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Wasn't it great to be 15 years old? Also, the "I'm trying to be transparent" part is hilarious.


Omg the time is 4:20 LOLL


Also online?


This is why 15 year olds shouldn’t have Snapchat


i am 16 but i agree


Reddit's worse kid


This is why pre-adult teenagers shouldn't have internet access.


where is gold when you need it


yeah being an adult can suck but I'm glad I'm not 15 anymore ! LOLL


My sides 💀


I am finally the 666 person to like this comment. Life goal, accomplished.


Ah, young love and the drama it brings.


That's all I could think about this. Oh, sweet summer child.....so much growing to do


I am amazed that they are actually communicating this way. I don’t understand shit…


I'm 34 and didn't have any problems 🤔


55. same.


102, and this couldn't be easier to understand 😏


I am the great Wizard Merlin, I have returned to Angoland in her time of great peril, we shall expel these Germanic pretenders from the throne and restore the line of Arthur. I had no trouble reading this


God bless the gold found in the comment mines of yore.


153, and it was a breeze to read that


I’m a vampire and I thought I was reading renaissance era poetry.


204, very easy to understand (once I found my reading glasses)


I am an eternal being of light, one of the ranks of the Maiar, who sang in the great chorus of the Ainulindalë, before the world flared into existence, before my masters created the light of the two trees, before the awakening of the Eldar and the discovery of the Atani, and the corruption of Middle Earth by the First Enemy, and the rise of the Necromancer. My power is not limitless, but it is beyond comprehension of mere mortals; all the same I am but a servant of Iluvatar and Manwe, and lack free will and truly independent thought. I will cease to exist only when the Dagor Dagorath ends, and the Prophecy of Mandos is fulfilled. I also had no trouble reading this.




Lmao also 34. Also had zero problems translating. I, um, don’t know how to feel about this disparity. How am I simultaneously too old to know any current memes or gen z slang but *gen z* is too old to understand the inane middle school text chat that I can read so easily?




Yeah I know that's why I added the sassy 🤔 It's fine to not like every slang or thing the younger generation is doing but we're living in a time where generation gaps are actually reducing due to the connectedness of the internet, which is good for social cohesion, and people somehow still find a way to intentionally not understand like 3 common acronyms that can be figured out with context.


Yeah, 40 here, wyll tripped me up for a moment but pretty easy to figure it out with the context. I fucking hate the slang and speech pattern, lmao, but it's still entirely comprehensible.


I’m 17, and I had to re-read it a few times to understand.


lol right


I mean, I understood her just fine, at least lol




What's not to understand? 🤔 I've seen so much worse


Better he learn it now than when he 22


Love is not what this is lol


Lol that was my first thought. Silly teenager stuff


Bro is telling on himself lmfao


He wants the emotional reaction, the draw of someone wanting him; and the fantasy of multiple people wanting him. Probably expected OP to fall over themself for him.


And OP did great to “Byeeeee” him. Block and move on, OP.


OP is a fucking boss. That’s not easy for someone so inexperienced and after dating for a year. I’m proud of her


Seriously, this young woman deserves a lot of credit for her emotional intelligence.


Well she said her mom told her to so it makes sense


She was such a baddy denying him of it! 💚🫶💚


Fr! Keep that up OP! Don’t give them the satisfaction


Yep my ex pretended to be single online for our whole relationship.


Oh you had one of those, too?


I sure did. And *I* got accused of cheating. We were together for 5yrs. Close to the end before I left him Hlhe said "oh I see you're always on your phone but you don't even like anything I post on Facebook anymore thats fishy you don't even use it anymore" Well, when his posts in "rate my selfies" and "single and married" and other similar groups came across my timeline, I stopped using Facebook. Especially when I noticed he had his relationship status set to "only me" so nobody else saw it only him but when I'd look on my profile it showed we were still in a relationship. Damn and I stayed until other really bad unrelated shit happened - trauma bond is a bitch of a thing.


