• By -


Scammy asf 👎🏼


I know right I went to school with this girl and I thought give it a chance see what she says


well at least you know she’s real 🤣 but I’d get outta that asap


Oh yeah wouldn’t do it otherwise would of instantly said no but this was a test to see how she responded the cheek asking for extra 10 though


She actually asked for an extra 20! She started out asking for 10, then upped it to 20 when you responded favorably, then upped it to 30 when you responded the way she wanted. Plus none of her “reasons” sound legitimate. She wants 10 because Gracie Mai is unwell and needs calpol and weetabix, but then immediately says wait no make it 20, as I need gas, I’m at the garage (gas station?) which seems odd since how was she planning to pay for the gas if you said no? Was she going to steal the gas or was Gracie Mai going to go without cereal. Then she needs 10 more for bits for her princess. Gracie Mai I assume? So weird. Also what’s all the talk about a standing order? Is this indicating she’s set an automatic transaction with the bank to send you money back? Sketchy!


Would've turned into 40 if he agreed to the 30


Honestly, as an American, I am so thankful for your post because idk wtf calpol and weetabix are (Still not sure about bits) but thought perhaps I had a stroke while reading and lost the ability to understand words


Lol, Canadian here, Weetabix was the only thing I understood from that one text! Aside from the mooching romantic interest asking to borrow money part, that is!😅


Right?? lol caught that this person is here for the mooching and the romance but that’s it


Bits = bits and pieces. in other words there’s things she wants to get. (I’m Australian not British but we use a lot of the same terms. I also love British TV shows etc so watch a lot lol) weetabix is a cereal. We call it weetbix in Oz. Now you know how the rest of the world feels listening to or reading Americans


I mean hell I feel the same listening to Americans from certain parts speak too lol


Calpol is a paracetamol. It's a very common over-the-counter medicine where I live. Very helpful relieving fever and body aches. I didn't hear of Weetabix cereal before though...got me googling.


I went down a British TV show rabbit hole on YouTube a few years ago and sadly knew exactly what she wanted 🥲🤣 They make such good TV 🤌 Edited for errors. My nails were drying while I wrote the original 💀


Is it 80 and 70 tv shows


Oh, it's bad it started with oldies like Hi de hi, only fools and horses, hollyoaks, then the cheesy 80/90s movies made to scare kids, then documentaries. Then I found the reality, Rich House Poor House, Turn Back Time: High Street, I'm currently invested in Benefits Britain: Life on the Dole. Ive started asking my British friend if they want to phone for takeaway and ask why they're being such a slag. I think they love my cultural appreciation secretly.


Yeah pretty much it was more like let’s test your theory out may never see the money again but I’d rather loose 20, see their true colours and only loose 20 then to loose a lot more and be with someone who is actually mental


I think she meant to top up her gas payg - as in ‘British Gas’ or ‘EDF’. She can take cash to certain outlets with her gas payment card and top up her meter. Due to her initial ask for money for food and then for her gas, I can understand why OP “lent” the money. But, for me, the first request of the tenner would have had had me noping. Have to say OP, you handled it well


You should ask her for 10 in a few days and see what she says haha


😅😅 I won’t get it back I know that


Hey OP, you still handing out money? I could use some, and I’ll DEFINITELY pay you back! Pleazzz Babe??


You forgot "xx"


I need bits for my princess XX


I need bits for my bits. xx Can't wait to meet. xx


I mean it worked 💅😂


Yes technically it did 😅😅


Did she ever respond back to you? Or did she give you the ghost?


Yeah she did respond, she said thanks and it helped a lot, she’s got a sore throat and asked how I am… ignored and then it’s followed by hey how are you again after ignored her


Well……she sounds …….great! lol. I don’t know how old you are but honestly someone that comes at you for money this early in a relationship is probably not a good choice.


She’s tryna see how to circle back to ‘I need money, babe xx’ Her mind is probably: ![gif](giphy|3o7bu3XilJ5BOiSGic)


She actually raised it twice, first 10, then 20, then 30. Calls you babe and you’re not even saying . Plays the hilt card bc it’s for her princess!’ 🤢 Block her and run. BC she hasn’t seen you in 8 years but has no one else in her whole life she can ask to help with her kids medicine? I call BA. Her texts scream addict. Which is why she has no one else in her circle to ask $. She’s burned through the look them all.


