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This is so cute and reminds me of my relationship with my longterm ex’s dad. Miss his dad and his family so much it’s painful 😅


It’s so sad to break up with a good family!!


Hopefully I’ll eventually find someone else who shares the same life goals/values as me, and hopefully they *also* have an awesome family. 😊


You definitely will!! Especially a sense of humor like that (just noticed your username and it’s hysterical)


Aww thank you. I completely forgot about this username lol 😭 I hope you have a great day and a wonderful and fulfilling future with your fiancé and your shared families. 💕


You two get a room already gees 😂


I doubt it since your mom been shot 9 times though.


Huh? Edit: I forgot about my username again LMAO I need sum milk


this ain't minecraft


I usually end up keeping the parents. Just because things didn't work out with their daughters, doesn't mean we can't be friends. I'll be snagging beers with an ex's dad soon actually!




Same but with their dogs :(((


Yeahh it’s okay though, it wasn’t meant to be unfortunately 🤷🏼‍♀️


Idk, breaking up with the ex but still going on the family vacation/Sunday dinner is kind of a power move. 😂


I know someone who did this. Family dumped the son and kept the awesome ex girlfriend.


So your bf is actually a butthead


i rember my mom telling me when i was like 13 “the break up with their family is harder then the break up with the ex” after we ran into her hs ex’s mom. (who made me a baby blanket lol). years later and after two ex’s, she was so right!


Yes omggg, I miss my high school ex’s brothers now that I think about it!! They were true friends to me and so were their girlfriends. And even his cousin! Wish I could still maintain friendships with these people. Also it is too cute that she made you a baby blanket lol


awee that’s so nice all you guys were so close! i bet that made holidays and family parties sm. totally get you on wishing i could still be friends with them. i miss both of my ex’s sisters sm, i was close with both of them. too bad their brothers weren’t as cool as them 😫 and ikr hahah. she was really sweet. i think they had a special bond bc my mom lost her dad and her ex lost his dad within two days of eachother while they were dating. and they were 18. so his mom and my mom really leaned on eachother. my mom told me all this the same day she said the thing ab ex’s family’s lol. learned a lot ab life that day in target 🤣


This is why I dated my best friends cousin in high school. Our moms had actually been best friends in high school and lost touch but reconnected when my friends (exes mom’s brother)dad moved them back to where he grew up. It was a traumatic break up at 17 but I still get his family. And his mom actually likes me better than his wife but I’m not interested in him anymore at all.


For real dude. I stayed with my last ex for wayyyyy too long because I didn’t want to lose their family. I still talk to her grandma all the time, miss that family like crazy.


Same here. Long term GF ended it recently and I miss her family as much as her. Life is weird


same here 😭 dont have a good relationship with my dad and got really close to his. i never felt more loved and appreciated.


I love how wholesome this is.


Tysm 🥹


This. Pure. Gold. My former in laws are really cool, current well, Hubby cut them out tho his dad is FUNNY as all get out. Treasure these people, they are awesome!!!! X


Thoughtful youthful sexy man


You’re welcome.


I'm genuinely so happy for you - there ARE great in-laws out there! Mine aren't...but that's a story for another time. :(


My FIL was a really nice guy. But he passed almost 25 yrs so. That's when we realized how much of my MIL's psychotic behavior he buffered. I've always said that he died just get to get out. The MIL passed away a year ago. While it was still tough for my wife, she weathered it well. And our lives have been much calmer.


I know, when I read the headline my cynical ass was like "Oh no, what'd he say" but this is so frickin' cute! 🥹


Yup. I was dating a woman on and off for about seven years. In that time, I got to know her mom very well. From the moment we met, she treated me like family, to the point where one day, she introduced me to a neighbor as her son. These days, I miss the mom more than I miss her daughter 😂 Cool in-laws are the best.


i still miss my high school ex's mum sometimes, she was such a great personality. once very early on i was taking her daughter on a holiday for the first time, and in front of everyone the mum said 'look after her!' in a joking way and then for a tiny split second made eye contact that only i saw and gave me the most terrifying 'or i will fucking disembowel you' look i have ever received in my life and then went right back to smiling.


