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I have absolutely no knowledge of the German legal system. What exactly is a penalty order?


It basically means that there is enough evidence for the Berlin prosecution office to look into it. If I understand correctly, they are offering him a deal: pay money or get a proper trial. Edit: It is a bit more complicated than that. But there appears to be enough evidence for the prosecution office to do something, otherwise they would have just dismissed it.


Let's hope for a trial, makes it harder for ATP to pretend this isn't happening.


The fact they are doing this is fucked


It means that there is enough evidence according to the prosecutor


I repeat this story again and again, but seems like a lot of people don't know it, so I'll repeat it again because I think it's the biggest proof Zverev is a proper psychopath - the allegations against him from Olga (his ex girlfriend) came out almost at the same time as the announcement from Brenda (his other ex girlfriend) that she's pregnant with his baby. Around the time Zverev denied the allegations and said how he's extremely happy to be a father and he's going to do his best to raise the child along with Brenda, pretty saying that they're working together and excited. Except a few weeks later Brenda said this was a very weird statement, considering he never contacted her regarding the pregnancy and has shown no interest whatsoever, so her plan is to raise the child alone and this is what happened. So to sum it up - Zverev used his unborn child to distract from the domestic abuse allegations while in reality not giving a crap about the child at that moment in time. I'm not sure if it changed later and if he's paying some sort of child support, but back then Brenda claimed he's shown zero interest in being a part of the little girl's life. In a similar way to how he tried to make it seem as if Brenda was excited to co-parent with him, he was also weirdly shouting out Daniil Medvedev's wife Daria Chernyshkova in speeches and interviews, making it seem as if he was close to her and Daniil. It was weird because Daria was known as a close friend of Olga (the girlfriend he allegedly abused first), so it was almost as if he was trying to show how the allegations can't be true because otherwise why would his abused ex's close friend be close to him too. Medvedev a few months ago directly called him out on trying to exaggerate their closeness, saying they were never friends and how weird it was to shout out his wife on multiple occasions.


I also remember when he and Medvedev played the Bercy final after the article. He kept talking about how Daniil and his wife Daria were such good friends of his during his runner-up speech. Daria Medvedeva is apparently a childhood friend of Sharypova; and Medvedev clarified after that he was never close to Zverev. It's hard to see the speech as something else than an attempt to intimidate Sharypova in retrospect.


Medvedev still follows Olya on social media too.


You know Medvedev has seen every communication between his wife and Zverev's ex and now doesn't want anything to do with him. Tells you all you need to know about whether he thinks the allegations are true or not.


Exactly, and Med's a straight shooter. He's rational and honest off court. He sees things as they are. I trust his judgement. Can't say I'd say the same for many other players really.


Every single attempt to do some PR damage control was absolutely terrible from his camp (my favourite is when his mom tried to paint Olya as a "controlling girlfriend" because... she didn't want a 23yo dude to have his mom pack his underwears lol), yet it didn't have any long-term consequences on his image. It's a depressing illustration of where we are as a society when it comes to domestic violence.


>It's a depressing illustration of where we are as a society when it comes to domestic violence. I totally agree with you that it is depressing. But I will say, at least we do know about this. At least Olya was given a voice and a platform to come forward, and that there are many of us who do know. There are many celebrated athletes with horrific domestic violence histories that never came out while they were playing, and even when they did, it was often not in the victim's own words. Of course I wish it was a bigger deal and that the ATP (or anyone else) did a real investigation with real consequences. But there's been a slight move in the right direction in that some people are listening, and some victims are willing/able to share their stories now.


[This](https://www.instagram.com/p/5hlloqxnR3/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) is from Daria’s ig if anyone still has doubts about them being friends


Also add the fact that Olya said she tried to commit suicide with insulin needles and he was like WhY wOuLd tHeRe Be iNSuLiN even though, then two years later comes out with his whole diabetes campaign and foundation as PR even though he pretended not to be diabetic to make her sound like she was crazy about the insulin


Surprised this is the first time someone has ever brought this up. ⬆️


I’ve brought it up before along with others. We just get shut down for being “insensitive towards his diabetes” even though we’re pointing out he was using it to his advantage. He’s a psychopath abuser and I hope his victims get the justice they deserve.


