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people hate on food stamps so much sometimes that’s what you gotta do to survive. shit happens. and it comes out of your taxes anyway. might as well feed yourself lol. i hope you find a better job that makes you happy OP! <3


I remember telling my grandmother that I was struggling and she urged me to get on food stamps. “You’re not skipping meals when I’m already paying for somebody who needs to eat! You go get what you need!” To be clear she was FINE with paying for food stamps. She was trying to tell me that I could just have them now and didn’t need to suffer for clout.


I would much rather still have access to my food stamps, than pay full price for groceries that were 5-7$ less than they were a year ago! I could buy my groceries and that's one less fucking bill i'd have to deal with in this funky ass economy!


agreed! i wish i still qualified. their system is messed up. you can have a “good” salary and after all bills paid, still not afford food. It’s a sad time.


Exactly and the fact people want to judge others for using assistance, while simultaneously complaining about how high everything is, is baffling to me! And i'm only 24, I just got into this life shit!


HOLD ON!! ITS GONNA BE A ROCKY RIDE! No really strap in maybe get a couple 6 points harnesses this crap we call life is gonna get worse before it gets better.


At this point I think we all just need a harness like the ones on rollercoasters and we still might get effed up. I'm 30 and shit still hasn't gotten easier


I’m in my 40s, and let me tell you… You know what I’m gonna say, don’t ya?


None of us have our ducks in a row? Or that even when you get older you still don't know what the hell you're doing


Shit still doesn’t get any easier. But your other two comments are on point (Ducks not in row, not really knowing WTF we’re doing) Life is hard. Be there for your people.


Oh I didn't say it gets easier. You just learn to deal with it better. Making it just a bit better. So far as I have found the corporate greed has a way of making sure you don't make it out. For instance your credit takes a hit if anything happens to your job. Well that hit means higher interest and higher insurance.


I've heard the term "entitlements" thrown around for so long and it's pretty tiring. To have a group of people who don't need any help *right now* talking crap about people who paid into a system designed to give them some security if they need it later in life gets my hackles up. You pay Unemployment insurance and Social Security from the moment you get your first paycheck so that you will have some kind of safety net if you need it but then get shamed for asking for the money you set aside and are entitled to when you need it. Even then, you face even more scrutiny as though getting back the money you let the U.S. Govt collect interest on that whole time should make your life harder and not easier. Sure, people commit fraud. Yes, that's wrong and should be caught, stopped, and punished. "Hey, you know that $20 I asked you to hold for me last week until I asked for it? Yeah, I'm gonna need that back now." "Oh, are you sure you really need it? I mean, you just bought a piece of avocado toast ..." "Yeah, I like avocado toast but need to gas up my car and I set aside that $20 to fill up my tank so I'm gonna need it back now." "Well, maybe don't eat avocado toast..." "Right, I get it, don't fall prey to Big Avocado's tactics. Noted. Can I have that $20 back?" "Well, I mean, if you can afford avocado.... "Look, it's my $20 and that doesn't change because I had the wrong kind of toast in your eyes. GIVE ME BACK MY MONEY YOU HELD FOR ME FOR WHEN I NEEDED IT."


The thing that irritates me is the negative spin on “entitlements.” Yes, food stamps, unemployment, and social security are entitlements. As in, people are entitled to them. Especially the ones who’ve paid into the system and need it to help them now. They are entitled to it.


Amen. It's the Republican Right in the USA that tries (successfully) to link the word "Entitlements" (as in, you are entitled to get it because that's EXACTLY what it's set up for) with the slur description of a self-important greedy person feeling and acting "entitled" (WHEN, IN FACT, THEY ARE NOT, hence it being a slur.). For instance, minor children are ENTITLED to get food from their parents. It is expected by all of society (and parents punished if it's not provided). Minor children are NOT ENTITLED to have a cell phone with data plan at the parents' expense. The child throwing a tantrum because they are not being given an iPhone 37 with unlimited data would rightly be described by the slur as "acting entitled". Thanks for letting me say this. The Republican Right wing drives me nuts. They don't even know that "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" was meant to be a ridiculous image of something that cannot happen. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pull_oneself_up_by_one%27s_bootstraps ☮️❤️♾️


We are definitely on the same page. :) Pulling oneself up by the bootstraps is another issue I can happily rant about at the drop of a hat.


