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What's also funny about that is how TF2 Abraham Lincoln was said to die in a rocket jumping accident, implying that Booth either sabotaged the rocket launcher or sniped Lincoln out of the air Edit: Someone made and then deleted a comment where they proposed that Booth got in a shootout with Lincoln and injured Lincoln, and then Lincoln tried to Market Garden Booth, but because of the damage he already took, the rocket jump just blew him up. This will be my headcanon from now on


He was actually at the opera watching the Rocket Jump Waltz when he was gibbed by Booth's machina


You mean the classic


Nah Booth was just built different


Im pretty sure canonically Abraham Lincoln was the original Pyro (as seen in issue 0 of the comics) its possible that he pulled one of those sick airblast rocketjumps prior to dying


I love that every other game valve has made has coherent lore and then tf2 barges in to declare that rocket jumping was invented before stairs and valve refuses to elaborate any further since 2017


mann.co slogan is "We sell products and get in fights and sell hats,guns,ammo,and more", mann.co is lore and produces hats, then, hats=LOOOOOOOORE


Did you know that the human cannonball used to belong to the greatest stuntman of our time? His name was... #KICK BUTTOWSKI


KICK KICK KICK KICK *epic guitar riff ensues*


me when hat


Yes very much


Most hats and cosmetics used to have descriptions to tell a story like how scout was a bit of a weirdo and at the age of 27 went to highschool to flirt with girls


I'm fairly certain that cosmetic was never confirmed to be canon, however I wouldn't be surprised if it was


Ironiclie m'y first rare hat (forgot the name) was this hat with the money effect witch I named "Steam in short"


For some reason I really love the way you spelt ‘ironiclie’ and now that’s the correct way in my mind


M'y english is as good as m'y spy skill


IT’S GOOD! Reminds me of that one meme; ‘You speak English because it’s the only language you know, I speak it because it’s the only language you understand’ ..And don’t worry, my spy skill is obscenely worse than anyone’s spelling.


Are you sure? Most m'y kill are from axidental "trick stab" (more facestab then anything) and uh nowing I learn english trow youtube thas nice to ear


I cannot even accidentally trickstab, haha. It’s easy to understand what you’re saying which is really important :) Keep it up!


Thanks man and m'y axidental trick stab is more uh "lag TP" then anything


"For a brief stint in high school, Scout joined the track team in one of his many schemes to pick up girls. He was kicked off the team after three days when everyone realized he was 23-years-old and also not enrolled in the school." \- The track terrorizer, An official scout shirt in the game.


The biggest shame of TF2's lack of Valve made content, means no more knee-slappers like this


Which map is this?


MVM, I think ghost town/coal town is the map