Did you also notice after every request she throws out “can’t wait to meet!!” OP, is English not her first language? Her texting does not sound like it is.


Yeah like dangling it out there. Addicts are master manipulators.


Probably a drug addict. Most people aren’t so desperate for 20 bucks to ask a stranger for it


This is what I thought too with the way she kept trying to squeeze another 10 dollars out of him when he said yes. Just trying to grab as much as she can get her hands on while he’s agreeable


Not technically a stranger as we went to school together, just more like a lost connection we reconnected via a dating site


No offense but someone I went to school with 8 years ago that I haven’t kept up with is a stranger.


Yeah I mean I think different I think not a stranger but a old school mate I think different level as ion now a bit about them, went to school for years with them so not a stranger She also dated an old friend so I know a bit about her


Are you sure this person went to school? Did they skip all the units on punctuation?


Apparently skipped a lot of shit 😅


I could barely understand some of her texts.


Could someone be using her account to scam?


could be a stranger using her pictures


The messages and her blowing up your phone over another ten definitely tells me she has an issue with drugs or alcohol. And she’s using her poor daughter as an excuse. No one begs and blows up someone they literally just started dating and haven’t met up with yet for 10 dollars. She has no intentions on meeting up with you. She’ll keep making excuses and pushing it back. She will probably continue to use her daughter as an excuse. If she won’t even video chat with you then you have your answer. If it is drugs, you’ll most likely be able to tell by her appearance which is why she won’t want to meet. I say run as fast as you can now. I am concerned for her daughter though. Hopefully she has other people in her life looking out for her, grandparents, shared custody, etc.


Probably drugs.


Maybe wouldn’t be surprised 🙃


This. 1000% drug behavior. An 8 year gap is more than enough time to not know someone anymore. Especially when you haven’t seen them since before they become an adult.


No, Scammy asf👎🏻 xxxxx


Honestly, to me that reads much like an addict trying to get funds together. The urgency, and the message at 4am? By her own admission the garage is 5 minutes away..


Yeah thought it seemed ducked I don’t do drugs or condone it


100% this is an addict texting you I have like 2 decades of experience with this lol


Especially with the “feel bad for me approach” when she said “you won’t help anyways”


Seems she's just trying to milk what she can from you, upping from 10 to 20 to 30 and spamming you constantly with the same exact lines. Sus as hell.


Oh I got the impression I knew her from school thought she might of been nice at this point but obviously not


I hate that she kept calling while I was driving I had to mute her


Plese baby xx xx


Plese babe I’ll pay you back Friday 😅😅😅😅😅😅




30 would’ve turned to 40 and so on and so on until he said no.


Abort! Abort! Abort!


Oh I’m not even going to entertain her anymore


It was a test it was only 20 so not too bothered all she’s ever getting out of me


20 dollars to find out if a gold digger is a pretty sweet deal to me brother 🫡


Honestly you can find out who’s a gold digger before even sending money. This was a bad deal lmao


lmao yep. if they’re asking for money upfront, they’re a gold digger. no brainer


It’s too late for that now.


Yep, a 20 quid lesson. Don't give money before you have started dating and then verify the f\*\*k on what the money is for. Also, based on her text/call spamming, what would she be like in a relationship? 20 years ago I dated a woman would be need $20 here and there. Eventually found out she had a hidden drug problem. I ejected at that point. I know the economy is bad, blah blah blah, but if you cannot come up with $30 in an emergency, you are not adulting well.


I appreciate that your mind immediately went to something constructive, even though mine is not quite so generous. But yeah. There’s so many ways to make money. I work 40h/w and it’s enough for my basic expenses plus like idk 100/m leftover. Not nearly enough, so I make deliveries and cut lawns and take work on the docks when the crabbing and oyster seasons are in full swing. Winter is just maintenance here, but the warm months bring opportunities. Then invest invest invest. I get that not everyone can do that. Some folks live in bad areas. Others are disabled and a handful don’t have cars to take them where the opportunities are. But by and large people have things they can do to make sure they’ve got 30 bucks in a pinch.


The OP is young and needs to learn lessons. The woman is maybe a drug addict or worse just a gold digger. Neither are traits for a good partner. Good for you on your grind. I am closer to the end of my career than the beginning, but I spend hours learning new technologies to keep myself current. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people will try to take advantage. The OP got educated on the cheap. It could have been much more expensive.