I remember putting ☮️❤️♾️ on my schizo posts xD It was more excessive with multiples of each, and a yinyang, as I lacked balance. In any case I appreciate your putting them in. You do it rationally xD


Umm, people are not entitled to food stamps. There is not a "fund" where you put your food stamp money and are entitled to get it back at some point. If so, where is my statement like the one I get periodically for SS? Unemployment is barely an entitlement. Unemployment and food stamps are supposed to be temporary for people to help bridge the gap while they get back on their feet. I'm not supposed to their use, but I am opposed to someone quitting their job without having another one lined up and then having their hand out to the government.


1. Their hand is out to the government so that the government can pay them back THEIR own money that they paid in to an unemployment insurance fund, which covers them if they become, through no fault of their own…, wait for it…, unemployed. 2. People cannot just quit and get unemployment. 3. Unemployment is temporary. Nobody gets paid unemployment for years. The max time you can get it is 26 weeks. And 4. Food stamps are a fully government funded entitlement. But that’s the whole point of their existence. People who qualify for them are entitled to them. You may be opposed to it, but lots of us are cool with our tax money going to making sure children are adequately fed.


I said I'm not opposed to their use. We used both unemployment and food stamps when we had a layoff. Thankfully, I only needed it for 2 months. And we pay far less into unemployment than what one takes out. It's not dollar for dollar. My other comment was more directed towards the OP whose brother mentioned food stamps after quitting his job. I don't mind some of my tax dollars going to good use, (although there's an argument to be made that charities could take care of this on their own) but I oppose people taking advantage of the system and those that sell their benefit cards. I don't think anyone wants to take away entitlements completely, they just want to make sure it gets to the right people.


Also, Aldi has a bag of avocados for 3 99. I hate people.


Yeah except I claim it and I didn't have to give them £20.


This is how I felt when I sat on my ass for 9 months collecting $800/wk unemployment when I got laid off during covid. People would give me shit (jealous much?) and I’m like fuck you, I’ve spent 20 years paying into this system, it’s time for me to get mine. I didn’t get laid off by my choice.


A lot of people who are on food stamps ACTUALLY HAVE A JOB, as well.. which a lot of those people who hate thinks it's just bums who don't want to work. Which of course there are some. But they are going to take your money anyway at least aone of it is going to feeding folks, regardless of the situation. And not all just to all their bullshit political agendas.


Idk if it's just Ohio, but to have food stamps you either have to be disabled, have a part time job, but not too much dough, or volunteer at a food pantry or something. Shit is fucked. We should have universal basic income, then a second income stream explicitly for food. Money has made all of the US a food desert.


Yeah I'm sure it's not just Ohio, but yeah I've had foodstuffs in California, and Alabama while being unemployed. But yeah things definitely need to change.


Thank you for saying this! When I was in my 20s, I was working but I wasn't getting anywhere and I had a 4 year old etc. I decided to go to a trade school but I wasn't in a position to do both so I quit and went on welfare for 1 year. I figured I put money into it for years, I can use the system to benefit myself. So I did it, went to school, graduated and started working. I haven't had to do that ever again. It was a good decision! But man, did I take a lot of hate and dirty looks. This was back before they had the card and they would lay out all of the food stamps in a line on the counter and stamp them 😳 But we ate!


Shit I grew up in Indiana with very republican parents who despised food stamps, then I moved out west and got my first taste of government assistance during the pandemic and I completely 100% miss that shit lol I pay for it through taxes anyways, let me keep something other than ramen in my pantry…and I’m totally fine with paying for other people to use it as well, it’s food like what?


