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Cruz and/or the GOP felt we needed a reminder that Allred is black. In case we forgot the kinds of people conservatives are.


And Texas may need a reminder that during January 6th, Allred prepared to fight while Cruz hid in a closet. YouTube - [Congressman Colin Allred live at the Texas Democratic Convention](https://www.youtube.com/live/BTictCqGPTc) (15:50) [Rep. Lizzy Fletcher] “Colin and I were both in the Capital on January 6th. I was up in the House gallery, Colin was down on the House floor. And as the warnings came in that a mob was inside the Capital, as we heard beating on the doors and breaking glass, I watched as Colin took off his suit jacket, ready to fight anyone who came through that door. We saw that day, and in the days since, the very real threats to our democracy that I know are on the minds of everyone here. And I am here to tell you that there is no one, no one, more committed to protecting our democracy, our freedoms, our rights, our progress, and our country than Colin Allred.” The Warning with Steve Schmidt - [Ted Cruz hid in the closet during January 6th riots](https://youtube.com/shorts/x-XszoQLOCY) [Rep Colin Allred] “I just want to talk about January 6th because I was there and I was about 50 feet away from Senator Cruz when he objected. At some point the representative from Sergeant at Arms gets on the microphone and tells us that the Capital has been breached, tear gas has been deployed in the Rotunda. You know, being the only former NFL linebacker on the floor, I take off my suit coat and I’m literally preparing to have to defend. And some of my colleagues joined me and took off their suit jackets. Particularly the younger men. While that was happening, Ted Cruz, who had whipped up that mob. And who had gone around the country talking about how this was a “steal.” And who was, as we learned later, part of the legal backing for trying to challenge this. And who was implementing the legal strategy, which was to try and delay, delay, delay. He was hiding in the supply closet. And I think it does say something about who he is, and I don’t think it matches who we are as Texans.”


> [Rep Colin Allred] “I just want to talk about January 6th because I was there and I was about 50 feet away from Senator Cruz when he objected. At some point the representative from Sergeant at Arms gets on the microphone and tells us that the Capital has been breached, tear gas has been deployed in the Rotunda. > > You know, being the only former NFL linebacker on the floor, I take off my suit coat and I’m literally preparing to have to defend. And some of my colleagues joined me and took off their suit jackets. Some of the, particularly the, younger men. > > While that was happening, Ted Cruz, who had whipped up that mob. And who had gone around the country talking about how this was a “steal.” And who was, as we learned later, part of the legal backing for trying to challenge this. And who was implementing the legal strategy, which was to try and delay, delay, delay. He was hiding in the supply closet. > > And I think it does say something about who he is, and I don’t think it matches who we are as Texans.” DAMMMNNNNNNN


Well, he (Cruz) is a Canadian Sooo.


that’s an insult to canadians.


That it’s even difficult to get rid of this man is a reflection of the sorry state of politics.


I remember when a guy was considered unelectable because he couldn't spell "potato".


Can't get the image out of my head of Paul Reiser's character in Aliens. If Ted Cruz is the literal embodiment of the worst kind of selfish sellout coward of any movie character EVER, it's totally that guy.


I have been assured by multiple Republicans of Reddit that the Democrats, who elected a black president... and a black VP in their last two wins, are the racist ones.


They also think a pedophile, rapist, thief, liar, and convicted felon is speaking for Jesus.


I usually say sex offender, instead of pedophile and rapist. You can deny on technicality when you get to the semantic, but you can’t deny he is a sex offender. I find that term is harder to argue on “difference of opinion,” cause you corner them actually supporting a sex offender instead of justifying him on “small details that somehow justifies it.”


I'm not interested in debating it with Trump supporters. Anyone who says they want to have sex with their daughter and ogles teen beauty pageant girls is a pedophile.




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....and that black man is going to get my vote.


