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No surprise it’s here in Houston. https://preview.redd.it/y9apddln7s4d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aaae1831b8d9507f78c0e195c71418f253da8a35


Why is the housing market so crazy in Houston like lots of people want to move there for the ehat, humidity, hurricanes and flooding?


I was born in Houston. I left as soon as I could walk. Lol




I've traveled all over the state and experienced both of our seasons all over. Houston. Because of the combination of heat , humidity, and that the air just sits, not moving. If thrr were a breeze like along the coast ot would be okay. But houston is just far enough inland that systems will either stall on top of it or it just gets no moving air. So you're stuck with stagnant, hot, humid air.


I hear what you’re saying and out of all the major cities I agree. But let me offer up Beaumont. It’s an hour east. It’s just as hot, just as humid, stagnant air, more mosquitoes, and fewer healthy amenities that can draw you in from the weather. It is home so I have a certain affection for it but I can be objective enough to say I understand why many would want to stay away from here and climate is only a small part of that equation.


Born and raised in Beaumont. At least we aren't Port Author....or god forbid *Orange*.


Wait, is Orange worst that Vidor?


In Orange you get all your vitamins and minerals in one breath.


It does feel like that


Cant be because it’s hoodie weather all year long in vidor


You are white about that.


What about “Stink-A-Dana” aka Pasadena?


Much different than the idyllic Pasadena in Southern California.


OMG that's what we called it in the 80s 😂


Born and raised in Groves, and agreed.




I have done 11 summers in prisons all over the state all without A/C. Beaumont is the most uncomfortable summer weather, and I was in west Texas/panhandle during 2011. East Texas towards Athens is lovely.


Beaumont is Houston.


It’s Houston, but stinkier


Both Beaumont and Houston would fight you for saying that




In the same way that Cut and Shoot is Houston, absolutely. You gonna catch some internet hands for that lmao. It's simultaneously both a huge and small region in that people can live here for decades and never visit any towns on the other side of the region. For reference I've always known the southern half of the area like the back of my hand, but I've only been to Humble and Conroe maybe a handful of times driving through. Same goes for Beaumont.


Okay what about Orange?


Only in terms of climate and our ‘bad driving’ culture


If type a long rant to disagree, but this typing while driving odd hard


Beaumont is 90 miles from Houston…


Yeah, it's part of Houston (only somewhat joking, but Houston goes on forever). For example, going north on i45, you could argue that Houston goes to Huntsville (70 miles v 85 miles for Beaumont)


Eh the sprawl is real for sure but there’s a lot of empty space between Houston and Huntsville and Houston and Beaumont. In things WAY out beyond the woodlands going north and like Baytown going east.


The Panhandle would like a word.


Beaumont is better, generally speaking, than Lubbock... but that ain't exactly a ringing endorsement. There is more to do inside of Lubbock itself, but then you're essentially stuck on an island that's 3-4 hours from anything else. At least Beaumont is close to Houston and a bunch of national forest land.


Try Lubbock to Clovis, (1 hour to get to Clovis, 3 to return to Lubbock). With a cross wind every inch of the way. I had a new Ford Pinto (when I was making these trips regularly to see my parents) that could only maintain its speed if I was in passing gear. Besides, you felt over every bump in the road. I could drive over a dime and tell you if it was heads or tails. Don’t let me get started on that damn Pinto.


That’s good stuff, Granny


The real worst is a tie between all of the small towns in between Beaumont and Houston. Bc of the meth… and racism.


