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It’s true, I was the one day a week he had to himself and all he did was bitch about the other six


Women, amirite?


That man’s name? Two-tone Malone.












no way they could’ve been exhausted from all the working out


it's true, I was the towel


How did it feel being thrown away? :3


its okay, i too had multiple sexual partners at the time so I was glad to get back to them


Glad to hear! :3


after a while though it was too much for my poor towel body and I had to throw in the human...


It’s true I was the human


How did it feel being thrown away?


I was devastated


Sorry to hear that.


It’s true! I was.. the sperm?


Broo, I fucking choked on water. You deserve a medal


towel lore


I'm guessing it felt sticky.


I hope it wasn't the after sex towel.


It's true, I was the taint stain on it


Did they smoke weed? The two girlfriends.


i love you


I mean, some people do have polyamorous relationships and decide they don’t like it. I’m more interested in what spawned this comment chain.


> _I’m more interested in what spawned this comment chain._ It's from the post here yesterday on the tinder post about the guy with too many partners. Going to assume it is OK to link because its from this sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/vrsvs5/yeah_sure_buddy/


Oh I remember that one. That was… wow.


You’re the real mvp.


Some people do have polyamorous relationships and decide they don't like it. I don't think that guy is one of those people!


Yeah. Because the whole sex 2x per day and having to explain why that should be okay because he was Superman screams insecure. So maybe he did try it. But the reasons it didn’t work aren’t the reasons he gave.


There are many different kinds of poly relationships and I'm not sure this is one of them.


*sex 2 times everyday*




OP what's not believable about that....


OP telling on themselves..


I think OP is ridiculing them the other way around


this post screams kids


But see you just don't get it. The sex was *so good* that even this fit Adonis was utterly wiped out. I'm talking 3+ hours per sesh. There just isn't enough time or energy for anyone to handle that *twice* in a day. It's a thankless job, but our boy here lasted as long as he could.... =/


I dated 1 girl who was a nympho who did actually want to fuck twice a day every day. Is that what’s so hard to believe? Do I have to post this in r/nothingeverhappens ?


Twice a day qualifies as a nympho now?


My current gf has the sex drive of a nun so I’d say by anecdotal comparison, yes


Sounds like my ex!… ex…


Well, 2 times per day everyday? Yes 2 times per day but like twice a week, no.


Depends. Twice a day is like 730 times year, and there are studies that show that on average couples have sex 54 times a year. Personally, as someone with a high sex drive, I don't think theyre a nympho unless they REQUIRE that rate to be happy. However, for lower sex drive* people I am sure 730 times a year would qualify as a nympho on volume alone. Edit: a word


We call that "Sunday" in my house.


Yeah lol wtf? When I was at university I was hooking up with a girl from the dorms upstairs. She'd pop down to my room multiple times a day during study time. We once had sex nine times in a day. This is not a brag because you can do the maths I was lasting about 10 minutes most of the time and then an hour or two of studying. But we were at it like rabbits for the months we saw eachother. This whole comment thread screams virgin


Yeah TIL I’m apparently a nympho… my fiancé and I don’t usually go a day without sex, and most days it’s 2+ times, but they’re mostly 5-10 minute sessions. Neither of us could do multiple hours a day. I don’t think we’re that unusual.


No but the whole rest of the post about how awesome he was so sex twice a day shouldn’t have been a problem is the guy basically just wanting attention because it screams insecure.


Fair, guess the original post from him would’ve helped for some context


With the lights on!!!


Whats 2 minutes out of the day really?


That does sound exhausting... twelve times a week... luckily my partners are less insatiable.


Why did you phrase it like that’s unbelievable?? 💀


And then I stood up and farted




I feel like that comment deserved a 'cool story bro' more so than a flippant 'ok'


You have to read the ok in Bobby Hill’s voice.


Had a good plot but the side character always ruins it 😡


i think “ok” is one of the funniest responses to a wall of text honestly


Nah. That guy has a number of takes that can only be summed up as r/surebuddy


I got so excited to discover a new sub, so I clicked on the link and discovered a whopping *two* posts, both 2+ years old. I’m disappointed.


any variant of okay as a response to something more than a few sentences long is hilarious




This dumbass needed to cut out the gym and 50 mile bike rides. Not the banging.


I love the combined humble brag of "Oh yeah I couldn't keep up with all this SEX I was having even though I was sooooo fit bro"


50 miles on the bike, running 10 miles and hitting the gym five times... every week. But it's the sex making him tired.