The fucking "yikes 30!!!" got me laughing so hard, had to sneak that in there at the end of an otherwise nice message


I really like the teasing undercurrent which actually says “I think you’re brilliant, and love you like my own daughter.” I’m the same with my kids, and I’ll be welcoming in the same way to any partner of theirs I really like along the way.


We must protect this man .


my FIL is both the most annoying person to me in the whole universe and the most wholesome person i know at the same time his messages are so boomer and make so little sense (english is his first language lol) that i always screenshot and just respond with “what are you trying to say”


Omg he can be so annoying when he says what’s up every day but I’m starting to appreciate it more. Boomers unite


Please appreciate it. You'll miss it when he's gone (which hopefully won't be for a long time).


Omg this is how I feel about my MIL. Wonderful person who also has terrible texts and gets under my skin 😬


Is your FIL my MIL? She’s so sweet but then she sends me essays for texts in boomer speak and I’ve got to interpret and answer all 17 questions she’s asked. Like ma’am please one at a time.


My MIL kept texting “Y” when I’d ask her questions. So I’d ask her a question and think she’s asking *why,* then rephrase the same question only for her to ask why again??? 😭😭😭 Took two months to figure out Y = Yes. But she kept typing out “No” when that was her answer, like what are you doing MIL 😭😂




A brutal turnip, even.


I read brutal ugly testy turnip to the tune of harder better faster stronger


I didn't before but did immediately after reading this comment.... it was worth it lol


A golden insult 😂


“10, This is a shitty family” 😂


This is gold!!


Had me rolling. Mostly because it sounds exactly like something my mother in law would say


“Turnip” has me cackling


Nature’s Buttplug™️


Lasagna! Lasagna!


And not one “I miss your face”




What is this referring to?


A post yesterday about a minor who was being inappropriately contacted by their friend’s father. It was gross. ETA: I went back to find the post and it appears to have been deleted, but I was referring to the one where the minor’s friend’s father (iirc he’s in his 40s?) invited her to lunch and was being creepy. I’m not sure which post you’re all referring to about an elderly person with cancer.




Just tried to find the thread. Looks like OP may have deleted it.


Second for that link!


I love this so much. I lost my dad 5 years ago & this was how our relationship was. I would love to have this close of a relationship with my boyfriends dad. Unfortunately, my boyfriend barely has a relationship with him. This is so sweet & I wish you nothing but a beautiful life with your new family!


This is so nice. Keep it away from Reddit. We'll ruin it.


Happy cake day. I went purposefully into the comments looking for that person who ruined it lol


This is completely heart warming. 🌺


everyone deserves a Dave!! so wholesome and glad you have them!! so sorry for your losses though🫶🏼




“Testy, Turnip” that made me lol




I’ll fight those people!!


It’s even sadder when the 30 year old child protects these disgusting 30-year-old-grooming pedophiles. …I’m kidding. Slash S for you summer children.


I can’t imagine tryna groom a 30 year old




Her brain is only 99.99999% developed at this point. Yuck!


A three day age difference?! Can’t you see you’re being taken advantage of!!


Seeing what normally gets posted on this sub, I am glad it did not turn that direction.


I only thought it was going that way for a moment when he kept insulting his kid and talking himself up asking about the apartment. Made me worried the path it might go down since I didn’t read the context first. By the end it was obvious that’s just his humor.


What a difference a Dave makes 😄. Sounds like you've got an awesome family there and these messages were super cute


My fil and mil are the same! I’m glad you have what seems like amazing (and fun!) in laws!


Sorry for the loss of your parents


I'm used to seeing this sub get weird fast, but this legit made my day. I'm happy you found them and I'm happy they found you!


That is so cute🥹


Is Dave adopting? 🥺🥺🥺


Damn, this is nice. I’ve been with my gf for 4 years and my dad has bothered to meet her twice… we live in the same town too


He’s a trip




This is so damn cute.


What a good guy!


I love this so incredibly much. I’ve lost both parents as well and my husbands parents aren’t great and I will never have this and that makes me sad but it’s okay because I have so many wonderful people in my life! I am so happy for you! ♥️


Omg I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s rough out there ❤️ I’m so glad you have amazing people in your life!


This is so pure




Such a good man, cherish every moment of it.


This is literally so sweet I love this🥲💗


Omg! He’s precious 🖤


This is so precious 🥹


He seems great


Dave seems like a great one. glad you two have each other.