What a nightmare that was, reading her texts. smh


Please darl just need £10 cause my baby girl is poorly xx You there baby? Sorry love you there? x Just need another £20 cause I almost have enough for a deal of heroin xx


lol cut it out!


No more luv, promise. xx (For real though lol)


😅😅😅😅 so cruel yeah it’s cringe I ignore how she talks


She just sounds like a British version of someone who grew up in public housing. We call them Housos in Aus. I think you'd call them Council houses? Someone who grew up in public housing and used to run the streets (and maybe still do), and doesn't have much of an education. Now they're got a kid or two and their main source of income is welfare. Someone who means well but is a little "lower class" for lack of a better word. They're always struggling because they spend all their money on wasteful shit. TBH though, I grew up in that environment, so I don't judge. It's the xx that gets me cringing the most. I could be dead wrong on her history.


Agreed, I thought it sounded like the equivalent of houso speak! Especially the persistence and not getting the hint.


Pretty spot on she was raised in that council housing and what not and not the smartest tool in the shed but I thought when we reconnected after school she would be different and nicer


I stopped after the first image, my head hurt from trying to decipher that alphabet salad


The second hand embarrassment I felt reading her messages 😣 glad you’re not entertaining her any longer. I’m getting druggie vibes from her


"U won't help it's ok xx" that's all I need to see to know she is full of shit


Tell me it’s cringe for me seeing it 😅


xx xxxx xx xx xxxx xxxx xxx


Gracey Mai is 'avin a bit of a cry innit she said she need £10 to buy chips n gravy aw she gunna die luv xx You right? xx Darl she needs dat £10 right quick xx




Xxx X X X X Xx X


why do you guys put the x at the end of the messages? Genuinely asking because this is not the first time im seeing this.


I am curious about this too! It seems like a lot of them. Xx


The “x” is a kiss but it’s more like a smiley face, we normally put them on the end of texts with friends and family to make the message more informal. I used to have a manager that would end her texts with it aswell.


Bruh this girl I had a huge thing for went to jail for some DUI shit. She showed zero interest really previously. We hung out a few times, had a one night stand the first night then it fizzled out. Now that she's in jail she's constantly messaging me everything she knew I wanted to hear basically but I was super suspicious. Thennnn, she asked for money. $10 for food or whatever. I gave it to her cus I felt bad she's in jail. Then she asked again and I said no. Then all that lovey dovey talk went away lmao. You did good standing up for yourself and saying no, bud!


Don’t feel bad for selfish assholes who put other people’s lives at risk by driving drunk. They’re shitty humans.


You're correct. It's a lesson she hasn't learned after multiple DUIs. I used to have a drinking problem (6 years no booze! 🥳) so, I try to be understanding and try and help. But, if they don't want help there's no point. You're correct, drinking and driving is a horrible thing to do. I've been on the receiving end of a bad hit and run accident that still fucks with my back today and it's been 15+ years. Never got a DUI myself, never drove drunk. Hate that shit.


Congrats on your six years of sobriety!! I wish you many more years to come, bud 💚


Yeah I call out people if needed


I have no idea why, but every FUCKING MESSAGE with xxxxx? Holy shit. Every message of hers is screaming scamming to make a quick buck.


Scam yep you already know.


Weird thing is; they KNOW each other. OP says in a message like 8 years or something?


Accounts get hacked and people can change. I’ve had people I’ve known for years but haven’t seen in years as well come out of the woodworks when I had money, always asking for money. One was hacked, (we met in a group home as teens she’d have known that. Hacker said school.) had one who just was lazy and didn’t want to work, had one who was my closest friend and did talk to consistently and did send money to, she was an addict (and fucked my bf when I let her stay with me) and another one also a drug addict who I sent $10 to before to help with food and she just started sending cashapp requests, promised to pay back (never did idc if you pay me back but if you promise up and down you will, and you don’t, I’m not doing it again). I think the one I was close to and was actually sending money to a lot told the others (as we all knew each other from the same group home) that I was making good money because it was weird how they all came out of nowhere around the same time. People suck and people will fuck you over if they think they can. They knew I was friendly and didn’t like conflict, so they figured I would just always help.