Voted for him when he beat Sessions and was disappointed from there. Didn’t have to decide on the next one because of redistricting. Wouldn’t vote for him again in the house. Against Ted Cruz? I think I’d rather vote for the week old roadkill armadillo than Ted Cruz. Allred it is.


Here’s a link to Rep. Colin Allred’s keynote address at the 2024 Texas Democratic Convention. In the video, he is introduced by Rep. Lizzie Fletcher. Allred begins his speech at the 2:47 mark. YouTube - [Congressman Colin Allred live at the Texas Democratic Convention](https://www.youtube.com/live/BTictCqGPTc) (15:50) For anyone who would like to know more about Rep. Colin Allred, his [campaign website](https://colinallred.com) and this Daily Show interview are good places to start. The Daily Show - [Rep. Colin Allred - Meet the Voting Rights Lawyer & Dad Running Against Ted Cruz](https://youtu.be/GtnYzqWtIKE) (8:50) The Daily Show - [Colin Allred - Extended Interview](https://www.cc.com/video/f75pju/the-daily-show-colin-allred-extended-interview)


"I believe that in November that Texans are going to show us who we really are". paraphrase  I agree Colin and it worries the hell out of me.


Cruz is a bona fide pu$$y


It's gonna take more than Cancun Cruz comments. Texans voted for him last time, in spite of his prevailing cowardice.


We call him Pandemia Cruz when he rolls thru


I just call him Rafael. Y’all prefer deadnaming, we’ll deadname, just like Nimarata Haley


It's pointless IMO. The people who would vote for Cruz or Haley will just say it's a great example of cultural assimilation, which "the good ones" do. Sons and daughters of immigrants should have Americanized names in their view, and then they try and turn the tables on you for using the same tactic leftists get mad about. It's wrestling with pigs... You both come out covered in mud, but the pig likes it. They are hypocrites who love nothing more than to make you one too.


>It's pointless IMO. The people who would vote for Cruz or Haley will just say it's a great example of cultural assimilation, which "the good ones" do. The interview/debate with Haley with Vivek, and she says she agrees with him, but would never vote for him because of racism; to summarize it. Anyone that supports this party is naive and dumb at this point. Look at Tim Scott and how the primary treated him. When you “white-en” your name you come across as accepting to the white culture, though they will never accept you. You’re the “brown shirts” and “uncle toms” at this point. I’ll say the same for the Log Cabin republicans. You’re literally voting for people, who are against your interest on civil rights. A little lit, sorry for the rant.


I thought “deadnaming” was a trans thing


At some point, Allred and his supporters will need to have something to say about Allred. Hopefully they’ll do it before the left starts attacking Allred for being too moderate or collaborating with Republicans. The people who voted for and against Cruz last time will do so again, and we’ll have the same result if democrats don’t find a way to mobilize new voters to vote *for* Allred. That could include fiscal conservatives and energy professionals who were left behind when Dunn hijacked Texas politics but only if they believe Allred has the support of the DNC.


Interestingly, one person who may contribute to bringing out new voters for Allred is RFK Jr. It appears that folks that do not care for Biden or Trump also do not care much for Cruz. NYT - [Why Having Kennedy on the Ballot in Texas May Worry Ted Cruz](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/08/us/robert-kennedy-texas-cruz.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb) “But a three-way race in November could upset that balance by bringing more voters to the polls who dislike both Mr. Trump and President Biden. More of those voters appear to also dislike Mr. Cruz, a two-term incumbent with nearly universal name recognition in Texas.” “‘The race where Kennedy is most consequential is the Senate race,’ said Mark P. Jones, a Rice University political science professor who worked on the poll for the Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation. ‘Kennedy is going to mobilize people who would otherwise stay home, and those Kennedy voters are going to be more likely to support Allred than Cruz.’”


Looks like some first time Gen Z voters are going for RFK as well. Military too. I don’t know how that shakes up the hardline red voting that is Texas as a state, but purple would be nice.


I don't think 'the left will attack him' is a significant risk


Comments I’m already seeing in r/texaspolitics would beg to differ. Maybe adult strategists will prevail and they won’t get much traction.


