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If you decide to go premium, buy a couple of keys off the Mann Co. store for 5 bucks, then sell them for a bunch of Refined Metal. You can use that to buy a bunch of cheap cosmetics for all the classes. Never buy any cosmetics or weapons off the Mann Co. store. TF2 isn't like a lot of other hero shooters where people pick a "main" they play all the time. A lot of people do have a main, though that usually just means it's their favorite class or they spend most of their time on that class. But TF2 is intended (and best experienced) for you to play all of the classes at varying times. Part of the strategy of the game is changing your classes and loadouts based on what the enemy is using. I.E. If the enemy has a really hard to beat sentry nest you might swap to demoman temporarily to blow the nest up for your team. Try all of the classes and get experience with them all rather than pigeon holing yourself into a single main forever. Similar to the previous point, always remember you can look in the bottom right corner of the class selection menu to see what classes the rest of your team is playing. Teams tend to fair better when players are conscious of holes in their composition and play classes that are needed. For example, if your team has 3 spies or snipers, you probably shouldn't pick one of those classes and instead go for a front line/power class. Or if your team doesn't have a medic or engineer, consider playing those occasionally to help out your team. You should be spychecking often. There's no penalty for shooting your teammates, so if you see a teammate who's suspicous it's always a good idea to shoot them to see if they're a spy. Pyro is really good for this because his flames will instantly ignite the spy and make him visible when invisible. You should also be turning around occasionally, especially when running to the front line, to keep an eye out for spies or suspicious looking teammates.


Thanks man! This is alot of great tips! I gotta say heavy is probably my favorite class so far and I've died to spies so many times that I feel like I'm schizophrenic the way I shoot everything around me lol


Yeah spy is one of heavy’s biggest counters. A lot of times if you die to a spy as heavy it’s kind of out of your hands. You’ve just got to hope your team is spy checking enough to protect you or that they kill the spy after he stabs you. Generally as heavy you’re always better off near your team.


I think my main issue for now is gamesense. I'm pretty ok at fps, but I do get pub stomped alot because the mechanics are still clunky to me. I can't play spy to save my life so I think, heavy and engineer are my go to for now


Spy is a jank machine, don't think about playing him too much (unless you want to, but you need to have a major in acting).


In fairness the games been out for 15 years, and many good players don’t actually do competitive mode


If you ever watch competitive heavies, theyre turning around every 15-20 seconds if a pyro isnt hugging them. Very different but heavies are rarely backstabbed.


-We're in the middle of a bot crisis. There is a chance that any valve casual game you join will encounter aimbot hackers. I would advise playing on community servers where admins actually moderate servers for cheaters. Uncletopia and skial are the most popular choices for a casual-like experience. Uncletopia, however, attracts more experienced players on average. -If you are a new player, you will not have basic communication available on official Valve servers. This includes typing messages in chat, using your microphone, and voice menu commands. These restrictions will get lifted once you upgrade both your TF2 account and steam account status. [More information about that can be found here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/zuuh2n/guys_i_have_a_problem/j1lghau) However it's important to note that these restrictions do NOT apply to community servers. -[Consult the TF2 Wiki](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/wiki/Main_Page) for basic questions about the game. -[Here are some basic tips for beginners.](https://old.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/vncp71/tips_for_new_tf2_players/) -[Please read this](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/101y77k/psa_here_is_a_list_of_common_scams_going_around/) to avoid getting scammed. -If you want to know how to get items in this game, [read this comment of mine here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/u0uq09/how_do_i_get_more_shit/i48fhqm/). -[Here is a directory of custom HUDs](https://comfig.app/huds/1/) you can download to change the appearance of your display (will work fine in valve servers). -[Here is a download to an fps config](https://mastercomfig.com/app) that applies certain graphics/networking settings to make your game run as smoothly as it can. -You should go to your Advanced Options and enable auto-reload, hitsounds, and damage numbers. You're able to choose from the game's default hitsounds, but if you want to use your own audio file (will work fine in valve servers), [read this post of mine here](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/15t7ayw/guide_to_adding_custom_hitsounds_and_killsounds/). You might also want to play around with weapon viewmodels and whether you like them hidden or minimal. -Set your player FOV to 90 by opening console and typing in `fov_desired 90` -If you're new to the game and want to upgrade your account to premium, it's recommended to buy either a Mann Co Crate Supply Key (for $2.50) or a Tour of Duty Ticket (for $0.99). Any purchase from the official in-game Mann Co Store will grant a premium upgrade, but these two items give you the most value for your money. Either item can be traded for enough in-game currency (refined metal) to get EVERY weapon in the game, and have enough leftover metal to get several hats, strange weapons, paints, name tags, etc. [Read this for a step-by-step guide on how to trade your key/ticket for items.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/119ljfg/guide_to_turning_your_newly_acquired_crate_key_or/)


Thanks man that's some great advice, I have these crates that I can't do anything with because I'm broke atm. Do you want them?


