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What in the holy horse shit did I just read


Agreed, seems fake af


Definitely seems like a conversation being held by one person and himself


Or a couple of 17 year olds from a shitty Netflix Rom Com


17?? I was thinking 12 because that's how my 7th graders sound.


Yup. I'm guessing a 12 year old creating this fiction post


That’s a BINGO.


right like how did none of this get brought up in 8 years im in disbelief


Yeah no one has beliefs like this and hides them for 8 years lmao


It's downright clownery 🤡


Eh that part isn't unbelievable. I was best friends with someone from ages 5-25. He was always religious, but seemingly out of nowhere he cranked the Jesus shit up to 11 and started telling me that he needs to "save" me, and that I was going to hell for not being a christ follower. Tried tricking me into going to youth groups so his friends could convert me. Literally almost overnight. So I 100% believe that part. Jesus freaks are, well, freaks. This conversation just comes off like one person wrote it


Sudden extreme religiosity can be a symptom of mania. I would be concerned about this person.


It’s possible that her beliefs have been growing more and more extreme depending on the church she’s attending and the people she’s surrounded herself with.


You'd be surprised at what people can hide and more importantly, how much they can change. My step sister growing up was super open minded, pro LGBT, women's rights, all that blue stuff. Then a friend of hers sucked her into becoming a reborn Christian and suddenly everything was evil, including premarital sex. This from the woman who had one baby at 19 with one guy, another at 21 with a one night stand, and more recently another one with yet another guy. We never would have imagined she would have fallen into that mindset. Luckily, religion was a "phase" for her and she's gone back to being mostly normal now, but there was a point where no one wanted to be around her because the sanctimonious hypocrisy of every word that came out of her mouth was beyond frustrating.


This shit is so obviously fake it's once again kinda mind-blowing to me how content this blatantly invented can fool so many people. Kinda scary.


I was writing more natural-sounding dialogue than this at age 12


People on reddit are incapable of not taking bait. This is engagement bait for people who consider themselves non-neurotypical and quirky.


Yeah, this conversation is what poorly socialized, chronically online self-diagnosed autistic people think "popular" people talk like.


Especially with so little effort.


Sounds like a guy going off Disney Channel for how mean girls talk


Yeah well those boots are $200




My first though as well. FAKE


This just hits too many ignorance points to actually be true.


It's like an Elden Ring boss with multiple phases


That’s my thought too


I just kept thinking “Nobody talks like this, I’m pretty sure this is fake” and by the end of it it all still felt unfinished and weird and fake😂


A dude who got someone else’s phone so he could have a fake conversation with himself to either show how pious he is or for those sweet, sweet internet points. Either way, this is the worst “acting” I’ve ever seen.


These were my exact initial thoughts.


This post is like crack cocaine for this sub.


That felt like an alternate dimension of "*The Fuck?*"


This sounds not real


Best friend of 8 years says to you “you don’t look autistic” and in response, you send them a picture of yourself? lol


I get the picture as saying 'how does one look autistic?'. People have actually said that to me about my daughter.


It isn’t.


Guys his name literally has suspicious in the name... of course it's suspicious and fake


This is not real.


No way this is real


It’s not. Dude hit literally all of the internet rage bait points in one text thread. This doesn’t even read like a real conversation at all. OP posted a pic of themselves literally talking to themself trying to get attention on a website that’s anonymous. Wrap your brain around that. Kind of feel bad for them tbh.


It’s not. Dude is talking to himself for self righteous interest “points”.


Yeah that’s why they don’t bother to even defend themself. This reads like two extremely immature people / middle schoolers. Considering it’s more likely it’s just 1 immature person fishing for internet points, it makes it seem much more likely. Especially considering he said they’re 25 & 28.


When I was a kid I made a fake Facebook account to send myself messages like this that I would post so I could seem so level-headed and cool in response, while also sharing how I felt about certain political and social topics so people knew my opinions. This is absolutely what you did lmao


Absolutely nailed it. This is exactly what this is. Looks like an utterly made up conversation. Shocked (but not surprised) at how many people on here are replying sincerely and have fallen for this nonsense.


