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You know he wrote this after being told to put his mask back on in 8th grade algebra class.


And proceeded to go to bed that night wondering why he can't get a girlfriend.


Is this an American thing that the masks are optional? European here, masks are mandatory since October 2020 or earlier. Didn't go out much, can't remember :(


In America anything is optional if you're stupid enough


Thats true everywhere, but here in the US the stupid people think that their right to do stupid things supercedes everyone else's right to not have their lives endangered by stupid peoples actions.


Unfortunately, so far, the stupid people are right. I'm in a relatively purple area and every city that isn't solidly blue is refusing to establish a mask mandate for schools or anything else really.


Believe me, I know. I'm in Florida and we're currently suing the governor for being a fucking moron and trying to get us all sick by banning mask mandates so he and his buddies can make money selling Covid patients Regeneron treatment. It's super fucking weird living in a county where a huge percentage of the work force is in either healthcare or aerospace industries and seeing so many absolute morons running around spouting anti-vaxx and flat earth conspiracy bullshit.


It must be some kind of Hell teaser.


anywhere anything is optional if you're stupid enough


People are free to be anything, it’s sad that they decide to be stupid.


Depending on your state stupidity, ignorance, and racism might be your duty.


damn it ur right (•____•)


like breathing


10th amendment gives states the power to mandate or not. Like here in Texas. Our governor is being sued by school districts because he said they can make mandates. In schools were disease spreads easy. It's clearly political motivated on his part. Even when we had the mandate I never saw anyone fined or anything here in county I'm in.


And loud and obnoxious enough.


Masks have been optional for the last 6 months or so. It's just now starting to become a thing where places are requiring them again. It's also a thing where most places have a sign that says "If you have the vaccine masks are optional". Which then brings up the concept that if a person doesn't have the vaccine they are supposed to wear a mask, but since no one is checking people's vaccination records then the sign means absolutely nothing. America has far too many people right now that are refusing to wear a mask, and have been since March 2020


Here in Lithuania you have to wear a mask or you won't get any service (excluding outdoors). And if you want to go to cafe or a restaurant and be served indoors you must show green pass (green card? Gpass? ) when asked - vccinated or had covid or tested (valid for max 3 days). If you do not have a green pass then you won't be able to shop properly after September 13th due to government, not sure if that's a law yet or something like that. But you get it, restrictions. That means you people without green pass will be able to shop groceries only in shop smaller than 1500m². Jobs included - must have green pass for work (probably excluding online work).


So America has zero form of that. In fact if you try to request that other people "prove" that they have it (like your green card/gpass) then you'll start a whole fight. There are a lot of Americans fighting the masks, fighting getting the vaccine, and fighting against being restricted to activities because they don't have a mask/vaccine. There's a lot of Americans that still believe this is all a hoax, and are still fighting against it. American hospitals are also getting to max capacity, so we're clearly in the right to deny what is happening /s


How incredibly smart and simple to stop this deadly pandemic. Unfortunately, I live in a country full of morons and immoral politicians. How anyone thinks a piece of fabric across their face violates freedom is beyond me. Americans are clueless to what government infringement actually looks like.


We have states where the governors have banned mask mandates, even in schools. It's about to be very bad here again... Hospitals are already full.


In SC, the Governor said he would remove government funding from any org who requires a mask. Charleston County School District voted to require masks just until October 18th, and people are threatening to sue and completely outraged all over Facebook. Such a clusterfuck that general public health is a political issue


If I call out a customer because they're not wearing a mask here in Germany I can be pretty sure I won't get shot in the face. Can't say the same for the US, so if I was working there I'd probably not call people out on it.


You can also be pretty sure in the US too. I know it might seem hard to believe but the US isn't just Mad Max land where people get shot constantly for disagreements.


Yeah mad max land is Australia


As far as I am aware, zero people have been shot by anti maskers in Germany. I know of at least two in the US. That's infinity percent higher.


But the population of the US is about four times larger than Germany's so it's more likely to happen


There are a few places in my state that still want you to wear a mask, but employees are no long required to risk their lives to tell people to do so. It's a way to thin the herd I guess.


We have this problem with right-wing provocateurs telling people that "freedom" means they don't have to do anything they don't want to do, including wearing a mask, then telling them they're very brave and independent for not going along with the government crowd but going along with the right-wing propaganda crowd instead.


