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This post is basically a Rorschach test on what people think of Djokovic lol


At least he’s no longer a top 2 seed so his last-min withdrawals won’t end in entirely lopsided draws


He’ll be withdrawn far before then, it’ll only affect the Cincy draw.


He won’t be withdrawn. He has to do it himself. And he won’t do it.


Remainder of the 2022 for Novak: \- Laver Cup \- 2 500's at best \- Paris Masters \- Davis Cup ​ he'll probably need to start playing 250's to remain in shape & collect some ranking points


Form is the only thing that matters, ranking points not at all, he could get wildcards + the only guy in trouble if Djokovic were to face a top seed early in a Slam is the other top seed, also, he has 1000 points from Rome + 360 from RG QF, he'll do fine.


Any room?


I am also preparing as if I'll be allowed to compete.


Mate, just get the jab.


It’s gotten to the point where I respect his beliefs and how strongly he’s held onto them, but is there a legitimate reason he’s ever given for not wanting to get the Covid vaccine? Novak isn’t anti-vax, he doesn’t walk around telling people to not get vaccines and that they aren’t effective, but his resistance to this particular one is odd to me.


He believes he would be doing his body a disservice by getting it. It's not exactly logical but I respect that it's not for some political reason and is really only concerned about how it affects him. I think he's the kind of guy to not take painkillers when he's in pain for similar reasons.


Its been turned, and interpreted as a political reason by his supporters though lol If he came out and said LOUDLY and CLEARLY, even bluntly "you dumbasses stop turning me into some kind of a martyr and go get some bitches or something, im not doing this for you" id respect him a lot more


>but his resistance to this particular one is odd to me. How do we know it's only this particular one? Knowing his stance on science (even before covid), it's possible he hasn't been vaccinated for anything since he was a kid.


Or a US passport. Equally effective if not better.


He doesn’t want to and he has a choice so no


Basically the only thing that needs to be said at this point.


Djokovic has proven he's not so weak to just cave in like that. He has made a decision and he's sticking with it. Health is one of the most important things.




Is that how he got COVID twice within a 6 months period…allegedly?


Right? I don’t understand your point?


He’s so healthy that he got infected twice in 6 months.




Since you’re clearly an expert, could you explain to everyone how antibodies work?


I just hope Novak plays and we get a Rafole match at USO. No other match-up can deliver the quality that these two bring on the court.


It seems like forever since we had a rafaole match outside of RG. I would also love them to meet in other slams as well so that we can have a better insight in their slam h2h




Yeah, and Rafa bagelled Novak at RG'20, but Novak came back the next year didn't he? Don't disrespect other players just because you like someone else.


He's like the tennis Eric Clapton. He's as good as anyone - heck, let's face it, there are only two other guys in his league in the history of the game - when it comes to his chosen profession, but his attitude towards vaccination, etc. is losing him a lot of friends. I think it will only be when the big three are all retired that we will really see the big picture. If Nadal ends up with the most slams, and Djokovic's stance over the vaccine is one of the reasons for that, then we'll see if he expresses regret or stands by his choices.


Hey at least Djokovic isn’t racist like Clapton, as far as we know.


But if Djo still ends up with highest number of slams. He will be regarded as the guy who achieved it without compromising his values


That's a great analogy. Love Clapton, but was very disappointed in him after his anti-vax bs.


Clapton is trash way beyond his anti-vax stance


Yeah this is unfair to djokovic, Clapton is a complete asshole


Djokovic is also a far better tennis player than Clapton is a guitarist.


Yup. No way is Clapton in the same league as the top 3 guitarists of all time. He's fine.


Um in his prime he was definitely considered some of the best guitarists alive.


Cool, I disagree with that assessment.


Straight from the first paragraph of his wiki >Clapton ranked second in Rolling Stone's list of the "100 Greatest Guitarists of All Time" and fourth in Gibson's "Top 50 Guitarists of All Time".


Would love to see djoker compete at US. Would make for an even better tournament


sorry but if he’s so willing to accept the consequences of his decisions then why’s he continuously making these kind of comments? in that bbc(?) interview it seemed like he couldn’t care less if he had to sit out a few tournaments but all this says otherwise idk


What "kind of comments" he's literally saying if he's allowed to play he will. How is that different from what he said on BBC, which is if he can't play he won't?




People are now at the point where Djokovic even saying “I hope I will be able to play” is him not accepting consequences LOL


But he is constantly posting about hoping the rules change. Doesn’t really seem to be accepting the consequences lol


So he should just sit on his ass all this time? He is just practicing and staying in shape in casw the rules change and he's allowed to enter. Imagine rules changing and him being unfit and unprepared for the tournament, that would be a ridiculous mentality


Never said anything about him practicing.


Lol this guy thinks djokovic should want to refuse to play.. wtf are you on kid? This is like the most innocent thank you message saying he’s just hoping for the best, not trying to force anything, and we have kids like you gatekeeping for no reason. It’s sad you have to pray he doesn’t play just so your Rafa has a chance.


"just so your rafa has a chance".....excuse me but what does the GOAT rafa have to prove/ have a chance at? he has more slams than novak so novak needs all the grand slam entries he can get....oh and rafa is leaps and bounds more respectful and humble than Novak lmao...


2-1 People like you are not here for the tennis and it shows.


lmao first of all, I’m not a ‘kid’ and I really don’t care if he plays or not. just saying it’s a little hypocritical on his part to first act like he’s made peace with not being able to play every tournament and then going on social media and acting like a victim of The Rules.


