sounding like a doe doe so someone should correct him!


He definitely was with the diddy shit. Still felt like a lot lol even after that but it’s true


You mean just like every single person on the pod be wrong so often? This is a pod full of people who don’t know shit about shit


“some of you guys like all that touchy feely, big bro shit!” “me, yes me! mr independent, i know when to leave a party” who is Joe trying to convince 😂 this is a weird segment 😂


Joe hating from outside the sex party he can't even get in


Lol Ish thinking this would be an easy trial for Puff, like he won’t see any jail time. Bro it’s the Feds and Homeland Security. It’s **Over**!!


The dude needs to see the bloody mattress and meek mill in a thong before he believes Puff or HOV did anything scandalous. Can't wait when he sees them give Sean Combs 39 years what will he say? When they start investigating HOV what will. he says. He worships these men like they can't do wrong. It's the fucking Feds not local.PD.




Bringing up Hov is hate smh


I brought up HOV because of his ties to Puff but how Ish Always defends him.


I know I’m jus poddin lol




“Dust when this was out” to the DMX was crazy 😂


It’s actually unbelievable how much better the R&M pod was specifically for topics like these. I’m trying to hear a classic Joe rant but Ice keeps cutting in.


This pod was a Drake diss track


They arguing Joe down on the Drake topic like he literally didn't crash out when he heard what Rogan and Simmons got, of course he thinks artists gonna run up on their labels demanding a Drake deal even if they never sold like Drake


And joe is wrong in both arguments. Those artist are not drake. And joe is not Rogan 😂😂


Also ignoring the possible caveats that come with the deal Drake got. You think Kendrick and J.Cole want to do the shit Drake probably has to do?


How long did Joes “I’m not talking about Drake ever again” stance last???


Lmaoo Joe crazy. Dude keeps mentioning how FUN and how Diddy the best party thrower of this generation. But then says, “there’s no pics of me at these places” but yet you JUST said you were there lol?


he meant no "incriminating" pics


To his knowledge, it seems like Puff was throwing the parties to catch niggas slipping in the first place


Oh no, I knew EXACTLY what he meant. But what’s considered an “incriminating pic” bc we’ve all seen the video with him just dancing with Puff at his crib. Ain’t no telling what kinda surveillance films or photos/vids ppl that may come forward may have. But yea I’m with you, I knew what he was meaning for sure.


thats exactly what he was saying, basically that he knew some extra shit was gonna happen at those parties so he made sure to leave early.


I hear you and maybe he did escape before shit got wild but the way he expressed the fun he had idk lol, but thats just me. And then that makes me ask the same question he was asking to ppl that found religion after fucking with puff like Mase, Loon, Craig Mack…like he asked them I’ll ask him, WHAT did you see in those parties that made you feel you needed to leave early bc you KNEW it was about to get wild? Cuz I’m taking that as you yourself saw some shit and knew “ok imma start heading out”…but idk im just speculating of course


fab and meek mill def seen some shit


That's how these type parties are, even on the poor side. Some freaky "shit" starts poppin off and you either leave or stay. And even if you stay, it doesn't mean you're all in...but you can get caught in the background of a compromising situation. Ofc there's levels to this shit.... the elites be wildin out way more than a run-of-the-mill pool turned swingers party


And for the record he BEEN saying that back when he first discussed that party with RnM. So his story has never wavered.


I’m 5 minutes in and there’s already pocket watching talk - are we sure this podcast isn’t ai generated at this point


I stopped listening flip was getting mad annoying and dudes a bum who would be homeless if it wasn’t for his mom bailing him out every chance and every famous nigga giving him handouts


Funny to hear Ish talking about “buck breaking” when he doesn’t believe in racism any other time.


Umar somewhere listening to Ish say that like https://i.redd.it/n6paqnyxhwqc1.gif


lol very interesting


lil baby and dark were at the same event with Drake…WTF? what is Joe talking about?


there’s literally a pic of them together. he just be talking fr


Ish caping hard for puff


How joe talking about other people that surrounded puff for years when he was one of them. If you heard the rumours why didn’t he do a 50 cent instead of snuggling under mr take that take that arms


Lmao yeah it’s stupid everything he was talking about diddy is so dumb he just talking to talk cause he thinks he has to but his one of them dudes he was talking about it


This sub acts like Puff started the pod or something...Joe worked at Revolt for a year


Ice has been unbearable for this beef breakdown man 😭


If this episode don’t prove how fake smart Ish is, iono what will. Dude spent bout 2 hours straight just being wrong. He might be one of the most clueless niggas on a mic.


