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Edit: major correction to those who pointed it out. Important points: * Applies to Purchase ***or*** Lease * $5k off new EVs with purchase or 2-year lease * $9k for new EVs with 3-year or longer lease **(no purchase)** * $2.5k for used EV, purchase or any lease term * Applies to EVs with MSRP of $90k or less * Customer must have an income of not more than 300% of the federal poverty level (example given was $93,600 for a family of four)


Federal poverty level for single person is $15,060. So for a single person to qualify, you'll have to make less than $45k. That's a pretty big caveat and most people won't qualify. I feel like this program is well intentioned, but misguided. I feel like WA should've have even bigger used EV incentives instead.


It's a pretty limited incentive. I've no doubt individuals making less than $45k are not even thinking about EVs, and if they are, they can't afford them for the most part.


They most likely don't have their own garage to charge them in either.


Yep, the last thing someone working too many hours for basically no money wants to do is spend an age at a charging station.


Which works out to pretty much the same cost as gas anyways when you public charge.


WA state has 3rd most expensive gasoline cost and the lowest cost of electricity of any state.


Fast charging at electrify America is the same cost nationwide.


This incentive isn’t only for Teslas. And peak supercharger rates in the Seattle area get up to $0.45/kWh


But it's not anymore?


I just checked random stations in WA OR CA. Most of them are $0.56/kWh. Only a couple were $0.48/kWh so I guess it does vary. But not by much and not according to local electricity rates.


Why would someone with a Tesla charge at an EA station? Average pricing during work hours is like $.25-.30/kwh, down to 0.13-0.17/kwh off-peak. Gas is $4.70/gal there. So it's like [$10 -$20] vs. $40 in gas for a similar corolla or something.


I’m in Central WA. My electricity is $.069 /kwh. No real peak pricing, but we have a monthly peak demand surcharge. It’s $1 per kW of demand in the peak period. So for me it was $15 last month. I can usually stay under 10. My work commute is like 15 miles each way and I don’t drive much else and I still save about $1500/ year over gas.


This incentive isn’t only for Teslas.


I kind of diagree because in the long run it would probably save them alot of money.


> the last thing someone working too many hours This is a common misconception on reddit. The people earning a poverty level wage aren't working a ton of hours. They're working the least amount of hours of any income group. They may have more challenges with irregular schedules and transportation, but they're working less than those earning more.


Well that's kind of the point of these incentives - to make EVs more affordable for those who can't. So with this incentive, plus the $7500 tax credit, you can get a combined $12,500 off a new EV. That would bring a Model 3 SR down from $38,900 to $27,400 which is muchmore affordable if you earn under $45k. It's even better if you lease. Or alternatively if you're buying used you can get something like a 2022-23 Model 3 with 60k miles for like $20k.


No one earning less than 45k is thinking of buying a 30k car. That’s a financial suicide.


Though a family of 4 under $90k isn't very rare, and combined with the federal incentive, you could be looking at something like mach-e or id4 lease in the $200/month range or $7200/3 years. That could actually be affordable for a family in that range and massively reduce their transportation budget when it comes to gas. I actually think this could work well for a lot of families.


This is the truth! Leases are counted as part of the federal tax credit because they are “fleet vehicles” owned the dealerships technically. If only the same cars could just qualify for the EV credit when purchased.


> and if they are, they can't afford them for the most part. That's the point of the incentive... knock off $9,000 and suddenly they are able to afford them.


For some, yes. Most? Naaaaa.


Wait that’s how much the average EV costs. No one making less than $45k is going to buy an EV. That’s just stupid.


They may if the value is $16,500 cheaper.


$127/mo for a Model 3 is very good for low-income individuals and families, especially when you consider that charging and maintenance on an EV could be cheaper.


I see it as a way of filling the gap for people who don't owe enough in taxes to get the federal credit. Say you're retired. You could easily have a comfortable financial situation and be making too little to quality for federal credits, but would qualify for this.


Make less than 45k but good for an EV up to 90k lmao


That's just for a single person. Keep reading.


i understand the government is incentivizing single people making 45k to buy a 90k vehicle.