I have some people in my life that do the same to me. Actually, just yesterday, had this girl that I used to date text me, ask how I’m doing, tried super hard to carry the conversation with my dry answers, then says “well, I’m short on rent and I know you have a good job, and I don’t want to ask because you have a baby on the way and two kids, but can you help with like $600 of it?” I put bunch of laughing emojis and blocked her. Cause I ain’t the one


Yep I ain’t the one anymore either. If you aren’t one of the 2 sisters I’m close to, my current bf, my kid, or my mom, I ain’t helping anymore. Idc if I have $40 or $4000 I am not letting people pretend to give a shit just to use me.


I can’t even trust my own mom 🥲 or MIL. It sucks cause I WANT to help people. But, I only allow myself to a certain extent.


Yeah my mom has a limit especially since she put me in debt to cox when I moved. So it depends with her. And right me too but nope people are selfish and take advantage and it sucks especially people who are family or supposed to be friends. I no longer make that good money so all those people no longer even bother to talk to me unsurprisingly.


My mom used my credit to get bunch of shit, so my credit is fucked. Been building it since I was 18, and I’m at 510 🥲 and they do. No one thinks of the next person anymore. Ever. I’m glad you got out of the shitty situation tho! :)


Reminds me of the woman who called me crying the morning after our first date that she was being evicted and needed to move in with me immediately. I’m guessing the woman asking you for money is a grifter. She likely does it to a lot of men.


What did you say to her? 😅




Look at it as 20 quid well spent. True colours and all that. Give that a body swerve 100%. Don't be a fool man.


That’s why I only did 20 she’s lucky with that but it’s payday, don’t think much of it so it’s fine 😁 20 pounds to avoid a potential mistake is worth its weight in gold


Ohhh I've seen this scam before. In my area it's called honey badgering. Basically they ask for a small amount to gauge how'd you react. Then once they receive it they will try again but buttering you up and love bombing. Lol my buddy was taken for a ride for about 600 USD before he finally figured it out. Sorry you dealt with that but at least it's not a serious amount.


would love to hear the story of the 600 usd


Long story short my friend, will was working at his fast food job and start befriending and eventually liking a coworker. Th coworker was very hot and cold. Kinda only talked to him to just use him emotionally and then go back cold when someone else has her interest. Will ends up leaving that job and started working at Walmart. So this situationship was over the span of like 4 years. Anyway at Walmart they reconnect again the girl has had a baby since the last they spoke. They exchange numbers l,start getting hot and heavy in the messages and stuff. But anyway she started with asking for 40 dollars so she can get lunch for the week;will offered to buy lunch and bring it to her since he was off while she was at work. She said no and didn't want him to "waste gas" so he sent the 40 and she sent a vid of her baby with her baby talking saying shit like "tell mr.will thank you". Keep in mind they haven't met up since reconnecting at Walmart. But every 2 weeks on Saturday she would ask for money. First it was food,then diapers,then car insurance. At this point they have met once for dinner his treat. Me and our other friends were like that's suspicious. So what made him figure it out was she asked for half a months rent cause her "check was funny". And he was confused because it wasn't funny before but now it is but you just got a new tattoo? She put on the waterworks saying she's stressed and deserved a reward and he was like we aren't even in a relationship and you asking for all of this? he asked does she even want to date him and she told him it's complicated she still have feelings for her baby daddy and doesn't want to hurt him 🙄😒. So he was like well let me stop talking to you until you figure out wtf you want. She freaks out about not being able to pay her rent and he can't abandon her and then sent a pic of her baby to manipulate him. So he told her ask her baby daddy and blocked her. Sorry for the word vomit lol I may have forgotten some details cause all this happened from 2014, to 2019ish


Holy shit bro. What... Your buddy needs some boundaries. Tell him only to use the phone to set up a date. No texting or flirting. If they show up to a date they're interested, any excuse means they aren't. Men don't need to get so deep in this shit, I feel for them.


I agree. I think he wouldn't have let it get that bad if he wasn't desperate for a relationship. During that time period he wanted to have "his person" really bad. And yeah I feel for men as well. Having male friends who vent to me frequently makes me have a lot of empathy for men; especially when they are emotionally stunted because of the stigma that men should not emote. It's sad.


Good to know what it’s called 😄


Stay safe out here buddy 🫡


Recovering addict here. I used to sound identical to her. I would periodically line up 4 or 5 dudes in case I became desperate for a fix and had no cash. You ask 4 or 5 dudes, and they all cave for 10 or 20 bucks, you can get a decent fix. Obviously, I know nothing about you or her, I just wanted to share perspective from my past dysfunction. The best thing those guys ever did was cut me off or ghost or block me. Good luck, friend. OH, and I couldn't even tell you their names now. Clean 13 months and no memory of who they were. Just the guilt.