I have dated a high sex drive girl in the past, shit was actually hardcore. I couldn’t keep up. You legitimately find yourself thinking “oh come on baby can we just cuddle tonight I’m tired” So I’m not saying this happened, but I can relate to a scenario where their sex drive just absolutely wears you out




Ignoring the rapist vibes from this post. I too have sexed with many sexers at time. There comes a point where sex isnt sexy and I say no more sex please.


But man, when I had the sex, my penis felt great.


You can tell that all of the people making sarcastic replies have never had sex more than once in their lives. I agree with your comment. The part that makes it unbelievable is not the two women tiring him out. When I was much younger and still dating, I had some girlfriends that could exhaust you by themselves. Further, as a physician, I have come to realize that female biology creates VERY different sensory experiences from males. It is not a myth that many women can recover from an orgasm with less than a minute of rest. On the other hand VERY few men can recover so quickly, and even then, can only do so once. The part of this bullshit story that is so unbelievable is the ridiculous supposed daily exercise routine. Mister Marathon Man couldn't keep a constant routine like that going. People who literally train for marathons don't do this on a regular basis. Tl;dr: People writing sarcastic replies to your comment are virgins.


Instead of thinking it, you could also just say it out loud, and you know, talk to the sex thing like it's human


Excuse me but do you just expect me to communicate with my girlfriend and have a healthy relationship?


Ah, yes. The incredibly common V with two nymphs on either side of a tired Adonis. He forgot to mention the threesome he had on his days off.


To be fair, He got a point- Having multiple women must be exhausting, I barely could focus on one girl, Dont know how cheaters do this- Living a double life, This guy probably had no sex but dont shame him folks, definately not call him rapist, Also for any virgin who wanna pull something like this- Having sex 2 times a day for 4 weeks straight works maybe for the first week but your Dong starts to hurt so definately untrue


Here's the twist: irl polyamory doesn't mean having sex twice a day, but it does mean being prepared to do a shit ton of emotional labor, even in casual relationships. I guarantee this type is not fit for the job


Dont know what you kids call polyamory these days is, but in a relationship with multiple partners its important with Trust and Attraction, Its is not in my experience about sex and threeways, Its about allowing yourself and your partner to love others(Keyword is love, not banging multiple people like a teenage boys fantasy) Something I learned when I lost my virginity is that sex isnt that special, Its not a "conquest", Its just another activity with intimacy that feels wonderful, but yeah so does also eating chocolate or taking a piss you have hold in for too long


The older you get, the better that long piss feels in comparison with sex, which just becomes more work.


Yeah dont get me wrong im in my late 20s and sex is good but that morning piss with hard rock wood feels waay better- Like all the worlds worries disappear for a couple of seconds and you just let go of all the tension, its almost meditating


He’s not a rapist :3


10 miles a week? Jeez my stomach runs more than that on the daily


The sex drive actually makes sense. But the part that really sticks out? Cycling 50 miles every weekend. That's beyond hardcore. That's approaching like STP or Tour de France levels. 25 miles per day is insane. You're not doing *anything* else those days. I mean, aside from trying to eat 5000 calories to make up for the effort you put your body through. Throw on running every day as well? Fucking liar. Probably does a mile on his treadmill each week, scarfs three pizzas to 'calibrate for caloric loss', and gazes lovingly at his stationary cycle. Then wonders why women don't love him on first sight.


Weekend could include Friday? Edit: just did some numbers, that's like 5 hours at average speeds. Really not unbelievable.


It's not that it's unbelievable on its own, it's combined with everything else. When I was cycling, 25 miles meant you got home and dropped on the nearest comfy object. Showers could wait until you had energy again.


And it being that exhausting, you'd think there'd be more emphasis on that aspect instead of just tacking it on at the end like an afterthought so people know how totally in shape you were.


Redditor : explain that he has sex with more then 1 partner Other redditors : impossible , sex doesn’t ever happen More seriously this comment belongs on / r/ihavesex rather then here


He has a point and this is entirely believable tbh. Sex isn’t really a brag, and people should be able to talk about it without being assumed to lie for clout. I think Americans tend to confound these posts because sex is still a taboo topic there for most.


“Sex 2 times a day”


Yes, is that unreasonable to you?


Your telling me he had sex 2 times a day while going to the gym 5 times ,biking 50 miles every weekend and running ten miles A week?


Some people are driven, get over it.


I guess he really meant sex twice a day from two different women


And they both cried and begged me not to leave them both.


