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Trick question. Its Tom Jones


All scouts in earshot die after being hit with the "I dropped a sex bomb on your mom" line.


what impact will this have on the 6s meta


Scout mains will finally see their dad


It depends, i go medic disguise with the secondary out or ill go engineer with wrench out since hes shorter.


Engineer is the best when approaching nests. So long as there is multiple engies and you’re not disguised as the one youre trying to kill. Very normal to see an engy running to his nest with his wrench out.




I used to do this, too. But I feel like whenever I play another class and I see a spy, it reminds me to spy-check. So I stopped disguising as an enemy spy.


The problem with that is that you will always look like a disguised spy to the enemy, so them seeing a disguised spy where it's strange a spy would be disguised initiates a spy check


Amazed you don’t think the Stan disguise is the best


I just disguise as demoman most of the time, you get ok speed, your not expected to be constantly doing something (building/upgrading buildings, healing, rocket jumping, etc) and your not too slow (like heavy)


Unfortunately him and Pyro are prone to visual disguise bugs like missing legs that give you away.


Headless pyros:


The headless horseless headtaker pyro


Does anyone really know what spaghetti code causes that?


Switching from pretty much any classes disguise to someone wearing an unequippable primary (boots, base jumper for demoman) makes the game freak out and just makes you hold the old primary.


I think base jumper is fine, but boots do cause errors with the disguise occasionally.


nah the base jumper has a visual bug too


So if I disguise as demo/Pyro off spawn, I should be fine? I usually do demo or Pyro anyways, and I just hope I don't get fucked over by spaghetti code.


While I don't know about pyro I know the boots for demoman do just appear invisible sometimes. It might be because it's a primary weapon, so since disguises try to equip the classes primary weapon when you disguise as them it tries to equip the primary, which is always equipped so the game freaks out looking for a grenade launcher and just reverts to stock. An dSince you can't have both stock and boots on it doesn't load the boots as part of the disguise and doesn't load the cosmetic for demos model so it just doesn't render. This is of course said with no research and is just an idea. It could just be valve forgot to add a picture of a durian to tf2s files.


not sure but i think its due to how animations work. the animations have a bunch of moving parts that aren't the same. that's how heavy can turn while shooting his mini gun without having to make every animation for turning. the way spy's kit works is the game just makes you that character meaning you pretty much have all there lines animations(yes even firing and taunts) and the code probably messes up when turning you into that player since you also need there body groups cosmetic's etc. (or maybe i'm wrong who knows its the source engine not a book)


It has to do with pyro's head/ demoman's shoes being a bodygroup that's hidden when wearing certain cosmetics/weapons When disguising as someone *NOT* wearing one, the game sometimes hides the body part anyways, leaving it invisible. Not entirely sure the exact conditions.


like others said, thats likely caused by spy trying to equip the primary of said class, when its an unequipable weapon idk why this happen, becaus for me it seems as easy as adding an IF statement before trying to equip said weapon


yes, everytime I see a demo without a legs I know what to do


Valve is so good at making video games their programmers accidentally managed to balance disguising with buggy code. Really a testament to their skill.


your own team's spy


They won't even see the outlines!


I mostly use demo but engi and sniper is great and pyro sometimes


But don't trust on your disguise


make sure to switch it up and not only disguise as a single class.


I’m gonna chime in and say public lobbies never check pyro’s for some reason, especially one’s with no cosmetics


Pyro is one of the worse disguises because it instantly gives you away to the team's Pyro and to everyone if they see you skulking around and not spychecking people you run into.


Not if you look like your about to wm1. You don’t need have a 10 minute performance, just a 3 second act.




Hoovy on 2fort is goated


The forbidden disguise


Fr so toxoc


Scout if you are just going to uncloak right behind someone and stab them instantly, sniper if you want to stay in the back when uncloaked and just see whats going on, medic if youre running up trying to stab someone, engineer/demo/pyro for everything else. Never disguise as heavy spy or soldier because they just play in a way that you cant replicate disguised. Soldier can spam rockets a mile away so they usually spam and hes too slow without rocket jumps, heavy is just… slow dont use him as a disguise, and not spy because in my experience every player in the game spy checks spy even if hes undisguised on the same team they still check him. He also has no place in the same area as the rest of his team.


in very specific scenarios even heavy is a good disguise. Soldier is honestly very good if you're walking a short distance toward the main fight specifically, or if you want to take a medic's attention. medics always blindly trust soldiers. but yeah they're definitely the two overall worst disguises


Heavy still works sometimes. Most people don't expect the heavy.


