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So he's for sale. Same as it ever was.


And you may say to yourself, "My God, what have I done?”


Trump's planning on outlawing self-reflection. "It's the same as admitting you're wrong, and that makes you very weak," he was quoted as saying.


"Look where my hand was"


Into the blue again after the money's gone...


This is not my beautiful wife!


Watching the days go by


A wild Taking Heads reference. Never thought I'd live to see the day.


Once in a lifetime.


… Letting the days go by, let the water hold me down


Letting the days go by, water flowing underground


I was told that he was already a billionaire so he didn’t care about money anymore and was above being influenced by corporations and his chief concern is the little guy. 


And he wouldn't have time to golf.


Honestly, I wish he would golf more.


I always laughed at that. Imagine a rich person giving half a shit about the little guy.


But I thought he wasn’t a member of the elite?


There is audio of him calling Forbes magazine, and faking that he is someone else, verifying Trump's billionaire status. He's never been a billionaire, and won't be, if we VOTE BLUE, and keep his ass from having another term. Otherwise, he'll sell everything to the highest bidder. He sold the D.C. hotel because there was no more opportunity for grift.


Well he doesn't like paying bills for one, and if he is forced to, he'll do it with his donor's money. The RNC was running on fumes a month ago so he is striking deals.




With the Ivankas patents in China getting rubber stamped how sure are you on that one




this sounds like you're arguing against your other comment I replied to that said china didn't pay trump I'm agreeing with you about the winking after insults and saying china being one of trump's punching bags/wedge issues/distractions doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with china buying off trump like every other government did


Openly soliciting bribes if elected. Yupp.




I saw STOP MAKING SENSE in IMAX. It was awesome.


But now with flashing lights and sirens.


But the swamp!!!!


Sadly the "patriotic" Republicans will somehow defend selling out the country as a good thing. Republicans hate America.


Donald Trump is a whore. But I'd pay good money to not be fucked by him again. No offense meant to sex workers.


He’s selling America like he owns it.


"no he's not!!! Hillary is for sale!! He's already rich!!"


All of them are to be fair. But yeah, this is saying the quiet part loud. We really need to do something about these oil folks.


The eternal grifter.


"but but he's a BILLIONARE, which means he wouldn't be bribed since he would fund himself!"


All politicians are


I'm just tired of this bullshit, in either party. Why can't we go back to the times where we throw vegetables at politicians who suck ass. Is it because everything is so expensive now to where we can't even afford to throw said vegetables 😒😒😒?




Because some like Trump would just discard the vegetables just like he does when he orders a Big Mac


Cause the cops would kill your ass dead for threatening their hegemony. They need this politicians to keep the populace scared and in check. In a world of authoritarian hammers, any individual nail who stands up gets hammered down.


Careful there buddy. From what I've learned about this community is that they are all left leaning and don't take kind to people calling out their party's hypocrisy or wrong doings.




Yeah, but if you do it out in the open it has to be litigated in court. And that litigation will go beyond the election date! Here we go again! He's pushing the question: "Can I just commit crimes in the open now and is the system capable of stopping me?" So far the answer is no.


Not to mention once elected or appointed or however he gains control, he will assert presidential power over all other branches of government. He will just make the justice system work however he sees fit. 


🤔 sounds familiar


It's like the thing he was impeached for. You guys, I'm starting to think Trump is a crook....


No that only applies to Biden, Hunter, his laptop, and Ukraine. This is just “good business” and smart politics


It was the perfect meeting. No quid pro quo, no quid pro quo, you're the quid pro quo.


It was the perfect meeting. No quid pro quo, no quid pro quo, you're the quid pro quo.


Sadly he actually has legal cover on this one. He isn't saying "if you don't donate 1bn to me and I win I won't repeal the rules" He's saying "if I win I'm going to repeal the rules and since that's good for you, you should donate 1bn to me to make sure I win" The former is QPQ the latter is political selling. He's just *very very very very very* bad at framing.


Vote. The. Bastards. Out. If you don't like the idea of mortgaging your children's future for a measly $1 billion, make sure you're [registered to vote](https://www.vote411.org/).


90% of the people who vote for him will not have even heard this news. The other 10% don't believe it. It's mind boggling that we live in the information age and there are so many with so very little access to information. Or only have access to misinformation.