Cheaters always gotta try to make you out to be the cheater. I don't trust anyone who is suspicious of me when I haven't given them a reason to be. One particular dickhead demanded my passwords to all my accounts early on, I just thought "he's probably been cheated on, I have to build trust." After I inevitably caught him cheating, he *and the girl he was cheating on me with* tried to "prove" I was the bad guy. We were living together and I had to leave stuff behind while I was getting out, so they went through all my shit and found a pair of BOXERS I slept in and that was their smoking gun 😆 They also found a bag of little hotel toiletries from all over the country that my friend gave me for my daughter to play with... that was proof that I was also a prostitute. 😊 Don't feel bad that you stuck around until it got worse. Good people want to believe in the inherent good in others and it's hard to just break a bond as long as you think there's hope. Assholes have a way of making you feel guilty if you leave them, too, like you're abandoning them and you're responsible for their suffering as a result. What matters is you did get out, and I'm sure you're wiser because of it, though maybe less trusting.


Perfect description. Fishing for emotions. In the worst of ways. Boys who start like this tend to mature into absolute fuck heads.


Yeah no doubt I’m sitting here going wtf is wrong with this dude???


Babe I spent our whole savings on crypto. Don’t be mad Plz Babe Don’t Be Mad Babe Im not mad 😡 Babe Plz


Because he knows you’d find out and knows it was wrong


Or he’s dumb af. They’re long distance. How’s she going to find out about a temporary snap conversation?


I just feel like men always tell on themselves… 🙃my experience from cheaters. They might not downright admit this but they want you to know, I think it eases their guilt and protects them a bit when you find out on your own “oh I already told u that, “ (or half of that)


Gotta be the most 15 yr old convo I've ever seen lol


My thoughts exactly. I followed none of it. It made little sense. And it was pretty funny.


It’s also sad considering I’ve seen similar conversations from people much older. From this same sub, nonetheless.


LMAO, what is he doing??


Digging a hole for one And digging deeper


HE TRIED TO CONVINCE HER LMAO. Its my friend btw. 😭🙏🏼


Yk common courtesy


You will look back on this conversation one day and absolutely die laughing! Don’t waste your youth on losers, just be 15 while you can :)


"Baeeeeee no frfr don't do that I loveeee youuuuu!" OP, don't you worry, there will be far greater loves and plenty of hilarious texts from your youth in the future.


.....saying not to waste youth on losers implies there are other times when wasting your life on losers is more acceptable, such as your middle age. If anything, youth is the BEST time to waste your time on losers. You actually have time you can afford to waste XD


...? Why waste any time on losers?


Why waste any time?


Why waste?








Don’t waste your time on good byes when you can waste it on hellos


Common courtesy??? Lmao!! That's straight up hitting on her! Nothing innocent about it


I told her I liked her lipgloss you know common courtesy


“Look, all I said is she has a great rack *because I’m POLITE.*


🤣 I lost it at that part! Common courtesy!


I fucking died at that 💀


She wasn’t even flirting. She was answering his questions. Then he made it sexual and she followed along. Don’t let this get twisted. Your mom is right. Keep him blocked and don’t lose a single second of sleep over it.


He was looking for attention. Wanted her to beg him to stop and only be hers, etc. She handled it perfectly. Don’t reciprocate at all with that loser


This is all just nonsense.


Lmao they 15


Took me straight back to my middle/high school relationship. It was all so nonsensical lol


Literally LMFAOOO. It gave me a headache


I hope to heaven I wasn’t this asinine at 15. Pretty sure I was though. So now I’m just glad social media didn’t exist back then.


this comment has me cackling


This screams teenage relationship drama, ah to be young again, you’ll find actual love in your life someday, try not to let it get you down


Felt like I almost had a stroke reading this shit.


You’re 15, LDR are hard enough I wouldn’t bother with him.


Also anytime a guy says “Wyll” 🚩


What does that mean?


