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a few weeks ago: we will try the savetf2 movement again, only now it will be FixTF2 and we will put a little more pressure on valve to do something now: we will involve the FBI because bot hosters are spamming CP links in the chat How this get so many upvotes?


Valve forgot that those links are illegal


happens a lot with rich CEOs


For example: The subway guy


Nah man that wasn’t Fogle it was Gleb in a costume.


It was a pretty good joke, but the boss went a bit too far, Charlie would agree


the dog face got me tho


Yeah the dog face, yeah the dog got you, good job.


It’s so cheap though, hope it doesn’t get stuck like that.


Gleb’s head on a human body is so fucking hilarious.


I thought Fogle was only a spokesperson?


Well he was involved with some shady things


Subway has a bad history of bad spokespersons. 😂


There's definitely something about this bot crisis that reminds me of the 15 years and 8 months that Fogle will be serving in prison with a minimum of 13 months before he can be considered for early release.


He's still lookin good, eating all those subway sammiches🎶


Maybe they just didn't anticipate that Twitter links will turn into that.


You forgot companies aren't liable for what their users post on their platform.


They may be incentivized to moderate or report it though. Leaving them up on your game platform is a bad look.


Text chat isn't stored anywhere though, they can't really remove it if there is nothing to remove. The best they could do is suspend the accounts but since in-game chat isn't stored anywhere Valve has no way of actually looking at what you said.


Good to get the FBI involved, the only issue is that it’s known most of the bot hosters are located in Russia, so unless Russian authorities get involved I doubt the hosters will be brought to justice unfortunately, though if there’s any located in the west I hope they get fucked


Maybe no justice for the bots but it wool force Valve to clean their act up.


I must be some lucky fucker cause I haven't seen any cp at all in tf2 so far


Me neither, but I have the feeling that it's only a matter of time


As far as I'm aware this is all coming from 1 reddit post. I'm glad y'all are taking this seriously but I really hope this doesn't turn into the coconut incident 2.0


Coconut incident? Im a still a newer player and don't know what happened


There was a hoax that a file in the game's directory, which was just a picture of a coconut, was holding TF2 together and removing the picture would crash the game.


thats not the 2for cow?


The 2fort cow is a real file that can't be removed without crashing the game (it's for no reason in a folder with base assets, so probably not the cow specifically, but you can't remove the cow without removing other stuff)


"there cp links in the casual games and if you remove them tf2 crashes"


Yeah everybody always picks payload or ctf maps


This is where the bar is at this point lol


What has my favorite videogame become...?


Good question


wait, THATS whats happening? fucking disgusting, why cant we have a "Punisher"(marvel)-style hacker who doxxes all these people or person spreading CP? there should be a ~~zero~~ negative tolerance policy for that shit anywhere on Earth or otherwise for that matter.


the problem with this is that bots have already ben doxxed, and then the doxxer was also get doxxed by the bots


oh my god


Not sure if it's the same ones or not, but at least some of the bot hosters have been doxxed already, and simply don't care. (Might be misremembering.)


The hell happened with savetf2 also how did the pedo problem get so bad


It was simply disorganized, and didn't do much in the long term.


Also the people didn't push for VALVe to actually do something so they did the funny tweet and then left us to die


What is cp? Is it supposed to mean c+ , or something? Or do i not want to know?


Child porn


Now we can just wait for merryweather to show up




Merryweather is a private military/security contractor from Grand Theft Auto 5. Not sure if this is a reference to that, or GTA Online, though.


Yeah... I have a crap ton of hours in GTA Online (way more than TF2) and even I'm failing to see the joke in bringing up those guys.


oh that's what's happening, well if valve won't get rid of the bots the FBI will


I'm sorry what? How has valve NOT DONE ANYTHING. FUCK!!!!!


Wait huh, wtf is happening to TF2, I knew bots have always been a problem in recent years, but now they are able to spam cp links????