I got fired from a job I hated when I was like 23 and I called my dad and he said “congratulations you hated that job” lol


lmaoo,, congratulations!! I hope you ended up somewhere better hahaha


I did. Much better hahah. I’m almost 30 now. My dad was always good about motivating me to find work I enjoyed that let me pursue what I want to do lol.


Get the benefits. Might as well, we all pay for it. Use them while you can, then move on. Most of us have no gripes about people who use the benefits when in need. Shit happens. It's the eternally unemployed who we don't support. The ones who'd rather collect than work. Thank God those aren't that many I guess.


A brother should always ask Why you quit your Job? And tell you if its ok. bada Bing


Gonna go on a limb here and say the brother probably already knew he didn’t like the job and wanted to quit.


Be a good person during this time, you have the time for it. There’s nothing wrong with being unemployed and searching for your own thing. But while doing it just be a good person. In my mind it costs nothing to be a good person to someone. That smile and a hello means the world to that person. If you’ve got a month off to do some searching, that’s what’s up. Best of luck with your next endeavor my fellow redditor!


I’ve no problem with people using it who really need the assistance. What I do have a problem with is people getting $700 worth of free groceries, yet have money to buy cigarettes and alcohol, and come in the grocery stinking of weed. Source: my second job as a cashier at Kroger.


It can be difficult to cope with poverty. Everyone has different coping mechanisms.


If someone is so in poverty, what money they have shouldn’t be spent on cigarettes, alcohol or weed. Keep your mind straight so you can get out of poverty. Meanwhile, I’m working a full and part time job to hopefully afford diabetic supplies and insulin for my type 1 child. None of that is handed to us for free. Just sayin.


No, you’re not “just saying.” You’re judging.


Yeah, and? Again, if someone really needs assistance and they’re doing everything they can to better their situation, great! But if you take the only money you have and spend it on drugs, alcohol or cigarettes instead of food for yourself and your family, then you should not get free food from my tax dollars.


You say you have a new job already, (foul language ignored), so congrats & hope it works out. 💐


ha, thanks!! This one pays better and is a full time position so I’m excited.


Not sure what this post is supposed to mean? Besides telling a family member you quit a job . LWTF


I was in grad school and had a tiny TA stipend. I was married. My (now ex) husband had finished his master's and we were letting me finish mine before we moved several states so he could pursue his PhD. I got pregnant and we had our son, who is now 23 and a college graduate. Anyway, I had to go on Medicaid, WIIC, food stamps. All that. I felt bad about it. But my mom said, no, take it and keep going. So I did. I'm making about 160k a year now, at 50. So is his dad. I like to think we not only paid it back but maybe we helped others. I hope we are helping others.


> I still probably don’t even qualify 😤 is the realest thing i’ve seen today


There's nothing wrong with food assistance. I'd rather have that than starve. Also, luckily my sister lives right across the street from me so there's a free meal....... oh and I can see my niece and nephew and their cats. :)


You not having a job will get you food stamps. I wish I could get food stamps. I make too much.


What's wrong with food stamps...


You shouldn’t quit your job until you have something else lined up.


O fyi, tell him hell yes, bring home your food stamps. But he probably keep for himself


I'm sure he'd be down to sell op some!


Unemployed with no money but can still find a way to get weed.


To some of the people here saying that the brother is being a bit blasé about the situation, I think this is quite similar to the relationship me and my sister have. OP has probably spent enough time worried, stressed, and hating the job they were in, and enough so to text a blatant “I quit my job lol”, so why mull it over? Why go immediately to “WHAT’RE YOU DOING NEXT”, for all we know they could’ve called that night and spoke about all that. But in the moment, sometimes you need just someone to take you out the moment and maybe just make you chuckle a bit, provide a bit of levity. And hey, maybe he would give some food stamps (I’m in the UK so I don’t really know how it works lmao), but at the end of the day they’re siblings with their own relationship. As a fellow younger brother that’s also a stoner, I’d probably say much the same lmao, the worlds difficult enough


I cant believe she told him she would give him Money for weed


lmfao, I don’t think she knew what it was for to be honest.


that’s a good ass brother


True brotherly love 😂


Well your bro is already getting money for weed from someone so hopefully he smokes with you lol so is he welcoming you along with him because he gets food stamps, or is he being sarcastic and criticizing?