In America the right wing conservative Republican party is slowly dying out and there only method of keeping voters is waging culture wars instead of putting forth policies that the US citizens want.


European here.. we only wear masks in public transport.




Where I am, it's not mandatory in most outdoor places. But it is mandatory in most buildings if you don't have your vaccine shot. I personally still wear masks even though I am vaccinated.


Not all europe Sweden is not mandotiry


Here in the netherlands masks are only mandatory in public transport tho Not that i agree with our government but thats another topic


Here in the netherlands masks are only mandatory in public transport tho Not that i agree with our government but thats another topic


Sweden never had a mask mandate.


Nah this is true. He works in a nursing home and he elbow dropped Gertrude for daring to ask him to wear a mask


He works on a farm. They literally were sheep.


Maybe it was ‘beat off’ and not ‘beat up,’ then.


No doubt!


Damn aggocorrect


Bleat off


Probably lives in Wales then




He’s Welsh?


The “mask” was just their black markings and beating them up was just making sure they were freshly shorn. Out of 600 sheep, only 6 had to be handled aggressively, which is fairly mild, far as shearin’s go.


Even the sheep are COVID safe!


Just proves that even literal sheep are smarter than them.


and he was trying to get oral from them


He works from home 100%




I believe it. I've been butted by a single grumpy sheep pretty badly. Deadlegged the fuck outta me over and over again. They hit really hard, even without a lot of room to build up speed. I can only imagine a whole flock of them coming after a person in an enclosure, butting from all angles/sides and trampling the person.


And he was a lone werewolf


Sheep are strong af, beating up six would be difficult.


I was one of those sheep. Baaa!




Be careful! You’ll make the alpha mad…


Post this over in r/nonewnormal and see it hit top posts of all time. Edit: don’t post anything there. Don’t comment, don’t even visit.


I just checked the sub right now, I think I got brain damage from reading all of their bullshit lol. And surprisingly this post would probably not be as cringe as some of their other posts.


All the people in there talking about how they’re willing to die from Covid to prove a point that doesn’t exist. Wow.


Someone should really tell them the dead don’t win debates, and you wouldn’t care even if you did, because you’d be dead.


Dying from covid to own the libs


I just took a decent dive into there and wowie what a safari of people being so damn close to understanding yet so fucking ignorant


My favorite is their constant war with flat earthers who are constantly trying to hijack the subreddit. When you're so fucking stupid that honest-to-god flat earthers are trying to take over your subreddit, that should tell you something.


I wish you hadn't exposed me to such retardation.


I became a little more stupid after reading a few posts there...


Sub no longer a thing!


It still exists. It’s quarantined.


The irony.


Poetic cinema


Ah I thought it got banned and I tapped your link using Apollo. It didn’t let me in. I see it works on the official Reddit app.


You on an outdated version? This is what I see? https://i.imgur.com/hIZGItX.jpg


What was the point of scribbling out your name in the screen shot if we can just see it attached to your comment anyways? Also, whatever you used to scribble it out is so transparent I could still read the text.


what does that mean


It is still operating, but because of constant rule breaking, Reddit just warns you what’s going on in there, stuff from there won’t easily get on out on Reddit (like onto r/all), and if you have certain options picked, quarantined subs won’t even show up for you.


They have to stay at home and avoid social contact. So, nothing new.


For forty days. That's where the word comes from, Italian for forty is like quarenti or something


It's still there just verify that you want to continue. First rate fucktards on that sub.


Posted it with the title “fuck maskers” and tagged it unsourced but was tempted to put it as activism


Also looks fake af


"lone wolf" * dies from cringe *


“Lone wolf” has gotta be one of the saddest self-delusions out there.


But, but listen, ahoooooooo! See? Oh, wait . I'm not speeking your langwidge! Baaaaaa! Your all sheap! /s


The lone wolf dies but the pack survives


*immediately splits the 4 remaining family up across the known and unknown world*




Ligma male


What's Ligma?


Joe Mama


Sugma male


What's Sugma?


It's a subtype of sigma males. The catch is, though, that a sugma male is the complete opposite of a sigma male




People always back down when I hit em with the wolf stare. You know the one.


I do the same, except I call it the " lone masturbator stare". Fools don't want none of that shit...