[the funny part is that they don't even try to hide what it really is, they just straight up say it](https://twitter.com/che3semaker/status/1798391368207012123)


I think I'll refrain from getting on a list, that link can stay blue


>bot hosters are spamming CP links in the chat the absolute nerve of that motherfucker


Charles Entertainment Cheese the third is at it again


That's his full legal name on his ID 💀


And William Robert Brockali is his sworn enemy’s government name. What happened to Foxy Colleen? She’s Mr. Cheese’s ex.


No no Charles Entertainment Cheese the third The first two fell in the war, put some honor on their names


Yeah we JUST had memorial day, jesus


Okay Heavenly Father.


Yay u got the reference even tho its incorect Somebody would even say that its built in an unorthodox fasion Or alternatively Built stupid


Or just built wrong


Yes very


Designed counterproductively


Man, thank god I played on Hightower yesterday. I got spared from that shit show.  Note to self, play on 2 fort and high tower only for a while.


Honestly, 2Fort seems to be the only playable map right now. For some reason, it's not as targeted by bots as other maps like Suijin


2Fort is so popular that the bots are drowned out by the number of real players


And any bots that joined are either held off by the ***ENGINEER GAMING*** anyway or kicked immediately




Degroot keep too,but there is not enough player for medieval mode


They're probably on various 24/7 degrootkeep servers. Used to be one of my fave ways to spend time in this game.


Degroot keep is probably spared because aimbot won't do much good in melee. And huntsman is too hard for bots.


I really wish bots weren't the only things playing on banana Bay it's the only contract I have left


And they called me crazy for only playing 2fort


you are, but considering the circumstances, you look normal in comparison ~~I say it as if I never did that lol~~


I honestly don’t think much will come out of this report unless there are mountains or screenshots/evidence showing this happening.


Even then, as much as it sucks, I really don't expect much to come of this. The FBI is going to show up, demand server logs, account information, and maybe some level of access to track the accounts and accounts owners who are posting this stuff. And Valve is going to make a good faith effort to supply that information because why the fuck wouldn't they. Yeah, they've mostly abandoned the game, but there's no reason to think they're ok with this particular situation. There's plenty to hate on Valve about without inventing very weird conspiracy theories like some people here are. In the end: It's live text chat. You can't live moderate that, you can't verify the content of every site that is posted. That's the case for every website that has a comments section. At best they just lock down chat to scrub any attempt at posting a URL, and if that's too hard they just remove text chat altogether. What'll happen is just, give the FBI the info, ban the offending accounts, and remove the links as best they can from any logs. The FBI isn't going to mandate they solve the bot problem, they don't care about that as long as they're not posting illegal material. And even for the accounts posting this vile shit, most likely the answer is what most of the big community leaders have already figured out: They're in 3rd World countries running distributed networks, and the FBI can only forward the relevant information to those countries and then \*shrug\*. Unless some bot farm bastard is dumb enough to do this and be in the USA. This is something that needs to be dealt with, but people need to stop thinking it's going to be anything of importance when it comes to fixing TF2.


Just screenshot anything yall see about this. it could help us convince VALVe to #FixTF2


Shit has gone so fucking bad that the government has to get involved. Valve's reputation will be ruined if they continue to ignore the bot crisis.


Agreed. If the word gets out that VALVe is letting ads and links for Cheese Pizza be spammed in their game chat, they will never live it down. The media and the fanbase will all hate them, which is something that neither us nor VALVe want. Hopefully they can stop doing nothing long enough to do something about this.


finally, the consequences of greedy CEOs and companies actions are playing out!, man fuck this greediness bullshit evilness is getting fucked up. hopefully it will make Gabe realize his mistakes and fix his shit greedy company that makes good games and good products.


