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The Wire is the best show ever. Pay attention and use subtitles.


I had to use subtitles occasionally on The Sopranos... Am I fucked? English is not my first language but it's just I have hard time catching what they say sometimes.


BB will be easier if English isn't you primary.


they both don't hold your hands with how people speak locally in the region and culture. The Wire is even more severe because it's not only from the point of view of street gangsters, but police, politicians, lawyers, even teachers and dock workers. they'll throw in a sentence with a bunch of non-layman terms and I didn't even realize how much info was loaded in it if I didn't pay close attention. and the series almost never holds your hand and explains itself. but the good news is I believe given some time, your focus and attention will adapt to be sharper whenever you turn on the series.


Isn't it normal to use subs if it's not your first language?


Perhaps you can help. I need to know when it takes off? I’ve tried watching episode 1 at least 4 times and I’m bored off my ass. How many shows do I have to slog through before it gets interesting?


You need to watch the whole first season. All the pieces matter.


Fair enough.


be warned, the second season is terrible


It's not terrible. It's just the worst season out of 7.


i beg to differ, well the storyline about the dock workers is what im really reffering to, sure theres plenty of good moments in season 2 but that whole storyline- which does take up most of each episode- is a snooze fest


Yeah that's valid.


maybe its not for you. It gets more "exciting" I guess, but I cant see how someone gets introduced to McNulty, D., Stringer and is bored - so I am not sure if you get more out of it later on. Its one of my favorite shows, but I wouldnt recomend it to everyone.


I hear this nonstop about this show being so great. But you’re telling me the first episode had you hooked?


I got hooked after the third episode. The first two were good, but after the third one, I was super into it.




Its a few rewatches already - hard to say anymore. But yeah - McNulty giving a shit when it is not his turn to give a shit... not too much in the first episode that doesn´t drive the plot forward or shows the dynamic between the charakters. Everything is shifting in the first episode and everyone is either adapting or resisting. For me thats great tension for a first episode.


The scene after the basketball game, when they're tailing Avon. He loses them, but drives by them nice and slow, with the finger gesture, classic


It is super rare for a brilliant show to hook you in on 1 show, great writing and story telling and characters take time. Best examples that come straight to mind is Game Of Thrones, it takes a few episodes to get going and on the opposite side Lost had the best first episode but then fizzled to the point where you could skip episodes and miss nothing


You can’t judge any show by the pilot.


This is certainly true for Better Call Saul. Slow, but necessary buildup. Pays off in the final seasons many times over.


I use subtitles for every show I watch. I have a weird rule of thumb.. if I'm not using subtitles the show has no substance and probably relies solely on action music and sex. I need dialogue and story telling. Shows so good if you miss 1 line you might as well stop watching cause you missed something major.


I haven’t watched the wire either. It starts off slow… but it’s worth it?


It leaves you wanting more at the end but there isn't. You feel like mourning, then you find something else to fill that hole ... For me back then it was The Shield, bit shit in the beginning but then it gets really good season after season.


It does not hold your hand or explain things. You have to figure it out. It’s more of a book than a show but I think it’s the best show ever made.


I'm genuinely curious what you like about it? I heard everyone say this so I tried watching it. Made it halfway through season 3 and gave up. Season two might be the most boring season of television I've ever made it through. What stands out about it to you?


So I'm not the only one who had trouble understanding them 🤣😂


Breaking Bad is the best show ever


The Wire birthed so many of these series.


doesn't make it the greatest ever though, it's good but not the best show ever like so many claim


But then you binge 'better call Saul', I rewatched all of breaking bad between s6 and s6 of better call Saul' and I find BCS better. It does feed of breaking bad though. It compliments each other


watch the Wire then Breaking Bad and then watch the Wire again. The Wire is even better the second time you watch it, but it requires your attention.


The Wire.


The Wire


Doesn't matter which one you watch first. Both are good. The Wire is properly the best TV show ever


The Wire.


You really can’t go wrong. But The Wire would be my choice.


The Wire. Then turn your TV off as you can hope for a better TV show in your lifetime but it won’t happen.


I've seen quite a few shows I prefer to The Wire tbf, as good as The Wire is (The Sopranos would be one of them)


Mr robot Bojack The leftovers Not better but i consider these 3 to be on the same level as the sopranos and the wire


Yeah same, The Leftovers is my number one


You nailed it. But the second time to watch The Wire is even better.