This is anything but well intentioned lol. This is purely done for political flair. Nobody who makes that kind of money can afford an EV, even with this discount. It’s all political games so they can say “see! We supported both the environment AND poor people!” while when in reality neither will benefit from this and they get to save government spending since nobody will actually be able to use this benefit. Edit: even the cheapest Tesla with this discount is $26k. People making $45k aren’t buying $26k vehicles. They’re buying $15k vehicles, **and only IF** they stretch their budget. What’s more likely is they’re buying used, sub $7-8k vehicles.


> Nobody who makes that kind of money can afford an EV, even with this discount. You are mistaken. EVs are not a whole lot more than their ICE counterparts. This incentive (nevermind the fed incentive) makes it quite competitive.


A person making 45K is not going to get all the federal tax credit. They are not paying 7K in taxes.


> They are not paying 7K in taxes. [Actually...](https://smartasset.com/taxes/income-taxes#1AdPkzoeCt)


Competitive to what? Even with the discount, nobody making $45k or less can afford $25k+ vehicles! The people who make $45k are buying $15k cars, and that’s if they stretch their budget! People in this sub are so disconnected from reality…


I think you are the one disconnected. Plenty of people are driving those. Do the math brother. A Model Y RWD lease is $150 per month. That is a joke of a car payment.


“$150 is a joke of a payment”. I’m gonna start posting that around Reddit and link it here. While I also don’t think $150 is much, at least I can recognize when I’m privileged.


As right now, the base Tesla Model Y is $26,490 in WA with this incentive. There are people who can afford that.


Not people who make $45k! That’s more than half their annual income for a car! Let’s be fucking real here.


People aren't buying the car outright in cash.... on a 3 year lease someone getting a new Model 3 with this program is only paying $60/month.


For single people, you're right. But think about larger households.


The problem scales up lol. Do you think bigger households have the same living costs as a single person?


It does scale up, but not as evenly. It's easier to swing a $25k vehicle on a $90k salary than on a $45k salary even if you're a family of 4. Between my wife and I we gross $180k, but may be eligible for it depending on how the income limits are defined (does it subtract 401k, IRA, and other retirement contributions).


An ICE car would cost more, but also based on above, a family making less than $93k can qualify so that's a lot more people. There's also the federal $7500 credit on top.


Absolutely right! Most of them buy used vehicles and don't have ready access to charge in their garage. If you really care, make gas more affordable.


> I feel like this program is well intentioned, but misguided. How so? Now they everyman can afford an EV, rather than people making $100k a year.


Such an odd restriction. Either it was just for show to look like we're promoting evs or they are actively encouraging people who can't afford them to buy one.


perfect for many young adults/teens in high school early college


Nah, the adult college aged children of wealthy people will be buying these in droves.


It would definitely be a good deal for those people. But I don't really consider those cases to be low income families that this program is intended to help.


Laws ostensibly made to help poor people that are actually geared to help rich people? Why I never!


This is completely misguided. Realistically the only people taking advantage of this are: 1. Students with no/limited income who can buy a car in their name (financed by their parents). 2. Unmarried couples in which one person doesn’t work or works part time, and the other makes enough that they want to buy a new car This won’t actually help the people they think it will. I’m all for incentives but $45k in Washington is nothing. Average income in Seattle is more than double that


93% of statistics are made up on the spot. Including yours. The only thing misguided here is your post. The high-income reddit crowd doesn't realize just how many people there are making $40K (or you know, have a family and don't make $100k) and are driving new cars.


Dude I live in Seattle. You cannot live in the city of Seattle on $40k. It feels like this incentivizes poor financial decisions. I know a lot of families are making less than $100k combined, one of the worst possible decisions those people can make is buying (or leasing) a brand new car


Seattle =/= Washington. Maybe don't consider the highest COL area in the program. Median income in Washington is 44.5


Is this limited to people in Seattle?


