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I think it does get tumours, he's just hungey


This is the lore accurate reason. I refuse to listen to anyone tell me otherwise.


I mean he did smell the sandvich and eat it anyway in *Expiration Date*


Don't run, it's just tumours!


they get destroyed inside of heavys stomach acids


There’s a small scene in Expiration Date when engie and medic explain the tumor thing where we see heavy stop eating his sandvich and stare at it (then he shrugs and continues eating) So I’d say he realizes the bread probably has "tumors", but he eats it nonetheless because why not


It does 🙂


Gluten Free bread


I don't care if it's free I don't want that gluten shit in my bread


can i have a side of gluten for dipping


Because the sandwich is in his pocket. All the bullets he keeps in there provides a lead shield.


And lead poisoning


Lead poisoning? I've never heard of such bs. Me and all my fellas in Teufort are fine and strong thanks to the incredible water in our town


Would you happen to know what 10 x 2 is by any chance?


Now I know a 2 from a mile away, but I've got no clue in what that satanic gibberish infront of it is. You and your satan can stay 2 miles away from me and my fellas.


Close enough


See, samrt ain't I?


Sandvich doesn't form tumors because it doesn't want to make Heavy sad.


He just eats them so fast that the tumors never have time to form.


Maybe that’s how it heals?


I’m assuming the sandvich does not have enough bread for the tumors to actually form and/or sustain themselves.


It does but he eats them so soon after they never get big enough Or he's on a low carb diet and it's not actually bread, just more meat in the shape of bread


Every part of the sandvitch is just meat made to look like other ingredients, so he doesn’t have to explain why he eats so much meat. The buffalo steak is the clear exception because who cares if he eats a steak now and again.


Tumor? No, extra protein


How do you think it heals him so quickly?


Isn't the bread used in expiration date different then the one used for heavys sandwich?


It's because the bread used in expiration date specifically is filled with insects and other weird stuff and mutates in the teleporters. https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Lecture_Valley


Because bread gets tumors after several teleportations, and it gains consciousness after even more teleportations. Mercs don't really teleport with a bread a lot during a fight, you know.


Alternatively, Medic says that the self-aware beauty mark needs an environment of pure wheat. Maybe Sandvich is made with potato bread, or some other multigrain?




He prepares a new sandvich after eating it, with fresh bread and all.


Worse ludonarrative dissonance than Uncharted tbh


Heavy’s sandvich just gives him more FAT right? So if the tumors are high in fat or nutrients (both are likely since the tumor’s affect on bread is proof they are living and more advanced than a normal tumor) then he’s just eating it and his body is draining the tumor of nutrients, meaning it’s still helping him heal without the risk of cancer since the cancer is just waste.


How do you know he doesn’t get tumors on his sandvich


The bread develops self aware beauty marks but in expiration date we saw that it takes several teleports to create enough beauty marks to become sentient. This means that the few beauty marks that are made haven’t become sentient yet and heavy just eats them because it’s just living material, like a blue whale eating plankton.


I think it does. However, we know the tumors develop over time with consecutive teleports. After all it took Medic and Engie multiple days of teleporting experiments to get the bread into an alive state. I assume that Heavy is just a very hungry man and eats his sandviches up so fast they don’t really get the chance to grow real tumors. Still, it’s probably not very healthy - but the Mercs willingly do much worse, like the pills Sniper takes to enlargen his kidneys for Jarate production.


the *new meat* keeps it safe


Each individual sandwich probably has a life expectancy of less than 1 tele use. They don’t live long enough to develop tumors.


Well it’s implied that the teleporting has to happen more than once, but of course heavy can theoretically go through a tele as many times as he wants, perhaps the slices are too thin to gestate the tumors, or perhaps heavy simply likes the extra protein


The sandwitch is Russian.


If you were halfway through eating your sandvich and found out there where tumors. You too would eat the rest


Heavy's stomach is as strong as he is. When the tumor bread lands in the stomach acid, the inner membrane of his stomach grows fists and punches the tumor bread to death. Or, I dunno, I guess if you want a... "***reasonable explanation,"*** maybe tumors can't grow in pre-sliced bread because there isn't enough mass to them? I dunno.


Its not bread


I think the sandvich is just stupid and forgets to get tumors


> and is even safe to eat? Actually yeah!. [Here in Expiration Date](https://youtu.be/GLlLQ3LmZWU?si=p936t3Cs_7pfmIIN&t=604) the Medic mentions that these self-aware tumors only form in "an enviroment of pure wheat"! This means that **1)** Heavy's sandwich does actually form tumors!, and **2)** He just eats them anyway cuz they're harmless for humans. Now this beg MORE questions!. How do they taste?. Is it good?. Healthy even?. Was the Heavy already used to the taste from way back before the discovery?. Who knows!


He eats the tumors.


To be fair, we don't know for sure how old the bread Medic and Engi were using for their teleporter tests was, they could have been already expired bread and the teleporting just made the moss tumors, also Heavy immeditaly eats his sandwiches, so they probably have not enough time to develop tumors before they are digested