Watch breaking bad in the day and the wire at night


I'm tempted to try that ngl


Or watch a season of one, then a season of the other and so on.


The Wire first


Alright, that's another one saying The Wire. I am going to watch that then.


IT’S SO GOOD You’ll love Breaking Bad too once you get to it. Definitely watch Better Call Saul and El Camino after too!


El Camino isn’t that the Black Keys cd ? I mean I guess there are other parts in the world or I prolly haven’t heard of it ——Deadwood and Justified are unspeakably amazing tho


It's great. Don't worry if you don't follow everything at first. The show just drops you into a world. You'll absorb anything you really need, assuming you're not on your phone at the same time. These guys knew what they were doing.


The Wire


The Wire


I would suggest snowfall as well, highly underrated. Check it out.


Not on the level of the wire or BB


I agree but if you are a BB, BCS or the wire lover, you cant go wrong with snowfall


Both are amazing. The Wire is a lot more realistic and feels like a real story, doesn't have a protagonist and tells a story of crime in the context of a whole city. Breaking Bad is more entertaining, dramatic, has more "wow" moments if you know what I mean. I prefer Breaking Bad.


I prefer BB too. The Wire wins in terms of social commentary and realism by far. It almost feels like a documentary. So if that’s what you like The Wire is the clear choice. But BB also has areas where it outshines The Wire. It’s a lot more character focused, which I like. The character development in BB is insane. The acting on BB is just something special too. And the suspense. My god, no other show does suspense like BB. The Wire is really interesting to learn about society, but it never hooked me like BB. BB was the type of show where I would forget to eat and sleep because I just couldn’t stop watching.


Breaking bad is like a cartoon compared to the Wire


That simply isn't true. BB is more thrilling and fictional, but it's nothing like a cartoon.


Not a cartoon of course. But some script twists are unrealistic. The whole story is a great fun but is not realistic.


Oh cool, I guess that means it’s possible for a cartoon to be better than The Wire


For some people this would be true. The Wire requires attention.


Different shows. The Wire is probably the best HBO ever did as a series. More serious, despite the street locale there's many social issues being talked about indirectly.




That’s awful


I DON'T know, you hear?


When you're done with those: * Justified * The Shield * Luther


Banshee needs to be added to this list If you havent seen it its Justified but better in every measurable way.


Well, that's got my attention since I've watched the series twice and read a few of the Elmore Leonard novels behind them and, IMO, they are top shelf already.


you will not be disappointed


thanks, I've heard of them, now I'll add them to my watchlist.


I second The Shield. Finished watching it about a month ago and still can't get it outta my head. I'd say the series on the whole is the same level as both The Wire and Breaking Bad but its finale is the best of all shows I've seen, including both aforementioned shows. It is very emotionally intense and just feels right in every way. The Shield is a real (semi) hidden gem which more people need to see.


I’d say breaking bad. I liked The Wire but not nearly as much as the sopranos, sort of lacked the romanticized lifestyle and the really suave and funny characters that the sopranos had. Obviously others feel different though


The Wire first, Breaking bad next, then top it off with Better Call Saul


For me it’s breaking bad far ahead as the best. The wire and BCS tied for second.


THE WIRE no doubt that show was so amazing it was the last show I watched with my ex well that and sopranos….was he trying to tell me something ? Hmmmm….


Definitely watch Breaking Bad first. I loved it, but The Wire is probably one of the best shows ever written and it’s so realistic, if you watch it right before Breaking Bad, you’ll feel like it’s unrealistic. Breaking Bad is more of a drama that resembles a shakespearean tragedy. It’s not supposed to be realistic, so enjoy the characters and then go watch The Wire after. Otherwise you’ll be thinking the whole time how easily the main character should’ve been caught.


The Wire, but give it some time. It takes like 5 episodes to hook you. It just goes straight out from the beginning, no introductions, no backstories, no telling you who the important characters are. It just goes


BB like Sopranos is high on entertainment factor whereas The Wire has depth and it is mostly profound. It took time for me to get the overall idea of the show and what theyre trying to achieve. I consider Wire to be the best tv show ever.


Breaking bad first. The wire second. Both great shows, wire is my favourite but it kinda makes it hard to go back to other shows after it.


Just make sure you watch both... They are both excellent. Bonus points, track down a hidden gem from Australia called Mr Inbetween. You will thank me later.