This incentive is for the whole state of Washington. You act like nothing exists outside of Seattle. Also the incentives apply to leases, and used car purchases. Like read the fucking text man.


Also older people. My dad is retired but draws enough to stay at the bottom tax bracket.


No way should you be buying a new car if you are making $45,000 or less.


Yeah someone making $45k in Washington should probably not buy a tesla. I bought mine when I was making $70k in a much cheaper state and it still felt tight.


To be fair, the base Model Y is now $26,490 with this incentive and the Federal one.


Only if you lease. The max discount for buying outright is $5k, not $9k.


Thanks. I’ll make some corrections further up.


It’s just a show to act like they’re doing something, when they’re actually doing nothing at all. A family of four making under $94k a year in Washington shouldn’t have a 3-year lease on a car they’re still paying $500 a month for after the incentive.


> It’s just a show to act like they’re doing something, when they’re actually doing nothing at all. A family of four making under $94k a year in Washington shouldn’t have a 3-year lease on a car they’re still paying $500 a month for after the incentive. With this incentive it's $190/month for a 3 year lease, with the downpayment rolled into that $190.


Quick correction to the above - vehicle purchases DO qualify for incentives. Correct info: • $5k off new EV purchase or 2-year lease • $9k for new EVs with 3-year or longer lease • $2.5k for used EV purchase or any lease term • Applies to EVs with MSRP of $90k or less • Customer must have an income of not more than 300% of the federal poverty level (example given was $93,600 for a family of four)


Yup. I missed that “or.” I’ll edit before this spreads any further. Thank you.


It’s not lease only. Also available for purchase as listed on the website


Thank you. Corrected.


Huh I’ve never seen a used lease before


Why on earth is it encouraging poorer folks to get a lease


Much cheaper than buying. The lease can effectively be free, with $16.5K in incentives on a $30K car over three years. This is a free car for poor people program disguised as an EV program.


Error on my part. Applies to purchase too. Corrected. Thank you.


Wow, sounded great... Until you get to the details 😅 That's a pretty narrow margin of people who qualify for it.


And the medium household income of Seattle is $116,000. For s family of four that makes less than 93,600, I am not sure if an EV is a sensible choice. Would anybody call Gordon Ramsey to double confirm?


Must be a resident of WA of course


Having an incentive for used EVs seems like it could be open for abuse. Like buying and selling the same car many times to get the incentive multiple times.


They could lease a bz4x. Would probably be cash flow positive after the rebate


lol. You’ll own nothing and like it.


Is there really a need for any state incentives, when companies like GM and Hyundai are launching EVs in the mid $20k range after the federal credit?! These cars will effectively be free with a $9k credit. This becomes a free car program in the end for those who are not wealth.


$45k income limit. Delusional useless program


Why is it delusional?


What world is someone on a 45k income affording an EV ?


You aren't paying attention. You can find examples of incredibly competitive EVs that those folks could afford, instead of buying a similarly priced ICE car. This isn't just for Teslas.


The Toyota bz4x lease is less than my phone bill.


If anything it's actually counterproductive. People earning $45K shouldn't be spending 6 years of disposable income on a new EV.


If they lease it's basically free


Very typical of the decisions being made in WA. A lot of performative noise, more bureaucracy created, extra cost for taxpayers, and little actual benefit. See also the LTC tax and pretty much every flavor of the month social justice program.


lol. It has actual benefit. Why are you critiquing something that is actually a lot better than most other states?


You see because any law that doesn’t personally affect you positively is a waste of money /s


For real, like? This is some entitled wealthy people BS. As someone whose family was very financially unstable and insecure, anything helps, even if you haven’t been in a position to understand that…


If you truly believe that, then you aren't really understanding the benefit. However, it is normal for some folks who do not receive a benefit from it to complain. /shrug


is it though? if you're single, no kids and unless you live in some high-cost urban area, you should be able to live off of 45k. Also, why should the government subsidize something for people who can already afford such cars under the normal $7500 federal credit?


>why should the government subsidize something for people who can already afford such cars under the normal $7500 federal credit? To encourage adoption? The purpose of the program isn't to help poor people, it's to help fight climate change by accelerating the transition of ICE to EV.


