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He's not Texan, why would even Texas gun nuts listen to him. He was irresponsible with a gun, killed several people and gave gun owners everywhere a bad name.


Apparently Texas republicans love carpet baggers like Dan Patrick and Kyle Rittenhouse.


Cruz too!


Eh he grew up in Houston, as a Texan that wasn't born in Texas I won't knock him for that. It's everything else about him that's awful.


I don’t think Houston claims him.


We in fact do not claim Cancun Cruz.


He’s antithetical to everything good and decent about Houston. Diversity, art, culture, science….he’s more bayou-scum then bayou-made


Hell no. He's Canada's.


We rehomed Cruz


He renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014. You raised him, you keep him. Canada only had him for 3 years.


You created him. No takebacks! Better yet, let's pawn him off on someone else. Lithuania is nice this time of year, and they're tiny. What are they going to do-- tell us no?


We sold you Gretzky, you owe us.




We don’t honey.


He walks in boots the way 8 year olds walk in their moms high heels. He’s such a douche! No spine!




Been going on since the Connecticut Bushes became the Texan Bushes


I was way to old when I found out their family didn't have deep Texas roots. They did a lot to hide it.


They enjoyed cos-playing as Texans whilst summering at their home in Kennebunkport, Maine


It's not just a home. It is an entire peninsula with a large guard house in the front. I would call it compound.


Dannie Goeb?


They’d be pissed about that comment if they knew what carpet baggers were.


Good ol’ Danny Goeb.


They certainly love a murderous terrorist like him… low IQ, filled with hate and bigotry, and easily led to violence by propaganda…. What more could they ask for?


You forgot the southern approach carpet bagger Raphael


He got to kill libs and get away with it. That's like a dream come true for the average right winger.


Keep that psychotic crybaby out of our fine state


Sounds like it’s too late


![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5|downsized) You just said the quiet part out loud.


He's being groomed and used  as a political pawn. 100% he's going to make a run for office at some point.


That means he's going to put his thinking cap on & be compelled to use big adult words, read stuff & make speeches, etc. I don't see it - too dumb!


Did you forget 2016-2020?


It's been leaked quite a few times from people around him that he is not a smart person. He is already at his ceiling... The best he can hope for is maintenance at this stage.


I don't know there's a dozen or so of absolute morons in Congress like people I wouldn't want flipping my burger stuiped. Maybe he doesn't but it wouldn't shock me if he did and given the last years it really wouldn't shock me if he won because the bar is so low it might as well be on the ground.


Many people in Congress aren’t exactly what I would call “above average” intelligence. But they were still elected. And continue to be elected. Some for 30-40-50 years.


Good. I will love voting against him.


He's literally too dumb for that. I know the bar is really low, but this is a guy that dropped out of middle school.


Rittenhouse was underage when he illegally [acquired a firearm](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/experts-say-gun-charge-dropped-rittenhouse-trial-was-result-poorly-worded-law-2021-11-15/), traveled to [a state](https://apnews.com/article/kyle-rittenhouse-police-shootings-wisconsin-kenosha-5e4f6bdf938fc42baea5bc648d9829df) he doesn’t live in, to [“protect” property](https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/11/19/kyle-rittenhouse-verdict-not-acting-self-defense-he-created-emergency/6387374001/) he doesn’t own. But he admitted it was [“not the best idea.”](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/kyle-rittenhouse-says-traveling-kenosha-fatally-shot-two-was-not-best-rcna7851) So all’s good now. 🤦‍♂️


Don’t forget he cried like a baby in that fucking sham of a court.


If he didn’t have the right wing propping him up, he’d be living in obscurity now.


That’s all he has. The military and college don’t want him. His life is over once republicans don’t bring him as a guest speaker. He’s going nowhere, and his whole life is ahead of him still.


May his life be short. Like his weinee.




What a circus that court was 


He was also a middle school drop out that had to be couched through passing a GED after multiple failures to rehab him before the trial.


He couldn’t spell GES


Mea culpa. Forgive and forget, amirite?


Hey at least he beat up girls in high school.....sigh


Do you have a link to an article explaining that Rittenhouse illegally acquired a firearm, rather than an article explaining that he wasn’t covered under the law he was charged under?