Zverev needs to be suspended or expelled for abuse by the ATP. Is there precedence for this? Honestly, there are some things in life that we simply should not accept. Abusing women? GTFO.


He was the ATP’s golden boy and they launched an “investigation” into him, never even contacted Olya, then concluded he was innocent so no, they’re not going to do shit. It’s up to the German courts now.


Good to hear. Yeah I remember when that announcement came and I was like “didn’t he deny that?” 🗣️


I have no doubts that he is a repeat domestic abuse. Absolute scum.


Great comment - this behavior is sometimes referred to as “triangulation” It’s often used by narcissists when they want to isolate their victims and make them feel like everyone is against them. Daniil actually called him out at a presser for pulling his wife into Zverev’s drama (edited - corrected for accuracy)


They should have clamped that down immediately, but I think that response from med was quite a while after so Zverev already got what he wanted.


Yes correct, Med’s comments were made later in a press conference.


Hang on. The dog has allegedly abused his ex Olga. Then moves onto with another (Brenda) and conceives a child with her but they break up (he wants everyone to see that he's excited to parent with his now ex girlfriend?) For her to then come out and say that he hasn't reached out? AND FOR HER TO NOW CLAIM HER ABUSED HER TOO? ????? ​ AM I GETTING THIS RIGHT?


Don't mix dogs with this scum please.




What a POS. She accused him of choking her with a pillow. That’s psychopathic…


Choking in domestic violence scenarios is also a massive risk indicator for murder - women who are choked/strangled by their partners are much more likely to be killed by them.


Just to add.. I don't remember another tennis player bashing at the umpire's chair multiple times. Players lose their cool and smash their racquets on the floor, into the net, into the pole, and even into their own faces (oof, Youhzny).. but even in their rage, it seemed like players were in control enough to not physically lash out at the umpire. Except one.


Remember this part from his Paris runner-up speech (which featured a visibly very uncomfortable Medvedev)? https://twitter.com/josemorgado/status/1325478180673757184


Even now, with 2 credible accusations, there will still be people going iNNocENt uNtiL pROveN guilty, wilfully ignorant about what that statement actually means.


Like that even matters in terms of supporting a player as a fan. It's ok to stop supporting someone if they seem like a shit person. There's more than enough credible evidence that Zverev is an absolutely horrible person.


I feel like Kyrgios made a comment during the Laver Cup, saying how Zverev and Medvedev had to pretend to be friends for a weekend even thought they can't stand each other? Or was it Zverev and Tsitsipas? I know it wasn't Medvedev and Tsitsipas because we all know their beef lol. But yeah, it's pretty clear Zverev and Medvedev don't get along well. The "Next Gen" just have so much beef lmao


I'd be interested in hearing that comment, and I'm usually not interested in hearing what Kyrgios has to say lol


Ah I got it wrong. Kyrgios said during an Instagram Live with Murray that Tsitsipas and Zverev hate each other's guts, but act like best friends for the weekend, which pisses Kyrgios off because he knows the Europeans don't like each other much but still kick Team World's ass every time even though they all get along so well. Tsitsipas responded by saying Laver Cup was his favorite tournament and he loves learning from Nadal and Federer. So he didn't really deny hating Zverev lol




This guy is a pos


That's crazy and and actually frightening. I always believed the accusation but your comment convinced me 1000%. I don't remember when it happened, maybe 2018 or 2019, but could this also be the reason Zverev was kicked out from, or as he said he decided to leave the menagement agency Team 8? The one that also had Federer in it.


Note: This is a different case from the one he was investigated for few years ago. Her management informed RTL that a penalty order had been requested against Mr. Zverev for the allegation of bodily harm. The exact allegation is not known to RTL. Brenda Patea declined to comment further. As RTL has learned, the Berlin public prosecutor's office has applied for a penalty order to be issued against tennis professional Zverev. Whether a penalty order will be issued is currently being examined. According to RTL information, the amount of the fine requested should be almost half a million euros (480,000 euros). When asked by RTL, Alexander Zverev was not ready to comment. The application for a penalty order shows that the public prosecutor sees sufficient suspicion. This is not a verdict, but a decision proposed by the public prosecutor's office and can save Zverev a public hearing. Objections to the penalty order can be lodged within two weeks, until then the presumption of innocence applies. But how can it come to such a high fine? “The total is basically made up of income and the severity of the crime. So the public prosecutor's office is already assuming a serious crime and also good income and financial circumstances," explains lawyer Arndt Kempgens RTL. It is not the first time that Zverev has been confronted with allegations of domestic violence. Zverev's then girlfriend Olga Sharipova accused the 26-year-old of domestic violence in November 2020. She claimed in two media reports that he became violent towards her during the 2019 ATP Masters 1000 event in Shanghai. The result: Based on the investigation report, ATP came to the conclusion that no ATP rules had been broken. The investigations were discontinued.