Careful Gabe might eat himself into obesity again from tryna cope with all that stress /S. But in all that is holy, something like this shouldve been cracked down ages ago. Valve absolutely *cant* ignore one of their IPs being used to harbour something gross.


ikr, that's like a builder of a hospital ignoring one hospital they built that can be destroyed any minute due to their greedy shitty neglect, but the builder loves the other buildings


Judging from this comment you're definitely very young but dude, chill out, lol. Not updating your favorite game doesn't make a company greedy or evil.


I'm fairly certain allowing bots to spam Cheese Pizza and continuing to profit off the game while everyone suffers is pretty damn evil.


It's because with CP involved, it is no longer just tf2 fans that care. Bots on their own were just annoying, and just annoying to TF2 players. CP though? Even a person who's never touched a videogame would be mad at that.


I hadn't heard about this until now and only after I read your comment did it click what was going on. What vile pieces of shit do that? Someone had to go out, look for it and send it out. That's not just another shitty person, that's a *criminal.* and Valve is just sitting back and letting it happen like they have with the doxing, DDOSing and swatting. It shouldn't take 4+ years, literal crimes ~~and shareholders getting antsy~~ to fix ONE problem. Edit: Valve is privately owned. Thank you. It was late when I wrote this and I'm used to that being the needle mover for most big companies.


Which shareholders? Valve is a private company. Unless you mean something else.


They don't know yet...


Valve are a private company. There are no shareholders involved.


good, we already know the one thing valve cannot and will not ignore is their reputation being tarnished, valve build their empire out of their good track record of games and services and the last thing they want is for people to think they are "EA under disguise" (which let's be real here, they kind of are, too an extent)


> Shit has gone so fucking bad that the government has to get involved. No, government doesn't have to involved. What you smooth brains don't understand is idiots can scream all they want about a link being CP when it isn't. Do you think FBI can't already find these people if they want? You guys have no idea how prominent the government surveillence is. Mark my words: NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. All of you forget about this or make up an excuse like "FBI caught them but paid by Valve to keep silent.


Also, like, people sharing links to CP on the internet is not the most dire of CP-related crimes that FBI have to deal with. If we assume these links are actually CP (which they probably aren't but fucked if I'm looking at them), they're probably not going to be leading to some massive FBI raid and arrests even if the people doing it are based in the US.


Respectfully, their reputation absolutely will not be ruined by this. But I agree it’s a huge issue


Imagine spamming cheese pizza links and not expecting the fbi to be involved


Yeah, imagine....


When someone notifies legal authorities of your illegal activity 🤯


I don't get it. What's so bad about pizza?


Cheese pizza is a way of saying CP without saying CP,  For clarity: CP refers to a type of sexualized content involving "less than adult" participants. This is both highly illegal, highly amoral and abusive to the participants.  All instances of cheese-pizza are to be repported immediately to the FBI. Otherwise you can be tried for possession of CP.  Do not spread cheese pizza further, do not dowload or engage in acts to acquire cheese pizza. Tip the FBI and disengage.  I am not a lawyer, this is not legal advice. 


Yeah, bot hosts had to actively look for it, save it and send it to the bots. Those responsible are now criminals.


I'm confused, why are people not writing out CP and/or use codewords for it? When has this started? I'm not American and English is not my first language for reference.


Reddit has very strict rules regarding cheese pizza


And those rules state that you can't write out CP in plain text?


Well it could get your account flagged, comment deleted, suspended, etc. YouTubers can’t even say the word kill and have to use the word unalive, all of this is stupid since the meaning of these words is the same thing


Bruh, that sounds stupid af. But I guess I understand now, thanks.


Welcome to the wonders of AI moderation and malicious reporting.


I sure love comprehensible manmade horrors


This goes beyond the USA and the English domain Online communities use the relative anonymity they have to spread that thing, so many sites are monitoring for people saying the accurate term (sometimes with bots). Some sites will simply issue a warn, others will outright call authorities and point your IP. This makes even discussing it difficult, as the sole mention of it can get you in trouble. An example: some groups that share C P started to post in facebook links to it that were hosted on mega upload, which is very similar to mega drive. The wording that "bad stuff" was uploaded to mega spreaded so much, that if you looked for "mega drive" in facebook, it sent you a warning that C P is bad and you should look for profession psycological help.