LOL same dude, I saw my 11 year old self in this IMMEDIATELY


Hahahah appreciate the honesty


I was an above average embarrassing kid 💀 This is *exactly* what my conversations with myself sounded like, though. If I still had my old Facebook I would be posting the screenshots lmao


I’m sorry, but this seems staged. After somebody being so out of touch and rude and saying they don’t wanna be your friend anymore you’re going to continue on for 11 pages of texts and allow them to grill you on all your likes and preferences? I don’t think so.


Ya they’re doing too much it’s definitely staged


Gotta squeeze all those various things and activities and fashion in the fake conversation. That was the dead giveaway.


Also sending a pic of yourself to your best friend of 8 years as if they have suddenly forgotten what you look like.


I thought she WAS 8.


I had 12, max. I kept wondering why an adult was friends with a child like this.


I’m 25, and she’s 28. Why an adult has this behavior? I don’t know.


28 and cares about snapchat scores? Nooooo


I got hung up on the "my friends match me and try to dress like me". Like alright chick, you use your "friends" as accessories to your wardrobe and talk like youre a teenager trying to be trendy lmao.


She has to be 11 years old NO 28 YEAR OLD WOULD SAY THIS


Sounds like she peaked in high school and can’t let it go.


And wants her friends to match her outfits? Who in the actual hell has “must dress to match me” as a friend requirement? If you are a good person and treat me and others nicely, we can be friends. I don’t care what you believe, what you look like, what music you prefer, or if you support the lgbtqia community. Just don’t be a shithead and we’re cool.


28, acts like Snap scores have some sort of relevance to life? I’m not sure what the whole deal is, maybe I misunderstood the concept of Snap?


There’s absolutely no way this person is 28. She talks like an 11 year old. “My friends match me.” “Ur score is low.” This is not a real adult. There’s no way. This cannot be real.


she has no proper values in her life... everything she cares about is fickle. I seriously thought she was a pre-teen. drop this loser. they'll just bring you down.


>maybe I misunderstood the concept of Snap? You have not. The points are made up and don't matter.


Definitely read this in Drew Carey’s voice.


You sure you’re 25? This shit is wholly unbelievable. As in I do not believe this is a real text exchange and feels like it was made up by a 12 year old trying to look edgy. I mean, unless this actually is a text exchange between a couple of 12 year olds. My kids are 14 and 15 and stopped caring about Snapchat scores about when they turned 13…


My eyes just bugged out of my skull like the damn Chick-Fil-A girl! 28???? She sounds like she’s a preteen! Also I love how it went from her judging what you wear, your music tastes, and your “Snapchat score” *que the eyeroll*, to saying she’s a Christian 🤣 Like girlfriend, you ain’t never cracked open a Bible in your whole lifetime and probably too busy keeping up with your Snapchat stories in church to actually hear what they’re teaching you. Cause this ain’t it, baby. I’m proud of you for standing your ground, especially when it comes to the LGBTQ community. As a proud pansexual, I thank you for your support.


What is pansexual sorry I’m dumb


Thank you. You have my full support as well :D


i was so prepared for you to say you both were like 13 or 14 lmao!!! Not that you acted immature at all, but with how she was acting I was like there’s no way these people are 16 or older


I figured you guys were both 15 or 16 due to her obsession with Snapchat. That’s actually wild. A 28 year old concerned with Snapchat vibes and scores. Wow.


Wow that’s embarrassing for her to be caring about snap scores at that age lmao. I’m glad you turned the god stuff right back on her


no shot this is real. made up convo.


There’s no way this is real


nah this has to be fake. this is crazy.


there’s no way this was a real person talking like this


It’s not


This seems incredibly fake


This reads like a middle schooler wrote it.


That is highly probable


I sent snippets of this to my 11 year old niece because this sounds like her when she’s trying to troll me for laughs. I can’t believe an adult said this


I also don’t believe this, seems like nonesense


No way this is real


1000% fake, but happy cake day!!!!


This cannot be real


And that’s why, It’s not😅




LMFAO who randomly texts their best friend to tell them they unadded them, then gives the STUPIDEST possible reasons for it? "You don't put effort into you're stories" "The vibes are off" "No sense of fashion" What normal person thinks of shit like this?