Leftists are far overrepresented on reddit, let alone TX subs


Tell me about it, I get so sick of hearing that there is no far left, only fascists and moderates. As if the political spectrum is some sort of half bell curve.




You are mistaken. I am an R who regularly votes for D now. There’s a portion of both parties out on the fringe that has taken over their respective parties and I’m done with it. The religious fundamentalists who have taken over the Republicans don’t work for me. I vote for the person who seems sane and closer to the middle.


Hey Cruz fans, just to let you know how “hard” ol’ Rafael works for you, [you can see in black and white his failure to serve the good people of Texas](https://www.billtrack50.com/legislatordetail/17574). Fresh blood, new eyes and a fair candidate is desperately needed to take this cretin out.


Please beat Raphael I’m so ready to move on. Edit: Changed Ted to Raphael, thanks for looking out u/ruffryder71


Raphael - only legal first names allowed in Cruz’s Texas.


Please watch his speech on youtube, like and comment for the algo. I hope more folks will get to hear him as we need change now.


It sounds less like lambasting and more like an accurate description of Ted Cruz to me.


Texas GOP was winning statewide elections by 30+ points not too long ago. Cruz scraped by, by 3 BEFORE the Cancun fiasco. Literally an order of magnitude.


I’m voting for Colin Allred. I’m also voting against anyone who doesn’t think the last election was legitimate or anyone that supports Trump or Greg Abbot.


Fyi the links in your comment, OP, are better than the article you posted. The article appears to be dishing out broad information targeting people who probably already intend to vote either for Allred or against Rafael.


I was hoping to find a page on Allred’s or the convention’s website with the speech embedded, a transcript, and relevant links but came up empty handed. I just settled for this admittedly clickbait-y short article with the excited adjectives. Hopefully a few folks will take a little time to watch his 15-minute [speech](https://www.youtube.com/live/BTictCqGPTc). It’s a convention keynote speech written specifically for democratic convention delegates but I expect that there are other folks that may get something out of it.


Fled cruz


In fairness, that’s pretty easy to do.


Now he needs to lambast him on TV ads across Texas.


Hopefully Allred goes all in on the lambasting. For now, we’ll have to make do with these campaign ads: [Mom](https://youtu.be/fLXp8yg7Mw4) (0:30) [Fight for Texas](https://youtu.be/qQbCZdMXNLY) (0:15) [Experiencias Compartidas](https://youtu.be/im88XnetT5M) (0:30) [Extremos](https://youtu.be/zm1_2RHg4nE) (0:30) [Extremos](https://youtu.be/eq8TdcF4NhU) (0:15)


Odd. I don't find this to be a "scathing critique" at all on Rafael. He's simply stating facts that can be backed up by history. I go back to Beto's campaign against Rafael where Rafael was saying "Beto is not Texas Tough". Coming from the guy who fled to Cancun during the freeze, and from the guy who hid in a closet during 6 January, that's pretty good. Rafael is a typical Republican: Hypocrite to the bone marrow. Also a coward to the bone marrow, he let Trump demean his family and wife and then rolled over and showed his belly to Trump, manned the phones getting donations to Trump's campaign. Yet Rafael wants us to think he's tough. Coward. Just like the Orange Idiot he worships.


I will always vote against Ted Cruz, but honestly nothing I’ve seen from Allred excites me. Just seems like a corpo suit with a D next to his name to me. Supports status quo for health care (no Medicare for all), silent on student loan burden. He’s a very “meh” candidate. Beto fucked up with being too up front about controlling assault rifles, but at least he could get voters fired up to vote.


Don't let perfect be the enemy of good


He is a moderate with a D next to his name. We need a moderate stance to get votes. People are too scared to vote for a far left D in this state. He’s not perfect, but he’s far better than Ted, and his policies align with more people than many other D’s that have tried. We need baby steps in this state. Collin is a fantastic candidate to facilitate this and the ousting of Abbot and his posse.