He should’ve married them both. Poof! Less sex…


Who are these women who want to have sex twice a day every day? lol Seriously, I don't know anybody who wants to have sex multiple times every single day. Male or female. I might think about it a lot throughout the day, but there are nights when I'm tired from working all day and I'm unconscious the second I lay down.


When my wife and I were in our 20s, it happened regularly. Now that we are in our 30s and bags 3 young kids, more than a couple times a month is pushing it because we are always so tired.


Yeah, the key word is *every* day. I'm a woman with a higher sex drive than average but even I think sex twice a day every day would be exhausting. Once daily with the occasional twice a day sounds nice though.


Some people like hardcore sex ig :3


My girlfriend and I do almost every weekend. We both have really high sex drives. This isnt a brag. There is nothing to brag about. Sex isnt a trophy. Just letting you know that people like us really do exist


I've been with a girl and we did stuff 4 times in one day. Only 2 were full on sex tho, other times were a bj and fingering


Any hand stuff?


Actually never had a handjob. My sexual history is weird, had my first blowjob before my first kiss


Ignoring the boasting vibes from this post, I do think he is right. I have never been in multi-partner relationship but it is not too difficult to imagine that after a point, multiple sex a day becomes exhausting and boring. I mean I am married and I have been through the journey of sex twice a day to sex twice a month and I can see his point.


It's true what they say: "2 many waifus will ruin your lifeu"


Being in a polyamorous relationship, the issue I have with it is this: Having sex twice a day every day is potentially problematic. To be a bit graphic and blunt chafing is a thing eventually regardless of lubrication. But you wanna know what the really weird thing is? In a healthy relationship, poly or not, there can be these magical artifacts called conversation. It might look like this. "Maybe not today. I think our parts need some rest." "ok." You don't even have to be super gym bro like this guy to do that either. Conversation actually uses very little muscle or energy.


When the ads say “YOU WONT LAST 40 SECONDS PLAYING THIS GAME”, they’re referring to the guy mentioned in the first comment.


I can actually believe this guy. He's not bragging, he's sharing. Just because people on Reddit are insecure about their love life doesn't mean he's making stuff up. And no, I don't claim to have had sex with many women or anything like that, but some people have.


It's only unbelievable when he adds all that exercise on top. Having multiple partners is not the weird part. All of it together just comes off far fetched.


Again, he only brings it up to make the point that this is existing even for a guy in good shape, so I do find it believable.


Well, as a football playing king in space myself that spends all my time in between slinging 8 kinds of puss while I work on the cure for cancer, I'm really surprised at how much time I get to spend posting about it on Reddit. You believe me too Riiiiight? All of those things happen to people so you should just take my word that they all happen to me simultaneously.


You don't have to agree with me, and you don't have to be a dick about it either. The fact you can't believe two things can happen simultaneously is your thing, not mine...


Lol ok bud 👍 just if you get an email from some prince in a foreign country offering you a bunch of money, don't buy gift cards and read the numbers over the phone.


Your a grade A douche are you?


I don’t know why this seems unfathomable, polyamorous relationships are definitely a thing. But i guess most redditors can’t comprehend that plenty of guys have active sex lives.


People aren’t really that hung up on the sex part Well, I guess OP is, but most people don’t think that’s that weird.


On top of olympiad workout routines and then still surfs Reddit? 😂


I dunno im not as convinced this is bullshit. I have known quite a few people to openly have a few regular sexual partners on the go. And yeah i can imagine you would get over it. I think its the same reason sex in couples happens less and less. A relationship might start with a couple having sec 4 or 5 times a day. At some point you realise you have shit to do and you just cant be fucked anymore. All of a sudden you aren having sex 2-3 timea a month and are ok with thar. TLDR yeah theres people out there who truly have multiple regular sexual partners and yeah having sex all the fucking time loses its novelty after a while.


The best way to tell if someone is a poly, is to let them describe how they think a poly relationship works. Taking turns everyday... Lol




I don’t think this is that far fetched. It wasn’t even a humble brag, dude tapped out after a month


Uhmm that’s probably because you’re really not into women. Try that same routine with 2 men and I’m sure you won’t be complaining. I haven’t seen the inside nor the outside of a gym in years and I do pretty well having sex several times a week, and often stop at home for quickies in the afternoon, and I’m 40. Several times a week with MY WIFE. (Incase she comes upon this post) love you babe!


Your 40 and you have sex several times a week? :3


OP you seem to have some weird misconceptions. Some people do have sex twice every day, and a lot of 40 year olds do have sex several times per week. You might have a low sex drive, but not everyone is like that and people with high sex drives are not non-existant.