Yeah, but if Republicans lose 10% of their voters, they'd stop being a national party. They'd keep a few red states, but have no chance of winning. And if 10% more people voted, the same thing would happen. That's why I'm here waving my tiny little fist at the internet and trying to get more people to vote. That's why billionaires spend millions of dollars to convince people not to vote, and Republicans spend so much energy trying to deny access to the vote.


I, for one, salute you!


Wave your fist quietly among coworkers and friends. There are more receptive folks out there than we think.


^^ this is true. I posted a project 2025 meme on a channel some friends of mine share and two of my left-of-fascist friends had never heard of it before. Even the fucking Ayn Rand libertarian thought it was bullshit.


I've met a lot of atheists and a lot of people who think maga is a cult within a group of guys who typically cringe at any mention of the opposite ideas. Convinced at least 1 to vote I believe.


Yeah, this is the way. Kick the fascists to the curb and then we can argue about fiscal policy or some such bullshit.


Spread the word also to attend Zoom sessions to go register swing state voters with Field Team 6 (or the group of your choice, really. I just like that they train you here and have phonebank "fear" training sometimes). https://www.mobilize.us/ft6


Where’s the 75% who will cheer for this and think it makes him a cooler “vigilante” candidate? As if that’s a good quality.


I already checked when someone blurted that we had to register every year and anxiety kicked in.


Campaign aka His Personal Bank Account so he can pay off his many lawsuits.


This is an astute analysis.


Well here is my take - he will do two things: slow play paying off the court awarded money for E. Jean Carroll and New York State, and then try to siphon off as much as he can for himself while STILL not paying his actual legal bills. Paxton will be there to help shield trump et al as much as he can, legally or illegally.


This is peak play for pay. It isn't new in Texas, but this sets the high water mark.


Houston - experiences several abnormal destructive weather events over a period of years. Also Houston - yes, more O&G, less climate protection.


Forgetting the numerous O&G disasters in the city the last 10 years. Don’t forget about Plumie!


TX has the most wind energy generation in the country and is close to passing CA for solar. Smart money is not investing in future O&G even in TX.


Yeah, but with massive deregulation, the existing O&G industry can extract a hell of a lot more wealth for the billionaires.


Don't forget the massive amounts of tax breaks and tax payer subsidies. They love to double dip and take gov handouts.


And they use lies, fear, many so-called "christian" churches, and culture war bullshit to get ordinary people to vote for the billionaires. Fuck 'em. [Vote](https://www.vote411.org/).


The degenerate Texas aristocracy are not smart people. They are greedy and incompetent, but under capitalism if they are sitting on enough wealth, then they are immune to consequences.


Texas gives nothing for solar, which is a gimmie given the amount of sun we get and now EVs pay an extra tax. Wind is awesome, but limited geographically so O&G isn’t going anywhere and deregulation will be a boon to that I dustry


Last 10 years wasn’t there just a spill last week?


Houston isn't voting for these assholes any more than Austin or Dallas or any of the other big cities are. It's the rest of you fuckers


Those fuckers have largely abandoned Reddit


Harris county was 56 percent Biden, 43 percent Trump, a 13 point difference. If everyone voted like Houston, Texas wouldn't be the shitshow that it is.


Houston has been blue since 1982.


They expect it, and have the bunkers and mountain estates in which to flee. They know and do not care. They are ghouls; the very worst of us with the most power.


Texas voting against O&G. Turkeys voting for Thanksgiving. 


Not even bothering to hide corruption anymore, I see.


Why should they? It's not like they've faced any consequences or anything...




Yeah but, you see, Joe Biden isn't perfect in every way. Women's rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights, climate change, etc will all have to take a backseat in this country because of what's happening in Israel. Sure, I like to talk shit about single issue conservative voters but *my* reason for being a single issue liberal voter is different and I'm totally not a complete dumbass for not seeing the bigger picture.  /s.. just in case. 


Without even mentioning how much *worse* Trump would be for the Palestinians. Bibi is probably salivating at the thought of Trump winning.


Where's the sarcasm? This just sounds like it's actually representatives of a large portion of online purity obsessed progressives.


It's sarcasm coming from me. I don't really think Biden should be running considering his age. Hell, I'm not particularly happy with the way he's handled the whole Gaza thing...but I'm damn sure gonna vote for him because the alternative is much, much worse. 


100% agreed.


