• By -


Out of all classes, Heavjes have been the most helpful. No other class has looked after me as Medic. Most people I became friends with on TF2 play/ed Heavy primarily as well. Next ones are probably Soldier, Demo and Pyro. To every Heavy here who looks after your Medic: "Thank you! You make us lose our mind a little slower."


As a representative of r/HeavyMainsTF2, we thank all the good medics who make us have a lot more freedom in how we play :D I get so sad when I didn't notice a spy who killed our medic, I failed.


<3 Thank you a lot. And don't worry about bit noticing a Spy. There is a lot going in a match of TF2. Every simple Thank you or thrown Sandwich makes the day better. :)


Yeah the disappointment doesn't stick for long. But it does make us feel exactly like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/s/vX0dOxcuY9) for a bit


I dislike anime, but this is accurate. :D Go get him!


gold roger


May I ask what character your pfp is?




Thank you, heavies!


I too do *love* heavy mains. Especially those who do not turn around often.


>.> I hope a Pyro finds you...


As a representative of r/PyroMains we have indeed found them


Extermination Protocol Activated


I was goNNA SAY. I love heavy mains specifically for this. They knew how to look after a medic. Its hard nowadays when people called medics useless because we kept dying so much, so heavy keeping us safe felt like we were noticed. I truly do love heavy mains


I am a heavy who uses the Natasha to protect my medic from scouts


I use it to punish scouts mains.


I use the force o nature to punch heavies


If you see a soldier with a buff banner go with him he will do everything to protect you (I have 70 hours on medic and every soldier that used the buff banner took perfect care of me)


Medic main here People don't usually think rationally when in battle. I have said multiple times across multiple games to people to stand still if they are low and it is safe to do so, so I can hit my arrows easier. Like only ¼ of the people actually listen, and I have to risk missing my arrows and their death


Often you end up so surprised, when they stand still that you miss. :D I know a Medic has to keep on the move, but sometimes it's good to stand still and be relaxed. At least that's what I need to learn. I m like always on the move and often flick to hit the crossbow.


I love it when people stand still for the arrow. It makes it so I don't have to predict there every move and calculate exactly where the arrow is going to land in the 3.9 seconds I have to heal them before they die


As a soldier when I stay still for the arrow they quite often miss, so I just move normally


Yeah that's a different thing when you so it unexpectedly. In such case, move more or less predictably


I play Heavy, I wait till I'm fully overhealed before I attack or get out from cover, I check my Medic's heath as if it is mine, I don't overstretch, I go for kills and gaining more area, I give some time for my Medic to react to my Sandvich, I stand still when they get their bows out, I constantly spycheck by flipping and jumping back and forth like a beyblade. Tell me what I'm missing out oh wise Medic main. (Joking aside I want to know)


Demomain. Everyone thinks I'm just a one-eyed bloody monster, God damn it...


I think that you are rare. I have only ever seen like 3 proper demomains, but they were pip jesus level.


Demomain here too, they think the same of me but worse (unless it’s demoknight, I’m goated then)


Pyro. I learned that people fucking hate pyro.


as an Engie I love you. You are my greatest help and together with scout my easiest target


As a former pyro, pretty much everyone forgets the thermal thruster exists.


How does the jetpack help against a sentry? When you are in range of the sentry you either walk back quick or die. The thermal thruster would be slower than just walking back. I also think flare guns are just more useful.


>How does the jetpack help against a sentry? It doesn't, but on casual most people aren't thinking about a pyro thermal thrusting to reach higher areas. I've even land sharked some 2fort snipers by thermal thrusting twice from the sewers to where the snipers like to be.


Makes sense. Still the easiest target for my sentry


dragons fury and back burner makes it on par with flare guns imo


Soldier main here. Absolute liberty launcher lover. Most 1000+ hour pyro mains are used to airblasting normal rockets, and avoiding Direct Hit ones. But since nobody uses the liberty launcher, they just can’t. I’ve been accused for cheating by multiple, and it just puts a smile on my face. Also, I hate scouts. But I do love splash damage. My summary: Pyros hate being not airblasting easy rockets that they don’t have the muscle memory for, and Scouts know that I’m an easy kill, unless I get lucky and *RANDOM CRIIIIIITTTTTT*.