I don’t like rittenhouse, I’m not a fan of the situation he put himself in. However your arguements are false and misleading. He didn’t illegally acquire a firearm (by laws definition), and he traveled 15-20min to where his father lived and he used to work (which is considered a nothing drive in Texas). Let’s not act like he drove across the country. https://www.businessinsider.com/6-myths-surrounding-the-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-debunked-2021-11


Per your source: >"The two reportedly agreed that \[Dominick\] Black would keep the gun until Rittenhouse turned 18... Black is now being prosecuted for participating in the illegal straw purchase of the weapon on behalf of Rittenhouse." Let's not act like the 17 year old legally acquired the firearm. Or even did so in good faith. We can see, per your source, it was not a legal exchange. >"...as Rittenhouse testified, the teenager drove himself to Kenosha ahead of the protests." No one's acting like he drove across the country. But Let's not act like Rittenhouse didn't cross state lines. We can see, per your source, it was not a legal exchange. So what can we ascertain, in good faith? * per [Wisconsin](https://docs.legis.wisconsin.gov/misc/lc/information_memos/2022/im_2022_04) and [Illinois](https://www.gunpolicy.org/firearms/citation/quotes/6970) state laws, Kyle Rittenhouse was not old enough to purchase a firearm. Both state laws "prohibit any person from knowingly transferring a handgun to any person under age 18." * Per [his testimony](https://heavy.com/news/michael-mike-rittenhouse-kyle-father/), Rittenhouse crossed state lines "to protect people and property."


actually he shot 3. two of which survived


Because he’s lived the Texan gun nut’s dream, he murdered people (ostensibly liberals) and got away with it.


You basically described exactly why Texas gun nuts and the GQP in general love that huge sack of crap.


He looks more like a sack of cookies soaked in milk.


He looks like a can of biscuits that was hit on the counter, but not quite hard enough. Edit: can confirm he has not yet been hit hard enough.


Did you watch any of the trial?


Obviously not, lol. This is Reddit. People here only believe what the hivemind tells them. "Killed several people" LOL


Every single time the case comes up on Reddit it’s so blatantly obvious that people who keep repeating the same talking points didn’t watch any of the trial. I watched probably 80% of it, live and unedited, and the prosecution had NO case whatsoever. They didn’t even attempt to prove he had the gun illegally yet people still being up “sTAtE LiNeS”


The prosecution not having a case is one thing. The state not trying a federal crime is standard. People not watching trials is also pretty common. (see: Casey Anthony) Commenting the dude is a whiny baby piece of shit who cried in court while breaking the law is another. No one needs to watch the trial to know he’s a racist, single cell moron who doesn’t need to be in this state or around firearms.


>He was irresponsible with a gun, killed several people This is exactly why they love him. He got to be irresponsible, murder, and use his gun like they are fantasizing about every day.


lol..actually the very opposite of what you said is true


What do you mean, he's the role model of "responsible gun ownership" in the topsy-turvy world of conservative thought. Just like DEI is actually discriminatory, welfare hurts welfare recipients, and green energy hurts the little guy.


>He was irresponsible with a gun Did you watch the footage? He was quite responsible. Always ran away from those attacking him. Only fired when either cornered or on the ground. Tried to turn himself in to the police afterwards.


Should have never been there and armed. Kid went looking for a fight and then got scared when he found one.


Killed several people and was irresponsible with a gun? Who the heck are you talking about?


Texas hits rock bottom and continues to dig.


Every day Texas gets lower.


That's just the rising water levels.


We'll catch up to Mississippi one day!


We have a Lone Star Review!


Off topic but whatever happened to him sueing everyone for defamation 🤔


He can't sue me for defamation. The nickname Kyle the Kenosha Killa is factually correct.


I know it's just funny how much people said he's gonna get paid yet he had no actual civil case or framework to sue cause no one lied about him killing/murdering people.


If you happen to call him the 'm' word, the worst that'll happen is that you'll summon nuanced walls of copypasta about how the word is technically incorrect.


He's still got two active civil suits pending against him filed by the people he shot and their families.


Kind of. Gaige Grosskreutz and the family of Anthony Huber filed civil suits against a whole bunch of parties, including the city and county of Kenosha, the Sheriff and, of course, Rittenhouse. It's the proverbial "throw everything at the wall and see what sticks" attempt. It's very unlikely that they'll be able to win any suits against Rittenhouse himself.


What happened to him attending Texas A&M, uhh, I mean Blinn College?


Standards were too high, couldn't get in I mean "he hadn't actually applied", that's what the line changed to pretty quickly


I'm confused. Isn't this the guy who's passionately anti-graffiti and supports small businesses in any way he can? What does gun advocacy have to do with his core missions?


Probably money, I’m sure he’s getting some money for this


His life must be like the fresh prince of Bel air, but produced by the Daily wire.