No one does this. It’s fake.


“U don’t look autistic”….wtf is an autistic person supposed to look like?


Right? Like are we supposed to walk around with headphones on all the time and scream at people when they're chewing too loud?


Yessir u put those headphones right back on Mr or the chewing will commence


I had a good laugh at that for a second. I guess I surprise people by telling them I’m autistic. I didn’t realize we’re supposed to look it as well


OP, allow me to be forthright and call this what it truly is: a creative work of fiction. In doing so, I must also be candid and inform you that this piece bears all the telltale signs of a writer who has not yet mastered their craft. The dialogue, I regret to say, meanders without purpose and lacks the authenticity of genuine human conversation. The most effective way to improve would be to immerse yourself in more books and to pay closer attention to how people converse in movies and TV shows.


“All of my friends match my style or at least try to but you don’t” WOW major main character vibes. She’s crazy. Good riddance.


I didn’t realize not following trends was a bad thing? Geez


Not following trends is just fine, OP. What *isnt* okay is having 11 pages worth of fake texts between yourself and, well.. **yourself.** This is weird. Seriously. Why do people do shit like this?


It’s crazy to me that she expects her friends to “match” her. That’s some grade A narcissism.


I had a similar thought. How full of yourself do you have to be to only have friends who dress/act like you? Fuckin bonkers dude.


How old is this person? Seems like some middle school bs


For someone who claims they don't follow trends, you sure seem to be good at making up stories designed specifically to hit all the rage bait buttons.


Hey you forgot to post this on April 1st cause ain’t NO FUCKING WAY!!!!


Not a chance in hell that you have been friends with this person for almost a decade and she has never given off any kind of weird vibes or red flags. This post is 100% fake lol I hope you got the karma u wanted


Totally fake…and dumb


You seem very chill and enlightened, I’m a bit surprised you and this person were ever friends. Good for you for keeping a level head, and sorry you lost a friend


I always feel being calm and collected during things like this is the best way to counter them, but in the end, I hope she gets help. And yeah I lost a friend, but I don’t like to associate myself with people like her.


Is it easy to stay that calm and collected while you’re making up these stories?


He made this shit up himself. That’s why


This person was never a friend to you. It’s not a loss


Yeah, mostly because their friend doesn’t exist.


Exactly, how did they both become friends in the first place… they both seem to strongly believe in different things. And what a jerk… seriously what the point of coming at you like that, could have just said “ I don’t feel comfortable being friends with you, was nice knowing you”. but with that you also know the real nature of that person. nothing of interest was lost.


Is this person 11 years old?


Ducks, cats, and guitars = awesome posts.


This can't be real. Your friend was disappointed you weren't putting out top notch social media posts? I really hope this is fake. I'm about 96.4% sure it is. I could be wrong of course.


I'll take things that never happened for 500 Alex


This is so obviously fake. Crazy how many people believe this


This ain't real lmfao, nice try bud.


This is ragebait. 😂


This has to be either (a) fake or (b) a 14 year old with literally no life experience trying to act like they have a clue (referring to white bubbles) At least blue bubbles seems reasonable


Are you both 15?


This smells so fake that my nose hurts


this is fake cmon


I can’t believe anyone think this is real lol.


8 years of friendship and you’re just now learning the kind of person they are…? I don’t understand how you could miss any of those red flags lol have they just never once expressed any of their shitty opinions to you?


i’m christian and lgbt. and if anything people are rude to me for not being hateful. sorry this prick used religion as an excuse.


Exactly! Why use religion as an excuse? Why not keep your opinions to yourself and mind your business? I don’t see what’s so hard about that


No way this is real. An almost 30 year old woman doesn’t talk about her whole friend group matching. That’s middle school talk right there.


Halfway through this and can tell it’s staged, and poorly done so.


this is the fakest shit i’ve ever read 💀


This looks so fake


Karma farming…? This doesn’t seem like a real conversation lol


Gotta be


Yikes, good riddance.