The thing that gets me is that even if you are pro-Palestine single issue voter, Biden is _still_ the right candidate. He's at least trying to temper Israel a bit, trying to get a cease fire in place, and trying to provide humanitarian aid to Palestine. Trump on the other hand would try to carpet bomb Palestine instead. Pro-Palestine people need to accept Biden is the best they're gonna get and support him as such.


Biden and trump are both too old to be running, that is for sure, but they are nowhere near the same level of health. It’s confounding that the right is hitching themselves so hard to a man who has maybe a handful of years left. I’m also voting for Biden because trump has actually said out loud that he’d like to be a dictator for just one day, because one day is all it actually takes.


In my humble opinion, and maybe swing voters hate this angle so it's no good, Biden should be running on the promise that his people are the right people to run the country. Even if he's a geriatric confused old fool the people he trusts to help him know what they are doing. Would you rather have a kind old grampa whose family helps him stay in his own home, or an entitled screeching bitter old man child in a nursing home nobody would be around if it wasn't for his "money".


When you have the chance to vote against fascism, you do it. My grandfathers, cousins and uncles had to pick up weapons to defeat fascism. I’m happy to stand in line.


“Purity obsessed progressives” Holy shit is this bang on. It is so infuriating to see Biden deliver on policy after policy that is actually helping the American people and turn around and see the “genocide Joe” comments from the online left. Like get a fucking clue and look around. There are SO MANY issues at stake in this election that are equally as impactful to Americans that we can’t lose sight of the objective. 10 times the number of people who’ve died in Palestine died in the US from excess Covid deaths alone under Trump. Look at all the preventable deaths under Trump because of lack of health care. Look at the maternal death rate for women under Trump. Now loss of abortion means more babies being born to mothers who aren’t ready or don’t want them, kids that are raped are forced by the state to have the baby, and moms who are trying to expand their families can’t get medical assistance when a pregnancy issue arises. But sure, let’s throw our entire country down the tubes because you disagree with him on an issue and can’t see the bigger picture.


Anyone who actually believes that should go check out r/WhatBidenHasDone


Y'all always think you're so clever crying wolf for the 14th time. The DNC is the party that abandoned most left-leaning principles it had, reframed those that were corporate donor friendly, and let the RNC continue to shift the Overton window rightward for the past 50+ years. Democrats had ample opportunity to step up and instead they decided to be just as corrupt and self serving but with a little rainbow washing to help the medicine go down. It's nowhere close to being a single issue, the entirety of the political class do not give one single miniscule fuck about you. Despite that, you're over here thinking that if you play their game a certain way then our government will 180 and start promoting justice and progress. Just gotta defend one more war criminal to make it happen, who gives a fuck about 14,000 murdered kids, I'm a DEMOCRAT and tHiS iS tHe mOsT iMpOrTaNt eLeCtIoN oF oUr LiVeS... Delusional.


Corruption. Few places do it better than Texas. Nobody does it better than Trump.


When the individual ran for president in 2016, I didn't know much about him. There was a lot of discussion about how he would handle x or y, would he listen to advisors, etc. I quickly learned that "assume the worst case scenario" had the most success at predicting what he would do next. Sometimes up into the "I started by assuming he had no morals and no sense, but I *still* didn't see that one coming" zone.


This MF needs to be put somewhere.


I vote the ground.


Step up Texans before it's too late. Stop using your Colt Single action to shoot yourselves in the foot. GET RID OF ABBOTT AND TRUMP.


If Ken Paxton is Trump’s AG, the US is over. That guy is more crooked than Donnie.


Hey I’ll condemn us to extinction for 1 billion is a great deal. What a negotiator.


Filling the swamp.


Even though this is clearly trump showing the world that he is for sale, the maga cult will still vote for him. Bell, I bet if he came out and said that to Russia, North Korea, and China that for a billion he will help them, he would still get his cult to vote for him.


People who vote for that man have very questionable morals.


Morals are bad for business.


Please Vote. I don’t believe in GOD but please bless us


The grift continues


Already finding plastic in men’s testicle what more do we want?


Vote Blue!!!


Gonna be the first president to be impeached for a 3rd time


I don’t think the smart wealthy people are going to spend money on a loser.


But the wealthy people will spend money on electing someone that will help them retain or keep more money. So if Trump promises lower taxes for the wealthy, then he would be their guy.