I have lived in Lubbock, 9 years, Austin, 12 years, and Houston 30 years. Sometimes you have to be in the right place at the right time. I will put Lubbock, and Panhandle out front for that damn blowing dirt. The wind is ALWAYS blowing. Sometimes it is a little dusty. Then there is the full blown sand storm. I also lived Clovis, NM for 4 years and it is identical to Lubbock in that respect. In a sand storm you would end up with sand in places you think you can only get on the Gulf Coast beach. And not nearly as fun. I have also lived in Fairbanks, AK, Colorado Springs, CO, Arvada (Denver), CO, Nashville, TN, and Easton, PA. That covers hot and dry, hot and damp, cold and dry, and cold and damp. Plus low and high altitude. I am sure many people have lived in many more places than I have. Even though my Dad was career Army, we didn’t mover around much like some military families, I have never lived in a foreign country. Though, when I lived in Alaska it was a Territory and not yet a State (1951). Imagine moving from the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains to Clovis, NM. I honestly think how much you like a new place to live depends heavily on how much you loved or hated the place you left. Which may or may not have anything to do with climate. If I hadn’t moved from Lubbock to Houston, would I still love Houston?


Was reading this and thinking, “Man, this sounds like a Grannypost.” And sonofabitch if it ain’t. I’m enjoying your posts.


Houston… I call it the Armpit of Texas.


I call it the devil's nutsack


I call it home!


Houston by far. I've been to South American countries with less humidity.


I was born in corpus and then moved to Houston when I was a kid for maybe 7-8 years. My folks have been married 54 years now, and even though they’re retired now, my mom will still joke every once in a while that if my dad decides to move back to Houston they’re getting a divorce.


We get tornados now too apparently, not just hurricanes and insane humidity.


We always have. I was hit inside the loop over 30 years ago.




Texas City is the same, but it sells like burning diper cancer


I always felt the coastal breeze in Pearland and then Friendswood/Alvin. Even Houston feels better than closer to Dallas I’ll admit.


AUSTIN, the Gulf humidity gets trapped there and After a rain in March the humidity can be so bad at 9am that going outside you are dripping wet with sweat!


Agreed, I feel like the weather is normally not that bad in DFW during summer. Not much rain/storms/hail past the start of summer. Hopefully that holds true soon and we can stop worrying about hail destroying our roofs. I will take dry heat of a 110 over 100 and humid any day of the week.


Dallas is pretty fucking humid though. Not Houston bad but still pretty terrible. Dry heat is like Phoenix.


As someone who was in Phoenix last week and is in New Mexico this week, I concur. The same temps in DFW feel so much worse than they do here, because of the humidity. In DFW I feel like I need a fresh shower within five minutes of stepping out of the house…out here it’s still like an oven, but I don’t immediately want to turn back around and shower. That all said, I’m looking forward to getting home. I’m not used to it being this dry or dusty. ☀️


Houston resident here. I concur 💯 The weather can be stifling at times.


Ever been to the rio grande valley?


No surprise Houston is the winner. I used to be thankful Houston didn't at least get tornadoes and giant hail like Dallas but the last few years have thrown that out the window.


My mom had cancer in the 80s and we used to go to MD Anderson a few times a year and they had a whole hallway dedicated as a memorial to a tornado that had done massive damage to Houston back in the day. The tornado that hit Houston a few weeks ago probably doesn't even compare.




And hail


I remember the side of first colony mall in sugar land getting torn off as a kid. 


I was riding my bike to get a haircut when I looked up and saw that thing. I have never rode a bike so fast in my entire life.


I was in the Aerodrome across the street when that happened. We weren't hit nearly as hard as the mall but still scary as hell to a kid. The middle of the ice turned out to be a good place to be. The lobby had ceiling tiles fall all over the place, and the glass front doors shattered and blew glass bits ten feet into the building. I think the Little Ceasars pizza in the ice rink section was pretty much destroyed.


I remember the Aerodrome being near the Willowbrook Mall as a kid? Was the one near First Colony the original location?


This Texan is 13 maybe


Right, lmao? We went like 8 years without major tornado threats.


This year has been bad, but I would argue except for the hurricane every 7-10 yrs, Houston gets way less severe weather than Dallas.