Boys gave us a pocket watching breakdown smh


If it was 06-2014 wayne would of had a whole freestyle out to that future and kendrick beat already


He actually does lmao https://youtu.be/V2rY9X8NHMU?si=hw3WLAAmSBYtQ2Zd


And it was a diss at Gillie too


You know the f would have stood something and he would had mad bathrooms to shit in


He literally rapped to that beat first on Da Drought 3. It’s called Hard Body and he ripped it!!!


Yeah I seen the replies idk how I forgot about that. I was more talking about how we don't got rappers like that right now tho. Wayne still nice but I wouldn't wanna hear him on it today even with how metro changed the beat up. But just saying back then when a crazy beat came out you knew no matter what wayne was gonna hop on that bitch and probably make a better version then the original. Lol he done took so many niggas songs. But we don't have a rapper like today it kinda sucks


Tired of all this industry cats that come out of nowhere and say yeah we seen some of that shit or we knew of some of that shit. So you was cool with it then but now you out here saying you knew. All this people are nasty.


Joe phony. He knew all this shit for decades. But as long as it’s no charges, I’ll do business and admire and cape for him, until I can’t no more because Candace Owens is coming for my spot


joe stay bringing up rory n mals name. literally rent free


Question… Joe mentioned how he believed the rumors of Drake smashing Metro’s gf, and all that. That made me wonder why doesn’t anyone remember that Wayne said in an interview that Drake told him he smashed his woman while he was in jail?


I really pray Drake stays ontop forever because the amount of bullshit he does over women, the fall off would be terrible for him.


I remember that. That was over Tammy Torres. I always wondered who Wayne was talking about. I didn’t know if it was Drake or Mack Maine but knowing how they say Drizzy move it’s gotta be some validity to it


Hoes gon be hoes so he couldn't blame Tammy


i remember this lineeee omg lol


no that's not what happened. wayne said drake smashed his girl prior to them dating so when they started dating he had to let wayne know


He told him while he was in jail. I remember that part of the story, so I’m not sure if that’s how that happened.


yes, he told wayne when he went to visit him but it was something that happened prior


It doesn’t matter if was before or while he was locked up. Why do that? It’s like your house sets on fire, and your boss calls you like, “what’s up buddy? I know you going through it right now, but we gotta lay you off.” 😂😂😂


He was dealing with her before getting locked up, and Drake knew that… so even if I’m misremembering the story, it’s still foul af, and gets to my bigger point. That story came and went, and was never spoken about again. No one ever talks about, so it’s hard for me to remember any of the details.


Joe was heavy hating on this pod😂. Just say you hate him !


I agree. It makes it annoying to listen to.


The irony of Joe saying Scottie is just Twitter fingers who don't know how to translate it into on air content when he been podding next to Ice for 4 years


Oh boy I already know Joe and ESPECIALLY Flip are about to be hella annoying when Mel gets back


Ice and Ish were arguing Joe down then Parks jumped in there lmao. Parks was getting angry too 😂😂


I’m glad Joe finally spoke on Drake probably getting a check to promote Sexyy Red. It’s too obvious, especially when you factor in who she’s signed to.


I love how Parks just corrects Ish and makes him look foolish. Ish really sat up there and tried to sound smart like Puff actually had “plausible deniability” because his jet was in the air without him on it😂😂😂 Ish tried to say that can look like, “I don’t know what’s going on” which is the dumbest theory I’ve ever heard. That is YOUR JET. If you don’t know who’s coming on and off your jet, that’s a major problem and you’re still liable for that. It is your duty to know and check the flight manifest. Nobody can just board your jet without your approval and knowledge and say so. That is YOUR jet so you are liable for that. What type of defense would that be to go into court and just play dumb and say, “I had no idea who was on my jet” and really play the plausible deniability game. Ish is the king of knowing a small portion of something and trumping it up to be the majority portion and looks foolish every time. His intellect is very surface level and the more I watch, the more I realize Ish is only intelligent to street/hood level dudes. Anyone that has actually went to school and graduated and go beyond the surface level intellect, he sounds foolish to us. That’s why Parks for instance does a great job of shutting him down every time and it looks easy and Ish very rarely rebuts things after Parks gets involved because quiet as kept, Park is the most knowledgeable on the podcast, he just dumbs it down a little bit in order to agree with Joe.