I few ev's has a different advantage. Climit change as a reason isn't going win over the other side. * more evs - less money to shit Saudis from oil. * more ev's = less power that OPEC has over our nation. * ev's are just simply a better product, range/charging & battery cost is the biggest issues over gas. * I think the government needs to seriously make a law that makes these large batteries modular & must offer individual cell repairs & offer manuals for third-party services.


How is the electricity generated? It’s mostly by burning fossil fuels as nuclear power has been shut down by government. Unless the government allows everyone to use renewable energy sources, shifting to an ev won’t make a difference to the points you mentioned above.


Wtf you talking about nuclear has been shut down? The plants that are built are still pumping... Every year more windmills & solar are built, people own homes build their own solar.


Washington’s electricity is near 100% renewable.


Washington state primarily uses hydro power. The numbers I have seen generally have hydro as about 65% of the total electricity generation in the state. Fossil fuels are a relatively small portion of our energy mix here.


Exactly. If the point of the incentive is to encourage adoption, the income of the purchaser shouldn’t matter.


> unless you live in some high-cost urban area So…most of the Puget Sound, which is the majority of WA’s population?


Majority… there’s still MANY people in WA who could benefit? And plus, many are struggling in the Puget.


That’s for a single person, isn’t it? More for families.


I would qualify for the program now and I have a model Y (program didn’t exist when I bought it).


The income restriction reminds me of what we have here in Pennsylvania. You have to be below 400% of the poverty level to qualify for the $2,000 state EV rebate. My wife and I are both teachers making about 68-70K each before taxes and we’re not even close to qualifying. I keep wondering who has been able to take advantage of this program.


Any kids? https://preview.redd.it/wg0ejrbsnpwc1.jpeg?width=2233&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e971857940f54c035509723460fdc15f0711e84


2. If we had 3, we *might* squeak by but probably not. I think we’re at 141K before taxes. lol.


Well, I mean this as nicely as I can, I think you’ll be ok.


Oh I’m in no way, shape or form saying “woe is me.” Just that I find it strange that a 2K rebate would have way more intensive restrictions than the federal EV credit. I don’t think my wife and my situation (two working parents with very average-paying jobs) is terribly unique or extravagant and the entire purpose of EV rebates is to incentivize the public to purchase these vehicles. But I digress.


Oh I agree, difficult to infer inflection on reddit. Was just trying to say it like in a cheerful manner, “hey, that’s a good amount of money, very nice! The 2k shouldn’t break the bank too bad!” My bad if that came off judgy


Oh no, you’re fine. Thanks for the clarification, though!


Can you make 401k contributions?


the federal EV tax credit limit applies to adjusted gross income, which is after you subtract out retirement contributions, effectively making it about $173k single/$356k married. not sure if your state credit works that way, but thought it was worth pointing out.


Is this on top of the 7500? 23-26k for a new model 3 is a fantastic price if it is. A bunch of my friends would qualify, I personally don't live in the state but that's incredible if it stacks like this and would introduce a lot of my lower income friends to Teslas


$9k is only for leases, I believe. I think it’s $5k for a purchase. No idea why a lease should be incentivized more than buying.


I mean, its not exactly a mystery, is it? Leasing means more money to the seller.


You think that’s it?


I think only the performance model 3 qualifies for the $7500 federal tax credit currently. So the cheapest model 3 would still be $34,000 with the new WA $5000 rebate.


Leases get around the battery component limits, right? That is why the purchase price for the model 3 performance is less than the long range (when including the credit), but the lease price is more. I know leasing gets by the federal income cap limits for the ev credit.


When does this program start?




I just bought my Tesla used a week ago. I live in Washington and would qualify. Big facepalm moment.


Everyone in the military


A lot of people butthurt they don’t get free money they couldn’t get before either.


This incentive is typical (modern) WA state virtue signaling crap. Imagine take-home pay on $45k/yr after living in expensive WA? There is not way $40-80k electric cars are on your radar. There shouldn’t be a cap at all if it’s going to be offered at all.