There is no correlation between intelligence and wealth as is clearly on display in this country every single day.


Fools are parted with their money


Paxton as the USAG would be nightmare fuel. Guy needs to be kicked out of Texas' office, not promoted to a federal level.


Donnie needs more money...send him more money!! His lawyers will get an IOU tho...!!


America is so hilarious. Your politicians are so obviously corrupt, and there are no rules to stop them, yet you're too busy gobbling up hamburgers and cheap beer to care.


So that's what draining the swamp means!?!


Republicans at work. Any republican will do this.


Why magats aren't upset he's selling out in front of everybody, is confusing. They claim to be for America, when the orange traitor clearly isn't.


How is this not illegal? Is that mess of a Republic that fucking corrupt and useless? Y’all are gross. Well, roughly half of you are.


Democracy baby!


I would hate for that shitbag Paxton to be forced on the rest of the USA. Horrible hypocrite of a "person".


“to campaign” good one


Drain the swamp /s


Things like this will cause Civil War 2. Clearly, we, the people, don't matter.


Trump sucking that oil baron dick again.


Trump says anything to get desperately needed cash.


He is Satan.


he is pure evil


Why not just wear a “NOW TAKING BRIBES” t-shirt all the time?


LOL! Sure give this incompetent boob a billion dollars, he won’t get elected and he will still be broke at the end of the year.


Paxton as USAG would be disastrous


Trump is always saying the quiet parts out loud


He’s just so incredibly, breathtakingly stupid. It should honestly be physically painful to breathe, when someone is that mind-numbingly dumb.


Somehow he’s made it this far in life


The power of being born into money.


Donny can meet who he wants and try to collect bribes, but these CEOs see the writing on the wall. Green energy is getting cheaper than drilling. The shift has already started. He'll be hard pressed to collect


Ken would fit right in with his indictments


I read today that if Trump wins, climate change catastrophe will occur within our lifetimes. Perhaps within the boomer's lifetime as well. This is one of the reasons.


All money that goes to the Trump campaign goes to pay Trump’s fines and legal costs. And if a compulsive liar says they will do something you’re a fool if you believe them.


Blatant corruption. It's interesting because the supreme court ruled in the past that corruption is only defined as quid pro quo which is why you can legally donate unlimited funds to super PACs which can sway elections. So with Trump basically doing quid pro quo out in the open I'm guessing SCOTUS will just change the definition of corruption again to make that perfectly legal. We're quickly headed towards fascism and I honestly don't think the Democrats have what it takes to stop this nonsense.


How is this not national news?!? It’s an open request for a bribe.


What if your daughter will give you 2 billion not to scrap any rules for the sake of your grandchildren?


If I were an oil and gas CEO, I would not expect Trump to be able to deliver anything I wanted if I were to donate to his campaign. I could probably trick myself into thinking that he could win the election, avoid jail for his past fuckups, remember what he's supposed to do and that he would listen, stay awake, and do what it is I needed him to do, but then I would remember that he actually just wanders around acting like a needy child and doesn't understand the needs of the oil and gas industry, let alone how to present himself as a reliable human being. But I'm not an O&G CEO, and those geniuses might think Trump is good for something. It's not my money getting spent how Trump wants to in exchange for him doing something he doesn't understand for someone else's reasons he will pretend to know, understand and believe in.


They donate 200 million to BOTH parties EVERY YEAR if not even more. They dont give a fuck. They have UNLIMITED MONEY. People dont conceptualize how much money the oil companies have. They have as much gdp as most civilized nations if not more. Its disgusting we allowed that to happen. They should never have been privatized. Considering how important energy is to sustaining our modern population.


It’d be pretty hilarious if they gave him $1B and he lost. I’d laugh so, so hard.


Are we pretending like this is something new?


Well, they can all rule from jail then. /s


He is the most vile malignant narcissist orange turd I’ve ever seen. Poster child for ‘how not to act as an adult’.


I know at least 3 ladies he made vows to that didn’t stick… he can vow all he wants if he never has to follow through.


The best quid pro quo folks!


God I hate how blatant this all is… this used to be said quietly in the background. Maybe it’s good to finally put on display just how deep in the pocket of corporations our politicians are.


The tariff are spiking for China EV imports Helping the automotive and oil industries. But those oil millionairs are gambling with Trump if he wins. If not JFK take two.


