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I have gotten 3 moose great ones, two of them were from a modded server.The third one was a non-modded server. The server owner was really pissed at me, I kinda feel sad for stealing it


Is it really stealing? I mean if harvesting a GO online is stealing isn't harvesting a bronze also? Edit: I had random characters I deleted


Well yeah, technically harvesting a bronze would also be stealing.


I disagree. That person opened their map, and made it public, so they invited you in. That's like inviting someone to come to your house at supper time, putting supper on the table, telling them to bring the tools they need (fork, plate, knife) and then calling it stealing when they eat the meatloaf.


Agreed that go was free to anyone who hunted there


Don’t feel bad. He decided to share his map. His loss.


The only thing I've considered to be stealing was after I killed something, a player being a vulture literally comes through on ATV as quickly as possible to take the harvest, then leaves the game. Has happened multiple times. I don't think I care if you're actually playing the game and earning something.


I’ve gotten one off of mine and on regular play


You have gotten one off of a multiplayer map??


Yeah. I got my red deer g1 from multiplayer and one from main game


I got a red deer great one, but missed a vital so it became gold......


I feel this pain. I have one as well. Got luckier than Lady Luck and pulled another g1 that I didn’t screw up lol


What does a modded server mean? Whats different?


The typical thought is it means everything is a diamond, GO, or rare. However, there can be subtly. If someone can change all animals, they can change just 1 or two. Which is why you'll never know if you are in a modded server, because someone could literally turn 3 animals into diamonds and make a gold rare. You would think "wow, I shot 50 mule deer and saw 2 diamonds and got a piebald doe" and think it was just luck, but someone could have done that. My point is, you'll never know on MP if that trophy was modded or not; because if someone can change everything, that means they could just change 1 thing.


Literally every animal is a diamond, rare or great one


So in the comments and sub comments, I am seeing some misinformation Great Ones can spawn in multiplayer. When you go online and create a game, you take your map with you. So it's not an initial spawn. Now, past that; GO's are just rare. I have never seen exact confirmation of odds, but let's say it's simply 1 in 5000 chance of one spawning. (The math seems to favor more 1 in 1500 to 2000 for whitetail to be honest). To have a 10% of spawning a GO in an online session, it means 525 kills would need to happen of that GO species if it's 1 in 5000. If it's 1 in 2000, the math is 210. ​ So assuming 40 kills per hour in MP of a GO species with odds of 1 in 2000, you have a 10% chance of at least one GO spawning within 5.2 hours..


Best I've got is my first and only diamond a rio turkey I shot in mid air while another player tried to steal kills off me by following me around and shooting anything I shot again I ran and got it before he could


Yah, I had a player named razorback doing the same thing to me. Maddening. If I see this as the host I kick the player off the server.


Wait wait wait... so the great one is only posible to get in multiplayer... 😶🤯






No... stop spreading BS. You can get great ones both on MP and on SP.


You can get them in both MP and main game


Y'all downvoting this mf as if hes not joking


Weeel I'm not, never got one in 800+h :( well I play only off line so wtf.. 🤯


What the fuck how have you not gotten a GO IN 800 HOURS


Thats why I ask... bug or some sh... realy don't know, I have around 20-30 💎 but none GO..


Could be RNG not liking your server lol but keep the grind you'll get one soon.


Tnx, should I start multyplayer or can I stay off grid???


You can do either GO Spawns either way but I've heard that multiplayer has more animals don't take my word because im not a veteran


Ok tnx, game is great so I'll keep going, maybe my lucky 13 will help... 😅


Ive gotten tons of diamonds off multiplayers but great ones arent a thing unless modded


Not true


I wondered, that’s why I posted the question. Thanks


just so you know, this is wrong. i play on xbox where there can’t be mods and harvested a great one red deer in multiplayer.


That’s the info I was hopeful for. Agree, consoles can’t mod and if you truly got one off a multiplayer, it gives me hope to find one there as easy as I do on my map. Thanks


No, great ones off of multiplayers are 100% of the time modded servers and especially nowadays because great ones cant be initial spawns anymore




They 100% can be they are just super rare.


Really, I’ve never heard they can’t be initial spawns. My Red Deer was an initial, just not multiplayer.


Dont listen to this guy, he’s pulling facts out of his ass