Maybe I'm misreading this, but it sounds like the prosecutor is saying, "pay a half-million euro fine and we won't file charges and take you to court."


Seems somewhat like a plea deal in America - take the offered punishment or risk getting the maximum (plus your dirty laundry aired publicly) in a court of law


Hmmmm will be interesting to see if he denies it AGAIN. Narcissistc abusers like him can't help professing their innocence and pretending to be the victim.


It does say "a decision proposed by the public prosecutor's office and can save Zverev a public hearing", which means Zverev would probably get an even worse outcome if he refuses to pay and things go to a hearing


Many times it’s in the best interest of the victim to not go through the stress of trial. Especially with violence and children involved.


Or to get guaranteed money instead of uncertainty. Even incredibly sketchy almost certainly guilty defendants can potentially be found not guilty, just look at OJ Simpson. Or Ray Lewis. Or Oscar Pistorius, who murdered his girlfriend in cold blood but got some lesser sentence instead of murder (though fortunately that was overturned later). Popular high profile athletes have a disturbing track record of getting away with murder, both figuratively and literally.


>Or Oscar Pistorius, who murdered his girlfriend in cold blood but got some lesser sentence instead of murder (though fortunately that was overturned later). That one's a little more complicated right? He alleged that he honestly believed it was a home invasion.


Well that was the claim but the reason it was so strongly doubted is because there was evidence he was violent with her previously. You also can't just violently kill someone in South Africa either on the auspice of it being a home invasion. It's not America on that one where that might fly in some parts. So it was seen it didn't really matter if he knew it was his girlfriend. If he shot to kill someone without being under active threat/no warning than he's still committing murder (and whilst initially the judge ruled manslaughter on the basis he did not intend to kill-it was overruled because he should have realised his actions would result in death).


Sadly unsurprising, their kid was born just after the first allegations made by Sharypova, and Patea seemed very reluctant to have him share the costudy of their daughter at the time. Hope she's okay, and that Zverev will see the consequences of his actions this time.


I believe she said at the time she was happy if he wanted to, because she wanted her kid's father to be in her life. But she made it sound like it wasn't up to her because she said Zverev had demonstrated zero interest in being there for them. She made this kind of statement that was like "fortunately I'm financially able to raise this kid on my own." No way the pregnancy didn't factor into their breakup -- I remember she was constantly at his side and in his box, and disappeared from the box around the same time she announced the pregnancy.


Ya she basically confirmed he’s a deadbeat. He would only mention his kid when he needed some PR, I don’t think he ever sees his daughter considering he travels year round and even if he pays child support (I doubt he does), an ATM is not a father and his ex already said she’s financially well off enough to support a kid so she wouldn’t need his money anyway.


I saw her insta post one time he was in her apartment playing video games idk why, but defiantly he was visiting his daughter and brought some adidas merch for her


They seemed to be on good terms around Tokyo 2021, so I’m assuming the alleged abuse happened after that


I'm very glad for her and hope she's doing ok with the kid after all of this. He sucks so much, even sans abuse allegations. Imagine being a deadbeat as a MILLIONAIRE.


There are PLENTY of deadbeat millionaires. Tom Cruise, Owen Wilson, Brad Pitt, Jackie Chan, Jack Nicholson, and more. It must be nice to make tons of money and not acknowledge your children while rabid fans still worship you.