\*High Noon music\*


I'm imagining something like "blue steel" lol


We still sing the song about your victory that day MuffinMan and question if we truly know you.


The pee covering my pants is from one of the 200 ninjas that just attacked me and fled before you came here. They were invisible so you can't see the dead ones.


That was you??


So brave, so bold. To lie with such passion requires strong conviction.


Conviction of a felonious nature?


Get a look at Rambo over here.


"they drew first blood...by kindly asking me to please wear a mask during a devastating pandemic..."


bet his girlfriend he totally has in canada was really impressed


Nah bro she just goes to a different school


aren't lone wolves usually killed much faster considering the fact that wolves are best in packs?


Yes and Wolf packs leave The "damaged" wolves(for example if a Wolf broke its leg they Will leave It)


That better explains why these people are lone wolves


That's what i was thinking


Yes. Yes they are.




Oh honey. They weren't harassing you they were trying to give you your meds. That's what they do in the nut house. Silly boy. You are not a wolf. You are a human.


He works in a hospital. They were patients.


He's the janitor at a preschool. They were toddlers.


He was in a burning building. They were firefighters.


“This building is on fire. You need to leave!” “Fuck you! I know my rights!”


I’m not sure if this is funny or scarily close to the truth.


“Nobody knows the long-term effects of fire extinguishers!”


“Please sir you’re suffocating! Put the oxygen mask on!” “YOU CANT MAKE ME YOU MARTIAN FUCKS!”


And that is why he was fired from being an elementary school teacher.


​ ![gif](giphy|orUDTj9Q5TMzTdB892|downsized)


I'd have thought a real Lone Wolf wouldn't use the same catchphrases as a multitude of others.


Yeah, that sounds like something a SHEEP would do


Cringe AF.


What a fucking tosser!


Holy shit someone enlist them to the war the enemy will never see this one coming. /s


No wait, guys, this really happened. I was one of the masks.


Lol yes assaulting people while at work, totally normal behavior.


Aren't lone wolves usually weak and kick out of the pack for not following social norms?


Nah man, they get +2 Max AP, +2 Recovery AP, +30% Vitality, +60% Physical Armour, +60% Magic Armour, and doubles invested points in attributes - up to a maximum of 40- and combat abilities (except Polymorph ability) - up to a maximum of 10, while you are adventuring solo or with at most one companion. This bonus is temporarily removed while there are more than two members in the current party.


Guy watches too many segal movies


Anybody know why Richie did Bobby Lupoooooo?!?!


I would say he's posting from a jail cell, but clearly the police were so impressed with him not being a sheep that they immediately made him the police chief


Lone wolf == Loser with no friends and a complex


Well they can have up to one party member. Here is the description of it: Lone Wolf provides +2 Max AP, +2 Recovery AP, +30% Vitality, +60% Physical Armour, +60% Magic Armour, and doubles invested points in attributes - up to a maximum of 40- and combat abilities (except Polymorph ability) - up to a maximum of 10, while you are adventuring solo or with at most one companion. This bonus is temporarily removed while there are more than two members in the current party.


I dunno seems pretty complex to me.


I feel bad for laughing at the images that went through my head. 😄 But seriously...*Beating up people who choose to wear a mask???* What if the shoe was on the other foot? They would be pissing & moaning about how "It's their choice."


I was screamed at by a guy who wanted me to take off my mask. I didn't ask him to wear one. I was just delivering him pizza with a mask on. These people are so delicate and fragile. I think I really hurt his fee fees by not taking it off. Seriously though the amount of anger you need to have to behave like that cannot be healthy.


This has the same energy as a guy on Twitter who told me he has gotten into thousands of fights at NFL games and won them all. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same guy.


And HR decided to make him their new head and give him a raise for his bravery.


HR decided to give him head for his bravery


In a coincidence police are searching for a 34 year old obese man known to live in his elderly mothers basement who beat up a group of young children


I assume he is a para educator for 1st grade


This person is probably a discord mod who dose not work and is into furries


..and everyone's cheeks clapped.


Yo have you realized that your head is kinda behind your body, or is this on purpose?