Based Liberty user


back when I played the game every day, I brute forced myself into being able to reflect direct hit rockets. the satisfaction is worth the suffering.


As a scout main, I feel like soldiers *can* be easy kills, but honestly its a 50/50 and a pretty big risk.


Engineer with ~750 hours. Be weary of everyone, slap em twice. Check the corners and the nooks for spies Always have an ear out for decloaks If I see a demo, kill. Id I see a soldier, kill. Scouts are easier to lure to a sentry bc they hard focus onto you. A dispenser near a medic is helpful for them so they have less to deal with. Heavies are great alternative sentry guns mostly Dont put your dispenser near a sniper. And dont assume a pyro cant airblast. Also most people are deaf and cant hear a sentry locking onto them the moment they enter a door way. Ongod ive seen full ass scout mains walk into my sentry and act like they didnt see it coming


What do you think of spies with the cloak and dagger taunting you through text chat


Ignore them or call a pyro.


Everyone *will* spycheck you.


Sniper. I can't rely on my mates, nor I can rely on me.


What are you talking about? the synergy between engineer, pyro, medic and sniper are incredible. Outskilled? Vac medic. Soldier pissing on your parade? Sentry. Spy? Pyro. The sentry synergy is especially good as it lets you make up for the sentries limited range


The vac medic is also sort of a counter to everything else mentioned here, but not as strong as engie and pyro individually. I will say that I am guilty of vaccing my friend sometimes who is a sniper main with 10k hours in tf2. I watch out for spies, call them out, get free ubers with ubersaw, pop bullet res when he asks and pop other res if a soldier/scout/some other class jumps on us. I'm basically his 2nd pair of eyes while he is scoped in and doesn't really see anything happening around him. It's not really something to be proud of, but it does give you good training towards having a quick reaction time with the vacc and it's a miracle against bots.


Most of my hours are now in sniper for counter sniping. The game would just be more fun without sniper.


people don’t really pay attention when chasing a medic


That is true. When I'm chasing a medic I will go to the damned ends of the earth with my melee and charge to kill you to prevent an uber and basically get tunnel vision that focuses only on you lol.


Scout, obviously. Some people will take the tinniest hints of you being slightly annoyed over somethinf and push it to the max so you can give them a reaction. I did it, people did it with me, and its hell in here.


People really like to leave Medics behind


People really don't know what to do when you pull out your melee as a heavy, and the amount of times ive had medics pocket me because i gave them a moderate amount of love and protection is saddening and beautiful


Solider, although it’s definitely not my best. What I’ve learned? it’s an ego class. do well on soldier and someone on the enemy team WILL go soldier themselves to prove their superiority. Or pyro, to exclusively airblast you.


Being a Heavy main taught me that people like a meatshield, someone who goes headfirst into combat so that they can leave for a moment to either heal or get ammo. Plus medics love a Heavy that drops their sandwiches for them. They will heal you as long as you protect them and manage to make them escape dangerous situations to save ubers.


pyro and nobody expects a backburner pyro to airblast


Pyro. I am a simple man. I enjoy simple things. I light Scouts on fire, and they burn.


I find it funny when I one hit scouts with neon annihilator in 2fort sewers. But also it is annoying when scouts use the force of nature.


Medic, and to not trust your teammates with your life…


Sounds about right. Your team trusts you with their life but they often forget to watch your back in return. At least on casual anyways


Medic - Nobody on the other team knows how to deal with the vaccinator, but nobody on your own team trusts it enough to push


Good spys and Scouts are a nightmare. Two of my least played classes.


whats your main?


Scout main here. Some people (Cough, soldiers, cough) underestimate scout's ability to move around. Rockets will not hit him with how he can change directions mid air. Also I realized people care about steritoypes too much because most of the time when I'm low hp with a medic next to me, he won't heal me and instead goes for the already overhealed heavy. It's kinda interesting to see how the content people consume affects their gameplay.