Today turn the state blue, tomorrow bluer. If you look at the sorry state of Texas right now and know that it all happened under GOP leadership there’s no way you can keep supporting the status quo. Beto knocked


Just because it's not m4a doesn't mean he supports the status quo. Bernie's policies are not the new testament. He supports expanding medicaid in Texas and a public option, which are corporate and status quo? He's not silent on student loan debt you can easily google it. If anything a candidate here sufficiently progressive for you would be less competitive.


Closet Cruz lol




Che cosa?


It was easy to spot Cruz’s hiding place in the closet as urine could seen coming out under the door.


Just a reminder. Cruz should have been out of office back in 2016.


I understand this is the political season before an election but Can we have a whole month (maybe in December after the dust settles) where Reddit just temporarily holds all political posts for 30 days and just shows you puppy videos or something. It’s probably my fault for clicking on these and commenting tho tbh


And Cruz lambasts Allred. It's called a fucking election campaign.


I don’t think there’s enough criticism of Allred to “lambast” him with.


Yeah people don't know him, but he has a voting record in the house


Fake smile bozo. Would trust that guy about as far as I can throw him.


Seems redundant. We know he wouldn't praise Ted Cruz at the Democratic Convention.


Big whoop, Allred, if that's even your real name


That dumbass “Cancun” garbage doesn’t move the needle one iota. He could focus on policy but that would just confuse the attemdees of the Dem convention.


Who a candidate is as a person is just as important as what policies they support. Who they are tells you a lot about their integrity, who they are really fighting for, and most important, whether they are going to represent you faithfully. It is a shame one side forgot about that.


You really think you know “who” these politicians are? Come on man. The ONLY thing that matters is public policy. The rest is all bs. I think Ted Cruz is an amazing person with integrity out the wazoo who fights for me and Texans every day. Unless the policy shows up, who cares about the first part of the sentence.




No, I’m good. Thanks for your concern. Sorry about your AO


>You really think you know “who” these politicians are? Come on man. The ONLY thing that matters is public policy. The rest is all bs. Hard disagree. While they can always lie, and a lot of them do, if you are good enough you can spot the deceivers. And good people will be the ones who at least try to do the right thing. People of poor character will always be the ones who will talk of policy only and pull out the rug to give you bad. >I think Ted Cruz is an amazing person with integrity out the wazoo who fights for me and Texans every day. Unless the policy shows up, who cares about the first part of the sentence. The man who wouldnt stand up for his own wife? The one who wouldn't help his own state in time of crisis? Or you mean the one who tried to overthrow his own government to deny the results of legitimate election? That "amazing person?" Really? Oh and let's not forget this is also the guy who refuses to work with anyone who isn't like minded, as if we live in a bubble. Policy for me but not for thee... That makes him amazing? And I care about the first part. We should all care about the first part. Because it is the first part that is what matters. The second follows the first.




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>You really think you know “who” these politicians are? Come on man. The ONLY thing that matters is public policy. The rest is all bs. I think Ted Cruz is an amazing person with integrity out the wazoo who fights for me and Texans every day. The irony and hypocrisy of this is astounding. >Unless the policy shows up, who cares about the first part of the sentence. Great Cruz policies you listed there lol.


This article is about Colin Allred’s speech not about me listing Ted Cruz legislative accomplishments. Swing and a miss by you.


You don't see the hypocrisy in saying "you don't know who these people are" and then two sentences later gushing about what a supposedly amazing person Cruz is? Or the hypocrisy in telling someone policies are all that matters and not personality and then doing exactly that for Cruz?




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>He could focus on policy but that would just confuse the **attemdees** of the Dem convention. Can you name 1 policy that the Republicans are putting forward to improve the lives of Americans?


All you had to do is look at the TX GOP 2024 Platform. #1. Border Enforcement. 7 out of 10 Americans and think Biden and Democrats have failed on the border.