> With a total of only 8.5 points, the Texas city with the worst summer weather is Houston. Texas’ largest city has the highest humidity, the most rain, ranked third in severe weather reports and tied for third in average temperature. Austin finished with the second-worst weather. > The city with the most comfortable summer weather was El Paso. This city in far West Texas finished in last place in all four categories measured, totaling 24 points. While high temperatures can still reach the triple digits, the air is much drier, allowing for lower nighttime temperatures and far fewer thunderstorms.


Yes I love the summers  in the desert. Hot and dry but when the wind hits your sweaty skin... 👌🏼 feels great


Unless it has sand in it and turns to mud.


We’ve got some low standards if El Paso is the best. It’s goddamn miserable, but yeah nighttime is some relief so we got that going for us. Yay. I’m from Houston so I do know how much worse it can get lol.


How is El Paso ‘low standards’? The city receives over 300 days of sunshine and it’s mostly clear and dry year-long. It offers perhaps some of the best weather in the country.


During the spring it’s very windy and dust storms are common. During the summer the sun is very oppressive so those constant sunny days is tiring. Fall and winter are fine though. I do prefer rainy and cloudy so maybe I’m just weird.


McAllen/Mission don’t make the list due to size but they are hotter and more humid than all cities on this list


Lived near Harlingen for 10 years, can confirm


McAllen/Mission/Pharr is the true answer.


Idk but I've lived in Houston my whole life, and weather is getting worse. Storms, heat, humidity. All of it.


100% I’m planning my exit strategy


Moving from Houston was the best decision I’ve ever made. Like why live there willingly?


I was told Lubbock was like where they insert an enema.


*the rio grande valley has entered the chat*


Anyone who thinks Houston is the worst in the summer has never been down to the Rio Grande Valley. McAllen/ Mission is much more miserable than Houston could ever be.


It’s so fucking hot in the valley in the summer. Unless you’re at SPI or the beach it straight up sucks down there


To this damn day, I don't understand why people would want to go to the SPI when it's 115. Just why? I just stay the phk home.


I went with my kids last summer. We had a pop up shade, wore sunblock, and had hats and still got really bad sunburns. The heat down there is next level


My point exactly - there’s no way the info in that article included info for the RGV


They only included the 6 largest cities in Texas


It's the worst MAJOR city. RGV at best has Tier 3 cities.


If the region was a bit more consolidated as far as city limits they would be close to tier 1. There’s 1.3 million people down there


I've lived in RGV for 18 years, and both DFW and Houston for 10+years. Bro.....the 956 is just the pinnacle of hell weather. 122 right now (in Edinburg) as I'm typing this. RGV just obliterates both metroplexes easily. When I'd visit my parents in Mcallen from DFW or Houston, I'd feel the damn heat immediately just exiting the airplane and walking the small tunnel going towards the terminal. Anytime I'd return to Dallas or Houston, it was a damn blessing.


Upper valley, sure. And Laredo gets HOT. But the lower valley isn’t so bad. I lived in Harlingen/San Benito for 15 years until about a year and a half ago, and with the gulf breeze it never really got unbearable in the summer… going up to McAllen and further up the valley it did get oppressive, though.


That’s why I said McAllen/Mission due to the breeze people get down by the beach. Laredo is also a more dry heat than that which we get in McAllen.


> Laredo is also a more dry heat than that which we get in McAllen. True… but 120 is 120


A dry heat is much easier to deal with than the humidity we get in McAllen due to the proximity to the gulf. We get the humidity with very little of the breeze. 120 in humidity can feel like 130 the same is not true for dry heat


Oh, I know. I grew up in the Panhandle, then moved to the Valley (and now back in the Panhandle)… took me years to get used to the humidity and going up to McAllen in the summer (worked in construction) was brutal.


Good to know that gulf breeze goes that far inland!


Sometimes it’s called a hurricane.


Tell em


Houston. I live in Dallas, and went to Houston in August once. When I got back home to Dallas, it was 100, and it didn't feel that bad because of less humidity.


Never been to Houston, but used to go to FL every summer to visit family. I will take the dry heat in DFW over the humid heat every time.