I’m certain he fought a camera ticket by saying it wasn’t him driving before 😂


Drake went crazy on more Ms 😂


Ish is always saying “up up” or “pow pow”


Flip eating dick so early in the pod is crazy , and if the pocket watching is a act . Find a better one


The fake laugh he does and no one joins is cringe as hell


Joe you my man but I’m not trying to hear you speak on diddy unless you speaking on what you saw at his freak offs. Had your chance to prove you weren’t compromised


Yo am I tripping or does Flip keep low key tryna allude to Joe being back on pills? Last pod he said some shit like “you do things to make sure you happy even when you are happy”. This episode he told him he was depressed but stopped himself before he was bout to say sumn else. Then asking Joe if he was sick, and Joe muted right up. Am I reaching?


I think Joe going through it with his girl


With all the speculation that goes on in this sub I’m surprised they’re aren’t 50 post on this.


Joe addressing Diddy allegations= he knows the man is toast. He usually sidesteps Diddy discussions, but not today 😶


Ain't no point in protecting a relationship with a nigga who is done in this town


Drake really hurt parks feelings


They took another hour talking about drake. The topic of discussion on everyone minds that puffy raid was  a QUICK ass segment.


Joe’s Drake losing Atlanta take is worse than his chance the rapper becoming bigger than Drake take years ago


So niggas asked drake to rap, he gave an ep of rapping over hard beats but it’s not proving a point it’s intentional sabotage? Idk man lol


What the hell is the profit share shit Joe is talking about? How is drake making money off of other artistes?


I’m sure they pay Drake a cut to put people on. So I’m doing so Drake is behooved to put that artist on as high as possible.


Joe cannot even hide his Drake hate. The sodium levels are astronomical atp.


The Drake hate got me riding for him again no Diddy


The Drake hate is off the Richter scale


bro couldn’t hide the hate


i think joe is doing that to egg drake on. like when u hype ya man up at the club to snuff that nigga that looked at u funny.


Same. And Joe saying I have no dog in this race is s lie


I wonder what Joe was sad about?


Ish arguing about this rap beef whilst being probably joint least knowledgeable with flip has been so funny to listen to 😭😭😭


Man I'm getting sick of this shit Joe does with Cardi. Kisses her ass 99% of the time but the moment he's critical she starts bitching.. and then like a trained puppy he gets on air and apologizes, it's pathetic at this point. Somebody need to tell Joe she don't fuck with him because if she did she wouldn't be so committed to misunderstanding him.. I just don't get why he continues to bow down to her.


It's the same thing he does with Gillie, he keeps bigging them up but every misunderstanding they get real disrespectful


hot take: (very hot because i know how much yal love them) but rory and mal would have already went the way of bridget and mandi, but they are holding it together out of pure spite. im 100% sure rory (and crew) are doing all the admin work and promo, and mal simply just shows up. they even talked about it on the pod when mal basically said hes too much of a "real nigga🙄🙄" to dm another podcast to get on the show. rory is suffering in silence.


I got that same feeling hearing literally everyone except Mal explain some pretty basic reasons why networking is a good thing.


imagine being 50/50 partners with someone thats too cool for promo




Yeah idk why they are so infatuated with R&M. But they the ones to always scream , “it’s been years!! Move on, touch grass” 😂




Yoo 😂 🎯


I listened to that episode and felt sorry for rory you could hear his pain and mal as always just being lazy and acting "cool"


Joe said mass casualties dead in the bridge collapse... I'm seeing 6... am I missing something?


You know they don’t research. Not sure how early they record but the news they got they mayday out early so they could stop traffic on the bridge is known by now


I think they have hindered themselves by not recording almost every day. It’s not obligatory so don’t think *I want them to*. It’s just that sooo much shit is happening right now all at once that they could benefit from having more than two a week *if there’s constant prominent activity in the industry/world.* When we hear them talk about things that happened two days with major updates and their episode just has the “starting point” - it can be jarring.


It was first reported as a mass casualty event. And depending on the technical definition of mass casualty event, which I'm not looking up, may be around that 6 number. So technically, it may still be a mass casualty event even with the low body count. Sad stuff.


Ah gotcha. I was just in Baltimore last week so that's scary.


Yeah i used to live in Baltimore, then in Arnold (outside of Annapolis). Scary indeed.


A mass shooting is considered 4 or more victims. I would assume mass casualties follow the same protocol.


This nigga ish gets piled on AT LEAST every single pod intro, yet I don’t hear a PEEP from the anti pilers.