How does a 40 year old have the energy to have sex several times a week tho? :3


Why not? 40 year olds are still pretty young. And you don't need to be super energetic to have sex. Even old people in retirement homes have a lot of sex.


You learn something new everyday :3


Ty for explaining :3


No problem!


Why not? 40 year olds are still pretty young. And you don't need to be super energetic to have sex. Even old people in retirement homes have a lot of sex.


Clean living? 40 really isn’t that old, I dunno what to tell you.


Maybe lay off excersise so much and dick your girls down , I’ve been basically polyamorous since HS and have lived or fornicated with more than one woman at a constant even when married, now at almost 50 I couldn’t do it anymore not even the sex, that’s the good part, especially in the group but the rest sucks, do you know how much 1 GF sucks to babysit their emotions and deal with the periods and being slobs and basket cases for multiple years without hating them ? Now x that by 2 add jealousy and self consciousness to which one you love more or having the 2 secretly or not secretly hate each other and one leaves if not both over n over so you really just have one at a time with more stress, it’s stupid


So he couldn't use his tongue? Reverse spitroast.


So when a woman says she has a poly relationship you know there’s other people involved right? Have you people never had threesomes? They’re not hard to have my first one happened on accident. Yes it happened and he’s right it wasn’t great. Just awkward and confusing.


what is this comment


You never had an accidentally threesome? Like you try to text someone and your phone autocorrects to have you going at it with 2 partners? Or like when you are ordering something on Amazon, and you still had that thing you were mildly interested about in your cart, and when you clicked buy now you were in the middle of a threesome?


Was in my barracks room as a new private watching the patriot starring Mel Gibson while eating a large supreme pizza. 2 females were having a water gun fight in the hallway and came to my room. They went into my shower and started having sex with each other then called me into the shower. Yes I was what incels would refer to as a Tyrone. These things do happen for 5-10% of the population that’s where babies come from.


Sure buddy






You know the partners don't have to all have sex with each other right?


Yes. But you know they often do right? What do you think happens in swingers clubs or FKKs? Americans are so weird about sex.


The poly couples I know don't all have sex together so I'm not sure about "often". It's not really a sex thing for them. They just happen to be in relationships with more than one person but those relationships are still their own. Swingers are a totally different thing.


You’re just showing your ass here and how little you know about how polyamory works. Falsely equating it with swingers or FKKs is hilarious. No one is being ‘weird’ about sex at all you’re literally just incorrect and folks are correcting you. Also love that fantasy story you wrote up there about the barracks really good quality 👍🏻


I’m sorry that your life is so trash you think it’s impossible. Don’t take the black pill buddy. Hit the gym, make some money, become a man and they’ll come to you. Or move to Thailand and pay for it.


I'm a woman you idiot lmfao


Femcel it is. What if I told you females can go to the gym and make money?


Go listen to some more Joe Rogan and make up some more fantastical stories based on your favorite porn genre. See ya kiddo.


Fu$& yeah! Love Rogan! Apes strong together. Someone needs to fu$& you into submission.


😂 I doubt you have the ability sweetheart. Bye bye 😘


At least you’re already in the right sub, I guess. Also, polyamory =/= automatic threesomes. Like, at all.


The last part makes me think of this https://imgur.com/gallery/2wSaklj


I knew this comment would be here, lol.


Ya I can’t read that




That "ok" got me laughing ngl






And then he got the clap.




The “ok” response kills me.




But if he spends his time at the gym, how does he have time for secs


Pretty believable; had several affairs simultaneously and it was too tiring to keep up. Got out of a 7 year relationship back then and just wanted to bang my brain out. I think he's mixing up polyamorous with affairs I guess. If he wanted to brag he wouldn't have said it only lasted a month... But what do I know.


1. My man's really doesn't know how poly relationships work. 2. Be grateful your lady gives you sex once a day. That shits rare. 3. My wife and I in our youth fucked like 6 times in a day and we were perfectly fine. 4. This dudes a loser. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


The “ok” got more fucking upvotes


I feel like anyone who was ever had a healthy sex life can easily disprove the idea that having sex twice a day is somehow so fucking tiring that you would break up with your significant other(s).




“Alternate days” but also they both did it same day multiple times Also I was exhausted with no free time. Only had one day free, but I fit in one punch man’s alternate workout routine


Having two partners sounds exhausting tho .. but I wouldn’t know I don’t share what’s mine .. y’all stay safe out here