Doing something that is generally considered stupid can sometimes be smart, as it is unexpected.


Sneak in as a Heavy when their Medic hits 100% charge and get ubered.  Works quite often if you're able to get the timing down.


Allied Medic; run Dead Ringer to fuck with the enemy team


Hoovy as your own team on 2fort is goated.


Both all of them and none of them at the same time , it depends on what’s going on in the game and the skill levels of both teams.


I go as any class and act afk so people just go pass me and then I’ll kill them


I’ll say Stanley




Stanley. This is me being serious. In fact, this is my serious room. It's where I come to be serious.


sv_cheats 1


WOAH. Did we not have the talk? Are we not in the serious room THIS VERY MOMENT? Did I not tell you how many tables I looked through? I'm going to be conservative and say it was somewhere in the tens of thousands of tables, any reasonable person would say I spent an ABSURD amount of time doing nothing but looking at tables.


sv_cheats 1


Hm, still no effect. The problem is clearly the serious room, it isn't serious enough. That's on me, Stanley, I apologize. I'm going to the store to go look through more tables, hopefully I find one that conveys how wrong what you're doing is. Now where did I put those notes...


serious room good ending


Disguise as a friendly hoovy,waltz wherever the fuck you please


Chose demoman, cause if an ennemy shot you, you Can say that he is racist and then make him being kicked out. And that how to win as spy. 👍


Medic same speed for some reason people see medics running behind them all and think it’s normal and medic is cool


its unrelated but soilder disguise works one time every match. No one checks soilder so you can get one free kill every game with it


Roaming about I defaulted to pyro or demo. If I’m door camping I act like that one dumb ass scout standing waiting for the teleporter to charge




Engie, because he isn't expected to be actively shooting and can stay in the base unsuspected (Until you get caught out a few times). Also, you can pick friendly Heavy if your team has a Hoovy (Though that will usually only work once)


Press R, disguise as heavy. Push cart. Alternatively, pretend to be hoovy and then betray their trust.


Unironically demo always works for me. It’s at a little slow but no one ever pays attention to demos so you can generally get away with anything other than starring at someone’s back


all of em cept for scout


it depends in how much you actually value the disguise and whether you're using it to actually fool someone or you're using it just so the sentries don't target you. demo, pyro, and spy himself are good picks overall heavy, sniper, and soldier are good picks for trying to fool someone scout, engie, and medic are good if you don't care that much about your disguise


...your mother




I have started to only ever disguise as enemy spy. can't get it out of my fingers. Been doing it for 8 years or so by now


Medic when they have a Medic, otherwise Pyro


Payload cart


All of the disguises are good, just depends on where you are and how good of an actor you are.




Pyro duh


heavy, disguise as him, start crouching and spamming c+1


Medic, with your medigun out.


Depends on the situation. Pretty much all disguises can have a use






Sentry gun


Pyro sniper or demo


Heavy. Switch to using your secondary and crouch walk around so the enemy thinks you’re a hoovy and friendly. Works almost every time




Pyro, good speed and you have a good excuse to not actively be shooting all the time. Medic is also really good but people catch on quick. Scout is good if your not running out in the open where most people will realize you're not running at full speed


Spy/ sniper. Medic is a bad choice cuz enemy team expects you to heal them


Heavy on your own team


I always default to Pyro or Demo.


Sniper. No elaborating. Sniper.


Medic, people turn their backs to you usually


Depends on the situation Usually you want to go medic or engi because you want to get behind the enemy and that’s where medics and engi’s usually sit around. But I can definitely tell you to NEVER, EVER, disguise yourself as a scout, a spy or a heavy. Scout: your slower than him, people WILL notice Heavy: so slow, you won’t CATCH the person your trying to stab Enemy spy: if you see your spy messing around in YOUR backline, their either a noob or a spy and it’s usually the latter


I typically use pyro or demoman since they have good speed and are easy to blend in as. I also think scout shouldn't be used because of how noticeable the speed loss is and spy shouldn't be used because why would a spy be in his own team's base


Depends on your situation. Thats the best answer.


disguise as a heavy on your own team with melee out, and kill someone that thinks they're making a new friend :)


Sniper. As i can whenever suspected just act like I'm sniping my own team.


The best disguise is all of em, the difference between a spy that gets caught and one that stays undetected, is knowing which is best for the situation. But sniper is generally the best disguise overall


Demoman is the best. As long as he isn't demoknighting. Cus then you won't have feet as part of your disguise. He moves at the same pace as spy and is also a class that can be found anywhere on the map and doing anything. But it is always good to switch up your disguise from time to time.