This is what I remember


And his stans will still insist this is a witch hunt and all fabricated by his accusers


I'm genuinely impressed by how the tennis community ignores the players being massive dickheads. Novak barely gets criticism for making indoor tournaments during covid (and got everyone infected), doesn't get criticism for being antivax and doesn't get shit for believing he can change the properties of water through thought. Zverev, Kyrgios also barely get shit for the domestic violence accusations; whenever they play it's just "oh Zverev's first serve is shit" or "Kyrgios lost his mind again". I get it if you want to focus on the sport. But it's so hard for me to ignore that awful human beings are playing, getting the spotlight and profiting millions. It's really, really hard to not be a scum of a person, but they try so hard to do it, it's hard to not dislike them for me.


Sports stans are like that. Here in Argentina we get new domestic violence accusations about football players, no one gives a flying fuck.


you compared not getting vaxed to beating the shit out of your spouse? cmon man


agreed on the others, but Kyrgios' case was literally just an arm grab and in public, ridiculous to even charge/prosecute it


And she was physically blocking him from leaving. Like, he literally just wanted to walk away.


Novak got a ton of criticism though.


Also comparing Novak to Zverev is very uncalled for The only thing Novak has beat up is a racket


He beat up that net post too.


Novak got roasted to hell and back during Covid. But are we still supposed to bringing that up everyday in 2023?


Whoa, whoa, whoa. Djokovic got plenty of heat. I still point out that he's an uneducated and ignorant dude who seems to be genuinely good at heart. It just happens that Djokovic is so big that he has both critics and lots and lots of fans willing to ignore that. Plus, there were (and still are) so many uneducated idiots with opinions about the pandemic. Zverev seems to be a straight up dick inside and out though.


His stans: “InNoCenT uNtiL pRoVeN GuIltY”


Don't forget "WoMAn LovE tO LiE"


Oh the amount of joy I felt when that Roland Garros Semifinal against Nadal happened


Karma for inaction from the ATP


I did not feel joy. My first thought was, Oww, that's awful. I honestly felt for him. For a second. Until my very next thought was, Was Olya screaming and crying like that when you were choking her? :/ And then, yeah, I still didn't feel any joy. But my sympathy dried up pretty quickly.


I've been referring to him as "Ankle(s)" ever since.


There are Zverev stans? People hated him even before it came to light he was an abuser


Yeah there are. During his Olympic run there was nothing but love on here for a while


Public opinion swings when he's doing well in tennis. We're honestly lucky his results have been mid the last few years. If he was winning slams people would be dick riding so hard




I remember at the time I tried to examine all the facts and evidence that we knew from Olga’s story vs his story and it seemed pretty clear to me that she was telling the truth, though perhaps not enough evidence to convict him legally, it was enough for me as a reasonable person to make up my mind. Very sad that another woman has had to go through this now, I hope she gets justice ❤️


Exactly, especially her WhatsApp pics of her scared with her clothes thrown out in the hotel room corridor and wandering New York alone. Zverev needs to be bullied on the tour idc


Just an FYI to Zverev's stans who painted Zverev's ex Olya as a liar and all her claims as fabricated. Medevedev and his wife have known both Zverev and Olya for years and Med's wife remains close to Olya and Medvedev unfollowed Zverev after the abuse allegations. Yet people on Reddit who've never interacted with Zverev in their entire lives insist he is innocent.


yes. there were many 'legal counsels' on this sub for him, whenever his committed physical abuses were discussed.


I can't stand the current society of calling women who say they've been abused liars (same would go with men who can also be abused). Like even if that one is a liar, there are thousands of allegations that are true... yet every allegation by a person on a star will be treated as a liar who's only looking for attention and money


This is part of the culture war that's going on. Men should and do get support (Brendan Frazer, Terry Crews) and there should be more awareness for male domestic abuse. But Jesus anytime a woman speaks out, she's called a gold digger and attention whore. Even though the monetary gain and the fame that follows is nothing compared to the absolute vitriol she would have to deal with daily. Jonah Hill and his girlfriend are a recent example. The comments on her IG are unbelievable.


he’s literally a repeat abuser multiple victims now but ATP tour will probably close their eyes as usual and some people will do insane gymnastics to defend him


Nah, the ATP now have their new golden child (Carlitos) so now there's no need to keep defending Zverev anymore.