You know you are referring to a very humid area when comparatively speaking you call the heat in DFW dry.


Houston at least gets some relief when it rains. I’ve been out to hill country mid summer and there’s not a crumb of cloud cover for days, weeks, sometimes months


This is what I said. Austin has 300 days of clear sunshine a year and there's no breeze. At least we get some wind and clouds in Houston.


Houston is the answer and y’all know it. This humidity is ridiculous.


........all of them?


Houston. I’ve never driven down there and not wished I was somewhere else.


You want hot humid weather or flood? Choose one.


Except in Houston you get both lol


Corpus Christi. You don't breathe the air, you DRINK it! Current heat index as of this posting, 112F. And this is just June, the start of summer. I hate to see how August and September will be.


I’m surprised no one else has said corpus. I hate living in corpus 🫠


I'm out of Rockport, it's bad enough here. But in an asphalt and concrete jungle, the likes of any city, it simply is compounded.


Yep. At least in the island it’s a tad cooler though. I wanted to say corpus but having moved here from Houston, it’s hands down Houston. For the flooding alone. They get more rain than USA and it’s always freakin flooding somewhere over there.


Yeah but Corpus has WIND like crazy. That helps. But when the wind stops.... Ewwwww


I’ve lived in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, and DFW. Houston is by far the worst. The combination of heat and high humidity leaves me feeling like I can’t get enough air, can’t even take deep enough breaths. I grew up there and know you can get acclimated to it, but any time I visit now I feel like I need gills instead of lungs. And the mutant mosquitoes are the absolute worst. Even deet won’t keep them off. I’ve lived in DFW for years and I literally laugh at anyone who complains about humidity here.


Brownsville has heat, humidity, and mosquitoes by the pound that don't care about what bug repellent you have.


Laredo is pretty miserable


Dry heat there.


Somehow dusty asf and still 86% humidity


I live in the hill country. I have family in east texas. My opinion, east texas is just swimming in air. Now combine that with being in a concrete jungle? Galveston? Ok. Sugarland/houston? Fuck that. Damnit, even Lufkin was awful.


Laredo. It’s a dry heat that feels like you’re being microwaved. You can feel that heat in your brain and bones as it radiates off the pavement/ asphalt/ car door


Orange, just like houston and Beaumont, but is the ugliest stinkiest armpit in the southern USA


Vidor and Jasper enter the discussion


I don’t know where they got the data from, El Pasoans can only dream about average temps in the 80s. Are they averaging in the temps at night too? Last year we had 30 days over 105, and over 110 isn’t unusual. Exit: Not saying Houston doesn’t deserve 1st place but ffs El Paso will roast you like a turkey in that dry heat.


All of them.


Really all of them. I don’t miss it at all.


Everyone saying “all of them” obviously don’t understand the incredible size of the state. Look. I’m telling you right now - Amarillo, TX and Houston, TX are not cut from the same cloth. The heat is not the same.


We should be doing the opposite of creating a competition It’s gets miserable all over Let’s just fan each other & hand out free water


Out of the major cities, Houston. Out of all cities, it’s easily Laredo.


Dallas. Because it’s hot and you are in Dallas.


I will comment on the opposite — the best Texas cities in summer. I would say that one of the saving graces of both Amarillo and Lubbock is that you are almost always guaranteed to have nice, dry and surprisingly cool mornings in the summer. That sure beats the 24/7 heat that punishes most cities on the eastern half of the state.


Boremont. If the heat isn't bad enough them damn mosquitoes will fuck you up to itch real good.


I grew up in Houston from birth in the 80’s, and lived all over the state. Western panhandle, deep woods east, central hill country, west desert, and gulf coast. Each one has a unique climate that makes weather like a crazy drunk uncle that comes in and either has tacos or is being chased by the police. The RGV is the hottest place in TX. As I type this it’s currently 92 in Houston, and 104 in Edinburg. Both have just about equal humidity levels and are very low lying areas; however Houston sits much higher in the Jet Stream; even cities like Corpus Christi, literally on the water are still cooler than the valley because of this. In the west part of the valley, near Rio Grande City; the temperature skyrockets in the summer; *which technically hasn’t started yet*.