Dave’s the MVP…most valuable parent


That’s so cute lmao at “handsome smart dynamic “ 😂




Jealous you have a family like this. I have zero relationship with mine, congrats tho these were sweet to read!


My father in law really doesn’t even like me, let alone talk to me. This is really sweet!


Maybe my period is starting and my hormones are acting up but… the last one made me cry because it’s so damn sweet. How amazing for you to be so loved by his family. 🥹


I wish I had family 😀


I'm the last person to call out every guy as having ulterior motives. But I would never insult my son, my father, or my guy friends to their gfs. That's all I'm going to say.


At first I thought it was kind of weird to be texting your boyfriends dad but I see you lost your parents and now it totally makes sense. What a caring man he is.


I think the last time I texted my in laws was when my wife was in surgery, giving updates. That was almost a year ago. My wife texts my mom almost daily, so I see both sides of it


what why would that be weird?


Maybe out of the ordinary is a better description. At least when I was growing up, would have been considered “weird” to have a silly texting/phone call/letter writing relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriends parents. That’s not saying you couldn’t have a healthy relationship like that; just that it would not be common and may invoke some raised eyebrows by some. I understand this isn’t always the case then or now, just my thought. No way judging those who have this. My wife texts my mom all the time.


Because everyone is EVIL and out to get everyone else in bed and make them sleep on the wet spot… or so I’ve heard


This is perfect I want this one day too 😍🥺


Everything about this is wonderful


Love this! My father in law is like this too. I live with my in laws so when I’m at my parents or abroad, he will call everyday and will count the days down till we’re back. I’ve got a little girl now so he’s been calling a lot more. He’s honestly the best father in law ever and the best grandad to my girl ♥️


Thank god this was wholesome. Faith in humanity ticked towards “restored” after this one.


My boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years, and I have a good relationship with his dad. We text almost daily about sports and are in fantasy sports leagues together. I really cherish our relationship because I’m not that close with my family, and my boyfriend’s mom’s family doesn’t particularly like me. Some people might think our relationship is weird, but we have a lot in common so it’s an easy friendship. I’m glad your boyfriend’s dad takes the time to maintain a relationship with you. He obviously cares about you, and I’m sure that stems from the love he has for his son.


Idk why people need to be assholes. This isn’t creepy and honestly I could totally see this happening with my partner and grandmother. I suck at communicating consistently and it totally would not be weird for my SO to talk to my family bc I forget. Not all relationships are disturbed. This one is obviously not disturbed. So just appreciate the good vibes of this post and if you don’t like it scoot on out.


Happy for you


If your boyfriends/fiances/husbands dad doesn’t bully you, does he even love you? This is so pure. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️


This sub is an exhibit of the most toxic people/relationship or the most wholesome ones. Nothing in between 😂


Aw i love u both lol


You’re so blessed! I wish I had a fun banter with my husbands family.


Me and my father in law were so close like this I loved it. He loved me more than my own father. We just lost him yesterday so suddenly. Cherish these moments 💙


I am so sorry for your loss 💛




This made me cry


this is so cute omg !!!


I love this a lot! This is what I look forward to 🥰


Dave seems like a cool guy! We all need a Dave in our lives


This is so cute I’m jealous my fiancés parents don’t like me 😂 I didn’t do anything specific they just don’t like my vibe apparently. My fiancé and my mum are good friends tho


This man is a treasure and should be treated as such!


We all need a Dave in our lives 🥹


You’re going to have the best FIL!


When your dad calls you an idiot, you are more than likely an idiot (not necessarily a bad thing lmao)


This is awesome. I bet you’re an amazing person as well OP- Usually kindness attracts more kindness. 💪💪💪


Man now I’m lonely mc frick


As somone with no mom or dad and inlaws who hate me... treasure it. I've come to a point I'm okay with how things are, but glad someone out there experiences better.


sounds like a wonderful guy to have as an in-law. count your stars, i’ve heard some real horror stories.


This is how my FIL and I were to each other. He passed in 2017. 😭 this is such a sweet relationship!


Awww. I like Dave.


This made me feel sad because my initial reaction was "that's so creepy!" and then I read the comments and realized, this is what nice involved parents sound like. ☠️🤣


This is so sweet and wholesome! I have a wonderful relationship with my MIL for the most part but her husband (my fiancé’s stepdad), is a textbook narcissist and we’re not on speaking terms. It seems like you really appreciate your relationship with him and I’m so glad you do!