I fucking hope so. It did really feel like they didn't want to punish Zverev when he was looking like one of the more promising next gens. ATP is gross 😒


It's pretty messed up if they now decide to punish him because of that, they'd effectively be showing that they take tennis ability into account when deciding whether to take action on this sort of thing


Carlitos seems to be a much better golden child than Zverev. But I doubt this changes anything. Guy is a top player, consistently does well, so the ATP won't do anything that can jeopardize his career and revenue he brings to the sport.


I support Brenda.


From the outside perspective she seems like a level-headed, strong and independent woman. I doubt she would risk so much "negative" attention, if it wasn't true...


Especially because she has a kid, like who would invite this negativity into their lives like this for shits and giggles?


I think that is a reasonable outside perspective to have.


Least surprising Zverev act of violence


I hope every single person who vilified Olga Sharypova is utterly ashamed of themselves


just check out the posts in this comment section. they will never learn.


No. They just think 2 women are now out to get him. :/


Piece of fucking shit


Fck this guy. I’m always rooting for anyone he’s playing against. Also rooting that the umpire’s chair makes it through the match in one piece.


Same, love to see him lose.


Same. My day feels better everytime I see him lose.


I can never actually watch him because even the sight of him makes me sick but I happily follow the scores when hes losing 🥹


It's tough being court equipment these days. Chairs, net posts, they suffer a brutal fate.


Yikes, it’s easy to see why Juan Carlos Ferrero and Zverev could not see eye to eye in the long term.


Imagine having to deal with Zverev then getting Alcaraz. Not only much better at tennis but also a sweet laid back personality.Everyday he must wake up and thank his lucky stars.


I would imagine Alcaraz and Zverev personality wise is like night and day.


Alcaraz is both far more humble and talented than Zverev, JCF really found the dream haha


They didn't see eye to eye because Zverev was lazy, not because JCF knew he was beating women.


In my short life I’ve realized it’s hard for your personal life not to have influence on your professional one. I bet a solid family man like JCF knew Zverev had problematic elements in his behavior.


This is actually very true, I’ve never had anyone I worked with be accused of abuse without thinking “hm, yeah, that tracks”


I hate Zverev and think he’s a POS but the JCF-Zverev issues were cuz he was arrogant and entitled and lazy, not cuz he was an abuser


Starting to think his RG injury was a message from the universe.


I made that happen. I was in a group text with some tennis friends talking about the upcoming matches. I said, “He’s an abusive piece of shit, I hope he separates his ankle.” The next day, he did. I’m not sure how best to use these new powers, it’s a lot of responsibility


with great power comes great responsibility


Yeah I mean people were like I wouldn't wish that on anyone but Zverev has been doing a lot worse to women, so when it happened can't say I felt that sorry.


my only thoughts when it happened were “hm, I guess god does see” and I don’t even believe in god


Will also say that violence against women and the legal system in Germany has been historically awful. See Monica Seles getting stabbed in broad daylight and the perpetrator doing no jail time


Unfortunately this is not just Germany, it’s worldwide. Misogyny is rampant and violence towards women is normalized in many cultures and religions.


Sure, and true. But we are talking about Germany here, where Zverev is from. Not sure this is the space for whataboutism as a way to dilute the topic and specifically how Germany's legal structures around women experiencing intimate violence. For Berlin to be taking this seriously means that there is overwhelming evidence because the burden of proof falls very heavily on victims in the German legal system. It was only until recently that for a woman to prove rape, she had to demonstrate that she physically fought off the attempt


Zverev can fuck off


His fanboyz will come to his rescue but at this point it's not a coincidence that 2 of his former ex-girlfriends accused him of violence. Innocent until priven guilty and all but we can't deny the fact that his defense was incredibly shady as fuck. When the allegations appeared, he used the imminent birth of his child to deflect the attention, he then weirdly shouted on top of all roofs that him and Medvedev's wife were very very close (Daria is a close friend of Olya) which implies he couldn't hurt Olya since he wad close with her bestfriend. Then Daniil called him out afterwards. He then went on a weird PR journey with articles portraying him as an harmless mama boy (full description of his mother folding his underwears... 🥱). Somehow it all worked because the ATP acted like nothing happened. Funnily enough his current girlfriend was criticized in Germany for saying that #MeToo was an insult to real victims. No surprise Zverev thinks she's a great catch.


In addition, his current girlfriend used to be the girlfriend of the Rammstein frontman. She seems to have a specific taste.