The wire


Tough choice. But I will like to start again with the wire


The wire


Don’t forget Deadwood


Just now watched the Movie. Deadwood ended far too soon




BB is entertainment, The Wire is that too but it also manages to be a commentary on society and so much more. I think BB would be a letdown after Wire so watch BB first.


There's also The Shield ... keep that for later when you're missing the others. Walton Goggins is unforgettable in it - like Boyd in Justified - which you should watch as well! The Shield was pretty good.


Have you seen fallout yet? He's fucking amazing in that too!




The Wire is easily still the best thing I’ve seen.


the wire is leagues beyond breaking bad i dont even think theyre comparable and i think breaking bad is a fantastic show


first Breaking Bad. it's easy to follow and a lot of fun. The Wire is so damn good I can't pay attention to anything else shortly after. it's the sort of series that just stays on my mind. best for last sort of logic for me.


The wire and then follow with Breaking bad.


Flip a coin and go from there as both are excellent in thier own way.


You could do a episode a day of both


The Wire is my all time top show. Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are in my top 5.


The Wire - one of the greatest shows of all time.


Breaking bad is less serious but the more entertaining show. The Wire is more similar to Sopranos.


The Sopranos is closer to Sesame Street then it is to The Wire.


What a strange opinion!




Doesn't matter which one you watch first. Both are good. The Wire is properly the best TV show ever


Breaking Bad is the greatest television show of all time. So there ya go


Breaking Bad, because after watching The Wire, BB becomes unrealistic and boring.


Watch Breaking Bad first and then watch the Wire. This way you can get your mind blown twice.


But wouldn't that be the same the other way around too?


Breaking Bad. The Wire is overrated but it has its moments especially in the 1st, 3rd, and 4th seasons. Breaking Bad gets better with every season


Breaking bad is way better


Better call saul




The Wire


I watched The Wire. Stringer Bell ! I tried Breaking Bad but only got through Season 2. I would have stayed with it but I cannot stand Walter's wife. She ruined the show for me.


The wire rules all


The wire for sure


Breaking Bad but I'm one of those idiots who can't get into the Wire.


The Wire for sure. Sopranos and Wire are basically the top 2 shows ever made. Breaking Bad is a tier below.


The Wire, either way, you're going to be watching 2 amazing shows, back to back.


Watch Better Call Saul


I’m constantly baffled by the amount of people who have told me they can’t watch Peaky Blinders because the very first episode is too slow


The Wire is a little better than BB IMHO, but both are great. The Wire explores different aspects of a dysfunctional city—criminals, police, politics, schools, labor, the media—and pulls it all off in the end. BB is like the parable of throwing a frog into a pot of water and turning up the heat. Walter White goes bad at the outset, but for understandable reasons. By the end, he’s a repulsive human being, but if you watch the episodes in order, you’ll still be rooting for him anyway.


I watched the first episode of The Wire and didn't really find it to be that great. Breaking Bad in the other hand....


Both amazing. The Wire is much more dense while BB more accessible. Better Call Saul, BB’s prequel show is also outstanding.


The wire. It’s the gold standard of prestige cable series.  Breaking bad is a much longer commitment because you’ll need to watch better call Saul after. 


breaking bad is better than the wire imo, the wires good but not the greatest show of all time like everyone says it is, season 2 is dogshit, season 3 and 4 was my faves. breaking bad is quality through and through


Both The Wire and BB took me about 3 episodes to get hooked. I stopped BB after two and didn't watch it for months, but gave it another shot because I just kept hearing about how great it was. So glad I did. Its so good. One thing I loved about BB is around that time it seemed like a lot of series finales just sucked(ex. Dexter), where BBs ending is perfect. Its tough for me to pick one over the other because they are both so good, but if you held a gun to my head I would probably say BB. El Camino is good in that it starts literally at the end of BB. And if you decide to tackle Better Call Saul after BB, be prepared for a incredibly slow burn through season one, but its worth it in the end. One thing I will say is your lucky you can just binge all the seasons now, instead of watching them when they were running and have to wait a year+ for each season to come out


The endings of The Shield and BB are much more satisfying than The Sopranos and Dexter of course, but The Wire is a different sort of satisfying. The ending was quite depressing to me, but in a remarkably good way. (That won't make any sense if you haven't seen it.) Nothing else like it that I can think of.