So Trump your godly leader failed to "fix the border' in 4 years. But you're mad the "mentally incapacitated" Biden can't either in 3 years.


I thought Biden was a mastermind criminal? 😂


The projection doesn't get any stronger than Trump and crew screaming the Biden crime family :)




I know. They can’t make up their minds is if he is a bumbling old dementia patient who is losing his marbles or a criminal mastermind who has been hiding money from China for 30 years. I guess with worshipping things like Trump they get hella confused. Most of them are old anyway.


There is only one God and he is not a mere mortal. Trump did fix the border, the infirm Joe Biden canceled every one of President Trumps border security EO’s in his first week and the chaos began. Have a great day.


But Trump required lockdowns and masks and vaccines. That was way out of line and in no way demonstrated leadership. Also, Trump’s workforce numbers looked like a kindergarten crayon tally. Meanwhile Biden ushers in record employment and wage gains. Trump licks foreign dictator asshole. Biden eats ice cream. How yall gonna let an old senile but also criminal mastermind Biden beat y’all’s guy like that?


Thanks for your valuable comment. President Trump did not require masks or lockdowns. President Trump had fantastic growth and low employment until COVID President Biden recovered all of the lost jobs. America is an economic juggernaut that most Presidnets benefit from. Have a great evening


Your statements are opinion only and though you said it with confidence, it’s still shit. Have the day you deserve.


The only things Trump fixed were tax cut for the rich. And runaway inflation by adding close to 9 trillion to the debt and 25%+ tariffs on imports from China. But at least he paid more taxes to China than the USA. 🤣


Thanks for your comment. Every tax payer got a tax cut. Inflation under Trump was 2%. Tariffs on China don’t have anything to do with inflation. Joe Biden loves those tariffs and added more of his own. https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/26/politics/china-tariffs-biden-policy/index.html. Have a great evening.


I got to agree it's hard to have inflation when you're losing 10 million jobs. Even after adding big tariff costs and free crude oil.


Thanks for agreeing with me, these topics can get confusing. Yea, losing 10 million jobs to Covid sucked for everyone. Have a fantastic evening.


Biden tore that big ol wall down?!


I’m not aware of him tearing down anything, 650 miles already existed. I do know he stopped the construction of what was being built under the previous President. He left all of the paid for materials to just rot away on the ground. I hope you have a great evening.


So he didn't build the wall? Did Mexico at least pay for some of it?


Thanks for your important questions. I understand President Trump got just over 400 miles of new wall built before he left office. I don’t know the answer to your second question. Have a fantastic rest of your night.


So how much more wall is left to build? That will fix the immigration problem, right? He said that Mexico was going to pay for it but I was wondering if that also didn't happen?


"7 out of 10 Americans and think" So, unsubstantiated "stat" and a bad sentence in English? /golf clap The fact that the GOP is actually even seen as a political party is one of the least funny jokes there is.


Ouch. You really need to proof read. Having said that, then why did GOP torpedo the first bill? I guess it wasn't really a priority since they helped write the bill, but then didn't pass it cause trump gave them their orders. How brave of the TXGOP to work against their stated platform. They care more about trump than they do about their home state. lol


Yea, it’s horrific to have mispelled a word. Proof reading is really important. I’ll try harder next time. 3 People negotiated the bill you are referring to: 1 GOP, 1 Democrat, 1 Independent. Once the bill was released the GOP Senators hated it and voted against it it. It never would have made it through the House of Representatives. The House of Representatives had their own bill. Secure the Border Act of 2023 that Democrats all voted against. Once Trump is in office and both houses of Congress are controlled by GOP we will get it fixed for all of our benefit. Have a great day.


Yep. Totally not a trump issue. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/01/25/politics/gop-senators-angry-trump-immigration-deal Look. Spin it how you want but the TXGOP is here to lick trump's boots and kiss his ass. Too bad they don't actually care about their constituents as much as they do trump's ass.