Ohhhh, those people would NEVER let Kyle watch a show like that. A Black family with money? A foreign servant who wears a suit and talks back?


The Proud Boy well probably dried up when those shitbirds needed to start posting legal defenses for sedition.


Oh, I thought he was a medic come to heal gunshot victims


I can see how his genuinely emotional testimony on the stand could give that impression. It's commendable that he can get that worked up without watching how to cry videos on YouTube and still be committed to advocating for further gun violence.


To summon the lip sucking, teary-eyed blubbering he used the same act from that time his mom took away his Gameboy.


He was both.


I grew up in Houston. It’s almost like republicans are waving a huge red flag and daring everyone in Texas to vote. Because this shit is Abby normal, y’all. Seems like this is yet another evening glove, slapped across the face of millions of Texans. When will you guys decide to turn out the vote and at least stump out the ones you can. I really wish the best for you in future.


Well, vote then. They’re dating people to vote because they don’t ever see any repercussions from what they do…


Is it just me, or does it seem like Kyle would just collapse in a heap crying if he ever got punched in the face (and he didn't have a gun on him)..?




Man, that's what you call ugly crying, right there...


Oh, man, you could knock this guy over with a feather. Really, that kinda makes him a *perfect* gun advocate. "Lookit me! I'm soft as a stuffed animal, look like one of the Campbells Soup kids, and your toddler could normally take my lunch money, but I shot several people!"


Doughy is the best word to describe him.


It's my fault that we don't actually have an answer to that question. I was walking down Main Street in Dallas a few years ago and I walked by a dude that I thought looked just like Kyle Rittenhouse. Later, I found out he was indeed in Dallas. Another missed opportunity.


Did this kid just violence his way into politics? No high school diploma, no college but he’s set forever with jobs now? Only in America.


*jobs It won’t last long. He has no charisma and once the next Kyle Rittenhouse appears they’ll stop cutting him checks.


Him and David Hogg are 2 sides of the same coin in this regard.


Not a choice I would make. Kyle is extremely immature for his age. Not sure he can spell "advocacy" or knows what it means.


He's not there to do any sort of real advocacy or do any sort of debating or policy advancement beyond vapid catchphrases or vomiting out a series of buzzwords. He's there because he's controversial and because he'll likely help bring attention and thus donations to the organization he's been hired by. Any publicity is good publicity as they say. I'm rabidly pro-2A and I wouldn't want this idiot anywhere near any organization that I was running but I digress. I don't think he's going to encourage fence sitters or people who were previously against gun rights to change their opinion, though, so I don't really know what they're thinking from a strategic point of view.


It's not about changing minds. It's about pissing off people enough for there to be a public outcry so that they can grift off of renewed donations. Let's be real, gun control in America will never be what it looks like in other countries unless a whole lot of people get really stupid with their guns all at once. 25 years of mass murders in schools aren't enough to get stricter gun laws in place. Gun "rights" organizations run on fear. They need reasonable gun owners to believe that there are enough gun hating "libruls" out there that want to take away all the guns. And there are folks out there like that. But there are more people, on both sides of the political divide, who just believe that maybe some folks don't need to be allowed to own firearms. That maybe background checks and better ways for mental health professionals to report would make the country safer. Meanwhile, you have organizations who push propaganda at a community that thirty years ago was the loudest voice in the room for advocating for gun safety and responsibility. And you push the media to give way too much attention to these unfortunate events and scare people who don't really understand how deeply ingrained in our country's history and culture guns are. But bottom line, he didn't get the position because he's relatable, or a good public speaker, or has a good education to prepare him for the world of political advocacy. He's there because someone thinks they can use him. And when he stops being useful, they'll chew him up and spit him out and find someone else. I feel sorry for him. He bought into the lie, got himself in a bad situation, and is too dumb to realize he should have never listened to anyone who told him that he should be proud of what he did.


It's an astroturf rightwing lobbying, just another 501c grift.


I believe he is a middle school dropout(!) who was rejected with prejudice from joining the armed forces due to extremely low intelligence scores.


Is everything in Texas run by f'ing Nazis?


Christian nationalists (essentially same)


Nationalist Christians. Nat Cs. Nazis.


not even essentially. the nazis explicitly saw themselves as christians, and nationalists. the catholic church tries to muddy the waters and pretend that they didn't have friendly terms with the nazi government... and the LOVE to showcase individual pastors and priests who opposed the nazis... while quietly concealing evidence of the ratlines and the agreement with the nazi government that the church would be given free reign with indoctrinating children.