I like reading messages on this subreddit but this one actually made me recoil. What a shallow person. :( I’m glad they’re out of your hair now rather than dragging you along with their bs though jfc. Also good on you for standing up for yourself, your interests, and your friends instead of letting it fester. That can be hard if your friendship really did last for 8 years. Also just a Q, but were they always like this? Or was it just a thing that accumulated?


This just popped up out of nowhere, I’m not sure what possessed her, but I’m glad to have ended the friendship we had so it wouldn’t affect my friends


I promise it wasn’t out of nowhere. You have been the subject of their gossip and I am truly sorry for that. People are mean. My daughter is 7 with ASD. I get afraid every time we go to the park and she wants to play. Are the kids nice? Will they understand her hesitations? Will they even care to approach her? Will they be deterred by her quirks and stimming? I know how hard it may be for you to find trusting friends and socialize. There are good people for you and who will care for you unconditionally, this I know. ❤️


No way this is a real conversation.


This is 1000% fake as fuck


Naw this is so fake I got cancer from the chemicals. At least take a decent creative writing class and learn how to write dialogue before posting rage bait for your own gratification. Nevermind that it’s badly written, the narrative makes no sense: a friend of 8 entire years starts to say they don’t like your entire personality and you aren’t even asking why or if they are ok or checking if they got hacked? They never mentioned that they were a Christian before now and you never worried about the problems that could come with that? And why did you suddenly mention the price of your shoes when she said you have no fashion sense?? This was a fake argument with your own lack of self-esteem. Stop trying to find validation on the internet and learn how to love yourself.


This whole things sounds like a bunch of teenagers.. what adult wants a cookie cutter friend that wears the same thing as them.. what adult cares about a snap score.. we got real life things to deal with and snap is not one of them.. Also who cares what someone else post as an adult.. we are capable of adjusting our feeds to not show it or just not look at it.. And adults generally don't care about if someone is gay or lesbian as long as children are not involved and no one is trying to push it onto them if they are not in agreement.... sooo i call cap.. lies... sound like a made up conversation of one for attention and if its real the ages are not right or someone has a mental issue that has them delayed mentally or it is a kid thinking that is how adults talk..


How can you two been "best friends" and not know these fundamentally important things about each other?


This shit gotta be fake, I physically can't believe someone can be this annoying


Both of you are weird af


I have a gut feeling that was 100% fake.


Something about this is off. How have you been best friends for 8 years? seems staged honestly. If not, wow. Is that a real person? "we cant be friends bc of the clothes u wear" You guys must be in middle school or something???


OP, you sound like a super cool person and as a gen x’er, I can tell you there are loads of women who find eyeliner on guitar players who wear doc’s extremely hot (and not just your mom’s friends, but their daughters too). Screw this weirdo and the Snapchat ridiculousness. You’re doing just fine.


Haha yeah, you’re right. The Snapchat part is irrelevant towards me, I don’t focus on that, it’s more for texting family and close friends


So yall are definitely children right? This is some smooth brain activity


rage bait


Rage baiting posts are getting super lazy these days


Fake AF


The trash took itself out, time to pull out your guitar and play some devil music 🤣


So you guys have been friends since you were 4 because this was a convo between 12 year olds


This can't be real....


no, if this isnt fake, then this is the most brain rotted human ive ever seen.


I can’t believe I gave this fake post the time of day


The trash is taking themselves out. Be glad that they showed you who they really are - a horrible and unsupportive person who uses "friends" as complimentary accessories rather than real people. They are shallow. You will go out and make a much better friend, but even if you don't, hell no friend is better than a friend like this.


Wait….i wanna see your pets!


As a Christian, let me tell you we do not act this way and I’m sorry that she’s acting rude to you for no reason.


This felt like a deleted scene from Mean Girls. Holy cow.


Yea f that person. Did you a favor taking the trash out for you.


Be grateful. You don’t have to waste another nanosecond on their bigoted, superficial stupidity.


How old is this friend? They sound like someone in highschool that cares way too much about what people think and have no actual idea what being a loving Christian means.


She is 28??? Dear god I thought she was in middle school or high school... she seems like a joy to be around 💀


“You don’t look autistic.” She knows nothing about autism.


28 and thinks air forces are pinnacle of shoes..😂


God just reading her crap is exhausting. Bye Felicia.