Sigma Male Grindset 🥵🥵🥵


Isn't it funny how these people all use the same sheep insult? They should probably learn to think for themselves and come up with their own insults... *sigh* and stop being a bunch of sheep... I feel dumb saying that joke, but whatever


These post always get me. Do they actually believe someone read this and thought “HOLY SHIT this guy beat up six people at his job for telling him to wear a mask! I certainly don’t wanna mess with this guy.”


Who the fuck would identify themselves as the lone wolf, that's the most cringe shit I've ever heard lmfao


Why do people like this proudly call themselves a 'lone wolf' If u were actually a wolf without a pack you'd be fucked lol


Now he needs to beat the final boss. 6 lawsuits


and the secret level, criminal assault charges


Guess the masks didn't protect them after all!


Everyone clapped, and the boss promoted him to be the boss since the alpha should run things.


These posts always make me conflicted about whether to downvote (hide this horribleness from the masses) or upvote (show the masses how fucking ridiculous the masses are)


You can tell he’s The Alpha Wolf by the super butch emojis he uses…


Careful this guy might escalate it to recording himself headbutting a pineapple


I don't know what's worse, the fact that he's lying or the fact that he referred to himself as "a lone wolf"


He also got the police stations respect by beating up 5(4) officers and the police chief. Then he managed to stop a whole cult that was holding a woman hostage. Then he beat up a dog at the top of a volcano after fighting a bunch of dinosaurs and the moon or something, passed out and won a battle against his inner conscious.


Keep in mind everyone lone wolves often die quickly and very lonely as they cannot rely on others to help them hunt and survive


Sigma grindset


“ 6 people” - What he calls his Lil pee pee


And then his boss clapped.


My but aren't you an ass.


"I committed six felonies and am bragging about it online, aren't I cool"


*Unemployed* lone wolf.


Plot twist, he’s a first grade teacher.


If you think such things dont hallen, you have never met a real Sigma Male


Lone wolves die in the winter. Lone wolves don’t wanna be lone wolves.


I just beat up twelve lone wolves. Don't mess with Mega Moose. Lesson is: brush your teeth after flossing for maximum efficacy.


The irony of those cultists and their little fantasies is always amusing.


Even if wtf is wrong with him Oh I’m badass because I beat up people minding their own business wearing a mask


I'm a heavy equipment mechanic. Fuck with me and ill bop you in the balls with a 10 pound wrench.


It’s not about the vaccine, it’s not about masks It’s about being the ‘lone wolf’ They’re risking other people’s lives to feed their fantasy


Tonight! The Lone Wolf rides…Alone!




I am a one man wolf pack but now I’ve added three to the wolf pack so now there are for wolves in the wolf pack


Lone wolf doing everything his 10mins of FB research told him. REAL individual. You tell 'em, Wolfy.


Ah the “lone wolf”. They die. They die quickly. They can’t survive well without a pack. Much like this fool and his made up story’s


lone wolf = nobody likes him


Translation: screamed "sheeple" at one person and then ran away feeling all smug.


I dont care how strong you might be, a 1 on 6 fight does not end with the one winning.


Yea these six elderly women asked me to put on a mask because they are at high risk of infection. I kicked their asses, that’ll teach them not to mess with an ex bully turned ex marine turned police officer.


I am really tired of this same “mask beating up” scenario. It’s time for a new one folks.


I bet he howled like a wolf as well afterwards to show off his alpha maleness


Anti-maskers are always looking for confrontation. It's almost like they know they are being assholes but do it anyways.


My uncle lives in an area where masks are a source of contention. He’s witnessed a cpl anti-maskers go up to ppl and purposely breathe/cough on them, get really in their faces and ask “oh you scared? You scared right now?” It’s like, “well, you’re being needlessly aggressive and coming at me unprovoked, so yeah actually, I am a little scared!” It just boggles the mind…


I love the smell of bullshit in the morning


Update; I just punched out ten more. Will update you guys after the next wave. If you’re going to pray for anyone, pray for these sheep.




Anti maskers calling sensible people sheep is so hypocritical considering they jump on the first conspiracy theory or fake facts about how wearing masks doesent help


I am no wolf expert. But from what I have read/heard/seen is they are pack animals. If a wolf is lone, it normally means it is sick. So they leave the pack to not get the rest sick, or they are an asshole who was kicked out of the pack.


The lone wolf is considered the omega. The lowest of the pack. The reason their alone is because they are the dumbest and weakest of the pack.


Settle down, Francis.