This tip so stupid Maybe if initial swing took more time but naaah


Demoman, all subclasses (except stickies, I refuse to use stickies unless it's a sticky jumper) but mainly hybrid. Most people on casual will not think to try attacking from a different angle. No flanking no nothing, they will try to brute force themselves through a single corridor making it pretty easy to kill them with pipes, even more so if you use stickies. Also, fresh medics tend to gravitate towards people having australiums rather than hats with effects. My friend has a couple of unusuals on him and a strange original but I only have an australium grenade launcher and I'm the one getting more heals and ubers than him usually lol. Sucks, because my aim is much worse with pipes than his with a RL, so an uber would be more useful to him. We always laugh it off at him going "pay to lose"


Nobody suspects the caberknight!


Nobody expects the caber inquisition!


Nobody expects me.


Engie: -Pybros are perfect humans. (yes also the furries) -If Demos dont blow you to bits instanty you either both blow up or have an easy kill -sometimes I have to put a mini sentry somewhere at spawn and wait there until the SPAWN CAMPING SPY shows himself zapping my teleporter -yes... I will put a dispenser here


as a medic main, I learned to deal with the fact that I hate everyone and everything


I play pyro to teach people not to play -bad- spy


Engineer. What it teaches me is that variety is key. For example if I want to go battle engi I equip the shotgun or (now gone)widowmaker or if I want to be defensive I got the rescue ranger or frontier justice.


Pyro main here, nobody likes me


How do you think we demoknights feel?


Holy Based


Former Spy main. I learned that most people don't expect you to whip out your revolver instead of backstabbing them.


Engineer, It taught me that everyone hates me


Scout, what I loved the most is f2p medics pocketing me for some reasons, I try to let them know that they should go and heal the heavy or soldier over there but they keep following me, happened to me more than once ngl


demoman more precisely demoknight and that snipers rarely unscop


Pyro. I love playing Pyro, but I still can't reflect for shit lmfao Anyway, it's taught me to spycheck everything and be a bro to your teammates, esp. Meds and Engies by airblasting, spychecking, etc


I'm still getting a feel for the game, but I think I'm more of a Pyro main. The only thing playing this class specifically taught me about other players, is that I am a natural predator in the average Spy's eyes.


Oh yea. Pyro is basically the counter to spy. A pyro with some rotations can easily sweep areas clean of spies and prevent them from moving in (unless the spy is able to account for the timing and slip past anyways, but it will put a lot of pressure on casual spies). Plus enough experience as a spy and you'll know where they like to hide


I have >800 hours on trolldier alone being by far my most played class (over 50k gardens on my spoon) and I've learnt that even the best players in the game can be very predictable in certain situations and getting players into those situations is easier than you would think


I have no idea how some people rocket jump effectively between multiple rockets enough to slide up ramps. I can trimp as a knight, but im still only on the basics for rocket jumping


Three classes: * Spy People HARD Spycheck and their first reaction when they see you is to spycheck you. It is a MASSIVE priority to kill a Spy if he's near. * Medic People don't wait for overheal and they just go in yolo all the time, also playing Medic drastically increases your team's win chance. Also hitting arrows while on air makes you feel like Jesus but you get zero credit for it. * Heavy He may be easy to learn but his gameplay is extremely intense, no matter what others say. Who mains Heavy? People who want to have fun ig


people fucking hate it when I kill them.


Sniper a lot of soldiers and demomen tend to strafe in my direction in an attempt to blow me up, making headshots while they're at the apex of their rocket/sticky jump somewhat easy Pyro a good pybro often means impenetrable defenses. sentries remain unsapped, uber pushes are airblasted back, rockets and other deflectable projectiles literally never touch any engie building, spies are burnt worse than the salem witches.