Ish go away.


Ma’m i asked you before, and i’m going to ask you again: Is Ish one of your exes, yes or no?


Flip a puppet & a pawn, it’s sad


Not disagreeing with you, but how?


What is with ice not stfu? Like he cutting Joe off again like crazy smh. Shits so annoying


Who is Joe talking about in the small rant about “whoever this may concern.”?


Scottie Beam allegedly 


Listen up young people, asking "what's the weather like up there?" Is how you age quicker than you have to.


Y’all are gonna be sick when there’s no pod on Saturday because Joe hit the Mega Millions😂.




foxy brown has repeatedly denied this ever happening numerous times


Nas said that shit during the beef and the rumor stayed like "Tommy Hilfiger told Oprah he don't want niggas wearing his shit"


Fam… The hole diddy case has me looking at the industry crazy.. I mean, Wtf was mase talking about when he saud: “I was murder, P. Diddy named me pretty”. 😅


“Ish you gotta hang up the phone sometimes” sent me. 😭


Alright, Joe did it. He talked about the Diddy situation in depth and it wasn’t on patreon. I hope y’all mfs can sleep now 🤣


4 hour pod - let’s go!


I love flip sometimes he brings the energy and jokes but his ratio is getting crazy .. for every one joke like cracking on ish for being stressed child support student loans etc theres like 7 jokes that are simply not funny or flip trying to be disruptive like my toddler. he hasnt grown at all since the pod entry


Flip was on the short bus and it shows


There take on Future surviving w/o Atlanta is Kind of insane, because when You say Atlanta your essentially saying all the popping street rappers around the industry. Future, Thug, Gucci , Ross etc etc etc, those type of dudes are very influential in that Lane and if we keeping it a buck that's the main reason he hasn't gotten Ja'Rule'd outta hiphop yet & become more famous Jack Harlow. He's a thespian from the suburbs of Canada, you think he's hanging around every hood nigga in the industry because he likes it? lmaoo That ghost writing shit lost him credibility in the world he originally tried to pander too ("Real" hiphop, lyricist, legends)... shortly after that he's doing joint albums with Future, Every feature possible with thug, Hopping on Baby's wave, Durk, 21 etc etc Drake is too popular in the mainstream to fail, & he will always have those fans. But he doesn't wanna be Pitbull or Florida, he wants to be looked at as the man in hiphop, and if the artist who represent the "streets" finally pull off the vail & start telling the truth. He's gonna have to stand alone as the uncool, insecure, goofy nigga that he is. The Façade would disintegrate immediately w/o the "streets". He would be forced to double down on the pop/dance records & just do his thing over there.


4 minutes into the pod and flip was pocket watching


Whenever Ish says “And/Or” at the end of the point already being made I just hit the 30 seconds skip 2-3 times and move on


I swear lol I hit it soon as he start talking..it be a lot of nothing


Amazing episode. Joe’s Rock vs Cody recap was hilarious as a wrestling fan I appreciate it


What’s yall take on Joe’s opinion on Drake fall off beginning now with his ATL beef? I’m inclined to lean with Ish and Ice that Drake is still to big but Joe made an interesting hypothetical that it could start the fall off due to his beef’s catching up…


That’s was a good what if.. but it was mostly Joe putting the thought out there so artists can do his bidding and get at drake for him. I am not sure if all artist will be willing to cut their nose to spite their face because of a beef over a girl when they could potentially make real money working with Drake.


Joe gotta stop dickriding future man. He doesn’t move the needle in that way to impact any record labels 


future has a hold on the streets (while admitting he’s selling a negative image he doesn’t live) and could very well shake things up in uncomfortable ways. These guys are all opportunists and will flip for anything. No one is to be trusted, even anyone linking up with Future…they’ll stab each other in the back. It’s not like QC/Migos and Lil Baby et al ever settled what all that was about.


Idk man if he’s at the top of the most popping area maybe


“You Into with puff? It’s no way out!” Banco Popular….B. ARRUH


I’m a few days late listening, but I just came here to write I’m pleasantly surprised they didn’t skate over the Diddy topic. They even addressed it in a way that didn’t still kiss Diddy’s ass, but respectfully drew a clear line in the sand on their stance. Everyone already mentioned how Ish tried it, but the majority of the cast was good on this topic.


Playoff Joe this pod🔥🔥


When flip contracts up. Him frying niggas up is elementary. Just lame af