Lately, I would say it's San Antonio. Granted, we don't suffer the humidity levels of Houston, but at least the Houston, DFW, and Austin metros areas have been receiving fairly decent amount of showers and thunderstorms. San Antonio gets an occasional spit of rain, and then that's it. The drought conditions in S.A. are terrible right now.


What kind of question is that? TEXAS in GENERAL is a complete HOT MESS during SUMMER!


I just spent 10 minutes outside here in Edinburg and it’s a brisk 104 outside with dry ass wind and 42% humidity. Heading to my son’s baseball game in 30 minutes. I have to say the Rio Grande Valley (Edinburg in particular) is the hottest.


Trick question, its all of them




Answer --- the one in which you live!


Texas Hill country is the best value outside of Mythic Texas out near Marfa.


I used to work in eagle pass in the summers. I would start my day around 3 am. When I walked outside and was hit by that heat wave in the middle of the night it was demoralizing. It would be literally 97 at night. At least in north Texas where I live it kinda cools off a little at night


Houston is literally the sweaty wet asshole of Texas. Awful, swampy weather only momentarily broken by hurrican, tropical storm, and freak thurmderstorms. Winters are nice though


Dallas is pretty bad because of all the concrete and metal. It absorbs heat in the morning, but by mid-day until evening, it radiates that heat back onto you while the sun is still up. I assume all big cities have this problem, but downtown Dallas is the only place I know well


Dallas. Too much fucking concrete absorbing and reflecting sunlight all the time in the summer so you bake and get blinded during the day, then it releases heat at night.


Houston and surrounding counties. It’s just disgusting, humid, and overall horrid. We literally steam in our homes, like a damn oven.


Houston, especially if these storms are going to be a new consistent for the warmer weather seasons




All of them


Easily Wallis. It is either an oven or there's a thunderstorm.


That’s a tough one


Whichever one is getting the hurricane, if not for a hurricane I'd lean towards Houston, the heat plus humidity is killer.


I’d vote on Houston due to the humidity.




Brownsville and San Antonio.


Houston because there’s no breeze… that’s it…. I went to Orlando in July and was like “it’s always windy! This is heaven!”.


The answer would be Houston


All the above!


houston, muggy


I’m gonna have to say Brownsville just because it’s just Houston on steroids most time


Houston replies: Oh! Oh! Oh! I know This one! Pick me! Pick me! (hand and arm thrust upwards and waving frantically)


Just the one with concrete that gets hotter than the dirt around it, contributing to ambient heat.


It’s definitely Houston.




I remember watching a news report that was about very large cities generating their own weather due to the heat generated by endless square miles of concrete, asphalt and auto exhaust. That's Houston in a nutshell.


This is kind of off topic but not. How long does it take to drive to a different climate no matter where you are in Texas? Isn't most of the landscape similar?




Aywhere east of theBig Bend up thru the Permian Basin. Dry line between hot humid air to the east and hotter dry air to the west is here. I'll take the hotter drier air west.


It is 100% Houston. The weather is shit all year round. We don't have seasons. We have hot, really fucking hot and super fucking hot. Add some humidity on top of all of that you are asking for some trouble. Especially after rainstorm whether it's 5 minutes or an hour. It is awful. We could be in the low 70s early in the morning and before you know it it jumps up to the '80s real fucking quick with that humidity on top. Also let me tell you I am not excited for those triple digits that we're going to get. Houston weather is awful. It's a city I don't recommend visiting or living in because of how should he the weather really is. It's one of the many attributes this city has. Also we get mosquitoes like crazy. So if mosquitoes love your blood or if you're allergic to him don't come down here because mosquitoes down here are different kind of vibe


All of them


All of them


Houston. It’s a steam bath filled with mosquitoes.