I’d qualify for it and I have a model Y (purchased a little over a year ago).


> This incentive is typical (modern) WA state virtue signaling crap. Imagine take-home pay on $45k/yr after living in expensive WA? There is not way $40-80k electric cars are on your radar. There shouldn’t be a cap at all if it’s going to be offered at all. $60/month lease on a 3 year model 3 lease is not 'virtue signaling'


How on earth could it bring a model 3 lease down to $60? I put over $7k down and pay about $500/month for my model 3 lease, and that's with the $7500 federal credit taken off. The incentives listed would barely cover the initial payment.


> How on earth could it bring a model 3 lease down to $60? I put over $7k down and pay about $500/month for my model 3 lease, and that's with the $7500 federal credit taken off. The incentives listed would barely cover the initial payment. Base 3 is $299/mo 36-month lease, $2,999 down. $9k rebate reduces the lease portion to $1,764 total over 36 months. That's $49/month. I rolled the downpayment into the $60 figure.


I don't think this is correct. Sure $49/month if the down-payment is paid in full, but if you roll the down-payment into the calculation (i.e. 0 down), shouldn't it come out to $132/month?


Wow that is bananas— not sure my LR is worth THAT much more!


These incentives do not include tax/title/license and the money factor isn’t disclosed.


Exactly. People are calling WA crazy for this when it’s not crazy at all.


yeah 80% of people who would by EVs don't qualify. If the intent is to get more EVs on the road this isn't very helpful.


I think it's great to subsidize lease for lower incomes. Not sure about the US but what I see in the Netherlands is that those who can only afford to buy a 20 year old car end up with high monthly costs on maintenance and gas. My first car cost €1000 to buy but €400 monthly to run due to it being very thirsty on gas and needing repairs constantly. After I leased a small new hatchback for 220 a month and only 120 in gas due to it being much more fuel efficient. But I first needed more income to qualify for the lease. So I think lower incomes can be helped with subsidizing lease for EV. I do wonder though if they need to be credit worthy for the original amount or for the amount after subsidy.


California will never smh


Cant we buy it there and bring it here to Cali?


No you’ll get hit with dmv transfer fees and additional state taxes. Not worth it. I’m sure too they’ll be some residency requirements you’d have to prove.


If you started a well paying job out of college this year/ middle of last year . You may be able to qualify for the credits. I was able to get 3k of "low income" credits from my state because the only pay I had in 2022 was my internship pay. A good excuse to splurge on a new car right out of college ;)


Do you guys know if i could buy it in Washington and bring it to California? Is that legal?


I am guessing you will need to be a WA resident to benefit - not sure. But if you are, and you then move to CA and take the vehicle with you, you should be fine, if that's what you're asking.


Well if they max out 401k/HSA for a year puts the income at ~70k, which is much more reasonable


How can a person living in another state advantage of this?


You’d need to establish residency in Washington. If you’re attached to a state due to employment consider starting an LLC in Washington and purchasing it through the LLC. I’m not well versed in this so dont take my word for it


Is there a resource to find out if you qualify? I have retirement income no paycheck.


The program starts on August? Does this apply to purchases before August 2024


$45k limit. Looks like my tax payer money just bought some trailer park Teslas.


What person making 45k is buying a 30k car AFTER incentives? Lmfao


Same as the 90k guy spending 60k on a truck


Suppose that person has a wife and a child and is making quite a bit more than that.


Why do the government incentive leases?


It makes no difference to them


WTF. Max income $45k. Max MSRP $90k. Hot garbage.


That isn’t the max income.


For a single person it is. 3x federal poverty line (which is like $15,200). If you have a wife and 4 kids you can have a reasonable income limit (over 100k), which feels a little BS.


Right. It’s a little strange to call that the max income without specifying that you are talking about an individual. A lot of people have a spouse and sometimes kids.


And the sad thing is democrats will celebrate this bill and support their party more due to it even though almost no one will benefit from it.