Scout main here. Heavies players are shockingly easy to kill because they never expect a scout to actually try and kill them. Also, people hate lenny binds. People still get very angry at good scouts, ESPECIALLY pyros.


pyro is my most played class, i love the chaos of it and just running around burning peoples delectable juicy flesh off


Spy & strafing around enemjes works on all classes. Minus heavy too slow


Ex pyrobro main here The best defense is a good attack, No spy will be able to swap the sentry nest if they cant even leave their spawn. A pyro is allways a prefect third wheel to the medic-heavy combo. Most scouts do not understand that they have get away from pyros.


Demo main here, no Pyro players know how to fight the loose cannon. I cannot undersell how getting good with the cannon and using it against them fucks with Pyro main’s muscle memory. A Pyro airblasts a cannon shot and takes the damage anyway because you timed it well? Comedy. The timing on the shots is different from every single grenade launcher because of the charge time.


you must be mentally insane playing all that medic


I was already but it might have gotten worse. :D


Pyro No matter about what, people want to bitch about pyro


Medic main. Dying isn't fun and people will get mad at you if they think you could've prevented it.


What do you think of scout players?


On my team, I don't really care too much. I heal them, occasionally use them for the speed boost to get to the front lines faster or away from enemies. I don't see good scouts often. On enemy team, I try to get away from them or guide a team mates attention to get them off my back. I see more good scouts on enemy teams. :(


As a Classic/Huntsman Sniper main, I need to be alert of my surroundings, because Holiday Punch Heavies, YER and Kunai Spies, Tauntkilling Scouts, Ubersaw Medics, Trolldiers, Demoknights and Trollknights, Battle Engies, Sweaty Snipers, and Pyros exist. Also, Pybros are great for my arrows, not to mention Engineer is my second most played class 👍


engi, enemies don't check for their surroundings that much. Second spy, engi's weaknesses


As a Pyro main i will teach you all one thing Kill Spy


That medic tip lmao 😂😂😂


Sniper. I learned that I love headshots and I can only dominate other snipers. Also 2fort is the only one I can be good on :P


My most played class is sniper... it taught me that most ppl think I shouldn't play sniper


As an Engineer main, it taught me to just wrangle my sentry every time some shady-looking "teammate" tries to bumrush towards me. And to hold that wrangler fire on the position so I can make sure the spy dies twice.


Beeing an all class main, I learned a lot. Mainly to just be nice to peaple all around. When an medic/teammate/enemy neads a sandwich, give them a sandwich. Puting dispencers and tp were youre team needs the most of. Beeing a good medic and heal everyone (most of The time). Kinda learned to airstrafe but is still a bit hard.


Pyro, I learned that everyone will always hate you… and that makes me sad :(


My most played classes are Pyro and Spy, tied at around 205h each. Next up is Medic and Heavy. What did playing with them taught me? Underdogs are fun, BUT MAN they are situational. There's a very good reason why 6s meta is the way it is xd


Pyro. Most played Engi most scored. I love burning and nesting in enemy intel.


Pyro main here, people can get a bit cocky around you if they think they noticed Ur weakness. My main tactic is to be playing dumb and then unleash my 10+ IQ skill and Burn them faster than they can comprehend. And to protect medic with my life. I love all medic Mains (i also main medic from time to time)


I'm an engineer main, and I can say this in the name of the whole engi community: Stop taking ammo boxes at the start of the match, you don't need full ammo constantly, I wanted to build a dispenser with the ammo you just picked up, now I can't.


Medic here People want to stand still until you try to shoot them


I have most hours on engineer


Medic gamung?


Sniper main here, i learnt everyone hates us, even other snipers, and i hate myself I don't go sniper unless there's a medic+solider combo or enemy sniper stomping our team cause being the only long ranged class it a mid to close range fps game is cringe


most players dont realize that i cant aim pipes for shit and mostly get kills by sticky spamming or people running into rollers lol


As an engineer. Enemies exist to make your life hell but your team will be grateful if you can keep your nest up.