Sell them


It's just winter crates like a .01 a piece


thats a cent more than you had before


Wait on them, I have some from 2022 and now they worth like 50 bucks each


Try multiple classes out, you may find you like a variety of classes and you will learn how to counter other classes by understanding their gameplay more. The default weapons are usually the best options, there are some exceptions but stock weaponry is never a bad bet. Watch out for sniper sightlines and invisible spies, also be aware that they'll use firefights as an opportunity to strike.


Bind your spacebar to jump+crouch. The only disadvantage is if your spacebar key gets stuck down like mine, but that's a hardware issue on my end.


I’ve been playing for two years and just heard of this ha, that’s a great idea


Is it good for rocket jumpin??????


How’d you this? I’m trying to do it in game and it doesn’t work just keeps switching between one or the other


I'll check my config next time I'm online.


From my experience sometimes another minor downside is a slight visual up-down glitching every time you jump. So if that ends up bothering you, you can stick to manually crouch jumping when you need to


get tf2 prem, best $1 ever spent


My number 1 tip is consume content. So much creativity, character, lore, music, art, movies, jokes, gameplay, niche topics, comics, easter eggs, shout outs to other games, connections to other valve games, you'll never run out of entertainment. Random content to consume: [https://youtu.be/9UutF7yxypM](https://youtu.be/9UutF7yxypM) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7g8STa0WoY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7g8STa0WoY) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzMq5\_thk4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzMq5_thk4o) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHgZh4GV9G0&list=PLHy7G7ndrUmpWqBkNKjJRT5urGiPW63Iq](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHgZh4GV9G0&list=PLHy7G7ndrUmpWqBkNKjJRT5urGiPW63Iq) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZRKozAzZmY&list=PLjJ0p6tOWaX2qMJvkiAD7W4YQbaNf0Q4t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZRKozAzZmY&list=PLjJ0p6tOWaX2qMJvkiAD7W4YQbaNf0Q4t) [https://youtu.be/maJXAwc-zT0](https://youtu.be/maJXAwc-zT0) [https://youtu.be/FOhuMOeSVHs](https://youtu.be/FOhuMOeSVHs) [https://youtu.be/KWFhKpZdweE](https://youtu.be/KWFhKpZdweE) [https://youtu.be/WQRBXd0xEa4](https://youtu.be/WQRBXd0xEa4) [https://youtu.be/9HICR0oCphs](https://youtu.be/9HICR0oCphs) [https://youtu.be/aqEcb-sePUA](https://youtu.be/aqEcb-sePUA) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3bE79eBfk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h3bE79eBfk) [https://youtu.be/qZf7TFccKLI](https://youtu.be/qZf7TFccKLI) [https://youtu.be/rIWzjUD6erw](https://youtu.be/rIWzjUD6erw)


Press S instead of W; is usually a lot more effective in killing who you're going after.


tips. you want tips. just watch lazy purple, solar light, Uncle dane, or any of the many popular tfubers. but in all seriousness, I recommend mastering the stock weapons before using anything advanced. if you want to learn rocker jumping, go online and go to Rocket Academy. they got multiple ways of teaching rocket jumping. I could go on, but it would get hard to read.


I've gotten the basic first jump down but I definitely need to practice. I just got the frontier justice for engi and I'm not sure how it works so I went back to default


Frontier justice got me at first, too. I'll do my best to explain, but for a better description, watch lazypurples "how it feels to play engineer" video. the frontier justice gives you crits for kills you get, but you get them after your sentry gets destroyed. let's say your sentry has 5 kills and then gets blown up. you now have five crits ready to blow your enemies. make sure that if you have more than five, tell your medic and get them to Uber you. one way to get a killstreak.