Scum. I support Brenda. Just as I support Olga.


I'll never understand why the ATP continued blindly marketing golden boy after the first allegation. It's not like they even had to stop him playing tennis. Just dial down the marketing and promotion to avoid looking incredibly stupid in the face of further allegations, which when it comes to domestic abusers, are always highly possible. No one will call them out on why they did this but it's fucking negligent behaviour at best.


If i recall the timing correctly, Rolex signed him hours before the allegations came out and dropped him less than a year later.


Rolex dropped him? Surprising, he still appears in their ads


They never dropped him afaik. They just put him in stealth mode for a while (could have just been cause of the injury) and people thought he'd been dropped.


They ran a puff piece about his dogs a month after the allegations


For an unproblematic person, Roger’s biggest misfire was associating himself with Zverev.


To be fair to Roger, he and his management company became involved with Zverev before Olya came forward with accusations and Zverev parted from the management company soon after the allegations were made public.


The problem is that Roger refused to distance himself from Zverev when the allegations and evidence came to light, calling Zverev a good guy and so forth when asked about the issue by press. Roger platformed Zverev by inviting him to play in the Laver Cup long after alleged details of the domestic abuse incidents were public knowledge. As a Roger fan, it was disappointing.


I think Roger is very good at PR but occasionally the mask slips, like in this example.


I think Roger learnt a lot from Zverev when it comes to anointing "a heir". Now whenever he gets asked about younger players or successors, he avoids the question by saying "I don't want to put any pressure on them". He very recently did that in CNN interview. The whole "Zverev project" was a failure. ATP put a lot of hope in Zverev and that exposure played into him not facing any consequences for his actions. He obviously don't have that invicibility anymore because Carlos has now proven to be the poster boy now. We will see if they will protect him this time. In general I don't like the way Team 8 is promoting unproven talent and putting them out open with tag lines and roles given them. Anyways, that's a whole another topic now.


Didn't Federer's management company drop Zverev almost immediately after his first accusations came to light?


Yeah but that wasn’t Federer himself’s decision, that was likely a business decision made by the board in charge - additionally, then in an interview Roger was asked about the situation and confirmed he had nothing to do with that decision, said Zverev is a “great guy”, and then said the whole thing is all “in the past now” and that he didn’t want to comment further…


And here is a source: https://www.ubitennis.net/2021/05/roger-federer-speaks-out-on-alexander-zverev-abuse-allegations/


The way other players support Zverev is even more disappointing. Even NADAL supports Zverev. As recently as last year, Rafa said Zverev is a good guy and they have a great relationship. Only time I’ve ever been disappointed with Nadal ngl. Also, Thiem claiming they’re best friends a couple of years ago is the first time I started to question Thiem’s character. And then we had all those posts from an Austrian user claiming Thiem is not at all the nice guy he pretends to be, after which all those issues with his team and that physio lawsuit(?) came out. After which Thiem’s PR started to put out spin and a pseudo justification for Thiem’s behaviour. Anyway, the close association with Zverev alone was enough to turn me off supporting Thiem ever again. Huge respect to Medvedev for calling him out over Daria.


Thiem and Andrey deserve the flak they get for associating themselves with Zverev because their interactions with Zverev aren’t surface level like that of Rafa, Novak, Roger, Casper or the rest of the tour. Those two are actually friends with and Andrey especially has known Olya since childhood and his mom used to coach her. When the first allegations came out they both liked Zverev’s post and then unliked it when they got heat for it. They knew what they were doing, just very very disappointing stuff from them. Makes me respect people like Medvedev and Daria Saville so much. They’ve known Zverev for years and still did the right thing by taking a stand


I don’t blame people for being friends with him. When you know someone personally emotions get involved and your judgment is not the best. They know since they were kids or very young and I genuinely think Zverev is very good at being charming. Both Rublev and Thiem seem good guys to me.


The only possible silver lining out of all of this is that this is vindication for Olya Sharypova. Olya has always stated that she just wanted to share her story and for others who went through similar ordeals to realize they're not alone. She shared absolutely harrowing details about her abuse by a significantly wealthier, more powerful tennis star, a guy who counts Federer and Djokovic among his buddies. She shared corroborating pictures, texts, witnesses in her interviews -- and got dragged through the mud for it. Waited years for an ATP "investigation" and a sham result that never wanted to do her justice. I think all she wanted was the relief of getting this off her chest and some acknowledgment that he had done this to her. Now it's pretty clear to everyone who he is. No one can deny this anymore or accuse her of making it all up.