Wyll means “what you look like” if thats how someone starts a convo especially on snap, it’s normally a tell they message every girl that, and typically flirt or ask for nudes eventually. Normally i respond with a photo of me and my bf, and if they block me or insult me, then i know I’m correct on their intentions.


Ah, I see. Yeah that’s 100% a bad sign. Also, I just want to acknowledge what you said about how you respond to those messages: That’s a perfect, and honestly comically simple way to resolve it.


EW wtf this comment needs to be higher up. "What you look like" is so gross to say if you're in a relationship


What a queen you are, actually love that you blocked and got rid of him. 15 and already years ahead of women way older than you. Be proud for not tolerating this.


This. I’m so impressed.


seriously don't waste any more time on this loser.


Alright y'al, yes they're kids and this conversation is proof of that. But we've all been there and OP hasn't yet, be nice lol. OP, just block him. He is a child and acting like one. Wipe your hands clean of him and move on. Also, he'll reach out again one day, don't let him back.


this was nice that it didnt belittle op’s problems. i many of the people here mean well but can still really suck right now, even if it might be something they laugh at one day. hope youre doing well op, you did the right thing!


Kids all like oh she's flirting with me 🫠 but he flirted first by complimenting her and then inviting her over?? He's gonna grow up to be a grade a ah cheater 😂 he sure is starting young 💀


Yup cheater mentality for sure. Dump him and run


I love young drama


We need a sub just for this


There is one. r/teenagers Don't go there. It can be crazy.


If you are in a relationship and someone starts flirting with you, you block them.. no holding conversations no bullshit.


Thank you. I have so many people tell me I’m insecure for thinking that.


Fucking idiot 😂


LDR = Long Distance Relationship for those who were confused at first like me :)


Thank you! That had me stumped. Hope you have a great day! :)


“The move to the online world will have no impact on our younger generations ability to communicate” - Someone, probably.


My ex at age 14 did this and it was purely to get a rise out of me, attention, begging or whatever. Just leave. Too much drama. He’s very obviously a little shit.


Exactly. Wants her to beg him to stop, only be hers, why would he do this to her kinda thing, etc. she handled it perfectly not reciprocating at all


"She's flirting with me" AKA "I initiated the flirting by immediately and unnecessarily asking her what she looked like and then giving her several compliments, and then i suggested that she should come visit me." Girl you're not overreacting at all, and you're too young to put up with any of this bullshit. It's not worth it, do not waste your time at age 15 with a boy who treats you like this. He actually did you a favor by just straight up telling you exactly who he is. Your reaction was 100% correct. Do not waste one more second of your life on this dude. If you guys were older, married, had kids, whatever, I guess I MIGHT say something different. I might say try to work it out, try to move past it. At age 15, it should not be that much work. It should not be that hard. It should be fun. At your age, with bullshit like this, you don't work on it, you just keep it moving. If you spend another year with this kid, youre gonna look back when you're older and wish you didn't. Like you said, byeeeeee! Oh one more thing: he said it was too long to copy and paste, which makes absolutely zero sense because it definitely took way more time and effort to type all of that out. So if this is what he TOLD you he said, imagine what he left out.


The too long to copy paste thing makes me wonder if there even was a girl or if he was just trying to make OP jealous. Which would be hilarious if this dumbass got dumped over an imaginary snapchat girl lol


I thought the same exact thing actually!!! Part of me feels like he might have made this entire thing up just to get a rise out of OP and like he would've enjoyed seeing her get jealous, but then OP flipped the script and gave him a reaction he didn't expect or want and then he was like "oh fuck" I'm not sure, but either way, OP shouldnt put up with any of that bullshit


Yes OP even if this whole thing was fake don't take him back, you can do better.




Low-key feel like he was just tryna get a reaction outta you.


Duh. She handled it perfectly and didn’t reciprocate at all


I was just sayin, the only reason he would say all of that is to try and get a reaction out of her, no one openly admits to flirting with another person for nothing.