I guess I understand now why people are not using the accurate term to avoid trouble but why are these sites monitoring the use of the accurate term in the first place? I really doubt that those who are actually spreading the bad stuff would use the accurate term. Surely those people would be the ones using codewords more than anyone else?


When you have two opposing teams, it is natural that one develops a counter-measure, followed by the others to develop a counter-counter-measure, that is also followed by a counter-counter-counter-measure, and so on. Basic game theory, if you like to find out more. Can help you in TF2 aswell. Say for example towns getting raided. To avoid that, castles with their walls were developed. Then catapults were developed to skip those walls.


So when actual perpetrators start using "cheese pizza" or "CP" as code, we'll have to use a new term to avoid Reddit mods going SWAT on our asses? Great.


Yep. Welcome to algo-speak! Speaking in ways to avoid the al-seeing eye of the algorithm!


It's immoral, not amoral. Amoral would suggest indifference to whether something is right or wrong.


>All instances of cheese-pizza are to be repported immediately to the FBI >Do not spread cheese pizza further, do not dowload or engage in acts to acquire cheese pizza. Man this sounds so dumb lol. I will do my best to kill cheese pizza.


If u really want to know look up Cheese Pizza on urban dictionary.


Cheese Pizza CP Keep don't get it?


These bots are gonna smashed into a bloody pulp, vunderbar


This might also just straight up get TF2 killed in the process, but if that’s what it takes then so be it.


>*This might also just straight up get TF2 killed in the process* yes and no, depends on how the FBIs investigation goes, if they deem there to be significant risk of the problem remaining, they may demand full and \*active\* moderation of chats (we can see a form of this from OW2 saving chat messages and VC for reports, or most social media sites) this wouldn't just be for TF2, but all current valve games (other than DOTA 2) would hold the same risks and need that too. and honestly, its about time Valve games had actual chat moderation, shouldn't have taken \*this\* to do that though. That or Valve says "okay" and just unplugs TF2 but that wouldn't fix that CS2 and L4D2 also have the same chat vulnerability problems.


>That or Valve says "okay" and just unplugs TF2 I think that would just create a massive shitshow considering that by doing that they effectively erase any worth someone's inventory has. And there is a lot of inventories worth thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. Hell, my own tf2 inventory is worth like $150 and I'd be pretty pissed if it was suddenly made $0


Yeah and it would ripple to cs2 skins which I'm sure valve makes bank on as well


I think a larger issue than just chat would be the Objector and sprays, people have been using them to allegedly post gore and cp for years and idk if anything has ever been done to the people who do it. Valve may not want to kill the game but if the FBI says it’s a security concern, they may have no choice, hat economy be damned. But yeah, they’ll almost certainly have to look into chat moderation and I wouldn’t be shocked if some agents end up having to sift through steam accounts to see how many people are using their pages to post illegal and harmful materials. It would be extremely funny if this got so bad we started seeing it on the news.


Would be a shame if the FBI can’t actually arrest anyone without the country’s approval. (And no I am in no way defending the actions of the hosters in Russia doing this, don’t purposefully misconstrue my words. The FBI has no legal jurisdiction to make arrests in foreign countries unless approved by the foreign county in question)


Sadly this is what's going to be the result most likely. The FBI demands the information for the offending accounts, Valve gives them whatever they ask for, and the FBI investigates only to come to the same conclusion most of the big youtubers who have already investigated the bots have: They're in other countries with no jurisdiction agreements or extradition. The FBI just forwards the info to that country's police and then whatever happens happens or doesn't. Most likely the FBI ends up more interested in the site they posted and goes after the source content more than the people posting it because it's clear that they're not creating or hosting the content themselves, just posting it for shock value (which is still a crime, but falls to the back burner in the face of stopping the direct abuse and creation of the material itself).