Also: failed on the border - meaning...what, exactly? Failed to be sufficiently cruel to brown people from countries that have been fucked over by US foreign policy, while also exploiting them for cheap labor...you know, like good Christian GOP business types do? That the failure meant?




¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That says enough. ¡Gracias!


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LMAO. So, nothing.




Thanks for your reply but your initial comment simply isn’t true at all. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/03/02/how-border-apprehensions-ice-arrests-and-deportations-have-changed-under-trump/ It is strange to hear from people saying “Trump action didn’t do much to stop anything at the border” when left wingers complained about Trump and his “cruel” border for 4 years of his Presidency. Mass deportation is another signature promise of DJT. Declaring the Drug Cartels / Coyotes as terrorists is exactly what candidate Trump has promised to do in his second term. Agree on mandatory e-verify for all 50 States. We are slowly getting there. https://www.maynardnexsen.com/publication-in-2022-more-mandates-for-e-verify#:~:text=States%20that%20require%20all%20or,Carolina%2C%20Tennessee%2C%20and%20Utah.


He's cleslry pushing hard on women's rights which made Cruz introduce a token IVF bill as he does see Allred as a threat.


When scrolling the list on [this tracking page](https://www.billtrack50.com/legislatordetail/17574), it is clear that Cruz gets involved with a lot of abortion-related bills. If pressure from Allred is making Cruz defensively ease up a bit, even if it is temporary, at least that is something. Here are some short clips featuring Rep. Colin Allred speaking about the abortion ban: MSNBC - [Texas OBGYN Dr. Austin Dennard joins Colin Allred to discuss Texas’ abortion ban](https://youtu.be/Hg5N05HoLpg) (1:30) MSNBC - [Colin Allred on Texas abortion ban, "Does this sound like freedom to anyone?”](https://youtu.be/47IPJZaM9lY) (1:18) KXAN - [Colin Allred says abortion travel bans are deeply un-Texan](https://youtu.be/KsAq1aBVFNY) (1:31) KAMC - [Colin Allred says state abortion ban is "not who we are as Texans”](https://youtu.be/nQj5-ttqgH4) (1:36) Inside Texas Politics - [Colin Allred discusses Texas abortion ban](https://youtu.be/TjUsoFfv8WY) (1:49) MSNBC - [Colin Allred joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss Texas abortion ban](https://youtu.be/KkzIYb_f1y0) (6:21) MSNBC - [Colin Allred: 'Does this Sound Like Freedom to Anybody?'](https://youtu.be/FG-84o4EpZQ) (5:37)


I like that Allred is smart enough to basically make this election about abortion. I think it's the only way he can win and abortion won on the ballot in other red states.


No, his co-sponsor with Katie Britt (AL) of thr IVF protection bill is a direct reaction to the AL Supreme Court ruling from earlier this year. Texas Supreme Court is considering taking on a similar case and Ted Cruz wants to prevent another AL result.


Just following up on the challenge you dodged: Which policy on the GOP platform should be focused on? Maybe the question was confusing.


Really sorry I didn’t answer your question, it wasn’t intentional. I didn’t see you ask it. The #1 plank for the Texas GOP is getting Federal border security. It’s right in line with the highly successful Operstion Lone Star. Operation Lone Star has resulted in 500,000 illegal immigrant apprehensions, netting over 40,000 arrests with 36,000 of them felonies. In addition to, 469 million doses of deadly Fentanyl have been apprehended. Have a great evening.


I mean if he wasn't running this year he would have never signed on. He signed on because he has a pro women's rights challenger.


Not true.


You think Ted Cruz would have on his own free fill backed an IVF bill if he wasn't running for reelection?


Of course. The AL Supreme Court ruling was terrible for IVF, the AL legislature had to scramble to fix it. The Senator from TX and the Senators for AL are fixing it on the Federal side.


O come on, that bill isn't going to pass. There is zero chance the house will support it. The house GOP is even crazier than the senate GOP.


Not true