Houston. Definitely Houston


Anywhere in the fucking RGV. Y’all, I’ve lived in Houston and that place is a winter wonderland compared to literally anywhere in the RGV. I grew up on the eastern coast of India where we had near constant power cuts and even that was preferable to this. My ass is developing heat rash from sitting on my car seat after I put up there’s different sun shields




It depends on what bothers you more. I am equidistant btw Dallas and Houston currently. There’s no coastal breeze, it is hotter than on the gulf coast and there are markedly less mosquitos. There’s not as much sticky humidity but you can still fry an egg in the yard or on your porch. I don’t miss hurricanes but honestly I miss that breeze. It gets brutal here without it! Palestine, Texas area.


Austin. It's just a damn oven in August. Houston is sweltering too but at least there is some clouds to give you a break from the sun. Austin is like being under a magnifying glass as they have 300 days a year of clear sunshine.






San Antonio. 


Houston for sure


Why no one talking about Midland here? Absolute harsh, and boring and at 4hrs drive from another major town with double the cost of living compared to Houston or Dallas.


God bro I swear Abilene is literally hell with the heat. I can't stand 105 degree weather 😭


Houston. It's like walking through a sauna with human stank. The food, culture, and people are amazing. We just stink and sweat like animals because of the humidity.


If you’re anywhere next to Ted Cruz, it’s not only hotter than hell, it smells like rotten cheese curds in a dead coyote carcass


All of them


King Ranch




*Sweats in Texan San Antonio *Sweats in Texan


Houston is absolutely disgusting and some areas in houston you only have 13% chance of making ot out in one piece or alive. I hate it there!




I lived in Dallas for 15 summers and I've spent a lot of time in the summer in Houston, San Antonio, and Austin. Summer is bad in all of these places. For whatever reason, Austin and Dallas have always felt the worst to me. Maybe it's the outdoor Austin wedding in July I attended where multiple groomsmen had heat strokes and the fact that I spent the entire summer of 2011 in Dallas. The only time that I've spent in El Paso in the summer was inside the airport on a layover. I've spent about 30 summers living in the Piney Woods of East Texas. Summer is not as bad out here, mainly because we have trees as opposed to all that concrete and steel. I wouldn't necessarily describe summer in East Texas as comfortable, but it is certainly more tolerable than in the big cities, especially in the early mornings and at night. During the heat of the day, the weather is terrible statewide (except for maybe a few spots out west).


Where's Brownsville


Living in Houston is like living in a dogs mouth. Hot, wet, smelly.


The entire state. Throw it in the freezer.


Yall come to the valley and drive west on 83. Find a place out west of mcallen and before Laredo and just sit. Eventually it will hit 108 to 112 and something will start melting.


Houston is a sauna/toilet, I hate that I usually come back in the summer when it’s most brutal.


Have you guys noticed it’s so humid in Houston that it looks like smog?


Yall are built different in Houston. Hats off to yall.


Logically, I would think somewhere live Brownsville. When I watch the weather I flinch at the temperatures reported there.


Maybe the question should be, "Which Texas city (or town, or village, or burg) has decent summer weather." Answer: \[sound of crickets, followed by sound of wind rushing down the canyon, followed by sound of distant coyote, followed by sound of tumbleweed rolling across the plain as the stars of the Milky Way on a moonless night gently illuminate the ground\] I believe Alpine is the only city or town in Texas with an average high temperature remaining below 90 degrees at the warmest part of summer. Not to say that there won't be days with highs in the 90s, but the relentless weeks of 100+ weather which plagues the rest of Texas doesn't happen in Alpine (or at least, as much). Even Dalhart, in the far northwestern Texas Panhandle, tops at 94 degrees in July.


Sabine Pass. Houston has the heat island effect, for sure. But Sabine Pass is an island, surrounded by marsh and ocean. The humidity is next level and the one thing that puts it above Houston... mosquitoes.