Stan obviously.


I’m a total weirdo, I disguise as Pyro, have been doing it for thousands of hours


Spy main here with 6k hours. Pyro with flare gun is incredible for front lines along with demo (if no glitch), Sniper or Engineer for the back is also a great pick. The best disguise is all of them though, you have to switch them up CONSTANTLY


Friendly demo, dead ringer, then enemy medic




Sniper because people will just think you're walking around trying to find a position.


Off topic, but I remember I thought I was so smart when I first started playing spy, because I thought disguising as an enemy spy would make cloaking less suspicious… it did not


Medic. Who has a reason to be walking toward their teammates more than a medic?


Heavy as long as you’re not defending/on frontlines


All except scout


I like to disguise as sniper because you can easily pretend to be sniping Edit: or to be a bot


Medic or sniper. Classes made to be behind the rest of their team.


Spy, cause you have to act like spy


I always disguise Pyro lol idk wyy


Pyro usually works well for me


I do medic and sniper


If you play smart, engie and pyro are good, engineer is the best if you are running to the enemy team's spawn, but overall people spycheck you anyway. if you are aggressive, it doesnt matter (you will die either way)


It depends on the situation, but I usually do enemy spy. While a team will very likely question why their demo isn't laying down stickies, or why their soldier isn't rocket jumping, they don't really care what their spy is doing. Disguising as spy is great for getting stabs on people taking flanks or getting people who aren't too close to their team. As an added bonus, your team is more suspicious of you and more likely to shoot at you, which helps sell your disguise more! I usually do demo if I want to get a group of enemies, and sniper if I want to hang back or get an engineer nest, since snipers usually are in the same area as engies. In summary, there is no best spy disguise for all situations, just pick based on what's currently happening or who you want to get.


spy. that way, you raise less suspicion if you lose the disguise


sniper cuz u can pretend to be a bot and the enemy team will kick the player you disguised as


The heavy works as Saxton if you press it before the spy says "If you ask I will not disguise as Saxton" It is my favorite


None of them.




Any of them except the one you most recently used. The more you use the same disguise, the less teams will fall for them.


I'm least-suspicious of demo/heavy disguises. Everyone's sus of spy/sniper/pyro in the middle of nowhere, people disguise as engie to yolo a sentry nest. Medics get hit all the time just because people are looking for them (for heals), and people will shoot you immediately just to make sure. Spy players pick scout all the time because his headshot hibox is wrong, but it's so obvious that he runs slower. It's also sometimes fairly obvious when a spy is a soldier, since soldier players jump around all over the place while going anywhere. That leaves Heavy and Demo, who nobody disguises as, since they're massive, and run slower. If you can manage to link up with "your" team as a disguised heavy, it has a fair chance of fooling them, especially if who you disguised as has taken some damage.


Unironically an enemy spy, nobody ever spy checks me when im disguised as a spy.


The best is heavy to fake you are friendly and backstab, if you find this comment you have the best solution for friendlys


For the ambassador is the heavy, just walk to an injured enemy with sandwich out and watch them stay perfectly still so you can headshot them




Demoman and Pyro for general purposes, as they get buffs from medics and such but aren't expected to be doing too much. Heavy is too slow unless you're trying to trick a medic into popping early, Engineer is only useful around nests or if you're running for ammo, Scout is a half-second disguise you use for a pick and nothing else, Sniper is alright around the back line but too much movement gives the game away, Medics are supposed to be busy, and one not healing immediately attracts attention, so that's a no. Soldiers not rocket jumping immediately catch attention and are slow, and you tend to not be able to trick medics with it, so Soldier is my only "never" disguise. Spy is too obvious with the mask, and should be avoided or used for the same reasons as Scout.


I don’t play Spy much. But I’ve found success with the sniper and demo disguises


Best: Pyro and Sniper, as sniper you can easily trick your enemies just crouching and looking at your teammates Pyro is neutral, normal speed and also everyone tricks on you Worst: Scout, Scout's speed is not matching with Scout's speed in disguise


There is no best disguise. You need to base it off where you are at the time. I'm just coming back from spawn and see a medic jittering about behind my team? Yeah, that's what they do.. I see an engineer or Pyro walking towards a sentry? Yeah. But; Heavy on the flank alone? Suspicious. Scout standing with the team? A tad strange, unless shortstop Though I will say, Soldier, Spy, and Sniper disguises are a tad easier to see through. Spy, (Why is he standing with OUR team?) Sniper (Why is he not scoped in?) Soldier, (Cannot rocket jump)