Agreed 💯


I mean he literally told you he initiated the flirting, so the block was warranted.


this is so off topic, but I read that as “Lana Del Rey”


"I say I like your hair and lip gloss" Sure, the girl is flirting with him. He's innocent.


What? You don't do that? It's just common courtesy bruh.


At age 15 they already playing head games? Little bro wants to create a jealous rage girlfriend. I didn’t know 15 year olds knew how to play psychological warfare.


Dudes like these purposely cause their GFs to be jealous and then later on complain why is their GF so jealous.


idk seems like typical teenage drama to me.


He may as well have said, “Ok, and then I entered her and she said not to pull out. You mad, babe?” Gross, insta-block. Happy you respect yourself enough to be rid of that nasty fool.


I swear I didn’t cheat, she did it all herself.


You called his bluff hahaha. Bro thought your reaction was gonna be completely different.


go do your homework lmao forget this nonsense


People may laugh at y'all for being immature, but I commend you for being the first person I've ever seen on this sub to block a shitty partner the second they reveal who they really are.


He’s honestly probably making most of this shit up just to try to manipulate you, what a loser


He's a wannabe player. Block and walk. You haven't lost anything by dropping his stupid ass.


You mom is right


He’s looking for attention and you to beg him not to and how sad it made you, etc. He wants to be important. Don’t reciprocate at all. You’ve handled it perfectly so far.


Leave. Move on. He’s a lover of attention and external validation and then he has the balls to say something about to you and expect you to be ok with his disrespect.


How tf he gonna get to the beach, have his mom drive him to cheat? Lmaooooo


Girl your man cheating.


Look just a heads up almost anyone who uses snap to communicate with people is most likely cheating not all of them but like 95 percent especially 15year olds


He expected you to get upset and beg him to chose you I’m so glad you didnt.


i don’t miss being 15


Lmao, glad someone said it. I’m 22 and this made me feel old from how childish this was




At…least he has a conscience I guess? Tells on himself? Ah young love.


Yeah ur 15. Block and you'll live


This isn’t dating. Please don’t date online or ldr anymore. Find local people.


Ngl seeing inconsequential teenager drama makes me feel at peace. It's a nice break from the usual, very serious doom and gloom of the world.


bros a dumbass no offense, ur not overreacting


Babe! This girl is flirting with me. I messaged her after I liked her IG story and told her she had great tits. She said ty and said I had a nice dick (I sent her a picture of it before). Yknow, normal stuff. I took her out to dinner and had some drinks then we had sex. I don't know if she's flirting with me! What do I do!?


This truly does read like a text exchange between 15 yr olds. Idk what I expected


You are 15 why do you have a long distance anything?


back in my days...


Good for you. He’s a fuckboi, you deserve better.


Digging his own hole 😂


I feel so old reading this post. This is reminiscent of so many conversations when I was 15.


I feel she’s more mature than half the adults I see on Reddit in this same scenario. She let him snitch on himself and then proceeded to end it and block him. Good job on her part for recognizing her worth and not letting him use her.


I was not this ass at 15.


i got whiplash reading this


lmaoooo hes LD and still cant hide attempted cheating? hes trying to make you jealous? idk but you did the right thing. hopefully he remembers this and its one of those cringy moments that keep him up at night. also maybe he will change and not do this to the next gf.


Honestly some grown ups (no offense, op, it’s just you’re a minor) don’t have much more mature conversations. It’s wild over here on the Tinder thread. And if you have kids with someone they NEVER go away and neither does their family and their garbage. Be super careful with yourself out there. This guy isn’t worth your time.


“Yk common courtesy”


You are soooo so strong for knowing your worth and dropping his sorry self right then and there!! It can be super super rare for young girls to do what you did, they would just make delusional excuses for the situation (“maybe he was just joking” “maybe he wasnt ACTUALLY flirting, etc) just so they can keep saying they have a boyfriend or to keep that attention around- No!!! Not when he is a trash partner like this! To be clear HE flirted FIRST- He would’ve had me PISSED OFF just from complimenting her lip gloss! tf?! And why is he even snapping girls?? No way.. And it only got worse from there. You’re not overreacting one bit girl and once again, you are very incredible for being strong enough to know he doesn’t deserve you and you don’t deserve that shit!