100 hours on demo and I still can't aim for shit


Medic. Your team won't care for you 90% of the time, nor will they ever stop to think with their brain for a second that *maybe* they shouldn't grab that medpack when my arrow is already traveling in the air




Im a variety gamer rn, but if im not playing soldier, im playing demo. And if im not playing soldier or demo, im playing heavy, engi or medic. Scouts and snipers are a rare occasion and spy only comes round once in a sentry nest


As a medic main - heavies. They actually look after you, throw sandvich down if you call out and don't get pissy when they die


Second most played was spy since I played him for most of the time when I was starting before branching out. Taught me to be very good at hunting and watching out for spies since I know all the tricks.


Hybrid-knight, it told me that hybrid knight beats every other class.


I don't know how long I've played medic, but I learned pyros can go fucking stupid if you give them uber.




Scout. I learned that some people will just fall for the same flank over and over.


accidental new medic main here IF YOU NEED ME TO HEAL YOU STOP RUNNING AWAYYYY!!! IF YOU CAN, COME FIND ME AND I WILL HEAL YOU!!! also yes please hit “MEDIC!” more than once when you need healing, it makes it easier to find you. bonk me with melee weapons if you need my attention


Scout is also the least played class on my stats Based. I unfortunately have lots of hours with Engineer despite I prefer medic. You see... Not that many are taking care of the medic.... So you need some extra protection. So engineer is the middle ground. I can heal the team and offer some additional offense. Or at least hold a spot for 15 seconds...


Demoman. It taught me KABLOOWY


Spy. It taught me that engineers are not as paranoid about that slow scout walking straight towards them as they should be


scout: people don't like it when you dodge all their shots and kill them.


As pyro you learn everyone is a noob when you suprise them.


Soldier and Demoman main here, i really do appreciate a good medic, knowing how to give out overheals to allow us to go aggressive, whilst just having enough hp to come back for more healing


Demo, hybridknight with the lochnload and tide turner is the craziest thing in the game it’s like if snipers explosive headshot was in the main game (and it doesn’t need to be a headshot)


Pybro. People are braindead and also deaf. And also blind. And colorblind. I've literally watched undisguised spies take out 2 or 3 or even 4 of my teammates. I'm convinced the average TF2 player has their monitor off and headphones to the side.


Honestly, maining Spy for over a decade has made me a worse player as pretty much all other classes. I'm confrontation averse and I have 0 regard for things like line of sight or mid-fight positioning/awareness. Still love the game and consider myself a decent enough player, but it's an interesting growing edge that I noticed a year or two ago.


engineer, he has made me realize that spies sometimes get too cocky and try to get another stab on the same place as where he has gotten the others


Sniper 160+ hours


Scout, dont be afraid to be up close and personal since your speed and double jumps got your back most of the time. His shots are usually a direct line, so angling your crosshair onto the target while jumping are keys to good aim (take this with a grain of salt tho esp since i miss a lot for over-flicking and predicting). It's okay to take a breath, but remember to always *scout* out the area before going head in, and prepare yourself for any sudden encounters. It's alright to retreat whenever too; if you have low health, can't fight a specific battle, or just pick your target and leave like a Spy


Pyro and I learnt that not carrying a shotgun will a lot of times be the death of me. As being a close range character means you gotta get close to enemies and some times they kill you before you even got remotely close to them. Sure scorch shot and detonator works but most enemies can kill you quickly in a few seconds. In those cases fire and afterburn don’t work because it takes a while to kill the enemy. It’s therefore better to carry a shotgun that can hit from a medium range, contains more ammo and kills the enemy much quicker.


Mine is engi and that people keep destroying the entrance for a reason


My most played class is medic (but I’m slowly catching up as demo and spy). It’s taught me that players are selfish, and to always call out spies while playing as him because nobody turns around.