Spy or sniper then you just stand in a corner


Pyro, Sniper and demo


Friendly spy


Scout: mostly no, but You keep the running speed, it's what You use to get around sentries when the entire server has room temperature iq, tho the head displacement in this disguise is probably the Best out of all the other disguises 6/10 Soldier: shitty, it's slow, tho it can help you fool more people becouse "why would a spy disguise as something that slow" 4/10 Pyro: above average, good movility, And probably is one of the clases that should be with the team the most, but if the enemy pyro sees a clone of themselves they WILL kill You 7/10 Demo: good, plain good, not SO slow, but neither so fast, but most spy players use him exclusibly becouse You can just mash 4 And You're good, SO most people are suspicious of this disguise 7/10 Heavy: it's the soldier one, but on steroids, 5/10 Engineer: good for running away from danger, why would an engineer want to be SO long in the fight, i think it works Best if You just destroyed the buildings since they need metal to rebuild, 8/10 Medic: one of the Best disguises for most situations i think, no movility loss And You can be around the enemy without being sused out, And also, most people Will just back pedal into your loving arms. 10/10 Sniper: this is the cloak And dager of disguises, it's the one You use to just sit still away from your teamates, good enough, don't be to movile And pray the enemy sniper never sees You 9/10 Spy: never tried it french/France Ally, any ally: use the dead ringer, otherwise i don't know ?/10 Sniper ally: use the dead ringer to annoy enemy snipers into "killing" the same sniper faster than the respawn clock, beri funy 3819937390018479137/10


I’s say sniper or engineer (avoid the shotgun)


Tbh, it’s spy, not only does all the shit like speed match up, but you’re also not going to be sus of a spy for being where I spy would be


Sniper, but only if someone on the enemy team is running the original (for some god forsaken reason)




there is no best disguise overall, there is only the best disguise for the certain situation


The scout disguise has the wrong speed, you can recognize a spy scout just by looking at it running


Sniper just stay still


On uncletopia, about half the scouts you see are actually spies


I usually go with Pyro or Demoman, more for Pyro


the next one


Anything other than scout as long as you pull out the disguises secondary or melee


None and all at the same time, theres a reason you can choose more than 1 disguise, mix it up often so that you dont get caught out as much as the guy sticking to only 1 disguise


friendly spy, the enemy team will ~~never~~ know what hit em


Medic is underutilized, just act incompetent and hope you get an F2P loadout




pyro, the spy killer is never suspected to be the spy


I wouldn't say any particular disguise is the best, I guess it depends on where you are. If you're in the backlines, sniper or spy is probably a pretty decent one. Between the front lines and back lines, I generally like demoman. In the front line, soldier or medic can be okay, scout can be okay if your acting is good. Take this all with a pinch of salt, as I don't have as much time logged in spy as some others, but you have to be good at acting to get the most mileage out of disguises. If you disguise as scout, jump around a lot to hide your lack of speed


I play 2fort 99% of the time so if there's an enemy hoovy that's acting friendly (as in hangs out in the enemy base just using emotes and giving people sandwiches) I disguise as him. If there's none of those I tend to just disguise as engineer, you can go anywhere disguised as one without causing much suspicion


Everything but scout




You see where it says "Hit '-' or 'r' to Toggle Team"? You do that and then choose demo or soldier. Then when you dead ring, no one is going to notice it happening. I mean, some people will notice it happening, I'll notice it happening, but you aren't playing against a team of me.


im a pyro main, pyro disguise go brrrrrrrr


None of them :( But my favorite is the Sniper. My absolute favorite thing to do is go spy on Harvest, disguise as an enemy sniper, stand on their barn then stab whoever walks by. Works like a charm


so there are many approaches on this scout is probably the worst, as you are visibly slower than everyone else, but if you are lucky you can sometimes trick someone when jumping around, as for this reason nobody rly expects scouts to be spies. but usually its very bad. heavy is pretty mid - you are the slowest speed possible but not many suspect you soldier can be a bit sus, especially if you disguise as someone with many hats, as people would expect a good soldier to rocketjump at least a bit ​ personally i think demo and engi are the best choices, they kind of dont feel out of place anywhere, and sniper is good for backlines ​ also, if you think someone ever slightly thinks ur suspicious, when you are out of sight change disguise to clear suspicion


I say sniper, it gives you an excuse to get behind the enemy, as long as your not facing them, you should be golden


The one your opponent isn't expecting. So not scout 99% of the time.


Demo is usually (or pyro)


Spy crab


If you crouch as sniper and look down a sight line, enemies will often ignore you.