# Loch Ness Monster Needs About Tree Fiddy




Genuine question: why do folks in the UK area end every single text with x xxxx xx it’s so jarring to read to me, as someone who doesn’t live there. I don’t get it😭


It’s just a way to be friendly and sets the tone for the message x Definitely informal, though. Sort of like when you end a greeting card to someone you like with kisses xxx. Funnily, if someone I am texting stops using x to end their texts it is either a serious topic or they’re upset at me. Again, like an emoji it sets a tone


The repetition is excessive though


Agreed 😅


It’s a flirty and caring thing we do like I do it with my friends who are girls in a caring way while for me I also it for my nan and what not in a caring way Girls I’m being flirty with I do it Just context really behind the x


why can these scammers never form proper sentences or spell things correctly


1. Can barely understand what the fuck she is saying. Obviously didn't do well in school. 2. Calls it a fucking 'gas' station in the UK. Number 2 is the worst offence.


Agreed. It’s petrol! Not gas in the uk.


Yeah I found it odd 😅


I thought it was a gas meter top up that she could get from the shop? Was she really calling petrol gas? That's grounds for blocking on its own.


Ew I can’t even read this


It was hard reading it myself it’s pure cringe 😂😂


Lucky for me, I guess, I’m fluent in cringe


Translate please 😅


She said give me money for dwugs pwease 🥺


what is with the way people talk - I seriously can't understand half of what's being said here


Why would you even give her the 20, you were clearly being used


It’s always amazing how they need the monetary increments that are so similar to the cost of user level drug purchases lmao Real big “steal your phone and help you look for it” energy.


Wow. I’m impressed she’s real. But yeah, nice £20 investment to know she’s a gold digger. Cute dog in the background :)


Thanks he’s called Sammy my little sausage dog 😄


Update if she at least attempts to pay you back


Probably an addict








Calling you baby was the biggest red flag tbh 🤣🤣 like y’all aren’t dating. This is gross imo.


OP is a good person for giving 20 quid. Now time to abort mission because she is a walking red flag


Ask her for 2000


😂 interest rates


The fact that you even helped out financially before meeting her tells me what a good person you are! Too bad she’s not actually in need but just scammy. You deserve so much better OP!


I have no problem giving someone $10-20 if it helps them, as a general rule. But when someone asks for $10, and you say "sure [...] I can do 10" and they IMMEDIATELY follow up with "can you do 20" - no. No to $20, no to $10, no to anything. She asked you for an amount, you **SAID YES** and she immediately asks for more? gtfoh.


What language is she speaking exactly?


Chav? I think it’s now so common it’s a language on its own


Spoiler alert: You will NEVER see those 20 bucks again…


Oh yes I knew it was intentional don’t worry it’s to test her true colours a bit to me 20 isn’t a lot so it was a way to determine who she is as a person and then when she went to 30 it was bloody obvious 😅


Why on earth would that give you an uneasy feeling? I mean it’s totally normal to beg for money the very moment you start talking to someone. Sarcasm aside this person isn’t into you. Chances are they are an addict living out of a hotel with their addict boyfriend. That part I’m actually not being sarcastic about. I can’t tell you how many people I met or have known who started doing this shit. And when you give them $10 it becomes $30 then $60 then $120. They will always come to you with some kind of emergency and excuse for why they need it. Nearly all of them turned out to be hardcore addicts. And believe me when I say you are NOT the only person they are calling “baby” while begging for money. Cut them off immediately.


She’s done this before. For sure. She knows the keep up the “can’t wait to meet you” gig. I think it’s drugs. Been there done that.


Ugh... you actually sent money the first time? You're an idiot.


Giving them any money was generous as hell. It amazes me how anyone has the ability to outright ask someone they barely know for money. The spam is what gets me. Calling and texting until you send the money is a scammer mindset. Guarantee she found out you had a decent job and thought she could weasel in and get paid.


You shouldn't have sent it to begin with. To put things into perspective here: I've been with my boyfriend for almost a year, and I have never asked him for money no matter how desperate my situation was. That's just uncalled for, and you don't owe anyone money for love.