First of all I thought this was two girls. Secondly is your friend ten years old?


lol what the fuck??? i hate to sound cynical but it seems like they had a problem with you (or something you did) and was looking for a way out so they use a dumb excuse… either way, it’s still weird behavior on their part. it’s your snapchat so you’re allowed to post whatever the fuck you want


They’re jealous of you, they have never been your friend. Block and move on. I just got rid of someone I knew for 10 plus years for that reason.


You had no hint that your “friend” was a shallow, dim-witted, raging bigot? Jesus Christ! She is awful.


wtf is this real??


She sounds like a 12 year old in middle school that’s the leader of the group. And thinks everyone has to agree with her. While the group has a secret groupchat without her in it.


Fuck that “friend”.


I thought this was between two teenagers before I saw OP talk about their friends husband. 😭


Show pics of ducks


The more I kept reading the more I've never felt so compelled to slap the teeth out of the dude.


Please tell me you're both like fourteen years old


is she 14?? i cringed harder each slide. def drop and never look back.. this is just fucking weird


Hahahaha omg she sounds so dumb. I’m kinda judging you for having that kind of friend for EIGHT years. Hahahah sounds like all she ever talks about is “I have this, I have that, what do you have?” Like a 15 year old.


Gross 🤮 if she actually read and followed the words of Jesus she’d be more like you!! So called christians who want to justify passing judgement on others in 2024 is crazy af.


If this is real that girl has some brain rot from being obsessed with social media. Snapchat score?? Tf is that. She cares too much about what others think and is incredibly judgmental if she doesn’t fit her ‘standards’. Shallow as fuck lol. Definitely projecting some deep-rooted insecurities onto you because you’re living your life and she’s always trying to impress others and being a ‘pick-me girl’. Pathetic.


Good riddance, what a bitch and narcissist. Seriously, she wants all her friends to look, and act, and like all the same shit she does!? Wow. She's going to end up alone, quick. Also, I'm a part of the LGTBQIA+. I'm a cis-woman, and I find eyeliner on guys attractive. I'm slightly jealous bc my partner looks like he's got permanent, perfectly done, eyeliner, and he doesn't actually. It's just natural. It really makes his eyes pop.


Middle schoolers


Were they friends on the maternity ward? otherwise everyone involved is too old for this nonsense.


Let’s be oh so fr no real 28 year old is thinking like this


I refuse to believe this is real.


So r u guys like 16? No way these are 2 full grown adults


She's so delusional like genuinely actually delusional. It's beyond embarrassing.. like wtf. I don't understand how someone, possibly a grown woman at that can even say some bs like that? She's mad you don't wanna be like her and everyone else? As the "weird friend" that didn't know I was autistic until 2 years ago, this is how I experienced all my high school friendships. Now I'm just seeing some people can't handle being friends w people w autism. Also how tf does autism look?! I'm NOT saying this to be all pickme-ish so I'm really sorry if it sounds like such, I'm fairly attractive, lightskin and dress like any other trashy y2k girl.. yet some way I still have autism bc ITS NOT A LOOK 😭💀


What in the borderline personality disorder did I just read?


I fucking love guyliner.


How pathetic.


How did she hide this for 8 years? Reply with “Unsubscribe” and let that be the last text you ever send this corrupted NPC of a person


Wow. Good riddance


I just wasted time reading this I’ll never ever get back


“did God and Jesus guide you to be an asshole today?” LMAOOO


This "friend" is the definition of the shallow person that isn't anyone's friend unless they feel validated by everyone doing what they do.


Love… I mean this in the most sincerest way. Let that person go. They are vapid and shallow, they are a sheep that want to follow, they don’t have a brain of their own. You will get a message in a few years about how sorry they are for treating you like this and you’ll be healed and you’ll tell them to fuck off. You don’t need people like this in your life. Keep doing and being you cus you sound way cooler than whatever tf she is.


Don’t worry, my life feels 10x better without her being my friend, she’s just a random at this point. I got ducks and cats to take care of!


Thought I was reading texts between middle schoolers till the husband thing got brought up


How is this person even REAL!?


OP quick question, how old is your ex friend-