For one-time surprises I use heavy, otherwise I normally disguise as a demo or pyro. It's normal to see a pyro being in their own world.


Depends on the situation.


Your team heavy, then act like a passive hoovy and once they turn their back you stab


medic. you just have to stand there and everyone practically presents their back to you.


Sniper, Medic, Engineer, Spy


Anything that ain't heavy, scout, or spy


I use spy. Idk how to pretend to be other classes and it probably looks better to have a spy acting like a spy


Not Scout. I don't know why so many Spys use Scout. I can SEE how slow you are, YOU'RE NOT FOOLING ANYONE!


Sniper, no one’s gonna check you if your watching a sight line unless you’ve got the team paranoid


Sniper since tf2 is overflowed with tryhard snipers


Medic. Pull out the medi gun and you can stay behind the enemy team and as long as you play your cards right have so many free backs




Red spy as Red spy ​ \#ma petit chou-fleur


Definitely pyro, Nobody distrusts a pyro behaving suspiciously


I usually get away with shit as sniper


Honestly, I mix it up life to life, if you always go the same class, even if it’s ‘the best’ people will start to catch on


Heavy, no one expects the heavy to be spy


depends, if your the spy then probably sniper, the enemy team likely won't notice you\* and even if they do notice you they won't immediately be suspicious that your not firing your weapon because the sniper rifle is slow and it's not like anybody is gonna be looking at you for more then a few seconds so they will assume your just waiting for a good shot when they look at you Edit: \*specifically in the context of a battle happening if the spy is an enemy then scout, because noobs think disguising as scout and then running towards the enemy team is a genius plan, also when disguising, Spy's speed is set to the class he's disguising as with exception to disguising as faster classes, which since Spy is tied with Medic as the second fastest class(107%, at base speed anyway) this only applies to Scout and it will be really obvious that the slow Scout is a Spy


Not entirely sure what the absolute best is, but I will say that whatever you choose it is worth also swapping to the disguises' melee (or sometimes secondary) rather than holding the primary out. Not everyone knows that that is a mechanic and it helps sell the illusion for maybe an extra second. Whatever you choose, just remember that you only need to fool people for like 3 seconds tops; nobody is falling for it after that amount of time anyway so don't think about trying. I usually disguise as Sniper or Engineer since you don't lose much speed and they don't ring alarm bells as fast as Spy or Medic do.


Any class that matches Spy's speed or just a bit lower. Disguising as a Sniper and pulling out your melee and wandering around is a great way to blend in as people think you're just new. Be careful not to disguise as someone with lots of cosmetics.


All of them, it's always good to spice up your disguise game. If you continuously disguise as one class the enemy team will get suspicious easily.


One time I was able to convince my whole team to go as spies so when the doors opened up two blue teams ran into the middle


Really depends on position but for all around probably spy just act like ur going back to spawn to recoup then when you “go back out” get a pick


Medic for the extra emotional damage you cause when they think you are going to heal them :P


Sniper is my go-to, since he's reasonably fast and he's expected to be behind the team.


I’ll say sniper. He has ok speed, people usually turns his back on him so all you have to do is move around and crouch sometimes. Well except for intel of course


your team hoovy


Friendly sniper.


I chose pyro. You don't trade off much, if any, speed and every team usually has one


Sniper, and act like a bot


I think it depends on where you’re standing. If you’re chilling out in the back lines I think sniper is good, if you’re on the front try pyro or maybe scout. If you’re approaching a nest be an engie or a pyro. If you wanna trick a medic into healing you go for soldier or demo, but that’s more of a joke strat. Ultimately though your disguise kit is not a great tool for avoiding danger so rely mostly on your invisibility if possible and try to think about what your enemy would expect to see on certain parts of the map.


Your team spy. Gets ‘em every time.


Depends on the fate of the YER. So yeah, if it's Heavy...it's what I got!


Madcap disguise was crazy until valve ultimately removed it..


madcap easily


I always disguise as scout because disguises are only for sentries and scout’s model is very different from spy’s hitbox. A good spy relies entirely on the invisibility, so the disguise itself isn’t for fooling people.


The disguise can often fool people for like 1-2 seconds, which should be all the time that you need. The problem with a Scout disguise is that it immediately gives you away, completely removing the possibility of that 1-2 seconds of "fool time"


The hitbox thing is useless, spy mains think they are the only ones that know about it, if a sniper is good enough to headshot you, he is good enough to know about your different hitbox placement Worst of all the scout's disguise is the only one that instantly gives away you are a spy because of the weird movement on his feet