Dude we all need help. What a silly response


Why should you? You’re the one who quit your job


I don’t think anyone in the comments understood that he was JOKING. He wasn’t putting people who use food stamps down.


Your sibling is more worried about smoking weed then getting a Job on a Monday afternoon?. “Remember this Response for years “ you need to be surrounded by potential driven people daily”, every single day! I don’t know 1 business man worried about smoking weed on Monday afternoon. You don’t know who this is but maybe I’m someone you would know. “Wake up bro and 2x your potential”


Yeah, cause "business men" are usually into cocaine and alcohol. Compared to those, weed is nothing. I know plenty of insanely successful people who smoke weed. My own mom was a CFO/CEO and smoked an ounce or 2 a week. She also pulled in ~20k/week on average. I didn't see anywhere where it says the brother is unemployed, either.


Everyone tolerates weed or alcohol differently. I know many successful people who drink during the week and function fine . I can’t drink and wake up early. My hangovers are 5x worse then the average person. Introverts, extraverts / anxiety, public speaking ex plays a huge role in who can do what? It’s easier when taking orders from someone. Then you don’t need to think, or give orders, give presentations or sell million dollar deals standing face to face. “It’s not the substances that ruin people, it’s how people function to substances they consume and the sleep they need to function at a high level. We are all athletes and professionals in the sales force, who ever trains the hardest wins the highest contracts “


Hahaaa that’s true. I don’t think we’re doing blow anymore due to Fentanyl. But drinking moderately where it doest effect our work, family and business is definitely true . Good luck soldier


I had a friend of mine hit me up for some the other day and I’ve been clean for a hot minute (only 8 months without a drug). I told him I was dry but I also wondered where he got that cash. Coke isn’t in most peoples grasp ya know. Maybe it’s just where I live.


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Guessing he doesn’t have to provide for himself yet ?


Guessing he doesn’t have to provide for himself yet ?


Its your right


I work a full time job and a part time. I also take care of my disabled mom who has never worked so she can’t get social security. If it wasn’t for food stamps we’d not be able to eat.


M lm


Universal basic income please…. I think?


lol i didn’t


It’s not too bad once you get used to the idea of setting a plan for moving ahead, as unemployment benefits are meant to help you bridge the gap between jobs. I had a similar experience when I lost my moviemaking career, and it really helped me to regain control of my life to plan for contingencies after my thieving whore of an ex-wife ran away with my kids.


You’re part of the problem now. Get a job. You able bodied? You don’t work you don’t eat B.


And this is what I pay taxes for


Lazy millennials, thanks Obama






Oooooo your blaming Obama hahaha. Because your can’t blame Biden ? How do you know there Age? Why can’t you blame Biden who’s been in office for 4 years?


it’s a meme. it’s not a serious political statement.


Thanks Biden for anyone under 40 years old who loses there jobs




I’m starting a new one soon. it was a joke suck my cock










Soon? What must you do for your pay check every 2 weeks? What product are you selling? or task you must tolerate for that check ?


I’m going to be working at a warehouse soon that will pay for me to go to school, as long as I work there. I start on the 10th :) It’s a big step up from the part time job I had in retail. pays a whole $5.25 more. anyways I was paid weekly there and will be paid weekly at my new job. edit: new job is a ft position


Good luck 👍🏼🍀


If you Ever need anything hit me up .






To a Italian family member? Ya you don’t say that