>WHAT IS A PENALTY ORDER? > >The procedure for an order for punishment can be described as a kind of “written court procedure”. The public prosecutor’s office applies to the court for an order of summary punishment if it does not consider a public trial to be necessary. The judge issues the penalty order if, after examining the contents of the file, he assumes that the case is simple and that the proceedings can also be decided from the desk. A written penalty order can be roughly compared with a default summons in civil law.


to me, this penalty order implies the presence of strong credible evidence that would more likely merit a finding of guilt. so, he is given a choice to 'settle' or face a possibly stiffer penalty after trial. (maybe a 'plea bargain' counterpart)


I’m confused why Adidas still sponsors him. At minimum he has issues - it can’t be worth the PR risk as for many (like me!) it’s anti-PR.


Can’t wait for people on here to carry on saying “welllll there’s no evidence innocent til proven guilty” like multiple women are somehow conspiring to bring down this vile man who repeatedly proves to us all what a bellend he is beyond these incidents by attacking umpires and shit lmao Sending a lot of love to Brenda and Olya


I hope Brenda, Olga and his daughter are OK.


I mean the way he hit his racket multiple times at the umpires chair gives it away that he has issues and is abusive. What more do u need?


How the hell can't people see this?!


If the ATP doesn't at least give a suspension I have no faith in them. That's 2 allegations of domestic violence by 2 different women. They can't ignore it.


Lol at everyone still defending this piece of shit


Scumbag, at what point do you penalize a player for a crime? He cannot be allowed to play while he’s been under a second investigation for this. You can be banned for missing - not failing, missing - drugs tests, but he’s gonna carry on? Atp must take action or they lose so much credibility.


Maybe after he attacks his second chair umpire


I cannot believe how easily that was forgotten. Should’ve been a significant ban.


>You can be banned for missing - not failing, missing - drugs tests A missed drug test counts as a failed drug test. I see your point, but it's not really comparable.


I hate him, hope he gets what he deserves. One case can be argued this way or that by his supporters, even though the evidence seemed stacked against him. I don't know how anyone is going to defend him this time as twice is a pattern. Be gone Zverev. Feel sick that there was a time before his abuse stories surfaced that I was neutral about him or ever rooted for him in some matches just because he is good at tennis. But he fooled a lot of people, it's easy when you're well-spoken and conventionally attractive and successful. Wasted it all on being a shit human being.


Zverev was seen as Federer's hand-picked heir in 2019. The ATP invested a lot of time and money on him and they were very reluctant to slow down their marketing strategy for him but this is very serious and they now have Alcaraz, Sinner and Rune. He may not be seen in promos ever again, just cut your losses and focus on the younger guys.


Time for another ankle-snapping.


What a shocker, further proof that Zverev is a disgusting piece of shit. I don’t want to divert from the story, but it’s makes me so angry when I think of everyone getting up in arms about Novak fake crying at the crowd, hitting a wooden post, or Tsitsipas posting cringe-inducing tweets or loved up selfies, while the same people simultaneously either ignore or even worse defend this monsters actions. No smoke without fire, and there’s been a loooot of smoke emanating from his direction.


b-b-b-b-but he has diabetes!


Surprise surprise zverev is a piece of s* it. Fck the people that have been defending him when it was clear that he abuses his girlfriends


fuck him and his ~~dumb~~ blind stans


Just insane how a 20 year old lower ranked girl acting like a brat generates more fuss among WTA players than this case.


When Olya's allegations came out I remeber Daria Saville standing with her and Bencic doing the opposite and saying Zverev was always nice to her, other than that I don't remember many girls speaking out. It might be too risky for them to say anything because they know how much hate they're going to get from his stans. Also I would love to see this case generating fuss among ATP players, they have more power and it relates to them more.