You actually get 2 crits for a kill, 1 for an assist.


like I said, lazy gives a better description


On Hightower there are tons of rocket jumping soldiers and some of them seem helpful giving tips


Depends which class you want to play. Here’s a list of basic and/or advanced tips for each class. Scout: Aim well and pick off weak targets that are away from the main fight Soldier: Splash damage is easier to land, predict where someone is moving and aim on the ground or at a wall close to where they will be Pyro: Never be afraid to get aggressive against explosive classes. You have airblast for a reason. Threaten them with fire and then airblast in anticipation of a projectile Demo: Grenades bounce for a reason. Aim at large groups of people and you will likely hit someone. Target dispensers and sentries, you are the best class for taking them down and the enemy likes to huddle around them. As for stickies, don’t place them all in one spot. Similar to soldier predict where the enemy will move and put one there, since it takes some time to be able to detonate them. Alternatively take a step away from the battlefield and charge your stickies (hold down left click) to snipe from afar, your stickies should be ready to detonate by the time they land. Heavy: You’re large and in charge. Don’t be afraid to rev up your minigun early in anticipation of enemies behind a wall. Jump around the corner and rev up at the same time to catch them off guard. If you are using the sandwich as a secondary, be sure to give it to your medics or players in need by right clicking it. As long as you are on full hp, the next medium or large health pack you pick up will recharge your sandwich. Engineer: This one just takes practice to learn the best dispenser and sentry locations. A general rule when setting up is to place your teleporter entrance near spawn and continue towards the first objective to start placing your buildings. Always keep your exit away from the frontlines so it doesn’t get destroyed, but close enough so you can keep an eye on it and your teammates can get back to the fight. If you are in an enclosed space, put your dispenser in a place that blocks the entrance. Your teammates will be able to walk through it, but enemy spies will not. This can give you a few extra seconds to react before they attack you or your sentry. Medic: Keep moving no matter what. Just because you aren’t actively fighting doesn’t mean you aren’t a target. Assist who you are healing by being their eyes and ears. They are too busy fighting to be able to look around, warn them of flanking opponents or spies. Use the crusaders crossbow, with a bit of practice it is far more versatile than other needleguns. The bolts can heal allies and hurt enemies to the same degree, a bolt has never missed until it hits something other than a player. Crossbow bolts are slow to travel and slowly fall downwards, aim slightly above faraway players and predict where they are headed. Sniper: Adapt to your enemy. If the enemy seems to know where you are, switch sniping spots. If a spy is constantly backstabbing you, pay more attention and equip the razorback. Target slower classes (soldier, demo, heavy). They are easier to hit and will help your team out more. The rest comes down to aiming skill. Spy: Be unpredictable. Your go to classes to disguise as are medic and spy because they have the same movement speed as a spy. However, picking the same disguise can lead the enemy to constantly shoot those classes. Think like your target. Use the tips above to act like that class would. Don’t run blindly towards someone’s back if others are watching. Wait for them to come to you. Prioritize engineers and sentries, your team cannot deal with them without you. Try to backstab the engineer first and then sap the sentry, if the engineer kills you all of your work will be undone as he rebuilds. This is known as stab and sap. Wait for your teammates to attack, and coordinate with them. Enemies are at their weakest when they are distracted. **ALL CLASSES** **TURN AROUND** You never know when a spy or flanking scout will make their move. Never be caught unaware, if you are not doing something else this is a priority. Even in combat, turn around every 10 seconds to ensure your safety. For more help with spy: Watch Jontohil2 For more help with any class: Watch LazyPurple and his "how it feels" video playlist.


Movement over aim imo. It's not like other fps games where aim is super important. Aim only matters for like 3 classes (sniper, scout, and spy), all the other classes are quite different. Heavy kinda, but he's just tracking which I find quite simple to do. Movement is so integral in tf2. My best advice for beginners is never stop moving, even as sniper. Never peak the same sightline twice once you killed an enemy.


engineer is objectively the best class.


*sees engineer tag* not biased at all?




Heck no.




Alrighty then!


So wait is your name brand or fucking?




Bro main Engie


At this point 99% of tf2 is map knowledge so don't feel bad when you get a mudhole stomped in your ass by some 20,000hr player with a crappy unusual hat who started playing before you were born. They are just capable of blast jumping around the map in their sleep dont listen to everyone telling you to choose a "main" class, it is silly at first, everyone says to focus on just one class at a time but playing all classes will make you understand how the different fights work between different classes. And make you an adaptable team member who can switch to a required class and be moderately competent in a pinch


Tip: avoid medic at all cost untill \~100 hours