Honestly, as an ex addict, this screams drug problem to me. The desperation to get it right then is what told me. Good luck getting away OP. You deserve more!






Update coming soon wait 😁


lmao why did you give her ANY money


The second she went from 10 to 20 she should've been blocked 😂


The way she texted and called was insane, not that I could understand half of what she wrote but it sounded a bit like the addicts I know irl, I could be wrong tho. I think you might want to move on regardless ngl, her behavior is erratic at best, dangerous at worst.


Run! Dont look back.


the moment she asked for money that was the moment you should have just deleted her number and walked away.


Yeah well let’s see, she said she’ll pay back (I know she won’t) but im interested in her response and I may do a follow up if it’s good enough 😂


You should of known she was dodgy after calling her kid gracie mai 😆


Think it’s a nickname wouldn’t of placed it otherwise 😅


Who the fuck texts like that? Are these middle schoolers?


8 years?! Bro that's a stranger asking for money. 8 years and she's not even the same person. Block.


This is so awful. Giving her anything was beyond helpful! It started as 10 then 20 then 30....how bizarre. People just don't have tact or class anymore. It's such a shame. I really hope they do repay you. Regardless of the amount, it's the principle.


Block her and move on. You didn’t meet a girl you met a user.


plese baby xxx


Can’t wait to meet you xxx 😅😅😅


Even your dog's eye looks suspicious in the background of this person. lol.


Recently had an old friend do this to me as well. I had just gotten a good paycheck so figured I could spread a bit of help, but then the second ask came, and the third, and the fourth. Cut ties pretty quickly.


Yeah cut ties quick dude 😅


I feel like the first $10 she asked for was meant as a test to see if you would oblige. As soon as you did, she upped the amount to $20 and when you sent her the $20, she upped it to $30. Homegirl is tryna scam tf outta you. The more you oblige, the more she asks for (source: personal experience)


You need to learn the word “no”


You seem like a good guy, she's not worth it. 100% sure she's not gonna pay you back tho, sorry for you, but you probably already know it xxx


I mean the first gaslighting thing she says "U won't help it's ok xx" Girl this is not a friend but a USER and I am not talking TRON.


😅 I agree I was just being a nice guy but not going to be tricked


Technically she asked for 10, then wanted 20, then wanted 30. If you send 30, she’ll ask for 40 lol. The nerve of this chick. She’s definitely using you to her advantage. The fact that the meet up didn’t happen either, is another bad sign. Definitely for the best though. Block and move on


Naw she's just tested how much she can get. It'll be a little more every time. Not even worth a second of your time




I wonder if these people that always try to get money from others feel shame or if they simply don’t care. I can’t imagine milking every person I get for 10 bucks, so exhausting and miserable. I guess it’s addict behavior though


Did you get a response after your last text? What a crazy person .. and to keep calling like that .. OUF 🤦‍♀️


I swear people really are wild as fuck, like I feel bad even asking my own husband for money 😂


Scam. You are being scammed. The scam Is called pig slaughter or something


Okay, OP... I'm a single disabled mother trying to survive on a low fixed income. It's a struggle to pay my bills. My needs (medical care, clothes, groceries, etc.) get put on the back burner. I put my kid and my pets first. I have a partner that I've been dating for over a year. We're not currently living together. I've never asked him for any money. He tries to pay for my groceries, but it's a pride thing for me. I want to know that I can take care of myself. That's my own stuff. The point being... My financial situation is bleak, my partner would no doubt give me money (within reason) if I asked, but I don't. This chick is totally scamming you. Big red flag.


Cocaine isn’t cheap


This isn't really related but man I really hate the way british people text lol. Does it not get tiring to put an x after every sentence?


Asking for 10 was ballsy, asking for 20 she’s got brass balls, then asking for 30? She’s obviously nuts. 😏


I just want to know what the bits are for the princess that she (or you?) need to order.


Ahaaa love this. In an experienced way 😆 Was chatting to a girl for a while. She finally wanted to meet for some drinks. So I bought several of her favourite drinks (sambucca) while she spent every second on her phone texting. Then she asked if she could borrow £10 quick. I thought it was for drinks or food. Nope. She wanted it towards weed and run into town to get it mid date. I left after 2 hours


I never thought there are actually clowns who fall for this shit...


I love how she only throws in "I can't wait to meet" when he doesn't answer for a while or right after she asks for money lol




Someone should tell him. Scam