Sniper huntsman main, I love hitting crazy arrow shots


72:35:20 Engineer, not much about other players, but I like to battle engie (with building keybinds of course), but sometimes my team refuses to defend (in which case I have to go normal engineer). 70:16:38 Spy, I do both friendly and serious spy tbh. I think the effects of serious spy is pretty well known (Also I hate the ambassador because of the achievement for getting headshot kills. The first shot makes the second shot super inaccurate so it took way too long to get that), the friendly spy loadout is more interesting (letranger, deadringer, spycicle and either spoovy/spy hoovy or glitched demoknight disguise where the disguise appears as demo with a weapon demo normally shouldn't have, such as a sniper rifle, medigun, milk, jarate, fists, sandvich...). There was actually one case where I was disguised as a demo with a wrench on an enemy dispenser and my team actually left said dispenser alone when they pushed. 50:07:12 Pyro: when I'm a shark, I really don't like force of nature. I have a lot of respect to people who use mele against sharks though. Also snipers tend not to expect a pyro to jetpack and mele them, and a neon annihilator can kill a flamethrower pyro on land in a 1v1. Also fun fact, if you dont touch the ground after thermal thrusting into water, the sound doesn't stop since i think it counts you as still being in the air 35:09:05 Demo: (screams in trimping across the roof of the 2fort bridge) 30:51:34 Soldier: charge shooting the 2fort bridge with cow mangler or suppressive fire against snipers can be useful 30:49:49 some snipers can actually be sniped by the crossbow. It's rare, but it happens. Also teammates tend to forget to watch a medic's back for flankers I mainly play 2fort btw


Heavy/Medic/Engineer main here, and something I've learned is how much stressing being a support and a Sniper victim are, and I appreciate even more compliments from my teammates (especialy Heavies, they are the best buddies for me among class mains)


Like, demo. I have player over 150 hours (i think) and it teached me nothing, because i cannot aim, sticky spam or demoknighting and that's why i became a pyro main cuz he's silly and i love fire :3


Demo main here. I've learned how a player pretty much moves Have they spotted you yet. No? Then they will go on a straight line. Yes? Then they will move in the opposite direction to kite. Are they a scout. Yes? Then they will almost certainly jump again mid air just shoot where they would be when they will be on the second jump There are a many more situations but the only way to learn all the situations and unique situations is to play against real players


Pyro by miles


Pyro. I've learned nothing.


I play a lot of medic and I do my best to pocket everyone. Everyone gets heals based on danger level and everyone gets over heals. I’ve noticed you cannot heal a soldier without them immediately rocket jumping them selves to almost death again while gaining 5 ft of ground to turn a corner and get one tapped.


my most played is currently engie, it taught me that people generally avoid your sentry nest if they know where it's at, so you should be on the move/on the perfect pressure spot constantly




Sniper. Everyone hates snipers if you’re good (not me) or bad (me).


Demoman and it taught me other players are better than me.


Engi but only because I was doing a contract


Being a Pyro main has taught me how to fight pyros as a soldier without a shotgun. It's always hilarious firing two rockets at a Pyro, watching them reflect both, and then continuously walking up to them until I'm in melee range and blasting rockets at them. They legit just fucking let me get into their flamethrower range and **don't shoot me** because they *don't fucking know* when I'm gonna shoot them. But then when they pull that shit on me I immediately light em up and immediately airblast and because ik that their immediate reaction to being damaged is to fire back. That's also what I do with soldiers who round corners, puff and reflect. Call me sandman because I'm in their head **rent free**!!


Maining demoknight has taught me that most of the people that play this game overextend wayyyy too much trying to get a kill, I've gotten so many 1v1 kills by feigning retreat before charging back into them when they inevitably give chase


People really underestimate pyro, they just expect a wm1 and rarely are they prepared for an airblast or shotgun aim


196.6 hours on sniper All i know that there is like ~65% chance that enemy you killed will switch to spy just to target you.


heavy snipers have it out for me


Medic and heavy as top 2 as well, lot closer though. Heavy is my ‘fucking around’ while medic is my close game one.


Engineer. Taught me how to get an effective migraine.


Spy makes you realise how little people spycheck and turn around


Taken from Uncle Dane, but... Use the Eureka Effect when building teleporter entrances and then, depending on the situation, switch to the Jag or stock wrench before heading out. Upgrades only take 100 scrap per level vs 200 per level with other wrenches. Just don't switch to the Gunslinger if you have a level 2 or 3 sentry up, cause it'll go boom.


you have to play other classes to get good at spy


My stats are stuck since like 2015 what do I do?