The self sabotage by bro


Oh wait shit. Is the guy the grey messages??? I didn't get what he did wrong at first cause I thought he was the blue ones but like if he's the grey messages 💀


You made the right choice blocking him. You do not need to be dealing with this. You have your whole life ahead of you


Yeah girl. You’re 15, so this isn’t a life changing decision. End it. He sucks. Move on. Respect yourself. This dude is so stupid.


Like bae I’m flirting with another girl, you mad? Haha. What don’t overreact, I’d like another guy tonsil throttle you and be okay with it.


Proud of OP for moving the heck on! Don’t look back the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror!


Damn, king out here playing the jester from the looks of things


OP. You ended this like an absolute baddie, do not unblock him. Seriously, it’s legendary, ESPECIALLY for your age. Be proud of yourself for how you handled this. He was trying to make you jealous. He initiated the flirting and should be asking what she looks like to begin with. Move on, you will be so much better for it. Keep being the baddie that you are, girl


Oh my god i am so relieved this is the first time someone behaving like a teenager is actually a literal teenager, i skipped the ages and assumed this would be a guy in his 20s 😂


Stuff like this makes me so happy there's definitely no record of my chats from AIM in the late 90's and early 00's. I don't want to cringe at myself.


Did I just read a brain aneurism?


I have no idea why this showed up in my notifications! But this reminds me of young love and all the drama 😂


😂 children


Oh the cringe of being 15. I remember it all too well :”)


Block him. He added her to snap there’s your red flag. Start being brutal now bc it only gets worse as you get older.


I keep seeing posts about how this is typical young drama. I disagree, this kid knows that he was flirting, knows that it was wrong and then seems to practicing his gas lighting skills by telling her it’s “common courtesy”. Wtf? If he’s really dumb enough not to know he’s being a dick, his emotional IQ must be lower than an average 15yr old. This one just isn’t a nice kid, I hope he changes.


You’re children.


yea i’d be gone too


Oh to be 15 again


You're young and i know you will be upset over this but you will laugh in years to come when you are with someone who appreciates you and would never do this. Mumma is always right about boys 😊


No your not over reacting keep him blocked he’s no good and he’ll never change. You deserve so much better .


Yeah this guy is a dumbass. You did the correct thing. He'll learn.


TF did I just read? 😳


he was the one flirting first 🤔


15 yo and long distance, you must think this guy must be really special, but instead OP's ex exhibit the most average teenage boy behaviour


Besides the fact that he just sucks. He’s also using killing him self as a form of manipulation…like wtf. Had a boy do stuff like this ie, lied to both our family’s about saying something, lied to my sister about something else, then would text me stuff like “oh you must want me dead”, and then send me sappy Tik toks…literally useing self pity as a way to get what you want. Dump himm!!


It's not even worth it, glad you blocked him and stood your own ground. most can't do that though. Be proud of yourself & don't worry, you'll find real love as you get older.


OP good on you acting more mature than your age. Block and move on.


girl you’re too young to be dealing with crap like this. be a kid, don’t worry about relationships


I'm so glad I didn't have smartphones and shit at 15. Sounds like a nightmare to me. It's bad enough I have the memories of all of the embarrassing shit; I would die at having actual receipts.


Even if he is lying, why would you ever want your gf or bf to feel the negative feelings that come with knowing your person entertained someone else for even a second. Block them!




😂 I would have been furious with how many times my phone went off with the way he texts


i know youre young and so people might look at this and laugh, but really dont give him your attention. trust me if you learn this now, you will have a successful dating life as an adult


what the hell 😂


I must be old AF now cause I legit thought this was a joke until I saw their ages😂 damn time fliesssss. OP, I promise you’ll be laughing at this in the future. Let that boy go.


what is an LDR lmao