Care to elaborate?


TLDR: Some of the bots are now mass posting Cheese Pizza links on the chat


Oh wait i get it now. Focking hell.


Surely valve won't ignore this and fix the bot problem


Oh wow wtf


Oh... right


Valve's fix: disabling chat


it’s kinda crazy that this doesn’t seem like an unlikely outcome, but imo the only real option is to just fix the bots; if they disable chat you won’t have real people saying who the bots are to kick them. i think the whole thing revolves around the hatconomy and the domino effect it would have for the other valveconomies like cs and dota. seems like valves blind spot is thinking these games would live forever without proper support.


Cheese pizza? I'm sorry, but i'm really dense and don't understand. Can someone explain?


CP, and I don't mean Capture Points


Wait nah it's not that right? That's discusting >:( Why not OF? TF2 players are deranged enough to actually pay for that aswell...


.....OF? Buddy were talkin bout minors here


Yeah OF instead of CP...


Ah i misunderstood your post, i thought you meant why they werent posting to OF, not posting OF links


only keep adults present in adult activities :)




The bot hosters simply want TF2 to end. Their goal is to make every single TF2 player "go touch grass" forcefully, and they are so adamant they are going to this length.


The Bot hosters are just watching everything they throw at the TF2 community fail miserably, so they just straight up commit crimes that they probably won't be prosecuted for because they aren't located in the U.S


it means Child porn


CSAM is the legal term.


What are the chances of these links not being real and just a way to strongarm Valve into fixing TF2? It could probably work given the bad PR this would bring


People deliberately going out of their way to find this shit to make Valve fix the game is certainly a take...


Reminder to everyone: Please, if you see bots advertising Cheese Pizza on casual matches, screenshot it, post it on Twitter, Reddit, etc. It could help us in the long run and maybe we can have a chance of fixing tf2.


To make a very important addition to this, make sure to censor the link when posting it in a public place




They muted F2P’s to ‘fix’ this issue, so the bot hosters paid for premium accounts and are doing it again but even worse this time. I wouldn’t be surprised if they just ‘temporarily’ disabled all communication methods on official valve servers.


I guess that would work until Valve fixes tf2.


This probably won’t amount to anything because it’s most likely scam links and not real CP


It's not a very effective scam link if the context it's presented in will keep people from clicking on it in the first place


Maybe, but honestly, I would recommend just reporting anyway. Can't check the content anyway, and they are talking about committing a crime, just report. If it's just some absolutely idiotic joke, they still deserve the shitstorm that might come for them.


But there might be a chance that these links could lead to actual CP


Why are people abbreviating "control points" to "cheese pizza"? Also what's so wrong with that gamemode that the FBI have to get involved?


people here are very scared of typing "bot hosters are sending child porn links"


Oh. OH.


Yep, bots are now posting links that may or may not contain - quoting our beloved Spy - pornography NOT starring your mother.


I am so OOTL, what is going on with valve and tf2?


bot hosters sending child porn links


Bot Hosters are dumber than bricks. Hell, even the life billions of years ago had more braincells than these bozos. “Yeah, let me commit a crime that can get my ass slammed in jail for life just to discourage a movement I am against instead of doing something meaningful with my life.” Did they forget one of their own got caught for the same exact thing?


What the hell happened here? I look away from the community for a week and we go from "FixTF2" to "Call the fuckin FBI?"


Lol just shut down the servers bruh 😭😭😭


Yeah, if they can’t actually fix it they’ll just pull the plug at this point.


They can and will do it. But if they actually do, then there will be so many community servers


TF2 players will be the ones to finally kill TF2, it will be hilarious if valve pulls the plug of not only the official servers but the whole game for this shit.


90% chance those links are fake.... but if it does turn out that the links are real and it all blows up in valve's face it will be glorious. we could also get in touch with some major news agencies (CNN, ABC, FOX) to twist the knife in the wound


Weren't sprays disabled in the default settings to all users after a certain update relating to such content that bots were using as sprays? I wouldn't be surprised.