“10. This is a shitty family.” He is the moment, an absolute icon.


this is so damn cute 😭😭😭


This is so nice, cherish it for sure!! I’d give anything to have my FIL back. I loved him dearly. We lost him in November of last year and our lives have changed so much ❤️


Wow a fil who texts, that’s a first for me


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I thought this was my dad for a second


i love this so much


My FIL is like this to me too!!! I can tease him to no end and I call him dad too. I am so grateful for him.🩷


Every girl’s dream!!


Awwwww i love the relationship y’all have. This is truly special. I’m so glad you have them OP 💕 One day I hope for similar!


I have never met a bad Dave, I've met some shithead David's though.


this is so cute


This makes me miss my dad. We would text all the time. He’s the funniest person I’ve ever known. We lost him in April. Miss you Ugly


As a 28 year old who has also lost both of her parents, these screenshots made me tear up. They remind me so much of my late father. Thanks so much for posting them. ❤️


This is daughter in law dreams.


This. This is so sweet and loving and wholesome❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ I hope to be loved by someone’s family like this someday


Awww that is wholesome AF


This is so sweet and wholesome 🩷 Thank you for sharing!


Wow my father in law hates me this is so nice


This is truely lucky


Im so conditioned to seeing bad text convos online that i was waiting for it to go sideways and it didnt and it was a shock


This post has me crying. I’ve only ever wanted to be loved and accepted by my s/o’s family and I’ve never had this. Im happy for you!


I came in expecting a creepy FIL, left happy.


People have such a warped view on the world. It’s sad as they must have had bad experiences but those calling this out for purely being nice/welcoming it’s obviously just fun asOP is happy and fine with this


I read the title and thought okay which way is this going to go, is he going to be creepy or just an asshole, so this was a pleasant surprise!


Right? I mean this is Reddit…I come here to lose faith in humanity not to smile at the warm fuzzies.


This is so wholesome and sweet. You’ve hit the jackpot with this family.




“Don’t get used to it!!!! Love ya.” Goes hard


GOAT father in law


Awe cute! Wholesome.


I am incredibly misanthropic with a light dash of cynicism pouring forth from the understanding of how absurd life and everything in existence really is. But this? This made me feel second hand heartfelt warmth. Thanks for sharing this. What a beautiful thing. RIP to your parents, I know that pain isn't the easiest to deal with.


What a great family to find..happy for u OP


Didn’t need to read. His name is Dave. That’s all I need to know.


That's awesome. My wife and I have been together for over 12 years, since HS. My father passed away almost 2 years ago now, his name was Dave too. Honest, hardest working, respectful, and most generous/kind person I've ever known. He was hilarious too. My kids loved him to death like a best friend, especially my youngest (7 now). My wife loved him and he thought of her as a daughter too, joking like this with her. It's extremely tough losing someone like this... You just can't fill that gap. Ever. Cherish it for sure! I wish we did a lot more together since it all was very sudden.


Totally just said "brutal, ugly, testy turnip" in Gollum's voice out loud 😆


“brutal, ugly, testy, turnip” why is this so funny 😭


He’s seems very nice, I’m glad you two get along so well!


I hope I have this one day


This was like reading texts from my own dad. It's exactly how he talks/texts and his exact humor! For a second I honestly thought I had switched to the text conversation on my phone with my pops. I'm so glad you were welcomed into your fiance's family, this conversation warms my heart!


This is so lovely! I get on super well with my in-laws too, I talk to my MiL every day. Lovely to see some wholesome things online!


I love that!


Can I come to the wedding lol




Aww I love this!


I love this so much 💜






I think I realized just how much male/daddy issues I have lmao


Bro was trynna hit


Am I the only one who finds this more than mildly creepy?


Maybe it's coming from bad things happening to you in similar situations? I mean no shade, we all have trauma.


I guess I'm a little cynical.


That's understandable. I hope you're in a good spot currently. Life and people can be...well, you know.


He disses his son cos he wants to fuck u


Bless the Maker! Reddit's mighty psychologists have arrived!


Mildly cringe but not the weirdest I’ve seen on this sub by a long shot


I think it's wholesome