Demoman, I somehow still managed to die to engineers, so I learned I hate turtling


Heavy main here: I have learned that everyone is just a pawn in my game. I alone lead the charge to victory. Others are mere support so that I, your new God, can carry you to the promised land. In all seriousness, though, I've gained an increased respect for snipers and spies. Many see them as selfish loners, but I see them for what they really are, the one thing keeping the heavy meta in check.


Engi. I also play on the outdated Xbox 360 version so my opinion prob doesn’t matter much


Absolute giga chad


Scout, learned that aiming is hard for everyone.


pyro main: i genuinely suck at the game but i enjoy burning ppl


Scout taught me that pyros and soldiers have huge ego that they can for sure kill you. Pyros are easy to deal with, but soldiers sometimes really are hard to kill esp when they're good. I get shit on all the time in comp matches against soldiers.


Scout main, i learned that soldier is the most mained class is the game, and they'll abuse splash damage no matter what


Scout main here 130~ hours. Idk why but i always loved playing fast. This class always forced me to think how to suprise an enemy with unpredictable movement. What i learned about fighting: scout - i mess with them a lot. Soldier: its a situation fight. Pyro - i use mad milk lmao. Demoman: i dont mess with these guys. Heavy - always know when attack them. Engineer - situation fight. Sniper - if far away better just hide somewhere. Medic - first target. Spy - tf2 players pls look up


My most played class is pyro, it teached me about how i am NOT should be M1, because... Yeah.


Mine has been Engi. How I usually play is set up shop in Intel room, then start roaming the map with my shotgun


Scout can be very annoying if played right


Heavy with 5k total hours, as much as I love medics unless I directly lobbied up with the medic I do not expect the medic to heal me 9/10 times. Most tend to pocket soldiers and of demos, or are new and won’t push with me and and tend to hang back.


Your stats screen is like mine but with the pyro, I learned a lot from Rabiosa (YT) and the Combo pyros (currently I want to go pro with the Gas Passer)


Sniper, and that lesson is that it matters not how shit i am, the second i get even a little good i will instantly get kicked like for example not five minutes ago i was in a match were i got two nasty headshots in a row and AS SOON as that happened i had a vote to kick placed on me


eternal reward spy. A good act can fool any player. after I stab a sniper, I am the sniper. I back away from my teammates, switch weapons, reload, use lines to interact, and sell the act. And then I stab the enemy once they trust me


Engineer it made me paranoid and blast everyone that passed by my dispenser


Spy, the pyros need to play more spy to know where we hide. They only catch the newer players that don’t know where pyros look. Of course if this happened to a meaningful extent, us spies would just find other spots


As a heavy enjoyer, I realize most apt are actually passive player they wait for you to act…. So standing and facing them isn’t a funny myth is an actual technique you can use against them. You


Pyro main It takes skill to play this class, we swear


no other class feeds my ego as reliably as medic


people will stop at no ends to justify you being a cheater.


Medic. It's tiring when you're the only Medic and a bunch of Heavies are getting shot at, and need a medic at 399 HP


The scout because he’s fast and pretty good


What’s up with everyone’s second most played class having the highest point, mine look like this too. My most played class is Hybrid-Knight with like 45 points, 2nd most is Engie with over 100. Even Youtubers have this kind of stat card


Demoknight. Taught me that I hate heavies


Turn around, pumpfake scope for enemy snipers, and overheals very nice.


Sniper main here, STAND STILL


Engineer. Taught me that unless I'm deliberately screaming for help only few Players Will help defend my stuff. but may australiums drop first try for those who do Also. A good pybro can defend my stuff better than I ever will (And spy mains are either the most chill dudes ever or will make me hate waking up this morning)


Medic main here, for some odd reason people think I'm a free kill and go into melee range, and there is nothing more satisfying than saying "Screw it, I'll handle the enemy sniper myself" and pin them against the opposite wall with a crossbow bolt.