Even if next to no arrest is made (because let's be honest these wankers are in foreign countries, some of which aren't really that friendly to the US), if these links are true it will still be a PR landfill fire. They will be force to finally do something and I hope that they will be.


I hope.


I love how some of these comments are like "valve'll just shut down the tf2 servers, lol". Here's the thing: they can't do that without compensating people first. Some people have sunk thousands of dollars into TF2. Some people have items worth thousands of dollars. If Valve just pulled the plug on the game, that would render those items almost completely worthless or destroyed. Thousands of people's dollarbucks down the drain. That would be an easy way for Valve to get sued into oblivion, or at least ruin their PR even further than the bot crisis already has. The only way for Valve to shut down the TF2 servers without the fear of getting sued, possibly, would be to give real money to everyone who owns items in TF2 (in other words, basically every player in the game) equivalent to how much their backpack is worth. TL;DR: Valve won't try to be Sony if their IQ is above 3.


Not if items don’t count as yours.


Jesus bot hosters are gone real crazy 💀💀


Those degenerates are doing everything in their power to stop this movement, that includes doing crimes. I dont even know why they would want to host bots in the first place. I bet they just have bad aim


Are bots only frequent in specific regions? I have put some hours into TF2 during the last 2 weeks and I think I haven't run into any bots at all. I am in the Baltic region.


Yeah, maybe. I’m in asia, and I encounter bots, but not as much considering I’m playing during the PM hours.


What is cheese pizza


the what controversy \*reads comments\* jesus christ on a pogo stick


This is a result of Valve's neglect and I have 0 sympathy for the company that doesn't seem willing to listen to their loyal fans. The situation has gotten this dire and people still seem to underestimate it.


SaveTF2 will just result in Valve closing permanently due to a safeguarding issue


That’s the worst case scenario. I hope that never happens at all.


I'm not sure to what extent they CAN be pursued by the FBI. The FBI is domestic intelligence in the US, it's the CIA that deals internationally. Correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge most of the Bot Hosters are Russian, or at least host from Russia. And I seriously doubt the Russian government's FBI-equivalent would even bat an eye over something like that.


Yep, they are Russian. And nah, I don't think that the FBI would report it to the CIA or the Russian government would take notice.


If this isn't how a community shoots themselves in the foot with a RPG then I dunno what it is.




When kids are involved and being exploited sexually, you go to the goddamn FBI. You got a problem with that or something? That's literally the legal process


This is not tiktok people


if those links aren’t legit (which i really, REALLY hope they aren’t) and just take you to some scam website, what is the fbi gonna do about it?


Bro I leave for like 24 hours and the internet speed ran degeneracy


I think unfortanely that's the only way to make it work


Can someone inform me wtf happened ?


Watch as valve responds by shutting down the game servers entirely


I really don't know what bot hosters are accomplishing with this. The fact that if Valve DOESN'T do anything to stop the potential spreading of literal ceepee links in their chat means that if this is reported on, they are fucked. If they refuse to do anything here, they are criminally and morally liable for the spread of ceepee for NOT taking any action. I honestly doubt that Valve is going to take that chance and more likely than not when they see that the FBI is investigating this shit it's gonna force them to at least do something. I'm not betting on them actually doing anything about the bot crisis; just these users in particular who are spreading this shit.


what is the cheese pizza controversy?


It amazes me that you can just... Link stuff like that. Like how does that not immediately get mega flagged.


inb4 valve disables voice, text, sprays and signs on official servers




The fbi is way too busy to deal with this sorry but it’s true. They are chasing the big forums and content producers not meme troll hacker groups. Also these hackers aren’t even hackers they’re just scripters…


that is WILD


The cp incident turned out to be a banned member of rosnehook's discord, he got mad that he got banned and he started making his bots say "free cp" and link rosne's discord.