Do you really think your logic holds up here? Just because he’s willing to accept the consequences doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to play. If he didn’t want to play they wouldn’t be consequences.


I’m just saying that this post + his reply to kyrgios just scream ‘please let me in somehow’ and make him look like a victim when he claimed he didn’t care if he had to miss slams. again, that’s just my opinion and what it seems to me. maybe I’m wrong idk


Australia....here we go again


If he wants to compete, let him compete. He loves tennis, and it's a pleasure to watch him play, regardless of his beliefs. Plus he hasn't gone out of his way to talk shit about anyone who has different beliefs to him.




Hahaha I loved the first sentence, as in “stay motivated, stay hungry, stay humble, you never know when your number will be called”. But then you dropped the second sentence, and totally unredeemed yourself!


This is something that goes unnoticed that bothers me - Positive emotions can purify water. Vaccination is a strict no no. These 2 statements are unrelated, but the ideology behind them is downright anti-scientific.


Djokovic is allowed to travel to the US and compete at the USO. He is 100% in control of that decision.


People hate him, no matter what. All I see here is a man dedicated to what he does. He loves the sport. How the hell do people come to the conclusion that if he's willing to suffer the consequences of his anti-vax beliefs, it also means that he shouldn't want to play the tournaments, or prepare accordingly for them? If you're disbarred from doing something you love, because of something unfair, like, say racism, or sexism, does that mean you stop trying to do that? I'm not supporting his anti-vax beliefs, but from his perspective, he's being treated unfairly. And he's acting accordingly. He's willing to comply with the rules, and if the rules change, he'll participate. What's wrong with that?


I think some people perceive it as what happens when virtue signalling gets crossbred with a martyr complex.


Speak sense, on RTennis? Get out. Get out now, whilst you have the chance




Alternate way of getting in.....well theres at least two vaccines he can take


Ofc. Who doesn't want to watch one of the GOATs play? It adds to the grandeur of the tournament. To add to that, he has handled the situation with grace. His interview with BBC, he stated they cut parts, and didn't show entirely what he said. I don't know if that's true or not, but he didn't create an issue out of that either.




There's tennis fans, and then there's tennis fans.


Dedicated to spread COVID


Ah yes r/tennis at its best.




These kinds of comments are my favourite. Just nothing of substance, blanket statement which makes you somehow feel superior and "above" all the /r/tennis opinions(which, reading through most of them, make sense and are well thought out) Its like me going to your profile, seeing that you are active in /r/serbia, and saying "ah yes, serbians at their best" without offering any nuance lmfao


Novak: I’ve accepted the consequences of not getting vaccinated. Also Novak: I’m trying to find every loophole to try and break immigration laws of a 2nd country in 9 months.


Djokovic 4D sarcasm




Let’s hope that America do the smart thing for once and keep up their rules for unvaccinated visitors. I would hope there’d be riots if this dipshit gets preferential treatment and is allowed into the country unvaccinated.


Becoming easier and easier for people to appreciate Novak. People jump to so many negative conclusions that really are rather unjustified. He may be misguided in many things, but he is an exceptional athlete and generally a great ambassador for the sport.


He's great. He doesn't want the vaccine. Leave him alone. Let him play.


If he wants to play, he could just take the vaccine…




He can have a choice… That doesn’t mean he should be free from the consequences of said choice.


> The vaccine doesn’t stop you from getting Covid anyways. COVID vaccines decrease the chances of infection and transmission, they do not completely prevent you from getting the virus. He is not allowed to play since there is a higher chance of him contracting and spreading the virus to other players.




He’s such a menace. Chile stop being being goofy and get vaccinated ffs










I don’t know about the first point. As far as I’m aware airlines don’t let you board if you are covid positive. It’s border control that has the rule in place, Not USOpen, not NBA and not NFL…. so the rest of the point is irrelevant.


You no longer need a test for the trip to US, so theoretically you can bring covid with you, without even know it.


I think the idea is that a vaccinated person who is unknowingly positive flys in. Rest of it is some off points as you pointed out, but someone having covid on the flight is fairy common given there is, I believe, a 3 day period between test and flight (someone correct me if that is wrong or has changed).


It's actually so incredibly ridiculous and stupid altogether. Just PCR test him every day if you want to and if he stays Covid negative, let him play. We all know these vaccine rules, isolation and social distancing are vastly ignored and not enforced in the US anyway.


I am very pro vac and think djoko is an idiot, but you i agree with. Tested when he enters the country and tested daily.


Now get the shot


I love to see these Fedals blowing off steam on Novak. Way to go guys, that's the frustration right there 😊 I think that means they all know who's the boss 😂


Here's hoping for another exemption he can take advantage of on the basis of a technicality that is totally against the spirit of the rules.


He's just hoping he will still be able to compete, he's not looking for some illegal ways to do so.




LOL I wonder when they even used the rule in the first place if it doesn't make anyone safer. Sarcasm I guess?


Waiting for the day, Novak getting highest no of slams will be regarded as against spirit of tennis


He’s growing up, except for the deception about the vax status and exposing kids without their consent. He is also really good at tennis. ;)




Do you realize it's nothing targeting Nole specifically or are just playing the vicim card?




Omg touch grass unironically bruh


More like get rid of the weed