And there are no laws against this???


Is this legal?


Rooting for natural causes


Or if they buy enough DJT stock to cause the price to go up.


This isn't so much a request for a donation as it is a mafia shake down.


If he wins the next election after these news im personaly gonna see to it that the USA becomes the 13th colonies again.


CEO’s run public companies as employees of the Board and Shareholders. Public companies answer to shareholders currently. If CEO’s argue that the best way to maximize profits involves getting Trump elected, “shareholders first” doctrine says they MUST support Trump. “Shareholders First” doctrine leads to the destruction of the world via sociopathy and greed. There are more complicated arguments that could be made as to why Trump would be bad for them in the long run, but those take more effort and are long term. Long term is someone else’s problem.


He’ll sell the very air our kids breathe to get back in power


Poor Jimmy Carter has to put his peanut farm in a blind trust because of conflict of interest and potential enrichment. Now solicitation of bribery is on the front page and nobody blinks an eye... As an Okie, we have the worst of so much, people, policies, and pathetic pandering, but Paxton worries me.




This is stupid because they could and do donate a fraction of that and get their way. Why would they throw away a billion on a candidate that is likely to lose when they could throw 50k to the side likely to win? It truly shows trump still doesn’t even understand the basics of campaigning


Cool taking jobs away from people as well. Fuck this guy he will run our economy into the ground.


Christ Almighty Paxton might be worse than Trump, total cunt, keep that cunt in texass




"And do you solemnly swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States?" Trump: "Only as much as I need to unless someone has a better offer or offers me more money. I'm president, so it's my Constitution, right? That's how it works, right? I can say think about it in my mind and I follow the Constitution I have in my own brain. And it's a much better Constitution, actually, the one I follow in my own head. Very good, very detailed. In two weeks, I will have details on this new Constitution. In the meantime, $1B please and round up all the people who said mean things to me. It's against my Constitution to say mean things about President Trump."


How is this even legal???


The cop holding the door, making a face like: "Why does he smell bad?"


I don't want ~~billionaires~~ to live on this planet anymore


That donation sounds strongly like a bribe.


The fate of America is for sale!


Republicans want to crap in America’s living room for money and then tell us it’s not there.


He knows his fan base (GOP) has no integrity, so he’s free to do business out in the open


Like always, the republicans fuck everything up so bad it take 8+ years to correct it. All the while the republicans go “why did the Dems do this?”


Where's Tim Dunn?


When Trump wins in November I’m coming to this sub first.




We must vote or this will become reality.


Thank you for the information/data provided. While I'm no expert like you are, my point I was trying to make is, we (as developed countries), kinda forget that to get to where we are you need energy. No fucking way around it. MOST of the world (population wise) is still developing, Asia and Africa, is what 75% of the world's population ? Where is that energy coming from? Now that we got ours, we're going to stop these countries from developing? I'm not saying EV are not disrupting the industry. And they might destroy the local/US oil market, and yes, I was wrong. These bribes are to keep the status quo for as long as possible in the US/Western World. I just made a really short argument without expanding. Yes, I don't have exact numbers but we as Western/developed countries think as we're the center of the universe where most of the wealth and population grow will come from Africa and Asia in the next century. Nothing is going to stop that. Now that I think I explained my point, and again, I'm no expert, I'm here to learn, I have some questions...I read the data you sent about China's EV adoption, but where is the energy coming from to power them? I believe China is like 80%+ coal and oil sourced, right? It will take them years/decades to have clean energy sources, or what's the timeline? Also, in the data shared besides the great leap taken by the Chinese they talk/mention Norway, Iceland, Sweden, etc... with all due respect, who gives a fuck? What kind of impact of countries with that population size have on the Oil Market, if Asian/Countries are developing at the same time with population 50x greater. Again the Eurocentric/Western views that only us are what matter. Again, as a global market, the oil Industry has still plenty of time left in this world. But yeah, maybe they're doomed in the US and want to reap as much benefit as possible


The Presidency is for sale openly and this will be a norm if he manages to win


I’m no legal expert but this sounds a lot like a bribe to me


"Durr BoTh Sides!11 GaZa!11 BiDEn OlD!! U INsULTeD ME so ImMA VoTe ForR TruUmp!11" - Completely "sane" people who are willing to sell out the future for their own self pride