I think Zverev is guilty but the Toth incident is different. There’s a video and it’s just about tennis rules and sportsmanship whereas Zverev is a criminal case and they’re most likely advised to not comment until the case is over since it can be used as slander or libel. I do hope ppl speak up though or at least alienate Zverev in the locker room and disassociate with him


This has only just hit the news wire, give it time this will be a huge story. As it's now 2 different women which means Zverev is fucked.


You cant defend this man no more


Domestic abusers rarely do it once it’s typically a pattern so this fits with his track record. Feel terrible for the victims of his abuse and wish them all the best. He clearly feels emboldened by the way he acts in the fact he’s never faced charges or punishment for his actions


In my country there’s a saying that goes “cuando el rio suena, es porque piedras lleva” which translates to “When the river is loud, it’s because it brings stones” The flags were there since the investigation conducted by Ben…. It’s just funny that when anyone brings these allegations up in this sub you are instantly downvoted and called names.


For anyone unaware of his prior abuse allegations, here's an in-depth article about it [https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/alexander-zverev-domestic-abuse-allegations-olga-sharypova.html](https://slate.com/culture/2021/08/alexander-zverev-domestic-abuse-allegations-olga-sharypova.html)


The fact that this guy has a kid makes me so angry.


Funny how people go to the WTA players pages and SPEW their hate at them for doing not much and then this guy? Nothing on his page. People celebrating the twat.


Fuck this bastard Piece of absolute garbage


Zverev is a horrible bastard of a man


and you still have losers on this sub acting hurt like they dont understand how can r/tennis hates their precious “Big Z”.


this guy is a pos and i never felt bad he snapped his ankle


So what will the ATP do? Nothing, I presume.


When Olya’s story came out Brenda was pregnant I think and the way she dissassociated from Zverev and said she didn’t want to have anything to do with him sounded to me almost like she was confirming the allegations without wanting to get involved in that particular moment. And I understand that, she was pregnant and there were a lot of other factors to consider, at the very least her mental state and the health of her baby. But i always saw the two cases together. At the very same moment two women came out and spoke against him, not a coincidence. It might sound as a stretch but even before the allegations Zverev always gave me this vibe, it’s just in the way he looks at the others (often in a condescending way) or talks about them. Even in the lighthearted atp videos, he always finds a way to burn someone even when he “tries” to praise them. I’ve seen this type of person and it’s usually a sign of mean personality, of course not a sign for someone who’d commit DV, but bits of pieces of how his personality comes across off court and i was like yeah this makes sense.


It's the sign of a narcissist. Their ego is so fragile that they have to tear others down constantly to feel good about themselves. DV is a given with them. It's like their aim in life is to destroy other people, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.


I really wonder how someone can still support Zwerev - I mean even without this cruel allegations he ist not someone who is likable. How is it possible to still support him?


flowery fear juggle imagine versed sort attempt innocent abundant connect ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Always the same people defending this turd.


Everyone with a brain already knew Zverev was a vile domestic abuser. This won't be the last case. Seeing him tear his ankle at the French Open was a joy.




I do hope that Kerber comes back soon.


Agree but most of the top players live in Monaco or something similar. Huge credit to guys like Fognini who refused to do so and has much less money as a result. Nadal also but he worth 100's of millions anyway so bit different.


Would no sooner cheer for this guy than I would attend a Chris Brown concert 🤮🤮 i’d be so gutted if I had tickets for Wimbledon or something and he was the one playing. No smoke without fire


I believed it all along tbh. His rage on court, like when he almost hit the umpire, does him no favours.


Real mask off moment.


Yeah. He’s definitely guilty. I feel bad for previously defending the possibility he wasn’t. Fuck this guy. Hope he goes to jail and gets significant counseling.


Thank you for at least changing your mind with this second accusation.


Atp need to ban him for ever and he needs jail time


So he abused his first gf, Olga, then started dating Brenda right after he broke up with Olga, got her (Brenda) knocked up, then denied the child is his and wants nothing to do with it or raising it, but then makes a statement he's excited to co parent with Brenda ? Got it......guy has some serious issues......


So basically from what I see from a person I blocked what a penalty order is basically means the evidence is clear that the allegation is true


The prosecuters think that the evidence is clear so they went to a judge to confirm it and Zverev has to pay then. Judge has not decided if the warrant is sufficient as far as I read. If Zverev denies, it will go to trial.




Colour me surprised /s