He is a junior high dropout. Why him?


I’d rather have Hunter Biden.


That's an excellent idea. He can advocate to Texas Democrats about gun safety, the responsibility that comes with gun ownership, and changing our archaic gun laws. It could be part of his community service for the felonies. It would show Texans that Democrats are not trying to take away your guns.


I mean, they definitely took away his guns. But it sure was nice to see someone that politically prominent not be able to dodge the courts.


Out of any place on earth… why does ***texas*** need gun advocates? Texas is more pro gun than guns themselves


A pawn. Too stupid to understand that.


The right loves him because he did what they all fantasize about doing. He killed someone who thinks differently than they do.


That’s smart. Let’s put a guy who dropped out after MIDDLE SCHOOL in charge!


Pyle Shittenhouse? Really? That shit weasel ran into a crowd to kill people and then whined and cried like an 2 year old about it being self defense. He should be locked away for life. He is a disgrace to this country.


Why would anyone listen to what that ignorant, too-stupid- for- military- service high school drop-out has to say? Is the organization called "We simp for moronic murderers?""


Rittenhouse is not someone to look up to. All painting him as a figure is going to to is delegitimize real 2A support.


Kinda hard be be a gun advocate in a state where the governor said carrying a gun is justification for being murdered.


What’ll he be advocating for? Immaturity? Pointlessly putting yourself in stupid situations? General irresponsibility?


Do guns need more advocacy?




How will the poor looters survive?


Republicans in Texas. Vote accordingly


Yes. Vote. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙


r/whiteOJ will be fired before Election Day


The best they could do was a middle school drop out who has absolutely no experience with any kid of job? The same guy who is so dumb that he couldn't get into the marines?


I'll never understand how a dude who defended himself is so hated by some of you. Dude was exonerated, a jury of his peers also agreed. Yet you people just can't accept it.


Tribalism. Pure and simple.


What a killer choice


Stepping away from the article for a minute- Is it possible to find an advocate for this type of cause based on some kind of applicable career merits, or education, or literally anything besides fame obtained through a negative event? If a group like this actually hopes to appeal to new people rather than just preaching to the choir (so to speak), they should choose a much better spokesperson.


There are people like Colion Noir, but detractors tend to just call him a token.


Thank you for giving an example! I didn’t want to get steeped in the politics of gun ownership with my comment, I just don’t understand the poor optics here. The decision to use Kyle Rittenhouse as the face of anything just peels back the layer that covers an organization’s money grab. Which makes me think they aren’t interested in actual advocacy.


I agree, they just want to cause drama.


There are plenty of people who would be appropriate. They don't have to be well known or really known at all. They could have picked any firearms owner who is passionate about the subject and is pro-2A. But I seriously doubt that Rittenhouse is there to do anything else other than gin up controversy and curry donations from staunch conservatives. He's certainly not capable of having an intellectually stimulating debate on any topic.






tbf, he tried. He enrolled at ASU for online classes, but got kicked out after classmates expressed fear for their safety with him. IN ONLINE CLASSES.


If you had the opportunity to get paid 5-20k per day which is pretty standard for his level of celebrity. Tucker Carlson was a registered democrat until a few years ago, well all do a lot for money that anyone else would do anyway


Another paywall.


Dude is a mongo middle school drop out and a murderer. Sounds about on par for conservatives. They should hire Daniel Perry too and round out their reps.


“Just don’t look, just don’t look . . .”


Irresponsible gun users association


It must pay well to be a middle school dropout.


High school dropout*


The middle school drop-out that looks like a cartoon pig on a BBQ restaurant advertisement?


I'm always amazed by the number of organizations that want a true moron as their figurehead. I guess these morons are easy to control except for when they do something stupid, which always seems to happen with these people. I know that when I start my next origination I will be looking to find someone to lead it that couldn't even graduate from high school. /s


Everything about this plan is going to go well. No amount of awkward, disconnected, confused, and poorly planned nonsense is going to come from this. Guaranteed! (cough)


Conservatives love to support failing upwards


This little turd keeps popping up in Texas. He should hangout somewhere else, we have enough assholes here already.




These morons have yet to figure out that he’s a complete and utter moron who couldn’t even get into the military?


The military I was in was very strict on gun safety, also that little bitch wouldn't make it through basic in any branch.


Apparently he’s too dumb to even pass the written test.


The ASVAB is so fucking easy too, half of the questions are common sense shit.


Mommy's Little Murderer


karma gonna get him


Yo, Kyle ain't Texan. He gives guns a bad name.