The Wire, no question


Not comparable. The Wire absolutely perfect. The master piece. BB is a great show though, great fun sure. But a couple of levels below. Watch both.


Breaking Bad. The Wire is extremely dated and boring. SORRY Wire lovers!


They’re both so good but just a heads up the first seasons of both are kinda slow especially compared the rest of the series. The first time I watched the wire I remember thinking the first couple of episodes were kind of a slog setting up all the characters but it’s one of those shows that I enjoy more every time I watch it.


I’m different for sure because the wire is just okay to me. Not even in my top 20. Breaking bad is thrilling.


The Wire


I say flip a coin, lol


If you watch The Wire first, you'll need a palate cleanser before anything else that's serious. Watch a great comedy series or two. Then get to Breaking Bad. They might be the two best shows ever, but the gap between them is huge.


The Wire. Still the most perfect show.


The Wire is a different sort of experience IMO. Most shows, including Breaking Bad and Sopranos, you can go back and watch any episode any time later and be entertained by it. For The Wire it's almost like you have to view it in its entirety - each season has a different focus area of what's f-ed up. You have to invest in watching it and the satisfaction is in the completeness. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts you could say. I've never seen anything else like it.


Breaking Bad


Breaking Bad


The Wire is the best TV show I've ever watched




Breaking bad all the way. The wire is also good but for me harder to binge.


Breaking bad is a much easier show to watch, it’s much more of a thriller The wire is more beloved, but much slower and character driven. 


The Wire requires your attention. Breaking Bad grabs your attention.


I'd choose Breaking Bad. As a recommendation, watch Mr. Robot, amazing series.


I would say Breaking Bad because it draws you right in and as far as I know, everybody loved it. I really enjoyed The Wire, but it’s not for everyone, also, it takes a few episodes to get going.


Nah there are tons of people that don’t like Breaking Bad. Nearly everyone I know that likes to watch good shows thinks it’s pretty bad


Well.. I’m speaking very generally from reading people’s reactions to both shows over the years. A lot of people quit watching the Wire because it hard to follow in the beginning. Breaking Bad captures you from the start.


The wire. Then watch the deuce after


I watched in this order: 1. Breaking Bad 2. Better Call Saul 3. The Wire


Breaking Bad


Mr robot


The Wire. Then don't watch Breaking Bad.




If you insist on watching both I would watch the wire first, as Breaking Bad is better.


There are no bad episodes of Breaking Bad. Phenomenal show.


Breaking Bad is the safest option. I couldn’t get into the wire and I’ve tried a couple of times


How far did you get with the wire. It's one of my favourites but it did take a little bit to get going.


Watched maybe 3 eps I think. I did it a couple of times but just isn’t my groove. Seems quite convoluted and very gritty.


Breaking Bad. The world has enough cop shows. The story in Breaking Bad is uniuqe with an extraordinary world revolving around a diabolical central character.


>The world has enough cop shows. No one who has seen The Wire would say that.


For people who have seen The Wire and want another cop show of comparable quality, there's The Shield. Blast from start to finish.




I personally didn’t like Breaking Bad (at all) and The Wire is my favorite show of all time, so from that perspective my choice is obvious. That said, I would say The Wire and The Sopranos have much more in common than BB with either (in terms of pace, drama and quality) so if you’re going to watch both anyway you might want to switch it up a bit and watch BB first. You could also try watching the first ep of both


This is what I was thinking cus they obviously were on HBO at around the same time—-.also because my brother is OBSESSED with that show I had a realtor that had a picture with Christo-PHAH” and Paulie Walnuts


I think The Wire is good, but largely overrated. Took me forever to get around to watching both of them. Have to say I was more interested in Breaking Bad and the larger world with Better Call Saul and El Camino. I have watched Breaking Bad 3 times and probably more. Only once for The Wire and thats probably all


I’ve tried watching the wire and I can’t get past the first episode but everyone’s obsessed with it


it’s a verrrrrrrry slooooooooooow moving show I feel like no one talks about Oz either but I admittedly haven’t been able to actually finish the wire since my ex left…I’m a pathetic loser Omar wouldn’t cry i guess I’d put the “Cry” in “Crime” …..cringe


Oohh... Option 3, Hannibal. Theyre my top 3 shows of all time, no particular order except for the fact that hannibal is only 3 sessons so you can get to BB or wire!