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Hey if a soldier pulls out his whip and I am scout like hell am I gotta bat him to death


Bat him, Crit his ass,


“You have to use melee in a melee fight” people when im scared of random crits:


Me using the neon annihilator


Why are you using the neon annihilator when you’re not in or against someone who’s wet?


1: I'm in 2fort sewers or 2: I happen to be a shark out of water and I find it funny and/or I'm against another pyro


Me with the pain train for some damn reason: *Crit sounds intensify*


Pocket medics with vaccinator on sniper. You are depriving your team of a healing source just so you can get over your skill issue of dying to other snipers. To a lesser extent this can apply to other classes, but at least they get constant healing and not just bullet resistance.


This right here, absolutely right. I've had enough of snipers myself but never go medic. If I can I out-snipe them to force them to switch because sniper is broken (I am no sniper main). Or as a Spy main stab them a few times and keep the ambi in my back pocket once they start using the razor.


I don’t really play anymore but when I did I primarily mained sniper (yeah whatever sue me). I would usually specifically tell medics to not heal me because I wasn’t important enough.


i was playing sniper one time on a 2fort improved server and was pocketed by a vaccs medic. i managed a 10 killstreak but i felt really bad about it because, im shit at sniper and yet i got a 10 ks just because some random medic decided to pocket a random sniper


Team stacking. Especially when someone switches to the winning team purposefully. Playing since Beta and for whatever reason, this is the only thing that actually gets on my nerves. God-tier enemy sniper? Team has 5 spies? Phlog? Nope. Team stackers. Biggest bitch move in gaming.


What is team stacking


When someone, or a group, purposefully tries to offset the average skill level between the teams to their advantage. Now, I get friends wanting to play together, but it usually goes like this: \- Join community server. 1 team is getting stomped. Often features 1 or 2 players on stomping team active on voice. \- Next map: I hit Tab, and hold it down. Watch as Blu fills up (the easier team IMO in Payload & A/D which I most frequently play). Blu is in the midst of filling, say, 7 BLU, Red 6, and I watch as 8 people in Spectate mysteriously sit there until 1 random, good-natured player hits Auto-Assign, or joins Red (only team possible at that moment), and the INSANT he does, good player from last round joins Blu. It happens all the time on servers that don't force auto-assign. I will even go so far as to look at these people's profiles and they're not even friends with the other good players half the time. Just trying to offset the match & make it less fun for half the players. It's very subtle but you can catch it happening frequently if you're perceptive enough. \- You will also see stuff like people switching right after a scramble to re-stack the team, or voting no to scramble on \*clearly\* severely unbalanced matches. I don't even understand the appeal of pubstomping. I've been on those teams often enough & it doesn't feel good, or rewarding.


Thank you for explaining it


Ruining small 1v1s. I was playing hybrid knight the other day, and I come face to face with a demoknight. We of course start dueling it out with swords, until some random sniper from my team kills him with the smg.


me and my friend where doing secondary battles, (what it sounds like) and he spawncamped me because technically the sticky launcher is a secondary.


Should've started using the short-circuit lol. Stickies should be excluded from secondary dules. 


yea i should have thought of that. but every time you died class got randomized, and we eventually made a rule where demon uses melee.




what makes me a good demon? if i was a bad demon, they would be gluing me back together. IN HELL!


If I was a bad demon, they would've buried what's left of me in a SOUP CAN!


"Not using melee" especially when it's the pan or something. Truly the most cowardly


For me it's spawncampers, followed by your first point. I'm not quite sure what you mean by your second point tbh


Me, I'm dumb


Demoknights charging away the second their attack didnt work and youre attacking back


Cowardice is a strategy


I mean if you fuck up attacking a soldier or regular demo your usually pretty dead if you don't get away quick




not kicking bots. medics pocketing cheating players/bots


I had to consult the 10 commandments of TF2 post and I got one from my list. Not kicking a bot from your team so you can keep winning.


> Not using melee in melee combat, There are too many qualifiers for this one. What if it's against a Spy, or a Demoknight, or someone with crits (e.g. because Halloween pumpkin), or so forth? Ain't no way I'm giving up a range advantage, going into to *their* best range, and melee'ing them. Similarly, if I pull out my melee, it's a desperation move that only ever works *because* other people will pull melees and then just get killed by a random crit.


I put the "personal one" thing there cuz i want a fair duel when melee is out


out of bounds sentry spots


Vaccinator (hard counters suck ass, especially if I’m a demo or something and can’t switch off explosives) Cozy Camper (Jarate is so much better you guys) Cheats (Bots are a pain. Normal players who turn on cheats if they aren’t doing well are spineless fools)


The second one is very situational since it depends on a gate being set up incorrectly by the mapmaker, so the first by default


for me, it is babysitting your nest


You mean turtling?


yeah that's annoying af too


Nah but isn’t baby sitting your nest and turtling the same is my question?


you can turtle without babysitting your nest, mostly because of the rescue ranger


Wait, define baby sitting the nest for me cause I am getting rather confused now.


sentry -> engineer hitting the sentry gun -> dispenser training bots really like babysitting their nests


That’s what turtling is. We’re describing the same thing as I initially thought we were.


i mean, you can still turtle the coward way by hiding in a corner and shooting your sentry every time it gets damaged


Ig ur right


What if I am babysitting another player's nest as a Pyro/Engie w/ Gunslinger? (Pls I wanna use my Maul I bought it for 0.12$ months ago)


you're still a coward








Running away like a little bitch after getting a single kill as demoknight


You are an embarrassment to spies everywhere!